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Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

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The clergy and the "jihadi brigade" which had absolutely no role in the creation of Pakistan has hijacked the national ideology, spreads hatred and intolerance throughout the country, promotes xenophobia and harassment of minorities and is responsible for the creation of the extremist mentality alongwith the second player which also had nothing to do with the creation of Pakistan, the military.

As usual the whole criticism is on co-education, general lack of "morality" and the need for purdah. If a person believes that purdah is necessary and compulsory, he shouldn't have been looking at the na-mahram women crossing the street and he should have observed the "purdah" of his eyes. But as we know, most people use this as a tool of female subjugation and maintaining the status quo where they suppress women rights. This is not a debate on how Islam provides women rights, this is about how the mullah, everyday MCP and hypocritical man uses religion to justify oppression of women for them women are nothing more than personal properties.

Today they talk about banning co-education. Tomorrow it will be about banning biology for children need not be taught about "vulgar" things and teaching evolution, then it will be about banning social sciences and arts because they too "corrupt" the minds. The single most important aim is to get rid of education so that they can have more zombies to train for their "jihaidi missions" and pave their way to power.
Today they talk about banning co-education. Tomorrow it will be about banning biology for children need not be taught about "vulgar" things and teaching evolution

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
when did i said that?

boys are harassing girls not vice versa but still blame girls why?

it seems boys think from their 'tool'
Was not talking to you.Anyway, the answer to your question is our society is full of perverts.The molvis with big beards have 6-8 kids (not because they wanted kids but because they could not resist sex and condom is haram!) (some even have more then 1 wife as its halal in islam and they justify it very proudly).
We must commend PAkistani Weapon for living under such conditions without complaining.I think Pakistani women are great - Can you expect a wetern women to raise their children the way Pakistani Women do?Pakistani Women look after their children when even they are young enough.
i didnt questioned the validity of any religion & theists, the kind of Islam we follow in our Pakistan is known to every one so stop ranting this is in Islam

And where was i "ranting" that subjugating women is allowed in Islam?

i just simply defined the hypocrisy of theists in dealing with women e.g. the logic you gave for perversion is that 'girls get harassed in co-ed institutes' so just eliminate the co-ed

that too and also what the article i posted points out:

"In fact, the increasing achievement level of female students has been attributed to the increase in single-sex classes. Single-sex classes along with a female teacher, provides a positive role model for the students, not only in traditionally female-dominated subjects like humanities, but also in subjects like science and engineering. The latter subjects, which were traditionally considered as ‘male domains,’ are now being characterized by increasing female achievement levels. Single-sex classes increase the confidence of female student, according to this interpretation, and results in a more positive attitude to science and technology subjects."

you are yourself proving wrong the word of JuD chief who is indirectly defining women as property of men

Anyone who says a women is a property of men or vice versa is wrong, however a wife and Husband do have duties towards each other that they must fulfill.
Was not talking to you.Anyway, the answer to your question is our society is full of perverts.The molvis with big beards have 6-8 kids (no because they wanted kids but because they could not resist sex and condom is haram!) (some even have more then 1 wife as its halal in islam and they justify it very proudly).

On spot man! :lol:
when did i said that?

boys are harassing girls not vice versa but still blame girls why?

it seems boys think from their 'tool'


Very well said - Guru jee :rofl:

Single-sex classes increase the confidence of female student, according to this interpretation

That's an absurd assumption, i have never seen that in reality. There is hell lot of difference between co-edu girls in my univ and those who came from single sex institutions.
And where was i "ranting" that subjugating women is allowed in Islam?

by ranting i mean the theist preaching which are preached on paper only, tell me where in the IRP are we having equal rights?

that too and also what the article i posted points out:

"In fact, the increasing achievement level of female students has been attributed to the increase in single-sex classes. Single-sex classes along with a female teacher, provides a positive role model for the students, not only in traditionally female-dominated subjects like humanities, but also in subjects like science and engineering. The latter subjects, which were traditionally considered as ‘male domains,’ are now being characterized by increasing female achievement levels. Single-sex classes increase the confidence of female student, according to this interpretation, and results in a more positive attitude to science and technology subjects."

did u read what i said before, this behavior in females is because of the fact that from their birth they are told that they are inferior, why is that this dominant behavior is in boys but not girls? ever thought about it?
single sex classes increase the confidence level only because girls know there aint some lusty eyes looking at them & they don't have a fear of insecurity & you all know why this sense of insecurity develops , I have been studying in co-ed since first grade plus i am engineering student nothing happened to me, nor did i developed any inferiority complex coz my sex , its all about what females are told about their very existence

Anyone who says a women is a property of men or vice versa is wrong, however a wife and Husband do have duties towards each other that they must fulfill.

aint going into husband wife thing, i am too young to talk about it but its a fact that all theists see women from a sexual angle only
Define pardha first







Which is more piratical ?
that too and also what the article i posted points out:

"In fact, the increasing achievement level of female students has been attributed to the increase in single-sex classes. Single-sex classes along with a female teacher, provides a positive role model for the students, not only in traditionally female-dominated subjects like humanities, but also in subjects like science and engineering. The latter subjects, which were traditionally considered as ‘male domains,’ are now being characterized by increasing female achievement levels. Single-sex classes increase the confidence of female student, according to this interpretation, and results in a more positive attitude to science and technology subjects."

I am seriously not in a mood to discuss the effects of single sex education on educational achievement but I definitely have to jump in.

Before reading any report on this regard, keep in mind that most studies have been done in countries where females have a far higher social freedom available to them than ours and females aren't restricted from getting education beyond a certain grade because the mullah said so. Gender disparity should be kept in mind while reading the studies.

Now, an executive summary:-

This study examined the effects of single-sex and coeducational schooling on the gender gap in educational achievement to age 25. Data were drawn from the Christchurch Health and Development Study, a longitudinal study of a birth cohort of 1265 individuals born in 1977 in Christchurch, New Zealand. After adjustment for a series of covariates related to school choice, there were significant differences between single-sex and coeducational schools in the size and direction of the gender gap. At coeducational schools, there was a statistically significant gap favouring females, while at single-sex schools there was a non-significant gap favouring males. This pattern was apparent for educational achievement both at high school and in tertiary education. These results indicate that single-sex schooling may mitigate male disadvantages in educational achievement.

Gibb S, Fergusson D, Horwood L. Effects of single-sex and coeducational schooling on the gender gap in educational achievement. Australian Journal of Education [serial online]. November 2008;52(3):301-317. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed May 15, 2010.

Just another report supporting the other side of the argument.

Most definitely there are conflicting reports on this issue. Some weigh the social factors to be far too important to segregate classes. Moreover, it is economically unfeasible to establish segregated schools in far flung areas where populations are small. And we most definitely know that the mullah brigade does not use or is known to have read about the impact of segregation on educational attainment, their sole reasons are known to us.

That's an absurd assumption, i have never seen that in reality. There is hell lot of difference between co-edu girls in my univ and those who came from single sex institutions.

This has been proven beyond debate in studies. Self-regard and confidence are known to be higher in females from segregated education. I can link paper accordingly if you want.
You can be raped and then thrown in jail for adultery.You can be beaten in to staying within the confines of your home because doing otherwise would bring dishonour to your family.You are likely to be murdered just because you choose to marry of your own free will.. You are likely to be subjected to sexual harassment every time you try to earn a living or take a trip to the store.(I am sure most of members here in Pakistan have observed this as well) You are going to make less money than your male co-workers even though you're better qualified.You are going to be stopped from wearing clothes of your choice and people will think you're slut if you wear jeans.This applies to women only though.Men have full freedom!They're beacon of Pakistan.
Women Rights Pakistan
Honestly we're so backward.We're thinking about stripping women of their rights but we can't build a single damn in 10 years.We're screwed.
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