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Shireen Mazari Continues to Do Extra Duty as Iran's Foreign Minister

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What's your problem with it.
She is a senior government cabinet member but not part of foreign office. These type of statement have consequences on foreign policy. People should keep their mouth shut on sensitive foreign policy matter specially when there r multiple wars in the region.
Just for the readers knowledge, please look at what extent America is going to block China/Russia access into energy market. It is willing to jeopardize its relations with Germany! America is opposing Nord 2 stream pipeline coming from Russia to Germany.

And here we are talking about China ,of all places tapping into Iranian energy, using Pakistani territory.
And this is one of the points all along.

Pakistan and Iran having constructive bilateral relations is the DESIRED outcome but there are some issues/challenges to consider.

1. Iranian militia politics in the Middle East (countries which are friendly to Pakistan are complaining as well).

What if a major war break out between Iran and its enemies in the coming years? What shall WE do then? Should Pakistan consider alienating multiple friendly countries for the sake of appeasing Iran?

War(s) in Afghanistan proved COSTLY to Pakistan on many counts, and Afghanistan continue to experience Civil War in the present (most unfortunate). War in Iran will make matters much worse than ever before.

2. American hostility towards Iran under Trump administration.

While Obama administration is credited for JCPOA, the subsequent Trump administration took a U-Turn in comparison. Donald Trump can win another term (possibility cannot be ruled out).

Assuming Trump is able to secure another term - Trump administration will not give up on imposing heavy sanctions on Iran irrespective of how other countries look at this matter (Might is Right practice). Should Pakistan seek regional interconnectivity with Iran under these circumstances, there is the possibility of a TRICKLE DOWN EFFECT and Pakistan might find itself staring at a new round of sanctions. While Pakistan is trying its best to EXIT from the FATF Grey List in the present, is it wise to expose yourself to a new round of sanctions soon after?

USA have GLOBAL REACH through its military might (permanent presence in the Arabian Sea among others), and if push comes to shove, they might consider decapitating Iran and establish blockade(s) in the region. What shall WE do then?

3. BLF factor.

Pakistan should consider FENCING its border with Iran in full capacity - no ifs and buts. This development will help create a dynamic to counter BLF more effectively in the region.

My point? There are no easy choices for Pakistan when it comes to its dealings with Iran.

Pakistan should observe how the next American administration will deal with Iran.

While some members are expecting the much hyped Iran - China deal to live up to its expectations in the coming years, WE do not know for sure that it will. Nobody has a CRYSTAL BALL to enjoy glimpses of the FUTURE.

WE will have to find a way to BALANCE our bilateral relationships with multiple countries for long-term basis in order to achieve true economy prosperity.
I been posting for 10 years, I have fiercely criticised Iran, but do not like attacks on ordinary Iranian people because of our cultural, religious and family links.
I would never advocate hate against the common Iranian man, he is my brother in faith just as a common Arab man, i am against the policies of the state of Iran in relation to Pakistan just as i am opposed to the sham monarchy of the Al Saud. Having said that i have never seen u criticize Iran, this is not the first time we have argued over this issue, many times in the past u have avoided criticizing Iran..... i call it as i see it mate.
I have my opinion and others are welcome to theirs, much love and respect to all.
There is no freedom of expression when it comes to national security..... one is either with Pakistan or sectarianism.
Supporting a country that acts against our interests and is in bed with Anti-Pakistan powers for decades now. Involved in Anti-Sunni acvtivites in the levant and responsible for inciting sectarian violence in Pakistan by supporting mad Zakirs to go full retard... shall I continue?
Mr Sixty. You can say the same for Saudia who has been supporting anti Shia activities in the middle East and Pakistan. They're both one side of the same shit face coin.
Supporting a country that acts against our interests and is in bed with Anti-Pakistan powers for decades now. Involved in Anti-Sunni acvtivites in the levant and responsible for inciting sectarian violence in Pakistan by supporting mad Zakirs to go full retard... shall I continue?
Some in Pakistan are more loyal to Iran then Pakistan....Rest you can understand....Mr. I.K should put her into place...Our economy still in trouble and U.S can put more pressure because of such nuts in our politics.

Pakistani's fail to use the strategy of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend", we fail to use diplomatic levers to further our own goals, who cares if we have to ally with Iran if we can accomplish some geopolitical maneuvers and in the process cut of India as well. Some times hardening one's position can do more harm than good, you have to be like water and able to bend and change shape.
Yes, the gulfies do damage and so do the iranians, why cant u just be a patriotic Pakistani and call out both the gulfies and the Iranians on there anti Pak activities. Seems like u highlight one side of the picture while completely ignoring the other, smells of sectarian bias. This is plain and pure hypocracy. Pakistani hindus are better than this, atleast they support Pakistan over India despite huge religious affiliations.

Great Post. This is exactly the kind of mentality I wish Pakistanis would adopt.
I been posting for 10 years, I have fiercely criticised Iran, but do not like attacks on ordinary Iranian people because of our cultural, religious and family links.

I am your supporter brother and I bear no ill will. Just two questions.

Do you feel the same ties to Arabs (esp Gulf, Wahabbis) which you feel towards Iranians?

Don't they also share many ties with us as well?
Supporting a country that acts against our interests and is in bed with Anti-Pakistan powers for decades now. Involved in Anti-Sunni acvtivites in the levant and responsible for inciting sectarian violence in Pakistan by supporting mad Zakirs to go full retard... shall I continue?

Both us iran and ME played negative part now china put iran in its pocket i hope pak shoukd be given the charge to look after iran
Peace isnt possible in Pakistan without Iran and Afghanistan on our side.

Afghanistan is tricky because who knows if taliban will even compromise to get stake in Kabul? The current Kabul is as anti-Pak and pro India as it used to be since 1947 till 1979.

At least Iran now will not turn blind eye to Indian activities on its soil.
At least Iran now will not turn blind eye to Indian activities on its soil.

As soon as they are afforded a breather the first thing they are going to do is destabilize any country with majority Sunni population. They are a sectarian state and any country with majority belonging to other sect is a threat for them. Their agenda is religious, political and deep rooted in their history, there is no place for a strong Pakistan in their empire pride.

Pakistani doofus need to understand only weak potential enemies make better allies .... strong ones will go back to their own original agenda.

Talk of educating US from Shireen Mazari is silly .......... she should check her own educational degree and that of her children ........ none of them did Phd from Iran.
I am your supporter brother and I bear no ill will. Just two questions.

Do you feel the same ties to Arabs (esp Gulf, Wahabbis) which you feel towards Iranians?

Don't they also share many ties with us as well?

They do, and would also not want to tar ordinary citizens of UAE, Saudi etc with their govt policies.
1. Iranian militia politics in the Middle East (countries which are friendly to Pakistan are complaining as well).

What if a major war break out between Iran and its enemies in the coming years? What shall WE do then? Should Pakistan consider alienating multiple friendly countries for the sake of appeasing Iran?

War(s) in Afghanistan proved COSTLY to Pakistan on many counts, and Afghanistan continue to experience Civil War in the present (most unfortunate). War in Iran will make matters much worse than ever before.

Everyone is barking on the wrong tree it seems. Pakistan is just a facilitator here, not the party in any shape or form. We are neither a seller or buyer of the Iranian energy. Its between China and Iran. If GCC wants to sell its energy to China, the world biggest energy customer, we in Pakistan are more then happy to facilitate them as well under CPEC framework, and MBS on his visit did actually announce to establish a refinery near Gawadar, followed by the visit of Saudi energy minister on the proposed site. That didn't go far. And now GCC is very much in American/Zionist camp , so if they have decided to be part of American/Zionist camp, its their choice. We have no say in it. If they are willing to ignore the world biggest energy customer, its their own stupidity and Iran is making full advantage of it. Chinese 400 billion investment in Iran, majority of it is in energy sector. Whatever people say, at the end of the day CPEC main goal is to tap into middle east energy sources using Pakistani territory. We have already signed on it, there is no way back now. If America and Israel do decide to bomb Iran, it wont be because to appease GCC, otherwise they would have already done it. It would be to stop Chinese ingress. Goes without saying, there will be sever repercussions for both America and Israel. You have already seen how America was isolated in UN, even abandoned by its own western allies.

2. American hostility towards Iran under Trump administration.

While Obama administration is credited for JCPOA, the subsequent Trump administration took a U-Turn in comparison. Donald Trump can win another term (possibility cannot be ruled out).

Assuming Trump is able to secure another term - Trump administration will not give up on imposing heavy sanctions on Iran irrespective of how other countries look at this matter (Might is Right practice). Should Pakistan seek regional interconnectivity with Iran under these circumstances, there is the possibility of a TRICKLE DOWN EFFECT and Pakistan might find itself staring at a new round of sanctions. While Pakistan is trying its best to EXIT from the FATF Grey List in the present, is it wise to expose yourself to a new round of sanctions soon after?

USA have GLOBAL REACH through its military might (permanent presence in the Arabian Sea among others), and if push comes to shove, they might consider decapitating Iran and establish blockade(s) in the region. What shall WE do then?

American hostility is more towards China now then Iran.

Would that stop world doing business with each other? I think not.

You have to understand, Pakistan has no future in American camp, infact, as proven in war on terror, it is deadly to the vary existence of Pakistan as a viable state. PMIK has already very openly said that Pakistan economic future is tied with China and there are obvious reasons for it. America is very hostile to Pakistan and its interests everywhere and anywhere. Burying head in the sand is no option for Pakistan. It would be very interesting to see what comes up during Xi visit to Pakistan.

I don't think America will do anything stupid militarily. Economically 100% yes. And to counter that, I have feeling world is going to be divided sooner then later into two parallel economic systems, independent of each other.

3. BLF factor.

Pakistan should consider FENCING its border with Iran in full capacity - no ifs and buts. This development will help create a dynamic to counter BLF more effectively in the region.

My point? There are no easy choices for Pakistan when it comes to its dealings with Iran.

Pakistan should observe how the next American administration will deal with Iran.

While some members are expecting the much hyped Iran - China deal to live up to its expectations in the coming years, WE do not know for sure that it will. Nobody has a CRYSTAL BALL to enjoy glimpses of the FUTURE.

WE will have to find a way to BALANCE our bilateral relationships with multiple countries for long-term basis in order to achieve true economy prosperity.

Iran will be stupid to shoot on its own feet if it still allow its territory to be used for destabilization of Baluchistan, the ingress point of any future energy pipelines going all the way to China, traversing Pakistan. Accessing world biggest energy market and 400 billion dollar of Chinese investment is at stake here, specially at a time when GCC has already aligned itself with the American/Zionist camp. I think Iranian establishment has now realised what is at stake here and you see gradual decoupling with American lackey India.

Balancing act doesn't mean that Pakistan has to sacrifice regional cohesion and connectivity. Those sitting across the oceans can take a hike tbh. If regional countries are inter dependant on each other for their own economic benefits, you will see these proxy games coming to an end sooner then later. If America and its lackeys have issues with it, then so be it. No bullying will work or had work with Pakistan. Infact it has sever consequences, as evident in Afghanistan.
Some in Pakistan are more loyal to Iran then Pakistan....Rest you can understand....Mr. I.K should put her into place...Our economy still in trouble and U.S can put more pressure because of such nuts in our politics.

Don't you just hate it, when some are More loyal to Iran then House of Saud, oh i mean to Pakistan.

I agree with you, people don't understand how fragile Pakistan economy is even after the Arabs injected Billions of dollars financing Wahhabi terrorism industry, Lashkre jhangvi, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban And 1000s of others to name the few And Investing billions in Indian economy, just to teach Indians lesson. Its still didn't work out because of those pesky people that worship Iran....

These people Must understand the Arab position to bend over is the only Position that will Make Rest of the world happy with Pakistan.. I am with you 100% . Iranians standing up to the world and having self respect Wtf are those guys thinking.
Everyone is barking on the wrong tree it seems. Pakistan is just a facilitator here, not the party in any shape or form. We are neither a seller or buyer of the Iranian energy. Its between China and Iran. If GCC wants to sell its energy to China, the world biggest energy customer, we in Pakistan are more then happy to facilitate them as well under CPEC framework, and MBS on his visit did actually announce to establish a refinery near Gawadar, followed by the visit of Saudi energy minister on the proposed site. That didn't go far. And now GCC is very much in American/Zionist camp , so if they have decided to be part of American/Zionist camp, its their choice. We have no say in it. If they are willing to ignore the world biggest energy customer, its their own stupidity and Iran is making full advantage of it. Chinese 400 billion investment in Iran, majority of it is in energy sector. Whatever people say, at the end of the day CPEC main goal is to tap into middle east energy sources using Pakistani territory. We have already signed on it, there is no way back now. If America and Israel do decide to bomb Iran, it wont be because to appease GCC, otherwise they would have already done it. It would be to stop Chinese ingress. Goes without saying, there will be sever repercussions for both America and Israel. You have already seen how America was isolated in UN, even abandoned by its own western allies.
China have full access to much of the Middle East through the oceans (Maritime Silk Road):


Much of the Chinese economic activity is concentrated to the East tapping the Maritime Silk Road (port locations). CPEC offers another channel for the same but not a requirement.

Economic activity in the Western Chinese provinces is substantially lacking in comparison because land transit is slow and expensive.

Point is in regards to how Pakistan can capitalize on CPEC to its advantage without exposing it to a new round of sanctions via dealings with Iran which are prone to international sanctions.

China is an economic powerhouse and can afford to take RISKS through BRI given the span and reach of this initiative. Even if a route or two are sanctioned/suppressed, China can manage through other routes.

Pakistan have a much smaller (struggling) economy and is pinning much hope on CPEC to mitigate this problem. Therefore, recommended Foreign Policy approach is to PLAY SAFE and not take unnecessary risks in the process. Pakistan can convince GCC states to utilize CPEC and contribute to Pakistani economy in this manner - much better than tapping Iran for the needful in the present.

China is offering an alternative routes to Iran and CPEC is not a requirement once again.

As I have repeatedly pointed out in this thread, Pakistan should OBSERVE how the next American administration will deal with Iran. Perhaps Trump administration will have a second term?

Just play it SAFE for now.

American hostility is more towards China now then Iran.

Would that stop world doing business with each other? I think not.

You have to understand, Pakistan has no future in American camp, infact, as proven in war on terror, it is deadly to the vary existence of Pakistan as a viable state. PMIK has already very openly said that Pakistan economic future is tied with China and there are obvious reasons for it. America is very hostile to Pakistan and its interests everywhere and anywhere. Burying head in the sand is no option for Pakistan. It would be very interesting to see what comes up during Xi visit to Pakistan.

I don't think America will do anything stupid militarily. Economically 100% yes. And to counter that, I have feeling world is going to be divided sooner then later into two parallel economic systems, independent of each other.
This is a very narrow take of things in reality.

1. Pakistan is closely working with USA to address the menace of terrorism in the region. This encompass Afghanistan and FATF considerations.

2. USA is by far the largest EXPORT destination for Pakistani goods.

Pakistan enjoy TRADE SURPLUS with USA which is a PLUS for Pakistani economy.

Understand that Pakistan is experiencing a massive TRADE DEFICIT with China which is not easy to bridge (CPEC might help mitigate this problem to an extent in the coming years but WE need to do more).

3. Given the fact that Pakistan have a struggling economic outlook, Pakistan is allowed to avail IMF bailout packages from time-to-time to keep things afloat.

USA - Pakistan does not have ideal bilateral relationship (not a smooth ride; many bumps in this route) but it is unwise to discredit this relationship altogether.

Pakistan should continue to engage with USA to its benefit and retain OPTIONS - WE do not have to LOVE each other but WE can continue to WORK with each other in different capacities to mutual benefit in select areas.

Iran will be stupid to shoot on its own feet if it still allow its territory to be used for destabilization of Baluchistan, the ingress point of any future energy pipelines going all the way to China, traversing Pakistan. Accessing world biggest energy market and 400 billion dollar of Chinese investment is at stake here, specially at a time when GCC has already aligned itself with the American/Zionist camp. I think Iranian establishment has now realised what is at stake here and you see gradual decoupling with American lackey India.

Balancing act doesn't mean that Pakistan has to sacrifice regional cohesion and connectivity. Those sitting across the oceans can take a hike tbh. If regional countries are inter dependant on each other for their own economic benefits, you will see these proxy games coming to an end sooner then later. If America and its lackeys have issues with it, then so be it. No bullying will work or had work with Pakistan. Infact it has sever consequences, as evident in Afghanistan.
See above.

Both China and Iran are willing to establish multiple routes for bilateral dealings - CPEC being one of them but not imperative.

I am all for regional cohesion and connectivity but I keep my eyes OPEN and understand realities of Pakistan very well.

Afghanistan is a landlocked country - much easier for Pakistan to influence courtesy of the Taliban factor. Situation of Iran is different in comparison.

Things Pakistan can do to improve its economic situation in the long-term:

1. Avoid Cold War.
2. Strive for bilateral relationships with MULTIPLE countries around the World.
3. Continue to engage with USA to whatever ends possible.
4. Be mindful of global flashpoints and play it safe.

Thank you.
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