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Panjshair Based Indian Puppets Itching for Trouble


perhaps, but elements of the old regime are trying to reassert themselves. Hence the need to secure the northern and north eastern cities more throughly, lest there be a break out and a formation of. New northern alliance.

this is why having Karzai and Abdullah Abdullah in a future government (in some capacity) is potential at important. It will have international but potentially more importantly domestic value. Also having one of the Masood brother support the new government may prevent a new Northern Alliance forming.

Addressing the Politics and moving quickly to address these “uprisings” (in a non-violent manner) is vital to stability and a chance for a stable unity government.

Now the real test will start for the Taliban. Fighting a clear enemy is easier then managing and controlling your population especially in a country ravaged by decades of war.

I hope they are able to administer the cities just as well as they managed to fight.

It is going to get especially hard considering the foreign funding that was flowing in the form of contracts and wages in dollars will now stop.

Tricky times ahead.
this is why having Karzai and Abdullah Abdullah in a future government (in some capacity) is potential at important. It will have international but potentially more importantly domestic value.

Hah! You beat me to it by about 3 hours! I posted the same thing in another thread. You are a night-owl, I guess! Here on the East Coast the day starts at 8 AM. Hahahah!
But, yes, the 'optics' of having Abdullah and Karzai is very important! After all, they were prominent members of the former Kabul govt backed by America.
So already the front page of NY Times has an article about the Panjshir Valley resistance. All it takes are a few losers like the Northern Alliance in 2001 or the Ahmad Challabis in 2003 to build up a FAKE narrative!!

Leaders in Afghanistan’s Panjshir Valley defy the Taliban and demand an inclusive government.

DUSHANBE, Tajikistan — Two prominent Afghans who do not recognize the Taliban as Afghanistan’s rightful leaders have begun issuing challenges to the militants from a small but strategic pocket of territory that the Taliban do not control, according to an Afghan diplomat and statements by the leaders.

Although it is unclear how many followers are with them or how many arms they have, both men — the vice president in the toppled government and the son of a renowned mujahedeen leader — command respect among many Afghans.

Their demands at the moment, according to the diplomat, Mohammad Zahir Aghbar, who has been serving as the Afghan ambassador to Tajikistan, are relatively contained. If the Taliban want to avoid a fight and take control of the territory they are in — the difficult-to-penetrate Panjshir Valley — they will need to form an inclusive government, rather than try to lead on their own.

The emergence of even a small area of organized resistance to the Taliban raised the possibility of more fighting in the war-ravaged country and at least a future threat of an insurgency against the former insurgents now controlling Kabul.

The vice president in the ousted government, Amrullah Saleh, claimed in a post on Twitter to have the title of president under Afghanistan’s U.S.-brokered 2004 Constitution because he remains on Afghan territory while the elected president, Ashraf Ghani, has fled.

The other prominent holdout in the valley is Ahmad Massoud, the son of the mujahedeen leader Ahmad Shah Massoud, who successfully defended the Panjshir Valley in years of fighting against the Soviet Union in the 1980s and against the Taliban in the 1990s.

Ahmad Shah Massoud’s stature in the anti-Taliban resistance in the 1990s was such that Al Qaeda assassinated him in a bombing two days before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks — a killing meant to aid Al Qaeda’s hosts in Afghanistan before the strikes in the United States.

The son, Ahmad Massoud, posted a video on Facebook on Wednesday saying he is in the Panjshir Valley and does not intend to leave Afghanistan. “You can see that I’m in Panjshir and with our people. God willingly I will remain here with our people,” Mr. Massoud said in the video.
“People are ready to fight,” Mr. Aghbar, the ambassador and a longtime ally of the Massoud family, said in an interview in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan. The Panjshir Valley is home to ethnic Tajiks who long opposed the Taliban.

Mr. Aghbar, who said he spoke with both holdouts, said that though Taliban units had attacked Mr. Saleh’s convoy as it traveled from Kabul to the valley on Sunday, the Taliban have not tried to enter the mountain gorge, a naturally defensible site. The valley is about 90 miles north of Kabul.

“If the Taliban who are in Doha and Pakistan agree to a settlement accepting what the world is asking for and corresponds to the needs of the Afghan people, we will have peace and stability,” Mr. Aghbar said.

As Kabul’s defenses crumbled on Sunday, Mr. Aghbar said, he spoke by phone with Mr. Saleh and learned of the plan to hold out in the Panjshir Valley. “I asked, ‘What is your decision?’ He said, ‘I will fight.’”

It’s far from clear what outside help might arrive or whether Mr. Saleh’s claim to continuity of government under the Afghan Constitution will gain traction. The Afghan embassy in Tajikistan is aligned with the cause; in the carpeted meeting rooms of the building, off a dusty, taxi-clogged street in Dushanbe, Mr. Ghani’s photographs came down and Mr. Saleh’s went up.
perhaps, but elements of the old regime are trying to reassert themselves. Hence the need to secure the northern and north eastern cities more throughly, lest there be a break out and a formation of. New northern alliance.

this is why having Karzai and Abdullah Abdullah in a future government (in some capacity) is potential at important. It will have international but potentially more importantly domestic value. Also having one of the Masood brother support the new government may prevent a new Northern Alliance forming.

Addressing the Politics and moving quickly to address these “uprisings” (in a non-violent manner) is vital to stability and a chance for a stable unity government.
All of the NA will get some sort of a deal, out of this. The mistakes of the past will not be repeated, hopefully. And as I explained, the thing on Panjshir is already in the works.

All of the NA will get some sort of a deal, out of this. The mistakes of the past will not be repeated, hopefully. And as I explained, the thing on Panjshir is already in the works.

From the link you shared.
Yes, why would Panjshiris listen to a loser, coward, BhagoRa like Saleh? The only way they would had American backing be assured.

" Mr Saleh’s claim, which has not yet been publicly recognised by Mr Massoud, may be a “possible negotiating tactic” designed to strengthen Mr Saleh’s hand in any future talks with the Taliban, Mr Housaini suggests. "
Fairly sure that Mr. Saleh is not in Panjshir. I may be wrong but I doubt it very much, at the moment. And he can make whatever statements, he wants from where he's at, it does not mean anything in real life.
All of the NA will get some sort of a deal, out of this. The mistakes of the past will not be repeated, hopefully. And as I explained, the thing on Panjshir is already in the works.

This is what Ahmad Massoud himself wrote just a couple of hours back in WaPO.

I hope this doesn’t turn into a bloodbath and the leaders of the Panjsher valley come to their senses and settle their differences politically.
If US and India decides to support Panjshair resistance, they could airdrop supplies and also provide firepower from the sky.
If US and India decides to support Panjshair resistance, they could airdrop supplies and also provide firepower from the sky.
I don't think India will do anything this time.
But CIA may.
Anyways only strategy that might be viable for neo-NA would be take Salang tunnel via Charikhar and then launch offensive against Badakshan and Takhar (only 700 Taliban in Badakshan).
This is what Ahmad Massoud himself wrote just a couple of hours back in WaPO.

So looks like Ahmad Massoud and Saleh have announced themselves as the opposition to Taliban. Part of the announcement is to solicit support from other countries.

I suspect though they won't find many takers. This isn't the 90s and countries are tired of Afghan wars.
I don't think India will do anything this time.
But CIA may.
Anyways only strategy that might be viable for neo-NA would be take Salang tunnel via Charikhar and then launch offensive against Badakshan and Takhar (only 700 Taliban in Badakshan).

Doubt even the CIA will. They would not have negotiated with the Taliban and given them the country only to subvert them.
Empty bags cannot stand upright . It's high time these lot are ousted from there den.
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