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Pakistan to reopen closed Hindu temples

I think they should do it for some salvation of their own wicked souls, they wouldn't be doing a favor upon Muslims rather their own selves.

There is no doubt that Islam is the religion that God wants for its slaves. Being a Muslim gives us superiority over the Mushrikeen and as such, we should feel proud in demolishing houses of Satan where shirk is done and Hinduism is the filthiest since it's idolatry to bazillion idols.

But the opposite is happening sadly ie in China and India.
Lol. How convenient.
India has more Muslims than Pakistan, more mosques than Pakistan, Muslim superstars, Presidents, national cricket team captains. And suddenly because of a few Hindu temples being reopened, you said Pakistan is better than India in treating its minorities. I was just pointing the flaw in your argument, nothing else. I also appreciated the reopening of Hindu temples as a good gesture. Have you even once applauded India like I applauded Pakistan right now?

Read this article. This didn't even happen in India in the first place.


So basically the number of temples in Pakistan was not even in 100s till now. I'm stating facts. Don't get offended as I constantly see people getting offended when facts are presented to them.

Dude How Do You Expect Us To Applaud What You Did To Pehlu Khan??????

And As For Pakistan Most Hindu Temples Were Abandoned Not Destroyed

Sorry you are wrong.....

...Earlier, the All-Pakistan Hindu Rights Movement conducted a survey across the country and the result shocked everyone.

The survey found there were 428 Hindu temples at the time of Partition and 408 of them were turned into toy stores, restaurants, government offices and schools after 1990.

They Were Abandoned Land Mafia Grabbed Those Lands And Converted Them To Real Estate Commercialism Not Fanaticism

Religious harmony in Oman is even better than in the UAE. Here the Ibadis (Kharijites) majority population lives peacefully with the Sunni & Shia minority.

Admittedly, the total population of Oman is only about 2.5-million out of which roughly 75% are Ibadis, 7 to 8% Sunnis, 2 to 3% Shia with other religions making up the rest.

Ironic Considering Kharjis Were A Group Born Of Fanaticism

They accept that they enjoy more rights in India compared to Muslims anywhere in the world.


The first question which should be asked is "Why was that closed at all"? How many others are closed and destroyed?

They Were Abandoned So Some Vested Interests Took Advantage
Talk about 5lakh pundits. Why are you interested in one isolated example.

Yes talk about pundits

And expose the truth that no genocide of these pundits has ever happened

Only 200 odd pundits were killed as compared to hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir which was/is an actual genocide
Good job, religious tourism is much much better than other kinds of tourism.
Yes talk about pundits

And expose the truth that no genocide of these pundits has ever happened

Only 200 odd pundits were killed as compared to hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir

1) Figure 200 is false. 2) Killing 200 people may be "only " for you and not for us.
1) Figure 200 is false. 2) Killing 200 people may be "only " for you and not for us.

Even pundits themselves say at most 400 pundits were killed

Anyways genocide is a lie

Violence happened in an occupied territory in which thousands belonging to majority community died. Only 200 pundits also died. Big deal.
Interpretation of Islam varies, otherwise you wouldn't have the extremist religious groups like ISIS, TTP, Al AQaeda - conservative religious groups like the JUI, JI etc and scholars that claim Bear/Burqa/Hijab is mandatory vs Beard/Burq/Hijab is a choice.

There are no religious groups as Isis, TTP and AQ.

What ever came out of Pakistan's WoT with TTP and rest was that..... those were simply mercenaries paid and helped by axis of evil.
Asif Ali Zardari and network was one of the facilitators.
All those who went to street in order to have Zardari as president were engineers. There's a reason why Khan was once called Taliban Khan, this was the time when operation against TTP was under way. He surely did his bit to discredit the operation.

Isis was Arabic version of TTP, local players were used but master mind were same.

More dangerous is when main stream of nation become fanatic on religious grounds. Khadim Hussein Rizvi types are many.
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WOW india martyred the babri Masjid & in the compliment Pakistan reopening the temple great going...
A disgusting spectacle of religious fanaticism on both ends. If both sides remain intolerant to each other, it is impossible to recognise the face of real culprit. Keep it up bigots!
A disgusting spectacle of religious fanaticism on both ends. If both sides remain intolerant to each other, it is impossible to recognise the face of real culprit. Keep it up bigots!

and somehow both governments are counting upon these civilised human beings to behave in each other's countries on 'religious tourism'.

i wonder how more disconnected can governments be to their respected masses
Pakistan is fast becoming what it was meant to be. What it's founding father Muhammad Ali Jinnah wanted it to be. What our forefathers dreamt it to be. And what a state based on Islam and for Muslims is supposed to be. A state where every one is free to practice their beliefs and feels as secure and able as a Muslim.

Let's not bring our neighbors anymore to this, because there is really no comparison any more and we need to stop lowering our own standards by comparing ourselves with them.
Let them slowly go down the drain as they were always due to the dysfunctional societies and delusional mindsets they had been nurturing.

P.S: I will personally report and get any attempts at trolling and spreading negativity blocked here.
I don't think Pakistan will get there but it's a step in the right direction
With all due respect to our Pakistani Hindu community, the government has no business in rehabilitation of the places of worship of any faith. Let the respective communities raise funds for the up keep of these structures from their members.
Our treasury is virtually empty and the government goes around wasting money on opening up corridors and rehabilitation of this and that.
Messed up priorities.
With all due respect to our Pakistani Hindu community, the government has no business in rehabilitation of the places of worship of any faith. Let the respective communities raise funds for the up keep of these structures from their members.
Our treasury is virtually empty and the government goes around wasting money on opening up corridors and rehabilitation of this and that.
Messed up priorities.

I think first priority of Imran Khan should be to organize vaccine for dog bites and tax it.
This will be win win situation for all religions and Shabbar Zaidi.

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