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' Security bill would target China' - Chinese FM asks Japan to explain Abe's statement

lol those??

As per Post #18, those are considered traitor within PDF Chinese member circle.

Or as presented as a Japanese polisher

The Japanese Patriot in me came out, buddy. lol.

As for our one member who keeps on bashing the Chinese members who are positive towards Japan, I always find his labeling of them as "Japanese Worshippers" as very insulting. Even tho I am not Chinese, I feel so disgusted in how he labels people like that, when all those people have are positive, pragmatic views. Such closed minded mentality is unhealthy, and bad for the soul and body. There is such bad Ki (Chi) in that.

Best to ignore such trivial mind(s).
The Japanese Patriot in me came out, buddy. lol.

As for our one member who keeps on bashing the Chinese members who are positive towards Japan, I always find his labeling of them as "Japanese Worshippers" as very insulting. Even tho I am not Chinese, I feel so disgusted in how he labels people like that, when all those people have are positive, pragmatic views. Such closed minded mentality is unhealthy, and bad for the soul and body. There is such bad Ki (Chi) in that.

Best to ignore such trivial mind(s).

Well, japan can do what it want as long as they are not invading china (They can do that too if their aim is to commit suicide) Foreign Policy is the Japanese Internal matter, simple as that, you would have thought China been giving similar warning to the US since 1980, they would have known better..

There is a PDF Chinese member circle? lol

So does that mean I'm automatically not qualified to join?



yeah, they have QQ and Wechat group, everything,

Maybe if you behave now and become a good boy and not be a lapdog (Whatever it means) to the US, they may let you join lol
yeah, they have QQ and Wechat group, everything,

Maybe if you behave now and become a good boy and not be a lapdog (Whatever it means) to the US, they may let you join lol


There is actually a QQ and Wechat group eh? Interesting.

And I never got invited... !

Maybe if you behave now and become a good boy and not be a lapdog (Whatever it means) to the US, they may let you join lol

LOL! What about some of them who actually live in the USA and Canada?
Thumbs up of Peace !


There is actually a QQ and Wechat group eh? Interesting.

And I never got invited... !

LOL! What about some of them who actually live in the USA and Canada?

Think their QQ group is 289621603

They are spy for China :0 lol
Some people here seems to forget something called

"Their Country, their rules"

Whatever happen, it is not the Chinese to make Japanese Foreign Policy, whatever the Chinese say or don't say will not alter a foreign sovereignty's own decision, so why embarrass yourselves by asking for it?

Same thing about japan, will Japan ask Chinese to clarify their foreign policy?

How China react is absolutely based on the context of the interaction of two countries. If you cannot understand it, dont share your shit logic.
They can lie, They can confuse the rest of the world. They can obfuscate, They CANNOT hide!
Our elite and political leaders don't really give a damn. They know their true face. We will always be prepare for a militaristic Japan to return. This time, what we warn to the world will come true, and someday they will see the true militaristic and aggressive Japanese blood. Hopefully, we will finish them off once for all of mankind.
Our elite and political leaders don't really give a damn. They know their true face. We will always be prepare for a militaristic Japan to return. This time, what we warn to the world will come true, and someday they will see the true militaristic and aggressive Japanese blood. Hopefully, we will finish them off once for all of mankind.
Never mind, the militaristic Japs will never back,. Japs's balls have been cut off by US from 1945. young Japs' martialism has been destroyed by their own "developed" industry of animation, AV, electronic game. thanks Uncle Sam.
There is no need to care what they do or say, we just do what we should do. Now we just are doing the foreplay of the cat-eat-mouse game.
China to crack down all the hypocrisies behind the veil of phoney coalitions
The high sounding slogans are used to cheat the kids. So boring!


check out this post:

Just being nice, my friend :)

Smile back when they smile at you. And keep a huge stick right behind.


The "inner" dialogue between the two good friends is only entertaining. In fact a significant segment of the Japanese population see that country's military as rapists and invaders.

China, on the other, will seek peace and development. Hence the reason the political discourse of Japan/US vs. China has been so different recently.
What Japan do or say mean nothing. Jpan have the fluke mind that they can stop the rise of China, then they do so many tricks, petty.
I think from now it will take about 5 years that they may leave this fluke mind...
Japanese have fluke minds - agree 200%
eg: check these out

@ post 18, how a despicable Indian judge has been "revered" in Japan when the Japanese warlord criminals have caused the dealth of millions of people from so many different countries, including Indians and Japanese

Brain Drain: India suffers much worse than China | Page 2

"Sir, in Japan there is one Indian political scientist whom we venerate as a Kami spirit , and have enshrined for time everlasting in the pantheon of Japanese heros. His name is His Honor Radhabinod Pal, whom the Japanese Military and the Japanese History shall forever judge a man of great moral virtue and chaste purity. "
He is forever adored, and venerated in Japan. Countless generations of Japanese shall forever associate THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA with the Memory of His Honor Judge Radhabinod Pal."

and also post # 36 and 37, these sickening comments:
China & Japan soldiers together in Mongolia exercise, rare photos | Page 3

You only post pictures that are questionable. Not all soldiers of the Imperial Army were bad, many of them were actually very compassionate. Yes, there was war atrocities, no one disputes that, but many of the Japanese soldiers had compassion on Chinese people, especially the children. Not all were bad, and not all Japanese were 'evil'.

Genuine beauty of our boys...despite the war...still finding the courage to smile....and enjoy...

Many people are callous towards what the Japanese have done and that their belligerent unrepentent mindsets are still very much alive

Other than the very very few of Chinese flags, myself included, who have been vocal and vigilant of the behaviours of the Japanese, many people have subscribed and gotten opiated to the Japanese dirty tricks of presenting themselves as "pacifiists" and "the victims of ww2"

Japanese have fluke minds - Again I agree 200%
Who is going to correct these fluke minds?
You cant give these corectional jobs to the Chinese flagged Japanese Worshippers, can you?

Just wondering, what is a fluke mind??

Fluke means luck, so what is a fluke mind? Lucky mind??

lol those??

As per Post #18, those are considered traitor within PDF Chinese member circle.

Or as presented as a Japanese polisher

Or they just get banned.

Why was @northeast banned? I didn’t see him breaking any rules.
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