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Shireen Mazari Continues to Do Extra Duty as Iran's Foreign Minister

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We would see when that would hit us

For now there is no reason to pick up a fight with USA for Iran
have a heart brother
Mrs Mazari is the one who immediately criticized SMQ for his careless remarks that angered the Saudis.
dont judge selectively
China have full access to much of the Middle East through the oceans (Maritime Silk Road):


Much of the Chinese economic activity is concentrated to the East tapping the Maritime Silk Road (port locations). CPEC offers another channel for the same but not a requirement.

Economic activity in the Western Chinese provinces is substantially lacking in comparison because land transit is slow and expensive.

Point is in regards to how Pakistan can capitalize on CPEC to its advantage without exposing it to a new round of sanctions via dealings with Iran which are prone to international sanctions.

China is an economic powerhouse and can afford to take RISKS through BRI given the span and reach of this initiative. Even if a route or two are sanctioned/suppressed, China can manage through other routes.

Pakistan have a much smaller (struggling) economy and is pinning much hope on CPEC to mitigate this problem. Therefore, recommended Foreign Policy approach is to PLAY SAFE and not take unnecessary risks in the process. Pakistan can convince GCC states to utilize CPEC and contribute to Pakistani economy in this manner - much better than tapping Iran for the needful in the present.

China is offering an alternative routes to Iran and CPEC is not a requirement once again.

As I have repeatedly pointed out in this thread, Pakistan should OBSERVE how the next American administration will deal with Iran. Perhaps Trump administration will have a second term?

Just play it SAFE for now.

These pretty pictures are all good but they do not represent the ground realities unfortunately.

Allow me to explain.

South China sea is already heating up. And I am sure Chinese planners are working on the worst case scenario. There are no other land routes to access the middle east energy other then Pakistan. Iran has no border with China. Afghanistan in between will remain destabilised in foreseeable future and it will be mad to even think about laying pipeline over it bypassing Pakistani territory. Other option is through CAR states but then you got three sovereign nations in between with their own agendas and issues and ofcourse deep American influence within those state. It take only one regime change to destabilise one of these CAR states and this whole supply line will be in doldrums. Pakistani route, CPEC, is the only viable route where you got China most trusted strategic partner providing its territory for the supply of energy to China.

I am sure we are not going to put our neck on the line and get sanctioned, and that where is where Chinese and Russian backing will come into play. I suspect Russian giants like Gazprom will play role in all this.

We have already wasted a lot of time, next US admin will come with its own set of issues and problems. We have to do what is in our own national interests regardless.

This is a very narrow take of things in reality.

1. Pakistan is closely working with USA to address the menace of terrorism in the region. This encompass Afghanistan and FATF considerations.

2. USA is by far the largest EXPORT destination for Pakistani goods.

Pakistan enjoy TRADE SURPLUS with USA which is a PLUS for Pakistani economy.

Understand that Pakistan is experiencing a massive TRADE DEFICIT with China which is not easy to bridge (CPEC might help mitigate this problem to an extent in the coming years but WE need to do more).

3. Given the fact that Pakistan have a struggling economic outlook, Pakistan is allowed to avail IMF bailout packages from time-to-time to keep things afloat.

History of Lending Commitments: Pakistan
USA - Pakistan does not have ideal bilateral relationship (not a smooth ride; many bumps in this route) but it is unwise to discredit this relationship altogether.

Pakistan should continue to engage with USA to its benefit and retain OPTIONS - WE do not have to LOVE each other but WE can continue to WORK with each other in different capacities to mutual benefit in select areas.

Nobody is advocating to dump one over another. But Pakistan should never been given the choice of "either with us or against us". Pakistan should be the fulcrum of regional connectivity and trade, and China is our neighbour and world biggest economy and market of 1.2 billion people. Its madness that we are not tapping in this huge market sitting next door while worrying about people oceans apart. If American establishment got issues with China, then deal with them one to one. we got no dog in this fight. If American are refusing to understand this, then tough luck.
When did Shireen Mazari become Foreign Minister of Pakistan or Iran or any other country?

I think in blind love for Iran you forgot the fact that Shireen Mazari is not a foreign minister but minister for human rights
recall that Sheikh Rashid despite being minister of stale or railway used to make statements on international matters even not being a foreign minister. sometimes an unrelated minister is also used to pass a massage just like a junior UAE minister was used to pass an angry message to us via KSA when during Mian Nawaz time we refused to participate in their war on Yemen,
Pakistan has a binding oath in constitution to safeguard the KSA geographical integrity and the house of Saud. no other nation in the world has such oath and undertaking and Pakistan will respond with full force against any nation that threatens KSA. even china or Turkey cant take that place so forget about Iran.

have a heart I say, dont loose it. we wont go in Iranian lap over few comments, there is much differences among us. at best or worse our relations with Iran are at the level of say we have with Brunei, Kenya or Argentina

Some in Pakistan are more loyal to Iran then Pakistan....Rest you can understand....Mr. I.K should put her into place...Our economy still in trouble and U.S can put more pressure because of such nuts in our politics.
and some are more loyal to Saudis and both Saudis and Iranians are more loyal to Indians
beat that.
no one is loyal to Pakistan
Spare me, the gulfies did much more damage sponsoring LeJ that killed hundreds and also sponsoring extremist salafist groups how tried to destroy Pakistan.

Also your saudi friends give their mate modi top awards.
but they didnt drive their cars for Modi. UAE did it I think or was it Qatar?
it's high time for the state to stop tricking its populace into thinking they ain't loyal.

Please delete sectarian themed postings on the thread. thanks
sectarianism is hardwired into our national psyche. there is no escaping.

if we are not being sectarian then we are either getting sexual kicks through commenting on women doing exercise on morning shows and morally judging them or watching ****.

everyone is now labelled if you want to appear neutral and fair then you will have to spell out and prove that you praised or criticized all Vs sects equally.

these posts represent our national mood. with the explosion of social media and ease of spreading news and propaganda we are facing floodgates of charged emotions over sometimes very trivial matters that are nonissue

stop loling me please. I know you have secretly an Iranian Ayatullah on speed dial. I think that Shireen Mazari is also an undercover agent. she is a Baloch like me so we are bound to get influenced by the Mass propaganda of Iranians.
sectarianism is hardwired into our national psyche. there is no escaping.

if we are not being sectarian then we are either getting sexual kicks through commenting on women doing exercise on morning shows and morally judging them or watching ****.

everyone is now labelled if you want to appear neutral and fair then you will have to spell out and prove that you praised or criticized all Vs sects equally.

these posts represent our national mood. with the explosion of social media and ease of spreading news and propaganda we are facing floodgates of charged emotions over sometimes very trivial matters that are nonissue

Ms. Mazari is an Iranic Kingmaker in Pakistan. Her credentials are well known in Smoke n Sip quarters of Islamabad
Spare me, the gulfies did much more damage sponsoring LeJ that killed hundreds and also sponsoring extremist salafist groups how tried to destroy Pakistan.

Also your saudi friends give their mate modi top awards.

That doesn't change the fact that Iran is spreading sectarian terrorism both in levant and as well as in Pakistan and other immediate neighbors, also successfully recruiting Shia Pakistanis to go fight for Iran's interest in foriegn countries simultaneously also brainwashing them and converting them into sleeper cells when they return, activate them later to destabilise Pakistan when the need arises, atrocities committed by the Arabs will not blind us to the atrocities Iran is committing in the Middle East specially to Sunni Iraqis, and what they can do in Pakistan, unlike majority of the Sunnis who do condemn the Arabs the majority of the Shias will not say a word against Iran, we are aware of that aswell.
Guys you are fighting for nothing ,Senator Chris Murphy already warned Pakistan about up coming extremism wave which ultimate target is Imran Khan govt. @Irfan Baloch
That doesn't change the fact that Iran is spreading sectarian terrorism both in levant and as well as in Pakistan and other immediate neighbors, also successfully recruiting Shia Pakistanis to go fight for Iran's interest in foriegn countries simultaneously also brainwashing them and converting them into sleeper cells when they return, activate them later to destabilise Pakistan when the need arises, atrocities committed by the Arabs will not blind us to the atrocities Iran is committing in the Middle East specially to Sunni Iraqis, and what they can do in Pakistan, unlike majority of the Sunnis who do condemn the Arabs the majority of the Shias will not say a word against Iran, we are aware of that aswell.

"we" are not only aware but happy as well that shias recruited by iran actually fight the wars outside Pakistan and fight the Daesh and Al Qaeda offshoots
they dont fight against out army and behead the soldiers and play football nor do they kill our kid's in schools.
i hope and pray they stay out and kill all of daesh members recruited by Arabs before they come back

what you are not aware of and is most chilling and sobering and that is the chinese are getting fed up by our religious bitching incompetence and curroption and they have included iran in their belt and road initiative.
all that money diverted to Iran should've come to Pakistan but it seems like that even china has limits.
"we" are not only aware but happy as well that shias recruited by iran actually fight the wars outside Pakistan and fight the Daesh and Al Qaeda offshoots
they dont fight against out army and behead the soldiers and play football nor do they kill our kid's in schools.
i hope and pray they stay out and kill all of daesh members recruited by Arabs before they come back

what you are not aware of and is most chilling and sobering and that is the chinese are getting fed up by our religious bitching incompetence and curroption and they have included iran in their belt and road initiative.
all that money diverted to Iran should've come to Pakistan but it seems like that even china has limits.

I guess someone needs an eye opener, beware what you wish for, the ethnic cleansing and extreme sectarian violence and killing that is prevalent in the levant could very well spill over to Pakistan, any Pakistani terrorist brainwashed and trained by Iran who leaves Pakistan to go fight Irans war somewhere else should stay there, he is no longer welcomed here period.

any Pakistani terrorist brainwashed and trained by Iran who leaves Pakistan to go fight Irans war somewhere else should stay there, he is no longer welcomed here period.
That's what I said and I agree and pray that these Iranian brain washed terrorists never come back as they have an endless Daesh terrorists to fight that have been trained by our Arab brothers.
One of the reason that our istitutions are not working properly because of minding other businesses
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