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Pakistan's PM Imran Khan admit discrimination was the cause of Bangladesh

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live in a cocoon, do you?
Just putting u to ur place. U don't live in BD, hence u have a superficial knowledge about everything regarding BD but here u r suggesting others to get an idea about what's happening on the ground. Ironic, isn't it?
For Awami League, Pakistan, freedom and development are the tools of exploitation and making people fool.

Unfortunately, it works here.
The thing is bhai "he who laughs last laughs the loudest", today we are still standing as worlds only Muslim nuclear power where as USSR and KGB are confined to the dustbin of history.Kudos bhai
I read somewhere that a certain Indian military historian stated that the fall of Dhaka, in his own words, "simplified Pakistan's strategic problems"...
I read somewhere that a certain Indian military historian stated that the fall of Dhaka, in his own words, "simplified Pakistan's strategic problems"...
We became free of Gangladesh :yahoo: :dance3: yet we could no longer fund any insurgency in North East, not that we were.Kudos bhai
Interesting. It's funny because I've only ever seen clips of this interview but never the whole thing and I missed this particular portion.

Now with regards to KGB being involved in subversion of then East Pakistan I'm not shocked, they were Indian allies and also had their own agenda. But a closer look always reveals the same pattern: Communists devouring each other.

Personally I don't not regret losing East Pakistan for reasons that are well known by now, and I'm beginning to see a growing number of Pakistanis who share this same sentiment and it is a welcome change.

Lol, @7:40 onwards in the video :rofl:
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MA Taslim clearly has no idea about whats really going on "on the ground":


He is just one person and could potentially have some kind of axe to grind.

Let us look at what the likes of ADB think about BD:


Latest says 7.9% GDP growth this year and 7.5% next year - all indications are that BD will grow well in excess of 8% this year.

All major economic organisations apart from the one lone Harvard study are pretty much in agreement about the healthy future of BD economy at least up to 2030.

Remember people since 1971 have massively underestimated BD and thought it would be an eternal basket case.
He is just one person and could potentially have some kind of axe to grind.

Attack the message (which you obv cant, given the hard numbers)....not the messenger.

Let us look at what the likes of ADB think about BD:

Next lets approach the WB and IMF for their impressions....that of course can vary immensely from that of the BD govt data claims. :P

apart from the one lone Harvard study

Oh you mean the one that isn't forced to take the BD govt data verbatim? Quelle surprise!
Oh you mean the one that isn't forced to take the BD govt data verbatim? Quelle surprise!

So after all that, you take the opinion of two lonely voices as they fit into your narrative?

Trading volume does not lie and massive hike in minimum wages to nearly 100 US dollars a month also do not lie.
I suppose you will of course claim that AL is making up increase in electricity generation?

Remember we had lots of articles from butt-hurts over the decades that Chinese growth was false and look at where they are now.

All that matters at the end of the day is that infrastructure is being built in BD, living standards rising faster than inflation and the world is getting a positive image of BD as a tolerant country and fast growing economy.

Yes there are issues but the positives far outweigh the negatives.
So after all that, you take the opinion of two lonely voices as they fit into your narrative?

Trading volume does not lie and massive hike in minimum wages to nearly 100 US dollars a month also do not lie.
I suppose you will of course claim that AL is making up increase in electricity generation?

Remember we had lots of articles from butt-hurts over the decades that Chinese growth was false and look at where they are now.

All that matters at the end of the day is that infrastructure is being built in BD, living standards rising faster than inflation and the world is getting a positive image of BD as a tolerant country and fast growing economy.

Yes there are issues but the positives far outweigh the negatives.

Look "dude"...I get (and empathise) where you are coming from emotionally/psychologically. You have to hope that its all absolutely true (regardless of whether it actually is) because the plucky underdog story of BD (given its small size and overall insignificance to the world for quite a few generations now) has to continue somehow by any means...and if it means swallowing all that BAL-BBS feed you (while remaining GDDS and super high corruption and super-bad institutionally for foreseeable future)...you gotta swallow it, added sugar and all.

Its basically a religion for you...hope (as you perceive it some way) is a powerful thing after all....hard to let go of it and temper it (esp when you have let go of older established religions and need a quick fix to replace it somehow). I likely would be doing a lot of what you are doing if I was in your shoes too (I used to with India's case on many things....but now I have tempered it with reality....you are just at an earlier stage and stuck there as long as you choose).

Now doesn't mean that people like @bluesky , @Skies , @Tanveer666 , @Atlas , @Mage, @Al-zakir , @Al-Ansar and many others (however many you ignore or dismiss for whatever reason) here need to be doing the same...realities dawn on all of us in different ways, speeds and significance past the "numbers" that some politicians and their cronies put out for whatever reason and with whatever base credibility (that I leave for every individual to decide upon....one can never speak for everyone).

Heck I have gained some new respect for @Homo Sapiens now...given he is sticking to his promise that if the election is clearly rigged, he wont support this govt (he wanted a clean fair election and BAL to win by some reasonable majority by their economic platform).

But you, neptune, topcat and some others still pushing this unfettered claptrap of land of honey, milk and roses....and no dissent/questioning/challenge is allowed at all (and if it is presented there is some nefarious "axe to grind" agenda present in the person intrinsically). Sorry I do not care for that one bit....and reasonable BD people shouldn't either. Question/challenge EVERYTHING (human made) should be the default position....not accept (human created) things as some unquestionable deity or edifice of absolute truth....even "Mother of humanity" as neptune put it earlier. I find that quite a sickening, degenerate belief to have....and I do not wish permeation of such ideology on any nation of people....it only will bring long term ruin and destruction and nothing else.

@Joe Shearer @hellfire @padamchen @jamahir @django @Game.Invade @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @Oscar @waz @Arsalan @Major Sam @I.R.A @Desert Fox @Psychic @Metanoia @PaklovesTurkiye @VCheng @Hell hound @Slav Defence @Aung Zaya @GeraltofRivia @Indos @Marine Rouge
He is just one person and could potentially have some kind of axe to grind.

Let us look at what the likes of ADB think about BD:


Latest says 7.9% GDP growth this year and 7.5% next year - all indications are that BD will grow well in excess of 8% this year.

All major economic organisations apart from the one lone Harvard study are pretty much in agreement about the healthy future of BD economy at least up to 2030.

Remember people since 1971 have massively underestimated BD and thought it would be an eternal basket case.

It is an eternal basketcase which country in the world has one party getting 98-100 % votes ? It Happens in North Korea though.
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