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Pakistan Nuclear & Missile Project/Program and Capability ahead of Indias (US Report)

HOPEFULLY THIS WILL PUT THIS TO BED pakistani defense analysts tel US AGNI 5 goes to another level now over pakistan

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pervez [mush] crippled the program pakistan does not have any capability left --they are just waiitng to eliminate the scientistst hat were trained over 2 decades in order to elminate any chance of future regeneration of the program.....the infrastructure fo the country [railways etc] were destroyed the govt over the past years who were installed by pervez a&co.....a thousand curses of him and his supporters........
@Storm Force

If only you had focused on the on going discussion for the last 2 pages instead of using your Caps Lock key to emphasize your post, you had come to know that the idea is the operational deployment, not development, of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems. Everybody knows India has developed much more sophisticated weapons systems than Pakistan.

pervez [mush] crippled the program pakistan does not have any capability left --they are just waiitng to eliminate the scientistst hat were trained over 2 decades in order to elminate any chance of future regeneration of the program.....the infrastructure fo the country [railways etc] were destroyed the govt over the past years who were installed by pervez a&co.....a thousand curses of him and his supporters........

If it weren't for Ex-President Musharraf, Pakistan wouldn't possess the lethal nuclear strike capability that it does now.
He played a huge role in the assistance of development of Pakistan's Missile Program in every possible way. 6 out of 10 officially acknowledged nuclear delivery systems were developed and introduced during his tenure.

Kindly spew your hatred over some other deed of his.
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@Storm Force

If only you had focused on the on going discussion for the last 2 pages instead of using your Caps Lock key to emphasize your post, you had come to know that the idea is the operational deployment, not development, of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems. Everybody knows India has developed much more sophisticated weapons systems than Pakistan.

If it weren't for Ex-President Musharraf, Pakistan wouldn't possess the lethal nuclear strike capability that it does now.
He played a huge role in the assistance of development of Pakistan's Missile Program in every possible way. 6 out of 10 officially acknowledged nuclear delivery systems were developed and introduced during his tenure.

Kindly spew your hatred over some other deed of his.

these items are high maintenance ...no money-they are not usable after a short while---they govt that pervez was instrumental in installing has made a financial basket of the country----- as for the 6/10 items he is suposed to ahve done these things are long term and they were all in the plans before he came and he could not oppose them without exposing himself and setting off a revolt in the patriotic pakistani officials----it took him some years to eliminate their presence----
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these items are high maintenance ...no money-they are not usable after a short while---they govt that pervez was instrumental in installing has made a financial basket of the country----- as for the 6/10 items he is suposed to ahve done these things are long term and they were all in the plans before he came and he could not oppose them without exposing himself and setting off a revolt in the patriotic pakistani officials----it took him some years to eliminate their presence----

If you don't know about certain facts then don't randomly accuse because of shallow knowledge.
The Strategic Forces Commands receive enough budget to maintain their assets. Not only that, the degrading components are regularly re-lifed and upgraded too one in a while.
Only paperwork doesn't means they were in plans. Do not accuse baselessly.
If you don't know about certain facts then don't randomly accuse because of shallow knowledge.
The Strategic Forces Commands receive enough budget to maintain their assets. Not only that, the degrading components are regularly re-lifed and upgraded too one in a while.
Only paperwork doesn't means they were in plans. Do not accuse baselessly.

if you arfe bent on worshiping that reprobate then thats your problem....bye....
I'm saying that. As a matter of fact most ballistic missiles terminate boost phase much before reaching apogee.

I was not taking about boost phase... I was talking about the 2nd stage of Prithvi.. which is liquid.

Iskander is powered throughout the flight except for the terminal stage where it dives down and the EO seeker (in a variant) identifies the target.

As is Prithvi... Its liquid engine powers it all the way until it takes an almost vertical (80degree) dive on the target.

The stabilizing wings in Prithvi are meant to provide lift in the terminal stage, so that maneuvering is possible and more lateral distance is covered.

100-150km away is not terminal stage... It is mid course... in terminal stage it is almost a dive as I showed you in the photo.

The HTV-2's outer body is designed to sustain the high temperatures of hypersonic flight. Since the nose tip doesn't takes most of the heat as happens in most ballistic missiles, the whole body including wings must have heat shielding. Something which Prithvi doesn't have, and besides it has FOUR delta wings, which are designed for generating lift in atmosphere, not sustaining hypersonic velocities. It would be a disaster to make it travel at Mach 5.

Neither do the scramjet missiles have those heat shield... other than that they also have smaller wings like Prithvi.



May be you could explain the disaster to them since they are testing them at velocities way beyond mach 5 and plan it to make it about or more than double of that.

Stop making baseless and ridiculous claims.


Oh...so ummm why not just replace the liquid fuel motor with a solid fuel one and maintain the supreme hypersonic quasi-ballistic-with-four-delta-wings design?

Dimentions... Flight performance... SLBM capability to name a few... I cannot explain all that in a day... you should see the K-4 dimension to note the similarity it shares.

Not accepting, eh? Dude, if there were more failures, why not disclose them all by saying it failed all tests?
The guy pointed out the exact tests, thats it. MOVE ON!

The guy said the missile was a failure and it failed so bad that it was to be exported back... even the latest attempt to make it successful failed again with Shaheen guidance... I don't know which nation other than Pakistan and NK keeps failed Ballistic missile mounted with Nuclear warheads as a strategic deterrence.

You mean BR, right? :disagree:

BR din't post about failed Ghauri missile... get some life.

Here in Pakistan we have the ISI-syndrome, most people who know the technical (but not harmful) details abstain from sharing it.

For busting PR.. yes.

Ummm why would anybody want an Agni-III motor for a Agni-II payload? Get over it, the solid fuel motors are meeting current requirements...when the need arises, more efficient ones will be developed.
As a matter of fact they already are being developed, as in Shaheen-IA.

Shaheen-1A which is almost the same as Shaheen I.... yes it might be one hell of a motor :tup:

And by the way that chromium coating does not creates vaccum, it creates a less dense medium so that the air does not come directly in contact with the ReV.

And both serve the purpose... isn't it ?

I know, but the methods are quite difficult, not easily achievable by India.
No modern missile system depends entirely on one guidance system. IMU (INS), Satellite Navigation, Stellar Guidance (for > IRBMs) , DSMAC/TERCOM (in case of cruise missiles) all work in coherence.

I thought Iran could have such devices.. and down American UAV... even NK.
North Korean jamming of GPS shows system's weakness - Washington Times
What are you talking here... Indian direct energy weapons can electronically fry the satellites in their orbits... and you are still struck in GPS jamming.:woot:
You specifically mentioned GPS hence... the accuracy is again crap without GPS.

People like you claimed the same stuff just a few years before from those developments, but they were surprised. Of course now it seems all "we-expected-it" stuff.

First, nobody on the internet know the number of Shaheen-II missiles. Although you could ask your BR guys how many 6-axle TELs they have seen on GE.
Second, Shaheen-II had probably the best record of test flights, thats why after 4 years and 6 flights, it was made operational.

Thats the problem with you guys... I have some actual data on few of of the Shaheen 2 tests... which were monitored by our radars.... but who can explain that to you people.. according to your logic Ghauri was a more successful missile since it made it out 13 out of 13 times until some one comes out and says the truth.

Bhai meray Pakistan has 6 other ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons besides Ghauri. Thodi unhain bhi suna dijiye.

I was talking about Bragging you see.

The 8 minutes claim is for after the launch has occurred. The launch preparations last for hours, even for solid-fueled missiles.
Reliability doubts are one thing, they don't change facts.

The reaction time counts in the preparation time fort launch... even the communication time is considered... in a war the enemy won't wait for you to fuel up the missile and erect it on the launch pad.

Ah, the "authentic" Internet sources...anyways if its all about the internet sources, then I'm out of this discussion.

You wouldn't even count the outside sources If I start revealing some.. Its better not told.
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I was not taking about boost phase... I was talking about the 2nd stage of Prithvi.. which is liquid.
Oh God :disagree:
Indian media misreported the stage number. It is the first which is liquid fueled, and the second which is solid fueled. At least read up on your own missiles.

As is Prithvi... Its liquid engine powers it all the way until it takes an almost vertical (80degree) dive on the target.

May I ask from where you are sourcing this "information"?
First, you guys say Prithvi-II has two stages, with the latter being a smaller solid-fueled one to increase range. And then you come up with this weird logic, that it remains powered throughout the flight. :hitwall:

I'm done.

100-150km away is not terminal stage... It is mid course... in terminal stage it is almost a dive as I showed you in the photo.

It isn't about the distance. For BMs, re-entry into the atmosphere begins the terminal stage.

Neither do the scramjet missiles have those heat shield... other than that they also have smaller wings like Prithvi.

May be you could explain the disaster to them since they are testing them at velocities way beyond mach 5 and plan it to make it about or more than double of that.

They don't need one, because the nose takes most of the heat! Besides, as we read about K-15, it performs roll maneuvers to dissipate heat.
SMALLER wings? Do those wings on Prithvi look anything like small?

God, why are you so stubborn? Or is this an attempt to force me to troll?

Dimentions... Flight performance... SLBM capability to name a few... I cannot explain all that in a day... you should see the K-4 dimension to note the similarity it shares.

Exactly. Dimensions and flight performance, Prithvi doesn't do good in both.

The guy said the missile was a failure and it failed so bad that it was to be exported back... even the latest attempt to make it successful failed again with Shaheen guidance... I don't know which nation other than Pakistan and NK keeps failed Ballistic missile mounted with Nuclear warheads as a strategic deterrence.

I know what he said.
The failure was not because of guidance, let me tell you that.
They keep them because they ultimately become successful, savvy?

BR din't post about failed Ghauri missile... get some life.
Oh no I meant the we-have-the-best-weapons stuff. :P

For busting PR.. yes.

Nope, for sharing the technical stuff. But you wouldn't know that, cause you don't live here.

Shaheen-1A which is almost the same as Shaheen I.... yes it might be one hell of a motor

I think Agni-4 also looks "almost same" like Agni-2, right?
Get over it, just because DRDO flushes the media with technical terms, doesn't means that Pakistan doesn't develop anything highly technical.
Shaheen-IA has a range of 300km greater than Shaheen-I, and it has been designed as a replacement to both Shaheen-I and Ghauri. May be we'll get to know more details shortly.

And both serve the purpose... isn't it ?

They do, I was pointing out the exact thing.

I thought Iran could have such devices.. and down American UAV... even NK.
North Korean jamming of GPS shows system's weakness - Washington Times
What are you talking here... Indian direct energy weapons can electronically fry the satellites in their orbits... and you are still struck in GPS jamming.
You specifically mentioned GPS hence... the accuracy is again crap without GPS.

I didn't know about that. Thanks for informing.
However, as I mentioned, Ballistic and Cruise missiles use auxiliary guidance systems, and the main guidance is provided by INS. So GPS does nothing but decrease CEP from 300 m to 10-15m, which isn't of much use in case of a nuclear strike anyway.

What Directed energy weapons are you talking about? That lab weapon KALI?? :cheesy:

Thats the problem with you guys... I have some actual data on few of of the Shaheen 2 tests... which were monitored by our radars.... but who can explain that to you people.. according to your logic Ghauri was a more successful missile since it made it out 13 out of 13 times until some one comes out and says the truth.

Why not share that data with us? :woot:
No, I never said all Pakistani missile tests were successes. I know others too which were failures, I've been telling that here every once in a while.

You wouldn't even count the outside sources If I start revealing some.. Its better not told.
Yeah, spare me anyways. :rolleyes:
Pakistan surges well ahead of India in missile technology

NEW DELHI, Feb 2 (APP): Pakistan has surged well ahead of India in missile technology as there is only short‑range Prithivi missile which is 100% operational as of now. “Times of India” in its report quoting defence sources said though the 700‑km Agni‑I and 2,000‑km‑plus Agni‑II ballistic missiles are being “inducted” into the armed forces, but it will take time for them to become fully operational.

The Indian forces are still in the process of conducting “training trials” of Agni‑I and Agni‑II to give them the requisite capabilities to fire them on their own.

The Agni‑III, tested successfully only twice in April 2007 and May 2008, will not be ready for induction in the armed forces before 2012.

The design work on Agni‑V, with 5,000‑km range is also in progress.

“We should be ready to test Agni‑V by 2010‑2011,” the daily quoting an official said.

India’s missile report card is rather dismal at present, an expert said and added the strategic missile needs to be tested 10 to 15 times, over a variety of flight envelopes and targets, before it can be said to be fully‑operational. A missile cannot be dubbed ready just after three to four tests, he said.

The daily said the Indian Army has placed orders worth Rs 1,500 crore for 75 Prithvi‑I and 62 Prithvi‑II missiles, while IAF wants 63 Prithvi‑II missiles for over Rs 900 crore.

The Indian navy has ordered Dhanush missiles, the naval version of Prithvi, with a 350 km strike range, for its “dual‑tasked” warships, INS Subhadra and INS Suvarna.
Pakistan surges well ahead of India in missile technology

NEW DELHI, Feb 2 (APP): Pakistan has surged well ahead of India in missile technology as there is only short‑range Prithivi missile which is 100% operational as of now. “Times of India” in its report quoting defence sources said though the 700‑km Agni‑I and 2,000‑km‑plus Agni‑II ballistic missiles are being “inducted” into the armed forces, but it will take time for them to become fully operational.

The Indian forces are still in the process of conducting “training trials” of Agni‑I and Agni‑II to give them the requisite capabilities to fire them on their own.

The Agni‑III, tested successfully only twice in April 2007 and May 2008, will not be ready for induction in the armed forces before 2012.

The design work on Agni‑V, with 5,000‑km range is also in progress.

“We should be ready to test Agni‑V by 2010‑2011,” the daily quoting an official said.

India’s missile report card is rather dismal at present, an expert said and added the strategic missile needs to be tested 10 to 15 times, over a variety of flight envelopes and targets, before it can be said to be fully‑operational. A missile cannot be dubbed ready just after three to four tests, he said.

The daily said the Indian Army has placed orders worth Rs 1,500 crore for 75 Prithvi‑I and 62 Prithvi‑II missiles, while IAF wants 63 Prithvi‑II missiles for over Rs 900 crore.

The Indian navy has ordered Dhanush missiles, the naval version of Prithvi, with a 350 km strike range, for its “dual‑tasked” warships, INS Subhadra and INS Suvarna.
I suspected you to be the one opening all the year's old thread.
And please do post half a decade old article as reference. That do seem like a credible benchmark.
Pakistan surges well ahead of India in missile technology

NEW DELHI, Feb 2 (APP): Pakistan has surged well ahead of India in missile technology as there is only short‑range Prithivi missile which is 100% operational as of now. “Times of India” in its report quoting defence sources said though the 700‑km Agni‑I and 2,000‑km‑plus Agni‑II ballistic missiles are being “inducted” into the armed forces, but it will take time for them to become fully operational.

The Indian forces are still in the process of conducting “training trials” of Agni‑I and Agni‑II to give them the requisite capabilities to fire them on their own.

The Agni‑III, tested successfully only twice in April 2007 and May 2008, will not be ready for induction in the armed forces before 2012.

The design work on Agni‑V, with 5,000‑km range is also in progress.

“We should be ready to test Agni‑V by 2010‑2011,” the daily quoting an official said.

India’s missile report card is rather dismal at present, an expert said and added the strategic missile needs to be tested 10 to 15 times, over a variety of flight envelopes and targets, before it can be said to be fully‑operational. A missile cannot be dubbed ready just after three to four tests, he said.

The daily said the Indian Army has placed orders worth Rs 1,500 crore for 75 Prithvi‑I and 62 Prithvi‑II missiles, while IAF wants 63 Prithvi‑II missiles for over Rs 900 crore.

The Indian navy has ordered Dhanush missiles, the naval version of Prithvi, with a 350 km strike range, for its “dual‑tasked” warships, INS Subhadra and INS Suvarna.

fool,even Agni III is in service.Pakistan ahead ? what a joke ?

You are posting a nearly 6 year old link ?

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