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The US could have destroyed Iran's entire infrastructure without dropping a single bomb

Very hard to advance less than 100km before facing an army and sent back ,honestly we advanced in Syria far more than you advanced in Iran. but yes I knew you never considered people of Syria or Armenia as Roman

the difference in building material , you lived in mountainous area and used stone we used bricks .other wise the building we made with stone and survived the time are as grand as anything you find in Rome.

Go and search about Parthia political system ,you had a senate that only wealthy and old monies could enter. we had a Senate and a Congress that every body could have been entered into.

meh , you had public bath which is not that hygienic we had private bath in our home,you talk about aqueduct in Rome we had Aqueduct in Passargad and Persepolis at the time of Achamanechide, a time that rome was some hills and one or two hut.
we build the oldest water distributing system in dezful at the time. that was still operating at the beginning of twentieth century.

Cute but 3000bc Egyptian used sort of concrete , 800bc Greeks used something like concrete in their buildings 300bc in Mesopotamia they used concrete and in 470AD roman used a sort of natural concrete they get in Napoli area that was darker than usual dirt and used it in building like Colosseum , Basilica of Constantine and Pantheon

for the information we were the people who teach you how to use lyme and 2000 year ago we built a sort of concrete and used it in the ports marine buildings in lengeh port and bushehr that still you can see the remains of those architecture so no concrete was not unique to you guys.

well at the time for entertainment we had polo , we had horse riding we had Archery we had hunting, we had chess and backgammon so honestly even by then standards it was strange sort of entertainment for us.

you could not advance 100km

We reached China. Last time i checked persia is between our empire and china.

Also what do you think is the reason china saw rome as its equal and persia not?

OUUUUUUUUCH!:cheesy: @MarkusS be like -------------Rustom bit me:butcher:

actually no. I pretty much laughed about this BS. Most of what he said is nonsense anyways.

I think what bothers him is that his ancestors are not honored in the world today in any way.

I love my heritage and my ancestors and i´m proud for them. Rome is the center of western civilisation.
Poor USA for once they don't invade / bomb etc a country and instead of yay they are learning perhaps there I hope they get ha cowards are afraid of us.

Maybe it was just that for once the yanks tried diplomacy not b52s after all Iran Iraq 8years and a stalemate Us Iraq took a month.

Even your enemies can occasionally do the right thing.
Poor USA for once they don't invade / bomb etc a country and instead of yay they are learning perhaps there I hope they get ha cowards are afraid of us.

Maybe it was just that for once the yanks tried diplomacy not b52s after all Iran Iraq 8years and a stalemate Us Iraq took a month.

Even your enemies can occasionally do the right thing.
Lol, U.S is a coward country? let's be realistic, and not throw some baseless stuff into the discussion.
fact is, neither one, U.S or China can win a war against each other, and it'll stay that way untill nuclear weapons will be obsolete if they ever will be.
We reached China. Last time i checked persia is between our empire and china.

Also what do you think is the reason china saw rome as its equal and persia not?

actually no. I pretty much laughed about this BS. Most of what he said is nonsense anyways.

I think what bothers him is that his ancestors are not honored in the world today in any way.

I love my heritage and my ancestors and i´m proud for them. Rome is the center of western civilisation.
Well ,I also read some stories of how when Parthia decimated roman legions ,sent some prisoner of war to china.
maybe they taught Persia as superior , maybe this one is also some made up stories and they didn't taught much about Rome at all, by the way Iran and China at the time had zero problem with each other ,and had mutual respect for each other .our relation was not a relation of master and slave for someone consider the other superior or inferior .
Well ,I also read some stories of how when Parthia decimated roman legions ,sent some prisoner of war to china.
maybe they taught Persia as superior , maybe this one is also some made up stories and they didn't taught much about Rome at all, by the way Iran and China at the time had zero problem with each other ,and had mutual respect for each other .our relation was not a relation of master and slave for someone consider the other superior or inferior .

wrong. roman emperor Marcus Aurelius send many military expeditions to china and established a trade link between the two great empires.

china saw itself as master of the east. Rome as master of the west that equals itself.

With all due respect but you know as much as i do, that the persisn empires history is all forgotten outside iran. Saw it in any movies recently? beside 300?

Did you see what Xerxes looks like? How can you respect that?

Rome inhertis honor and dignity. A king looking like a trans is something rome would not embrace.
wrong. roman emperor Marcus Aurelius send many military expeditions to china and established a trade link between the two great empires.

china saw itself as master of the east. Rome as master of the west that equals itself.

With all due respect but you know as much as i do, that the persisn empires history is all forgotten outside iran. Saw it in any movies recently? beside 300?

Did you see what Xerxes looks like? How can you respect that?

Rome inhertis honor and dignity. A king looking like a trans is something rome would not embrace.
So your historical reference and textbooks really do originate in Hollywood ? :rofl::omghaha:
By the way as far as I'm concerned Rome embrace figures like Caligula and Nero ,Roman dignity is shown in Colosseum .
and its the real picture for the ones who are interested in real history, look how he resemble a trans.

By the way your textbook can't even decide how he looks like

or like this

or this one
With all due respect but you know as much as i do, that the persisn empires history is all forgotten outside iran. Saw it in any movies recently? beside 300?

Did you see what Xerxes looks like? How can you respect that?

Rome inhertis honor and dignity. A king looking like a trans is something rome would not embrace.

Just a heads up, i tend to write pretty long posts because i type around 80-100 words a minute and easily just go on and on until i realise that the text is way to long and most people don't bother reading it :P

First off, I'm not really active on these boards anymore. But i did want to teach you a little bit of history, seeing as you base most of your history on Hollywood/Anti-Iranian material etc. "God King", there has never been such a thing in Persia. It's something from the movie 300 which seems to be where you base the bulk of what you've been writing about. It's unfair to other Italians, seeing as most of them that i know are educated and know their history very well.

About Cyrus Cylinder being Propaganda, i would have maybe agreed if there wasn't other sources that confirmed it, for example Grecian authors such as Xenophon etc, and also Cyrus was praised in the Tanakh (Isaiah 45:1–6 and Ezra 1:1–11) for the freeing of slaves, humanitarian equality and costly reparations he made.
Cyrus is literally the only non-Jew to be referred to as a Messiah in the bible.

It's true, some "nomads" as you call it did conquer the 3rd Persian Empire. But it did rise again and again.
Parts of the Eastern Roman Empire fell to the same thing as well and then the all of the empire (Byzantine empire) also fell eventually. Both empires fell due to being exhausted because of war, mismanagement of economy, internal issues etc.
And Rome(Today's Italy) would have also been in trouble if it hadn't been for the distance between Asia and Rome. But Rome eventually fell, just as every empire eventually does.

Now...this might come as a surprise. But did you know that the Official religion in Rome for about 300 years, was a Persian one? And it also effected Christianity heavily when Christianity came to Rome, then it evolved into Manichaeism which competed with Christianity, and Christianity eventually became the Dominant religion in the world.

Mithraism, was especially popular with the Roman soldiers. They actually had ranks in the religion. One of the Ranks was "Perses" (Persian), you could literally advance to be a Persian within the religion.

"And Persia influenced Roman civilization considerably during the Sassanids and the Romans reserved for the Sassanid Persians alone the status of equals. The Roman Emperor wrote letters to the Persian Shahanshah, which were addressed to "my brother"." And of course it was vice versa, the Romans influenced the Persians considerably as well. But consider this, that the Persians were probably the only people that the Romans have ever considered to be equals, and called brother. While as just about every other people, whether from Germania or Brittania, were called Barbarians/non civilized etc.

And i want to answer what you said earlier about Rome conquering Ctesiphon, the Romans did sack it a couple of times yes, and the reason the Persians never came close to Rome...Is because they never tried. "One characteristic of the Roman presence in Persia is that Roman emperors dreamed of conquering all Persia from Trajan to Galerius, while Parthian/Sassanian kings never tried to conquer Rome, Italy or southeastern Europe according to historians" The Persians did want to conquer the old lands of their empire though which the Eastern Roman Empire held, but never Rome.

Now, obviously Rome has had a lot of contributions when it comes to science,architecture and etc. That's true and It's well documented and researched due to Rome and Greece being the only real Ancient contributors to history that Europe has, so the Europeans cling to it. And we will never really know what Persia contributed to science,architecture and other fields in it's entirety because of how intellectuals, academics were persecuted, as well as buildings, temples, books, records being destroyed and burned during the Islamic conquest. But what we do know is that Persia has been the center of science in the world during multiple times of its existence. Take for example the Academy of Gundishapur, According to The Cambridge History of Iran, it was the most important medical center of the ancient world during the 6th and 7th centuries. And also astronomy and mathematics were given a lot of attention. And this continued into the Islamic Era, Most Islamic Scholars, Intellectuals were Persians. Now, I'm not Religious, or a believer of any of the Abrahamic religions, since i read all the relevant books of each religion and studied them. But i wanted to say that there is even a hadith, where there is a quote from the Prophet which states "Men from the land of Persia will attain scientific knowledge even if it is as far as the Pleiades.". I believe this was from the collection of hadith compiled by Imam Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj al-Naysaburi. Haven't read the hadiths in years so I'm not 100% sure.

Now you might say "Oh yeah? Well i read about the Academies in ancient Persia and there were non-Persians there as well such as Greeks that fled persecution from Rome etc, which is true. There were a lot of non Persians in the Persian empire, because it was during most of it's existence, a Multicultural empire that tolerated other people." Rome was less tolerant to other people unless they became Roman(Romanization) but Rome was Multi-ethnic even up to the highest position in the Empire, Take Septimius Severus/Caracalla for example, he was an African-born Roman Emperor, or Marcus Julius Philippus a.k.a Philip the Arab. He was an Arab born in Syria. And the list goes on and on.

I just want to add to the Architecture subject, I've never been to Rome, i do have some relatives that live there,Turin and in Napoli. I do admire Roman architecture and would love to visit some day, and i wish there was enough Pre-Islamic Persian architecture so that we would see what their cities actually looked like before they were destroyed and burned, first by the Arabs and then by the Mongols,Invaders and etc. So there isn't unfortunately, you can check reconstructed art of it, but you can never know the grandeur unless you would see it in Person. Some historians believe that the Arabs basically copied Sassanid architecture when they came to Sassanid Persia. Me myself, I think they might have in the beginning but then it just became a melting pot of different styles of architecture.

But in any case, there are some Sassanid structures left and i would have loved to see a whole sassanid city just based of what remains today. And it's very similar to what medieval Europeans would build almost a thousand years later.
Derbent Fortress is one of the structures that remain, i suggest you google it to get an idea.

And then there is Falak-ol-Aflak Castle/ also known as Dežbār as well as Shāpūr-Khwāst(Construction started in 226).

Oh and also Rayen Castle which is another Sassanian fortress, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/13/Rayen_Castle.jpg

Then there is Arg-é Bam which is believed to have Achaemenid/Sassanian foundation.

And if you would like to see some Parthian era architecture (Yes it was built during the Seleucid Empire, but flourished and built more during the Parthian Era), then check out pictures of the city of Hatra in Iraq. It's the best preserved and most informative example of a Parthian city.
Unfortunately, as you know, history has sort of repeated it self, You've probably seen the videos/images of ISIS destroying parts of the city. When i saw what they were doing do the city, to the statues,ruins, art and etc...It makes my blood boil.

Anyway, I'm gonna stop now and go back to topic. I hope you read what i wrote, and maybe learn a thing or two.
All the best.

Now, Back to topic.
I noticed that this topic turned from the original topic to a U.S vs Iran War scenario, to history etc.

This is just my 2 cents about the U.S vs Iran thing.

The U.S can't win a war against Iran.

What do i base this off? For one thing, America hasn't won a war outright since WWII. And these are against countries such as Korea back in the day, Vietnam, Iraq,Lebanon,Afghanistan, Iraq again and on and on. The other thing is the fact that none of these countries had their own Defence/military industry. Iran has developed its military industry. It's not the best industry, but it's there. It relies mostly on itself when it comes to military equipment. Whereas the other countries the U.S has attacked, relied heavily on imported military equipment/missiles etc.

Another thing is the Iran-Iraq war. Even though Saddam had the strongest military at the time due to the fact that the Revolution in Iran just had happened, and he took advantage of that and attacked, He still lost and didn't accomplish any of his goals. Even with the U.S help, and sanctioned use of Chemical Weapons.(We all know of the declassified files that mention how the U.S gave Saddam coordinates on where to strike with his chemical weapons) Even with all that, Iraq couldn't win. So the U.S knows that Iran is on a whole other level. Because as i mentioned, since then, Iran has had time to build it's military, develop and grow.

And keep in mind the Millennium Challenge 2002, the major war game exercise that the U.S armed forces conducted in mid-2002, where they ended up losing against the "Iranians"(red side) in the exercise, and couldn't win unless they changed the rules and cheated to make sure that the "American"(blue side) side would win. But when there were no rules or restrictions so that the blue side would win, this is what happened.

"Red received an ultimatum from Blue, essentially a surrender document, demanding a response within 24 hours. Thus warned of Blue's approach, Red used a fleet of small boats to determine the position of Blue's fleet by the second day of the exercise. In a preemptive strike, Red launched a massive salvo of cruise missiles that overwhelmed the Blue forces' electronic sensors and destroyed sixteen warships. This included one aircraft carrier, ten cruisers and five of six amphibious ships. An equivalent success in a real conflict would have resulted in the deaths of over 20,000 service personnel. Soon after the cruise missile offensive, another significant portion of Blue's navy was "sunk" by an armada of small Red boats, which carried out both conventional and suicide attacks that capitalised on Blue's inability to detect them as well as expected."

This exercise was conducted 14 years ago, Iran has evolved/grown...A LOT since then. For example, take the Seraj(military speed boat) which they started building in 2010 and have mass produced since, they have their own missiles which they produce and etc.

Iran, with the exception of Turkey and maybe Israel, Is probably the strongest military in the middle east at the moment. But It's catching up to Israel and Turkey pretty fast. (Note that i do not include the weapons of mass destruction that Israel has and Turkey has through it's NATO nuclear weapons sharing programme)

But yeah,Iran is catching up really fast in terms of Military power/Technology. Just think about the scientific output in Iran, Its grown of at least 20-fold since 1979 according to statistics and has been the fastest growing country in term of Science. And that's the reason why Israel wants the U.S and UN to keep and put new sanctions on Iran. It's never been about nuclear weapons etc, It's always been about wanting to keep Iran isolated so that they can't grow as a nation or country, develop their country,technology, military etc. They know that Iran, If it was allowed the same freedoms as U.S allies and etc, would become the undeniable dominant force in the region in a short time. At the moment, some say it is already...Maybe, but It's not it undeniably yet.

Anyway, i could go on and on. But these are just a few of the many points as to why the U.S wouldn't win a war against Iran. They could maybe destroy the country, of course. But they couldn't win a conventional war against Iran, which is why they would resort to unconventional warfare such as viruses etc, but that wouldn't work. And they wouldn't be able to use Nuclear Weapons without being condemned by the world and etc, so all that remains is a conventional war, and that's something which they can't win.
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So your historical reference and textbooks really do originate in Hollywood ? :rofl::omghaha:
By the way as far as I'm concerned Rome embrace figures like Caligula and Nero ,Roman dignity is shown in Colosseum .
and its the real picture for the ones who are interested in real history, look how he resemble a trans.

By the way your textbook can't even decide how he looks like

or like this

or this one

I know what your kings looked like. We learn it at school. But you think the majority of world knows this? They associate your ancestors with 300.

That aside Caligula most likely was a good emperor. History was written by the rich class in rome. Caligula worked hard for the poor and stripped the elite from privilidge. Alot of bad press can be related to his bad stand with the noble class.

Nero was good in the first years too but went mad later on.

Just a heads up, i tend to write pretty long posts because i type around 80-100 words a minute and easily just go on and on until i realise that the text is way to long and most people don't bother reading it :P

First off, I'm not really active on these boards anymore. But i did want to teach you a little bit of history, seeing as you base most of your history on Hollywood/Anti-Iranian material etc. "God King", there has never been such a thing in Persia. It's something from the movie 300 which seems to be where you base the bulk of what you've been writing about. It's unfair to other Italians, seeing as most of them that i know are educated and know their history very well.

About Cyrus Cylinder being Propaganda, i would have maybe agreed if there wasn't other sources that confirmed it, for example Grecian authors such as Xenophon etc, and also Cyrus was praised in the Tanakh (Isaiah 45:1–6 and Ezra 1:1–11) for the freeing of slaves, humanitarian equality and costly reparations he made.
Cyrus is literally the only non-Jew to be referred to as a Messiah in the bible.

It's true, some "nomads" as you call it did conquer the 3rd Persian Empire. But it did rise again and again.
Parts of the Eastern Roman Empire fell to the same thing as well and then the all of the empire (Byzantine empire) also fell eventually. Both empires fell due to being exhausted because of war, mismanagement of economy, internal issues etc.
And Rome(Today's Italy) would have also been in trouble if it hadn't been for the distance between Asia and Rome. But Rome eventually fell, just as every empire eventually does.

Now...this might come as a surprise. But did you know that the Official religion in Rome for about 300 years, was a Persian one? And it also effected Christianity heavily when Christianity came to Rome, then it evolved into Manichaeism which competed with Christianity, and Christianity eventually became the Dominant religion in the world.

Mithraism, was especially popular with the Roman soldiers. They actually had ranks in the religion. One of the Ranks was "Perses" (Persian), you could literally advance to be a Persian within the religion.

"And Persia influenced Roman civilization considerably during the Sassanids and the Romans reserved for the Sassanid Persians alone the status of equals. The Roman Emperor wrote letters to the Persian Shahanshah, which were addressed to "my brother"." And of course it was vice versa, the Romans influenced the Persians considerably as well. But consider this, that the Persians were probably the only people that the Romans have ever considered to be equals, and called brother. While as just about every other people, whether from Germania or Brittania, were called Barbarians/non civilized etc.

And i want to answer what you said earlier about Rome conquering Ctesiphon, the Romans did sack it a couple of times yes, and the reason the Persians never came close to Rome...Is because they never tried. "One characteristic of the Roman presence in Persia is that Roman emperors dreamed of conquering all Persia from Trajan to Galerius, while Parthian/Sassanian kings never tried to conquer Rome, Italy or southeastern Europe according to historians" The Persians did want to conquer the old lands of their empire though which the Eastern Roman Empire held, but never Rome.

Now, obviously Rome has had a lot of contributions when it comes to science,architecture and etc. That's true and It's well documented and researched due to Rome and Greece being the only real Ancient contributors to history that Europe has, so the Europeans cling to it. And we will never really know what Persia contributed to science,architecture and other fields in it's entirety because of how intellectuals, academics were persecuted, as well as buildings, temples, books, records being destroyed and burned during the Islamic conquest. But what we do know is that Persia has been the center of science in the world during multiple times of its existence. Take for example the Academy of Gundishapur, According to The Cambridge History of Iran, it was the most important medical center of the ancient world during the 6th and 7th centuries. And also astronomy and mathematics were given a lot of attention. And this continued into the Islamic Era, Most Islamic Scholars, Intellectuals were Persians. Now, I'm not Religious, or a believer of any of the Abrahamic religions, since i read all the relevant books of each religion and studied them. But i wanted to say that there is even a hadith, where there is a quote from the Prophet which states "Men from the land of Persia will attain scientific knowledge even if it is as far as the Pleiades.". I believe this was from the collection of hadith compiled by Imam Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj al-Naysaburi. Haven't read the hadiths in years so I'm not 100% sure.

Now you might say "Oh yeah? Well i read about the Academies in ancient Persia and there were non-Persians there as well such as Greeks that fled persecution from Rome etc, which is true. There were a lot of non Persians in the Persian empire, because it was during most of it's existence, a Multicultural empire that tolerated other people." Rome was less tolerant to other people unless they became Roman(Romanization) but Rome was Multi-ethnic even up to the highest position in the Empire, Take Septimius Severus/Caracalla for example, he was a Black African-born Roman Emperor, or Marcus Julius Philippus a.k.a Philip the Arab. He was an Arab born in Syria. And the list goes on and on.

I just want to add to the Architecture subject, I've never been to Rome, i do have some relatives that live there,Turin and in Napoli. I do admire Roman architecture and would love to visit some day, and i wish there was enough Pre-Islamic Persian architecture so that we would see what their cities actually looked like before they were destroyed and burned, first by the Arabs and then by the Mongols,Invaders and etc. So there isn't unfortunately, you can check reconstructed art of it, but you can never know the grandeur unless you would see it in Person. Some historians believe that the Arabs basically copied Sassanid architecture when they came to Sassanid Persia. Me myself, I think they might have in the beginning but then it just became a melting pot of different styles of architecture.

But in any case, there are some Sassanid structures left and i would have loved to see a whole sassanid city just based of what remains today. And it's very similar to what medieval Europeans would build almost a thousand years later.
Derbent Fortress is one of the structures that remain, i suggest you google it to get an idea.

And then there is Falak-ol-Aflak Castle/ also known as Dežbār as well as Shāpūr-Khwāst(Construction started in 226).

Oh and also Rayen Castle which is another Sassanian fortress, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/13/Rayen_Castle.jpg

Then there is Arg-é Bam which is believed to have Achaemenid/Sassanian foundation.

And if you would like to see some Parthian era architecture (Yes it was built during the Seleucid Empire, but flourished and built more during the Parthian Era), then check out pictures of the city of Hatra in Iraq. It's the best preserved and most informative example of a Parthian city.
Unfortunately, as you know, history has sort of repeated it self, You've probably seen the videos/images of ISIS destroying parts of the city. When i saw what they were doing do the city, to the statues,ruins, art and etc...It makes my blood boil.

Anyway, I'm gonna stop now and go back to topic. I hope you read what i wrote, and maybe learn a thing or two.
All the best.

Now, Back to topic.
I noticed that this topic turned from the original topic to a U.S vs Iran War scenario, to history etc.

This is just my 2 cents about the U.S vs Iran thing.

The U.S can't win a war against Iran.

What do i base this off? For one thing, America hasn't won a war outright since WWII. And these are against countries such as Korea back in the day, Vietnam, Iraq,Lebanon,Afghanistan, Iraq again and on and on. The other thing is the fact that none of these countries had their own Defence/military industry. Iran has developed its military industry. It's not the best industry, but it's there. It relies mostly on itself when it comes to military equipment. Whereas the other countries the U.S has attacked, relied heavily on imported military equipment/missiles etc.

Another thing is the Iran-Iraq war. Even though Saddam had the strongest military at the time due to the fact that the Revolution in Iran just had happened, and he took advantage of that and attacked, He still lost and didn't accomplish any of his goals. Even with the U.S help, and sanctioned use of Chemical Weapons.(We all know of the declassified files that mention how the U.S gave Saddam coordinates on where to strike with his chemical weapons) Even with all that, Iraq couldn't win. So the U.S knows that Iran is on a whole other level. Because as i mentioned, since then, Iran has had time to build it's military, develop and grow.

And keep in mind the Millennium Challenge 2002, the major war game exercise that the U.S armed forces conducted in mid-2002, where they ended up losing against the "Iranians"(red side) in the exercise, and couldn't win unless they changed the rules and cheated to make sure that the "American"(blue side) side would win. But when there were no rules or restrictions so that the blue side would win, this is what happened.

"Red received an ultimatum from Blue, essentially a surrender document, demanding a response within 24 hours. Thus warned of Blue's approach, Red used a fleet of small boats to determine the position of Blue's fleet by the second day of the exercise. In a preemptive strike, Red launched a massive salvo of cruise missiles that overwhelmed the Blue forces' electronic sensors and destroyed sixteen warships. This included one aircraft carrier, ten cruisers and five of six amphibious ships. An equivalent success in a real conflict would have resulted in the deaths of over 20,000 service personnel. Soon after the cruise missile offensive, another significant portion of Blue's navy was "sunk" by an armada of small Red boats, which carried out both conventional and suicide attacks that capitalised on Blue's inability to detect them as well as expected."

This exercise was conducted 14 years ago, Iran has evolved/grown...A LOT since then. For example, take the Seraj(military speed boat) which they started building in 2010 and have mass produced since, they have their own missiles which they produce and etc.

Iran, with the exception of Turkey and maybe Israel, Is probably the strongest military in the middle east at the moment. But It's catching up to Israel and Turkey pretty fast. (Note that i do not include the weapons of mass destruction that Israel has and Turkey has through it's NATO nuclear weapons sharing programme)

But yeah,Iran is catching up really fast in terms of Military power/Technology. Just think about the scientific output in Iran, Its grown of at least 20-fold since 1979 according to statistics and has been the fastest growing country in term of Science. And that's the reason why Israel wants the U.S and UN to keep and put new sanctions on Iran. It's never been about nuclear weapons etc, It's always been about wanting to keep Iran isolated so that they can't grow as a nation or country, develop their country,technology, military etc. They know that Iran, If it was allowed the same freedoms as U.S allies and etc, would become the undeniable dominant force in the region in a short time. At the moment, some say it is already...Maybe, but It's not it undeniably yet.

Anyway, i could go on and on. But these are just a few of the many points as to why the U.S wouldn't win a war against Iran. They could maybe destroy the country, of course. But they couldn't win a conventional war against Iran, which is why they would resort to unconventional warfare such as viruses etc, but that wouldn't work. And they wouldn't be able to use Nuclear Weapons without being condemned by the world and etc, so all that remains is a conventional war, and that's something which they can't win.

i know most of that and let me tell you i have nothing against iran or its history. But my ancestors got insulted so i strike back.

That said i know my ancestors and yours had a difficult relationship. It were both absolute dominant empires and there was sometimes hostility and sometimes friendship.

We failed as well as you. Rome and Persia wasted so much in this senseless conflict. It destroyed persia and we barely were able to survive.

A more positive way between rome and persia would have been better for humanity
This looks like an article a republican neocon loony would write.

Should've, would've, could've.....

Iran is one of the Big 6 ancient powers; a civilizational force.

It is not something anyone can eradicate like Guam or something.
i know most of that and let me tell you i have nothing against iran or its history. But my ancestors got insulted so i strike back.

That said i know my ancestors and yours had a difficult relationship. It were both absolute dominant empires and there was sometimes hostility and sometimes friendship.

We failed as well as you. Rome and Persia wasted so much in this senseless conflict. It destroyed persia and we barely were able to survive.

A more positive way between rome and persia would have been better for humanity

I agree, It would have been better for humanity.

Anyway, to be fair, what you replied to Ultron, who isn't even Iranian from my understanding, when he wrote "When Persians were ruling over a vast empire, Americans were shitting in holes.". Probably provoked Iranians. And yeah, Iranians can be super chauvinistic, and i know that they can get personal. Don't get me wrong, I'm super proud of my heritage and etc, but not to a point where I'm being arrogant and unreasonable. Whatever i write, i get from books, history, the internet and etc. Man, sometimes i feel like a walking Encyclopedia. I find myself checking out something completely random on the net just because i was thinking about it at like 9 p.m, all of a sudden I'm sitting there at 4 a.m, still reading about it.

But yeah, the Mayans had an impressive empire, for sure, but them being far ahead of the Persians is definitely up for debate. I do love Native American culture though.

And the European-Americans whom Ultron was probably referring to in the first place and you referred to as "europeans ny "americans"", in other words mostly people from present U.K.
As i mentioned, even the Romans considered them to be barbarians and uncivilised during that time, actually the Romans themselves had just came in contact with the Greeks and started to adopt their culture as theirs when some Greeks settled in southern Italy in the 8th century BC, founding cities like Cumea and Tarentum, that brought "advanced civilization" to the country, but it wasn't until 2nd and 1st centuries BC that the Romans really heavily started adopting Hellenistic/Greek culture, "Rome was still a society of Peasants during that time when they had just defeated Carthage, but when they Conquered Greece and saw the Hellenistic cities that's when they saw the potential in Hellenistic life style/culture"...Anyway, you probably know that Rome adopted just about everything Greek, except for the military. And yeah, the Romans definitely took it to another level as well as evolved it and made it their own, spread Greek culture throughout Europe which provided the foundation of western culture and Romans and Greeks today consider each other to be brothers from my understanding. And I'm not hating on any cultures here, the old Persians themselves were nomads/pastoral people who settled in Pars/western Iranian plateau. And were heavily influenced by the other Iranian tribes and Pre-Iranian civilizations in the Area which would intertwine with Persian culture and be absorbed into it such as the Greeks and Romans did with each other.
Anyway, when it comes to Britannia, You "civilised"(Romanized) them.
Makes me think of this scene from the movie "My big fat greek wedding" that i saw years ago, when the American guy's family are acting arrogant and like the Greek dad and his family are being "primitive" :P
Not that i mind the Americans. They're alright. The government not so much, but then again, there aren't many governments that i agree with in the world.

Man, sorry i just kept going on again lol. Gonna stop it there.
It's 5.30 A.M here...:/

Annyway, Not that any of what's been said matters today. The past is the past, what matters is today and the future.
The Persian empire is gone. The Roman empire is gone. And like you said, had there been a more positive way between Persia and Rome, east and west, It would have been better for humanity.
I agree, It would have been better for humanity.

Anyway, to be fair, what you replied to Ultron, who isn't even Iranian from my understanding, when he wrote "When Persians were ruling over a vast empire, Americans were shitting in holes.". Probably provoked Iranians. And yeah, Iranians can be super chauvinistic, and i know that they can get personal. Don't get me wrong, I'm super proud of my heritage and etc, but not to a point where I'm being arrogant and unreasonable. Whatever i write, i get from books, history, the internet and etc. Man, sometimes i feel like a walking Encyclopedia. I find myself checking out something completely random on the net just because i was thinking about it at like 9 p.m, all of a sudden I'm sitting there at 4 a.m, still reading about it.

But yeah, the Mayans had an impressive empire, for sure, but them being far ahead of the Persians is definitely up for debate. I do love Native American culture though.

And the European-Americans whom Ultron was probably referring to in the first place and you referred to as "europeans ny "americans"", in other words mostly people from present U.K.
As i mentioned, even the Romans considered them to be barbarians and uncivilised during that time, actually the Romans themselves had just came in contact with the Greeks and started to adopt their culture as theirs when some Greeks settled in southern Italy in the 8th century BC, founding cities like Cumea and Tarentum, that brought "advanced civilization" to the country, but it wasn't until 2nd and 1st centuries BC that the Romans really heavily started adopting Hellenistic/Greek culture, "Rome was still a society of Peasants during that time when they had just defeated Carthage, but when they Conquered Greece and saw the Hellenistic cities that's when they saw the potential in Hellenistic life style/culture"...Anyway, you probably know that Rome adopted just about everything Greek, except for the military. And yeah, the Romans definitely took it to another level as well as evolved it and made it their own, spread Greek culture throughout Europe which provided the foundation of western culture and Romans and Greeks today consider each other to be brothers from my understanding. And I'm not hating on any cultures here, the old Persians themselves were nomads/pastoral people who settled in Pars/western Iranian plateau. And were heavily influenced by the other Iranian tribes and Pre-Iranian civilizations in the Area which would intertwine with Persian culture and be absorbed into it such as the Greeks and Romans did with each other.
Anyway, when it comes to Britannia, You "civilised"(Romanized) them.
Makes me think of this scene from the movie "My big fat greek wedding" that i saw years ago, when the American guy's family are acting arrogant and like the Greek dad and his family are being "primitive" :P
Not that i mind the Americans. They're alright. The government not so much, but then again, there aren't many governments that i agree with in the world.

Man, sorry i just kept going on again lol. Gonna stop it there.
It's 5.30 A.M here...:/

Annyway, Not that any of what's been said matters today. The past is the past, what matters is today and the future.
The Persian empire is gone. The Roman empire is gone. And like you said, had there been a more positive way between Persia and Rome, east and west, It would have been better for humanity.

I know. Thats why i said it was a delusion of my ancestors to believe we could conquer persia. It was impossible back then. Overstretching supply lines. On the other side it would also be impossible for persia to conquer rome. The entire conflict was a waste.
I agree, It would have been better for humanity.

Anyway, to be fair, what you replied to Ultron, who isn't even Iranian from my understanding, when he wrote "When Persians were ruling over a vast empire, Americans were shitting in holes.". Probably provoked Iranians. And yeah, Iranians can be super chauvinistic, and i know that they can get personal. Don't get me wrong, I'm super proud of my heritage and etc, but not to a point where I'm being arrogant and unreasonable. Whatever i write, i get from books, history, the internet and etc. Man, sometimes i feel like a walking Encyclopedia. I find myself checking out something completely random on the net just because i was thinking about it at like 9 p.m, all of a sudden I'm sitting there at 4 a.m, still reading about it.

But yeah, the Mayans had an impressive empire, for sure, but them being far ahead of the Persians is definitely up for debate. I do love Native American culture though.

And the European-Americans whom Ultron was probably referring to in the first place and you referred to as "europeans ny "americans"", in other words mostly people from present U.K.
As i mentioned, even the Romans considered them to be barbarians and uncivilised during that time, actually the Romans themselves had just came in contact with the Greeks and started to adopt their culture as theirs when some Greeks settled in southern Italy in the 8th century BC, founding cities like Cumea and Tarentum, that brought "advanced civilization" to the country, but it wasn't until 2nd and 1st centuries BC that the Romans really heavily started adopting Hellenistic/Greek culture, "Rome was still a society of Peasants during that time when they had just defeated Carthage, but when they Conquered Greece and saw the Hellenistic cities that's when they saw the potential in Hellenistic life style/culture"...Anyway, you probably know that Rome adopted just about everything Greek, except for the military. And yeah, the Romans definitely took it to another level as well as evolved it and made it their own, spread Greek culture throughout Europe which provided the foundation of western culture and Romans and Greeks today consider each other to be brothers from my understanding. And I'm not hating on any cultures here, the old Persians themselves were nomads/pastoral people who settled in Pars/western Iranian plateau. And were heavily influenced by the other Iranian tribes and Pre-Iranian civilizations in the Area which would intertwine with Persian culture and be absorbed into it such as the Greeks and Romans did with each other.
Anyway, when it comes to Britannia, You "civilised"(Romanized) them.
Makes me think of this scene from the movie "My big fat greek wedding" that i saw years ago, when the American guy's family are acting arrogant and like the Greek dad and his family are being "primitive" :P
Not that i mind the Americans. They're alright. The government not so much, but then again, there aren't many governments that i agree with in the world.

Man, sorry i just kept going on again lol. Gonna stop it there.
It's 5.30 A.M here...:/

Annyway, Not that any of what's been said matters today. The past is the past, what matters is today and the future.
The Persian empire is gone. The Roman empire is gone. And like you said, had there been a more positive way between Persia and Rome, east and west, It would have been better for humanity.

Do you have any knowledge about Khosravani philsophy and Hekamt?
Do you have any knowledge about Khosravani philsophy and Hekamt?
Just a little bit, I remember coming across Sohrevardi when i was reading about Sufism :)
And the effect Zoroastrianism ideas had on it and etc. Khosravani = Haosravah from the Avesta, And adapted by Ferdowsi and etc.

Actually, i might look more into it now that you brought it to my attention, i remember bits and pieces.
Just a little bit, I remember coming across Sohrevardi when i was reading about Sufism :)
And the effect Zoroastrianism ideas had on it and etc. Khosravani = Haosravah from the Avesta, And adapted by Ferdowsi and etc.

Actually, i might look more into it now that you brought it to my attention, i remember bits and pieces.
Actually I have heard a lot about the impact of this philosophy in ancient Greek, even the German philosopher Nietzsche has book by the name of Zoroaster and consider him as source of ethic ...
By the way Sohrevardi has been my favorite philosopher since my childhood .. I admire him a lot and his philosophy on "Light" is exactly what I think could be originated from Khosravani and ancient Iran philosophy ....
Thx for your reply.

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