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Taiwan spokewoman: China hid the Wuhan virus and caused 18M sick and 700k death

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By the way, antibody tests in Taiwan's Changhua county show at least 400,000 cases in Taiwan.That's why all countries ban Taiwanese from entering.
I don't believe that 400,000 cases number, with normal death rate of covid-19 is about 5%, there should have been 20,000 people death reported.
This is what happens if someone is tested positive in China, feeling like the end of the world...

A woman breaks down and cries uncontrollably after receiving a phone call from testing office telling her Covid-19 test positive in a shopping mall in Beijing.

The police quickly sealed off the shopping mall and started contact tracing of those who visited this shopping mall.
The woman was quickly isolated and sent to the designated hospital by medical professionals right after this mayhem.

All those people who visited this shopping mall will be under strict quarantine for at least two weaks, so unlucky of them.

I don't believe that 400,000 cases number, with normal death rate of covid-19 is about 5%, there should have been 20,000 people death reported.
The mortality rate is not that high, and all the high mortality rates are because some cases are not counted.Taiwan has 15, 000 deaths a month, and 20, 000 people spread out over six months would not be noticed at all.Now the situation in Taiwan is very serious, so there is a population antibody test.Taiwan's medical community is now trying to save itself from the government.Wait and see, the future will be very interesting.Because viruses don't believe lies.
Global Times @globaltimesnews
China state-affiliated media

The fact that the #coronavirus was first reported in Wuhan does not necessarily mean the city is where the disease jumped from animals to humans, the WHO's emergencies chief Dr. Michael Ryan said in regard to the WHO advance team's mission to identify the virus' origin.


3:35 PM · Aug 4, 2020
Shi Zhengli, lead scientist at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), working with samples of bat feces in 2011 and 2012, isolated a novel virus that was very similar to SARS, which had been responsible for a pandemic a decade earlier. Shi–known as China’s “bat woman” for her tireless research on the winged mammal–warned that other bat-borne diseases could easily spill over into human populations again. Seven years later, her fears appear vindicated. In a February paper, Shi revealed the discovery of what she called the “closest relative” of what would become known as SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. It also originated in Shitou Cave.

Dubbed RaTG13, Shi’s virus has a 96.2% similarity with the virus that has claimed some 600,000 lives across the world, including more than 140,000 in the U.S. Shi’s discovery indicates COVID-19 likely originated in bats–as do rabies, Ebola, SARS, MERS, Nipah and many other deadly viruses.

Talking about imprison,US has the largest prison population in the world, and the highest per-capita incarceration rate, in which country imprison could be a business and contribute to the GDP
Talking about murder, In US you are 4 times higher likely to be murderd in US than in China,and thousands of times higher likely to be shot to death.
Every time western countries talking about "morally" makes me laugh,thouse former colonialism countries have any "morally"??

Let's have a look at how a cop handcuff a 8-years-old boy in his school.
The difference is that you don't get your organ removed while you're still breathing.

Also FYI there's a BLM protest against all those things you mentioned & have so far achieved quite a lot but not enough if you ask me.


Meanwhile all china can do is be quiet & eat the shit the state has given them.
Look at the white-washing of shit stained undies of CCP idiots...

It originated in Wahan
but the cheer leaders here blame everything but where the outbreak happened.

Epicenter is always the first to be hit bad,
if Indonesia was the epicenter, world would have to be blind, deaf & also dead not to know it.

You chamchas should write fiction,
we normal people will stick to facts.
Shi Zhengli, lead scientist at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), working with samples of bat feces in 2011 and 2012, isolated a novel virus that was very similar to SARS, which had been responsible for a pandemic a decade earlier. Shi–known as China’s “bat woman” for her tireless research on the winged mammal–warned that other bat-borne diseases could easily spill over into human populations again. Seven years later, her fears appear vindicated. In a February paper, Shi revealed the discovery of what she called the “closest relative” of what would become known as SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. It also originated in Shitou Cave.

Dubbed RaTG13, Shi’s virus has a 96.2% similarity with the virus that has claimed some 600,000 lives across the world, including more than 140,000 in the U.S. Shi’s discovery indicates COVID-19 likely originated in bats–as do rabies, Ebola, SARS, MERS, Nipah and many other deadly viruses.


Here's how scientists know the coronavirus came from bats and wasn't made in a lab
The coronavirus may not have originated in China, says Oxford professor
Dr Tom Jefferson called for investigation into the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in sewage, as traces have been found that pre-date China's first COVID-19 case.
By PA Science

06th July, 2020 at 13:49

The coronavirus may have been lying dormant across the world until emerging under favourable environmental conditions, rather than originating in China, an expert has claimed.

Dr Tom Jefferson, from the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) at Oxford University, has pointed to a string of recent discoveries of the virus’s presence around the world before it emerged in Asia as growing evidence of its true origin as a global organism that was waiting for favourable conditions to finally emerge.

Traces of COVID-19 have been found in sewage samples from Spain, Italy and Brazil which pre-date its discovery in China. A preprint study, which has not been peer reviewed, claims to have found the presence of SARS-CoV-2 genomes in a Barcelona sewage sample from 12 March 2019.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Dr Jefferson has called for an investigation into how and why the virus seems to thrive in environments such as food factories and meatpacking plants.

Along with CEBM director Professor Carl Heneghan, Dr Jefferson believes this could potentially uncover new transmission routes, such as through the sewerage system or shared lavatory facilities.

He told the paper: “Strange things like this happened with Spanish Flu. In 1918, around 30 per cent of the population of Western Samoa died of Spanish Flu and they hadn’t had any communication with the outside world.” [It is however believed that the Spanish Flu arrived at the island nation in the cargo ship Talune in 1918]

Meatpacking plants are often at 4°C, which is the ideal temperature for the coronavirus to be stabled
Dr Tom Jefferson, University of Oxford
“The explanation could only be that these agents don’t come or go anywhere. They are always here and something ignites them, maybe human density or environmental conditions, and this is what we should look for,” said Jefferson.

“There is quite a lot of evidence of huge amounts of the virus in sewage all over the place, and an increasing amount of evidence there is faecal transmission.

“There is a high concentration where sewage is 4°C, which is the ideal temperature for it to be stabled and presumably activated. And meatpacking plants are often at 4°C.

“These outbreaks need to be investigated properly.”

They have "freedom of speech", so they can tell whatever lies to brainwash their people unrestrictedly, lies are protected by their laws under the pretext of ‘freedom of speech’

Am sorry freedom of speech to brainwash people.. i think, thats what dictators do... you can't raise voice against govt.. When someone tell you lie.. you have choice to deny or object.. but incase of dictators like ccp leadership...
Look at the white-washing of shit stained undies of CCP idiots...

It originated in Wahan
but the cheer leaders here blame everything but where the outbreak happened.

Epicenter is always the first to be hit bad,
if Indonesia was the epicenter, world would have to be blind, deaf & also dead not to know it.

You chamchas should write fiction,
we normal people will stick to facts.
You mean like the Spanish Flu is not originated from Spain, but from Kansas?

Either the US is TOO STUPID and INCOMPETENT to discover what hit them and misclassify CORONAVIRUS as Vaping Deaths or more of LIE-CHEAT-STEAL.

You are right, epicenter is the one BADLY HIT.
The problem is these 3RD WORLD NATIONS cannot detect what hit them, until China identified it for THE WORLD.

So ORIGIN OF CORONAVIRUS is either INDIA, Brazil or the US.
Yummy Yum Yum, Eating Delicious CORONAVIRUS BATS in INDIA.
Indian Hindus Eating Bats.jpg

My dear little friend, thats where you are wrong again.
History will remember the little chinese causing the biggest pandemic of the 21st century.

Well the good news is, it might eclipse your human rights atrocities and the last century of brutality on yoir own citizens.
I am 6ft tall weighing 95kg, I am not sure how little I am. Anyway, my lil yindoo vegan, you can remember this and that, the British killed like a few million Indians WITH famines and what not, so? We are just helping you to do population control and also keeping the lower caste in check. Most of those dying are gonna be poor starving dalits anyway. You know those walking few hundred kms to go home under the sun due to Modi Jis big **** up? I still remember you Indians bragging as usual about how you got it under control. I told you India will fck it up big time like always, if you can't feed or teach half a bil to shit properly, you are basically gonna **** up everything else. It's simple logic.

Now let me tell you what will happen in the near future, your country will have a Huge huge huge unemployed and angry population, you guys will get the demographic 'dividend' soon mate. Lolol

The only growing major economy this year is China, and due to the fck up situation world wide, our exports actually increased because the only major producer open for business is US. Hahahahhaha hahah. A big stick up yer arse. Lol
Every country in the world called the Covid-19 virus as the name of the virus. No country accuses China of directly causing 17 million sicknesses and 7 hundred thousand deaths. (Yes, I know Trump did, but it is not official USA position).

Except in Taiwan, the official name of the disease is Wuhan flu and the official position is China (by purposely hide the disease) directly cause 18M sickness and 700k death.

The following is the link to the official statement of Taiwan government:

I will provide the translation as follows:

I want to again state that People Republic of China (PROC) never governed Taiwan for one day. Of course they have no right to talk about Taiwanese people. Only the government democratically elected by the Taiwanese has the right to represent Taiwan in the world.

If they want to force their “One China principle” unto other countries and Taiwanese, it would only cause resentment and disgust. Before PROC would criticize other countries, we suggest they see their own problems. We see PROC has become the global trouble maker (global trouble maker, emphasize in English). We see them purposely hide the Wuhan flu so that it spread to the whole world, directly caused 18 million sickness and 700k of death. We see them militarily invade neighborly countries such as Taiwan, Japan, India, and Asean countries over and over. They destroy status quo and cause crisis in the neighborhood. They try to bully neighbor countries.

Let us see how they treat their own people. Let us see how they treat HongKonger from last year protest to this year’s National Security Law. Let us see how they suppress people’s freedom, from Xingjiang’s Uyguur, to Tibeten. Let us see how they suppress religion from Catholic, Protestant, Muslin, and other religions. Let us see how they destroy people’s human right. We all see what they did.


Ever since the current Taiwan president was elected 5 years ago, this is the kind of cr*p I had to listen to.
The funny thing is that had the KMT Won the Chinese civil war they would have been doing even worse than what the CCP has done/is doing in the neighbourhood. As I said before , the KMT was hearing up to be far more expansionist and would have been a bigger bully in the region than the CCP. To make things worse for their neighbours, they would have long seized/taken control of all SCS , the border dispute with India wouldn't exist anymore since they would never have withdrawn from arunachal Pradesh like the CPC did after defeating the Indians, they would still be in conflict with Russia since they still regard many border regions that Russia seized from China as part of China, they would probably have retaken or reclaimed Mongolia (which they still claim) risking conflict with Russia. Senkakus won't be in Japanese hands long ago. Etc etc. Western powers would have supported them behind the scenes or turn a blind eye, since we were allies and share close ties.
The only issue is that the KMT was fighting a bloody existential civil war against CCP and other rag tag warlords prior to being toppled. So they never had the chance to fully govern China properly and rule a stable country. They are only crying now because they lost power and couldn't rule the country. So China's neighbours should count themselves lucky actually.
The difference is that you don't get your organ removed while you're still breathing.

Also FYI there's a BLM protest against all those things you mentioned & have so far achieved quite a lot but not enough if you ask me.


Meanwhile all china can do is be quiet & eat the shit the state has given them.
achieved quite a lot,lol
still Chinese goverment got much more satisfaction than US goverment
US people can do nothing with the govt but useless protest,nothing changed after protest.
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