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Libya's Khalifa Haftar orders forces to attack Turkish ships, interests

Libya was the most prosperous nation in Africa before the 2011 invasion by foreign powers. They were part of the 7 Muslim nations that were planned to be invaded according to Wesley Clark (former NATO Supreme Commander).

Today, there is no unified authority that controls the country and they've been manipulated from all angles. Foreign powers are also sucking the Libyan resources. It is indeed very sad to see the current fate of once the most prosperous nation in Africa.

This is why it is very important for Muslim and non-Muslim nations not fall for the bogus "democracy" and "freedom" that is propagated from certain angles. Stability is far better than chaos and anarchy. And insha'Allah, Libyans will find a way out of this mayhem. It is better they support the current govt.
Sorry.. I do agree that Libyans will find their own optimal solution, but not with this "Muslim Brotherhood"-like Government.. and BTW, Libya was the most prosperous nation in Africa because it had 2 million population and huge Oil revenues, nothing more, nothing less!

To answer your points:

1. The working majority of the House of Representatives is in Tripoli and endorses the GNA as per the Skhirat agreement. The retired interim speaker does not, but he has no claim to the title as his mandate has passed.

2. El Sissi's cynical uses for his inability to stifle terrorism at home has been used to support Haftar. Speak for counterterrorism fully knowing that more than 40 children were killed in an Egyptian airstrike in Derna, for no other crime than to resist a warlord.

3. They had apprehended the terrorist for years, and even had him while cooperating with ISIS in bringing them from Eastern Libya to Sirte. They only handed him in recently.

4. He lost the oil crescent as soon as air strikes were suspended, twice. Haftar without his backers is nothing.

5. The Egyptian government are fools to support such a warlord in hopes of getting a friend in power. Libya will turn into a boiling cauldron of hell and destruction and that will spread, if it descends into the rule of this warlord. And with it, Egypt will die. Haftar cannot even stem the flows of weapons across the border, and he cannot take even a small town like Derna without the direct intervention of the Egyptian military, razing the city to the ground.

Wallahi, I thought we were brothers. But as it turns out, when both were beaten by a stick, only one had the gall to beat their oppressor right back. The other will stay defeated, oppressed, scared, a coward.
Are you an MB affiliate? just be honest..
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Sorry.. I do a agree that Libyans will find their own optimal solution, but not with this "Muslim Brotherhood"-like Government.. and BTW, Libya was the most prosperous nation in Africa because it had 2 million population and huge Oil revenues, nothing more, nothing less!

Muslim Brotherhood are Muslims and Libya is a Muslim nation; therefore, as long as they're Libyans, they have every right to run their country, and others have no business of undermining the internationally recognized government in Libya.

It is written by some guy working for Gulf Arab regimes who is just bashing the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). The least I know MB is they're mostly for social services and helping the poor. They contested an election in Egypt through peaceful means and won. The military later on overthrew them.

Besides, countries that support or work with ISIS and AL-Qaeda bloodletting, psychophaths shouldn't be pointing their fingers at MB. At least MB members don't blow up innocent men, women, and children. MB doesn't also create sectarian wars in the Muslim world. Lastly, MB established or run one of the most prestigious Muslim institutions such as Al-Azhar university.
It is written by some guy working for Gulf Arab regimes who is just bashing the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). The least I know MB is they're mostly for social services and helping the poor. They contested an election in Egypt through peaceful means and won. The military later on overthrew them.

Besides, countries that support or work with ISIS and AL-Qaeda bloodletting, psychophaths shouldn't be pointing their fingers at MB. At least MB members don't blow up innocent men, women, and children. MB doesn't also create sectarian wars in the Muslim world. Lastly, MB established or run one of the most prestigious Muslim institutions such as Al-Azhar university.
Some articles and facts on the net point to MB being the mother of all those terrorist organizations you are mentioning.. and besides that.. as you have said; MB being mostly known for social services and helping the poor should not have gone into politics which they don't know much about its intricacies.. or was that their hidden agenda all along, as it has been proven in many Arab countries!?
Some articles and facts on the net point to MB being the mother of all those terrorist organizations you are mentioning.. and besides that.. as you have said; MB being mostly known for social services and helping the poor should not have gone into politics which they don't know much about its intricacies.. or was that their hidden agenda all along, as it has been proven in many Arab countries!?

Well, the Egyptian people voted for MB into office until the powers that be decided that the MB President of Egypt Muhammad Morsi (Rahimahullah) wasn't following their agenda to suffocate Gaza and fracture Egypt. So at the end, we shouldn't discount the choice of the Egyptian people who expressed their wish to elect their president. Unfortunately, the Egyptian military was used to deny the Egyptian people from having their choice respected.

That being sad, MB being a social services organization was a good thing for the Egyptian poor, as they provided functions that state didn't.

With respect to the other organizations, many of them started out as groups with legitimate grievances against the governments in the region and also the fate of Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East and across the world. They were then infiltrated by the secret services of certain powers directly or indirectly, their agenda hijacked, and many of their leaders killed. The organizations that you see today aren't what they were originally.
Well, the Egyptian people voted for MB into office until the powers that be decided that the MB President of Egypt Muhammad Morsi (Rahimahullah) wasn't following their agenda to suffocate Gaza and fracture Egypt. So at the end, we shouldn't discount the choice of the Egyptian people who expressed their wish to elect their president. Unfortunately, the Egyptian military was used to deny the Egyptian people from having their choice respected.

That being sad, MB being a social services organization was a good thing for the Egyptian poor, as they provided functions that state didn't.

With respect to the other organizations, many of them started out as groups with legitimate grievances against the governments in the region and also the fate of Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East and across the world. They were then infiltrated by the secret services of certain powers directly or indirectly, their agenda hijacked, and many of their leaders killed. The organizations that you see today aren't what they were originally.

Muslim Brotherhood had lots of splinter groups which in turn became terrorist groups.

MB is not be blamed these were just individuals who were angry with MB or took matters into their own hands also many were pawns.

Armed Islamic group of Algeria worst of all khariji groups were supported by Algerian intelligence hence why they were able commit so much massacres.
Well, the Egyptian people voted for MB into office until the powers that be decided that the MB President of Egypt Muhammad Morsi (Rahimahullah) wasn't following their agenda to suffocate Gaza and fracture Egypt. So at the end, we shouldn't discount the choice of the Egyptian people who expressed their wish to elect their president. Unfortunately, the Egyptian military was used to deny the Egyptian people from having their choice respected.

That being sad, MB being a social services organization was a good thing for the Egyptian poor, as they provided functions that state didn't.

With respect to the other organizations, many of them started out as groups with legitimate grievances against the governments in the region and also the fate of Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East and across the world. They were then infiltrated by the secret services of certain powers directly or indirectly, their agenda hijacked, and many of their leaders killed. The organizations that you see today aren't what they were originally.
I agree with your last paragraph.. but MB were elected out of the Egyptian's frustration with Mubarak staying there fo over 30 years.. there was no other choice then MB..and once they got there, they were agreeing to giving parts of Sinai to Palestinians, which means to Usrael in reality.. that is for one, the second part is that they got violent by attacking prisons and killing policemen in their attempts to liberate their prisoners, defying the Justice system and violently at that, third, they started relations with Iran and opening the doors to Egyptian highly guarded military secrets.. I can go on and on with their mischiefs in less than a year of governance.. but I think enough said for those who seek the truth..
I agree with your last paragraph.. but MB were elected out of the Egyptian's frustration with Mubarak staying there fo over 30 years.. there was no other choice then MB..and once they got there, they were agreeing to giving parts of Sinai to Palestinians, which means to Usrael in reality.. that is for one, the second part is that they got violent by attacking prisons and killing policemen in their attempts to liberate their prisoners, defying the Justice system and violently at that, third, they started relations with Iran and opening the doors to Egyptian highly guarded military secrets.. I can go on and on with their mischiefs in less than a year of governance.. but I think enough said for those who seek the truth..

I have never seen an evidence where MB agreed to handover Sinai to beleaguered Palestinians in Gaza even though there are no differences between Gazans and the folks who live in Sinai. They're the virtually the same people. My understanding is the Morsi-led govt wasn't following the script to suffocate Gazans, and he was overthrown as a result of that. And after he was overthrown, every tunnel between Gaza and Sinai on the Egyptian side was destroyed. With respect to MB's relationship with Iran, how is that even an issue when some of the countries in the region have direct and indirect relationship with Israel. If one is not sectarian, he (or she) would see Iran as a fellow Muslim nation.
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I have never seen an evidence where MB agreed to handover Sinai to beleaguered Palestinians in Gaza even though there are no differences between Gazans and the folks who live in Sinai. They're the virtually the same people. My understanding is the Morsi-led govt wasn't following the script to suffocate Gazans, and he was overthrown as a result of that. And after he was overthrown, every tunnel between Gaza and Sinai on the Egyptian side was destroyed. With respect to MB's relationship with Iran, how is that even an issue when some of the countries in the region have direct and indirect relationship with Israel. If one is not sectarian, he (or she) would see Iran as a fellow Muslim nation.
The border was temporarily closed because of terrorism in Sinai.. it was and still open now.. I hope you know who supports Hamas in Gaza.... and now you can see Egypt intervening everytime that there is internal Palestinian conflict or an armed conflict with Usrael..Egypt is thus playing a positive role for Palestinians..giving them a peace of land won't solve the two state solution.. it means that Usrael will again take hold of that peace of land under any alibi..

Morsi approved granting piece of Sinai to resettle Palestinians there: Abbas


The Root of Egypt's Coup: Morsi Giving Free Hand to Sinai Islamists

The Root of Egypt's Coup: Morsi Giving Free Hand to Sinai Islamists

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