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Taiwan spokewoman: China hid the Wuhan virus and caused 18M sick and 700k death

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New Recruit

Oct 4, 2018
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Taiwan, Province Of China
United States
Every country in the world called the Covid-19 virus as the name of the virus. No country accuses China of directly causing 17 million sicknesses and 7 hundred thousand deaths. (Yes, I know Trump did, but it is not official USA position).

Except in Taiwan, the official name of the disease is Wuhan flu and the official position is China (by purposely hide the disease) directly cause 18M sickness and 700k death.

The following is the link to the official statement of Taiwan government:

I will provide the translation as follows:

I want to again state that People Republic of China (PROC) never governed Taiwan for one day. Of course they have no right to talk about Taiwanese people. Only the government democratically elected by the Taiwanese has the right to represent Taiwan in the world.

If they want to force their “One China principle” unto other countries and Taiwanese, it would only cause resentment and disgust. Before PROC would criticize other countries, we suggest they see their own problems. We see PROC has become the global trouble maker (global trouble maker, emphasize in English). We see them purposely hide the Wuhan flu so that it spread to the whole world, directly caused 18 million sickness and 700k of death. We see them militarily invade neighborly countries such as Taiwan, Japan, India, and Asean countries over and over. They destroy status quo and cause crisis in the neighborhood. They try to bully neighbor countries.

Let us see how they treat their own people. Let us see how they treat HongKonger from last year protest to this year’s National Security Law. Let us see how they suppress people’s freedom, from Xingjiang’s Uyguur, to Tibeten. Let us see how they suppress religion from Catholic, Protestant, Muslin, and other religions. Let us see how they destroy people’s human right. We all see what they did.


Ever since the current Taiwan president was elected 5 years ago, this is the kind of cr*p I had to listen to.
Taiwan politicians also claim that people in mainland China can not afford tea eggs and instant noodles and Taiwan economic "experts" claim Chinese can't afford pickles..

Taiwanese financial expert mocked for saying many mainland Chinese ‘can’t afford pickles’

They have "freedom of speech", so they can tell whatever lies to brainwash their people unrestrictedly, lies are protected by their laws under the pretext of ‘freedom of speech’
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I don't understand these Taiwan politicians. Taiwanese have Chinese looks. If Chinese are discriminated in other countries because of Taiwan's distorted propaganda, will Taiwanese benefit from it?
I have not met a Taiwanese who would not be offended for being confused as Chinese..

Back to the topic, Twaiwan is spot on.
It's Chinese Virus and it's time we start calling it that.
It's important CCP is taken to task for the genocide it caused.

One of my son's very good friends is from China. Kid's mom was warning us from late Feb about Covid 19. We sadly thought that she is exaggerating and anyway this disease will not reach the US !!!:hitwall:
She was saying that Wuhan alone has a death toll of over 25,000.
Still , saying that 700 K dead seems too far fetched to me . Can't be that high.
I have not met a Taiwanese who would not be offended for being confused as Chinese..

Back to the topic, Twaiwan is spot on.
It's Chinese Virus and it's time we start calling it that.
It's important CCP is taken to task for the genocide it caused.
Taiwan media told Taiwanese mainland Chinese can't affort tea eggs and starve to eat mice. It is not strange at all Taiwanese don't want to be Chinese. As a VPN user, I know both China mainland and Taiwan. My parents have been to Taiwan. I'm sure Taiwan society is highly politicalized and sick. We look down on Taiwan.
I have not met a Taiwanese who would not be offended for being confused as Chinese..

Back to the topic, Twaiwan is spot on.
It's Chinese Virus and it's time we start calling it that.
It's important CCP is taken to task for the genocide it caused.
I guess you don't know many people from Taiwan. “外省人” mostly are for reunification.

Taiwan pro PRC demonstration
One of my son's very good friends is from China. Kid's mom was warning us from late Feb about Covid 19. We sadly thought that she is exaggerating and anyway this disease will not reach the US !!!:hitwall:
She was saying that Wuhan alone has a death toll of over 25,000.
Still , saying that 700 K dead seems too far fetched to me . Can't be that high.
The only question is, if CCP doesn't publish this number, how do her friends know about it?Did she go and count the bodies?All stories about China's top secrets have this logical problem.How do they know these secrets and confirm them?
One of my son's very good friends is from China. Kid's mom was warning us from late Feb about Covid 19. We sadly thought that she is exaggerating and anyway this disease will not reach the US !!!:hitwall:
She was saying that Wuhan alone has a death toll of over 25,000.
Still , saying that 700 K dead seems too far fetched to me . Can't be that high.
Rumors often emerge when there is a big crisis. People tend to exaggerate the number. The numbers published by Chinese government are overall accurate. We can feel that by our experiences.
The only question is, if CCP doesn't publish this number, how do her friends know about it?Did she go and count the bodies?All stories about China's top secrets have this logical problem.How do they know these secrets and confirm them?

Seriously ? Without the CCP stating the truth , nobody in CHina will know anything ?

Even North Koreans know stuff about their country that isn't officially slated. Can China be worse than NK in this regard ?
Seriously ? Without the CCP stating the truth , nobody in CHina will know anything ?

Even North Koreans know stuff about their country that isn't officially slated. Can China be worse than NK in this regard ?
We know the truth by what we can see and what the government does, do you know how strict China's lockdown is? No virus can spread under such draconian lockdowns.
And life and work quickly went back to normal, no panic shopping, no chaos of any kinds.
Seriously ? Without the CCP stating the truth , nobody in CHina will know anything ?

Even North Koreans know stuff about their country that isn't officially slated. Can China be worse than NK in this regard ?
Firstly CCP didn't hide the number. Secondly, is the number really important for other countries? China failed in stopping the virus spread. So did US and other countries. So every country should be responsible for the spread. Actually it's more difficult for the virus firstly found country to stop the spread because by then nobody knew what the virus was.

The world should not blame China's mistakes. When you are in fog of war you can not make perfect choice. Those who failed to control the virus with all known information about the virus are the ones should be blamed.
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Seriously ? Without the CCP stating the truth , nobody in CHina will know anything ?

Even North Koreans know stuff about their country that isn't officially slated. Can China be worse than NK in this regard ?
Knowing what's going on and knowing the statistics are two different things.The death toll of 25,000 people must be counted effectively.This is not something that anyone can just look at and know.When you believe in a story, you must consider the feasibility of the story.

For example, if I take a handful of rice and scatter it on the ground, can you tell me how many grains there are?A handful of rice is far less than 25,000. If you can't even count the rice, how can you count 25,000 bodies?

So the simple question is, who knows how many dead people are scattered across dozens of hospitals and crematoria?To exclude the number of natural deaths and find out exactly how many people died from the virus?
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