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Shireen Mazari Continues to Do Extra Duty as Iran's Foreign Minister

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That's what I said and I agree and pray that these Iranian brain washed terrorists never come back as they have an endless Daesh terrorists to fight that have been trained by our Arab brothers.

Not endless. More than 1 million killed and injured while 6 million are already in other countries as refugees and millions are internally displaced. Every Sunni is a Daesh terrorist.
Not endless. More than 1 million killed and injured while 6 million are already in other countries as refugees and millions are internally displaced. Every Sunni is a Daesh terrorist.
Are there no Shia in Daesh?
Supporting a country that acts against our interests and is in bed with Anti-Pakistan powers for decades now. Involved in Anti-Sunni acvtivites in the levant and responsible for inciting sectarian violence in Pakistan by supporting mad Zakirs to go full retard... shall I continue?
Even her doughter support israel many time so what kind of people are they who sarounded PM Imran Khan...
People should know, Mrs Mazari taught IR in prestigious schools of Pakistan. Pak top bureaucrats and leading figures of establishment are her students. She gave lectures in military institutes What she is saying is GOP and military ongoing policy of Pakistan. She is one well educated Baluch. Unfortunately , anything in favor of Iran look through the prism of Shia, and this mindset injected in Pakistan by Gulfies so much, so none Pakistan can even talk about better relations with neighbors. But , Gulfies can do whatever they like .... Poeple of their mindset can kill children, citizen, soldiers , ruined economy ... but none dare to point a finger at their supporter.
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People should know, Mrs Mazari taught IR in prestigious schools of Pakistan. Pak top bureaucrats and leading figures of establishment are her students. She gave lectures in military institutes What she is saying is GOP and military ongoing policy of Pakistan. She is one well educated Baluch.
Throw in her GB connection as well. Leave the kitchen sink for post 169
That's what I said and I agree and pray that these Iranian brain washed terrorists never come back as they have an endless Daesh terrorists to fight that have been trained by our Arab brothers.
Watch Kamran Khan show on Suadi funding of 24000 madrassa in Pakistan ... same old 80's game started again.
Supporting a country that acts against our interests and is in bed with Anti-Pakistan powers for decades now. Involved in Anti-Sunni acvtivites in the levant and responsible for inciting sectarian violence in Pakistan by supporting mad Zakirs to go full retard... shall I continue?

In fact, I love Iran, but you've said it beautifully.

No matter if we see them as brothers, but we cannot and should not allow them to do as they please, this involves not acting as their ambassadors with the rest of the world.

I couldn't give a damn about their sanctioned regime, when they support my enemies.
Kulbhushan Jadhav came from Iran, they are always working with people who hate us, and so many other examples.

There are positives, like sometimes they make statements for Kashmir, but their negatives far outweigh the positives, no need to give them blind support.
I see the Chinese bringing us closer and Turks joining the group.
she is a shia so naturally she has lots of sympathies for iran
I thought she was a Wahabi because she criticised shah Mehmood Querashi over his careless remarks on OIC and KSA.
what a dilemma we have. sectarian affiliation can change with a tweet.
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My point? There are no easy choices for Pakistan when it comes to its dealings with Iran.

Pakistan should observe how the next American administration will deal with Iran.

While some members are expecting the much hyped Iran - China deal to live up to its expectations in the coming years, WE do not know for sure that it will. Nobody has a CRYSTAL BALL to enjoy glimpses of the FUTURE.

WE will have to find a way to BALANCE our bilateral relationships with multiple countries for long-term basis in order to achieve true economy prosperity.
my dear brother. we make it hard for ourselves . too much weighed down thinking what others will think of us.

Look at Iran, its allied with Afghan Taliban against their fight with Daesh and Americans.
Qatar has found warm relations with Tehran as well. sectarianism or racism is not stopping them from coming closer. UAE and Behrain have on their part recognized Israel.

thanks for posting one of the few objective posts in this thread which is very much charged for wrong reasons. it is only fair that I share an honest view as well.


I have seen the tweet from Ms Mazari
I agree with
the content of the message and I admire how she has eloquently voiced her point of view
for Americans everything is a nail because all they have is a hammer. they have reached a point of utter obnoxiousness under the current presidency.

what I dont agree is that
she has said this while holding a public office and her comment will be seen as a statement endorsed by state of Pakistan and the current government.

whether or not she is part of the foreign office setup or ministry is irrelevant. she is part of the government. just like that unknown state minister of UAE who threatened Pakistan for dire consequences over its "ambiguous" stance on GCC war of terror on Yemen.
we, in Pakistan saw this as a threat from KSA with a UAE mouthpiece.
back in the days (up to the time he was allied with Nawaz, Sheikh Rashid used to taunt Indians as well with his commentary that always had the desired effects. he is banned from entering USA though the efforts of Indian lobby.

Pro Iran comments Not Allowed?
should she have said what she said? specially when it doesn't concern Pakistan but Iran?
before we give our verdict we must keep in mind the comments by Turkish President over Kashmir, and the economic loss Malaysia suffered over same stance on Kashmir.
Iranians on their part have time and again called out India for its atrocities committed in Kashmir while Arabian silence changed into open support for Modi right after its illegal annexation of Kashmir.

but as we are told that national interests and foreign policies are made purely on self interests and sometimes loss minimization therefore Ms Mazari's tweet would be wrong if our Arab friends see it as a Pakistan sliding towards Iranian side and a second part of SMQ's criticism of OIC.

storm in a tea cup or real?
whether or not her tweet is in personal capacity, our foreign office must be proactive to brief the government and make a statement before a response comes.
till now I havent seen any notice from USA or GCC Arab regimes apart from explosive (abusive) comments from fellow Pakistanis due to sectarian differences with Iran.

Is Ms Mazari tilted towards Iran?
Shireen Mazari is not titled towards Iran in anyway. recall in an interview about SMQ controversial comments Ms Mazari criticized him over his careless off the cuff remarks that greatly angered the royal highness in KSA. she could have remained quiet or even supported Shah Mehmood Quarshi but she was very clear in her criticism but no one called her a Saudi Stooge.
I thought she was a Wahabi because she criti\ed shah Mehmood Querashi over his careless remarks on OIC and KSA.
what a dilemma we have. sectarian affiliation can change with a tweet.
nowadays Wikpedia assign sects ... lol .... people following Wiki too much, tomorrow someone else update her sect ... lol ... This is so unfortunate, In last 40 years people are so paranoid because of this sectarian hate, even in the matter of national security issues, they look at sect first.... unfortunately, if we talk to Iranian they give a long list of terrorist activities inside Iran through Pak border. But, Gen Bajwa and IK are doing their best and taking concrete steps. Well, this is all curse of First Afghan war. We all paying the price.
Plus, we have an additional factor in foreign policy which is Turkey. Gulfies hate Turks and they want to pull out Pakistan from this new alliance. But, now Chinese in the middle with its massive financial goals in the region.

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Too many children cant see realpolitik. Simple people.
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