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Libya's Khalifa Haftar orders forces to attack Turkish ships, interests

Israel is at its Zenith right

and whats wrong with that? because you have had wars with them or what is here the problem? because they exists in ME? than what do you expect from us? you are angry that they took that soil? and thats why we turks should go with you? why dont you go with israel? thats the same logic, because for us you did the same and now playing here the drama queen.. so if it is a "no go" to have relations with israel or trade with them than the same should have been applied to you guys... if we would have been alike you and your logic..

but you see turkey does not do anything of that nor to israel nor to the arabs.. because there is no reason for it..

Man you don't need to reaction about any posts I write.
Its my right to react to whatever post i want to react to and i chose to exert that right.

it was just a dialogue with khafee
THen do it in private because you want to talk about me in public and i have to ignore that? Go sit down. And since you ignored my post, i will assume i was right.
Atatürk surrendered 70000 turk soldiers to the British in jerusalem. I am sure Erdogan can do better in libya
Its my right to react to whatever post i want to react to and i chose to exert that right.

THen do it in private because you want to talk about me in public and i have to ignore that? Go sit down. And since you ignored my post, i will assume i was right.
Pdf have not private
I think that their overall plans are not really succeeding. They had planned much more, but things didn't quite go as planned. They are working for a specific aim - Greater Israel - or so I believe. North Africa is a key part of that plan as it would allow Greater Israel to control trade and be a power - they have even built a highway from Morocco to Israel. If they can gain control of this highway, they will be in a strong position. Similarly, it is in their interest to turn the Muslim world into a collection of failed states that can be usurped over time.

Again, their plans haven't quite succeeded. That people like Erdogan live and are in power, that people like Imran Khan and Mahatir are alive and in power, that Pakistan has become a significant military power, as has Turkey, all foil their plans.

That Idlib and parts of northern Syria is outside their control despite so much investment on their part, that Afghanistan is about to return to Taliban rule... all this again foils their plans. That Pakistan can stand up to India... foils their plans. The CPEC stops them dead on their tracks. Pak, at the rate it is recovering and expanding militarily, will be even more powerful in as little as 5 more years. With Taliban protecting Pak from behind, Pak's military might will be on par with any power in the region, including India.

There is much more that could be done... the first part is to understand the great game being played, then it is to take strategic moves in Pak's self interests.
Any sources?
Libya was the most prosperous nation in Africa before the 2011 invasion by foreign powers. They were part of the 7 Muslim nations that were planned to be invaded according to Wesley Clark (former NATO Supreme Commander).

Today, there is no unified authority that controls the country and they've been manipulated from all angles. Foreign powers are also sucking the Libyan resources. It is indeed very sad to see the current fate of once the most prosperous nation in Africa.

This is why it is very important for Muslim and non-Muslim nations not fall for the bogus "democracy" and "freedom" that is propagated from certain angles. Stability is far better than chaos and anarchy. And insha'Allah, Libyans will find a way out of this mayhem. It is better they support the current govt.
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Any sources?
You can see it in google maps - entire north african coast is connected. I actually new about it while the projects were still being completed back in 2010 - from a former US soldier who converted to Islam and married an Algerian.
You can see it in google maps - entire north african coast is connected. I actually new about it while the projects were still being completed back in 2010 - from a former US soldier who converted to Islam and married an Algerian.
That is true, but What about your claim that it is connected to Usrael?
That is true, but What about your claim that it is connected to Usrael?

It will allow them to rapidly take over North Africa and strategically control a good part of the world. When these projects were going on, the kind of interest shown and sources of funding was indicative that this was the purpose. Or so my source that I mentioned, said.
Mate, not even the Parliament supports Haftar. he even bombed their building after they convened in Tripoli. Haftar is nothing but a French, Egyptian and Emirati puppet.

When they said that they will target Turkish nationals, they shut down a Libyan-owned Shawarma place in Benghazi, destroyed Turkish makeup products, shut down a Libyan clothes store in Ajdabiya and arrested six pensioners with a Turkish nationality. When Turkey promised 'real consequences', they were swiftly released.

It is sad to see you support what is essentially a pogrom organised by a mafia full of genuine extremists.


As you know most of commentators here don’t know any thing about Libya except their support to Tripoli Government because Turkey Supported it .

So things have to be clear .... the Parliament is in Tobruk dear and the Tripoli govnt didn’t Swear the oath in front of it to get it’s legitimacy...(don’t forget that ).

And also be clear about the Terrorists attacks in Egypt across the Libyan boarders including slaughtering about 20 Egyptians in Libya, attacks on Cairo Security administration/Dakahlia Security administration and killing the Egyptian attorney general ..... all these attacks came from Libya before the assembly of the Libyan army and before Haftar.

Then he controlled east Libya and the oil crescent and lately delivered the number 1 wanted terrorist in Egypt, delivered him to Egypt ...... after all of that you don’t want me to support him.

The Egyptian Government will be fool if they stopped supporting the Libyan Army that control Smuggling terrorists across the Egyptian boarders.
Haftar may unite Gaddafy and bring peace to the nation but the peace he will bring will just a temporary one. The weakness of having a strong person on a country is when the succession time must come due to the leader being old or death. There is no clear succession system in place in this kind of government. Thus, this type of government is really fragile and not ideal and modern. And dont forget that Libyan people also want to have freedom and democracy, having another Gaddafy will be a betrayal of libyan revolution movement some years ago that has toppled Gaddafy.

GNA is the only faction in Libya that has legitimacy and backed by UN. I dont think Europeans prefer Haftar since Haftar is just another warlord who has anti democracy agenda. On the other hand, GNA must learn from the mistake of other Arab revolutionary movement and must set up a true democratic government in their controlled area. It will further strengthen their credibility.

GNA has also proven to be able to expel back Haftar forces recently. I think if Turkey and Qatar back GNA in full force, it can unite Libya and bring peace and stability to Libya. The situation in Libya is also important for all the Arab nations fate. If democracy prevail in Libya and bring stability there, it will add another success story of Arab Spring after Tunisia that in the end will lead to more democratization of Arab nations.

I think my guess may be right. GNA in Tripoli is just a bargain chip to counter balance LNA.


I am thinking maybe GNA is just a bargain chip to counter balance LNA. GNA is easier to be manipulated due to their weak position currently.

If Haftar become another Gaddafy, he will seek Russia, China, Turkey, UAE, Egypt and western countries' support for his own interest and stability. If Haftar can consolidate his political and military base, he may be able to end the civil war. And the oil companies are eager to have a share of the pie.

I think Haftar has more leverage than GNA on negotiation with US and Europeans.

As you know most of commentators here don’t know any thing about Libya except their support to Tripoli Government because Turkey Supported it .

So things have to be clear .... the Parliament is in Tobruk dear and the Tripoli govnt didn’t Swear the oath in front of it to get it’s legitimacy...(don’t forget that ).

And also be clear about the Terrorists attacks in Egypt across the Libyan boarders including slaughtering about 20 Egyptians in Libya, attacks on Cairo Security administration/Dakahlia Security administration and killing the Egyptian attorney general ..... all these attacks came from Libya before the assembly of the Libyan army and before Haftar.

Then he controlled east Libya and the oil crescent and lately delivered the number 1 wanted terrorist in Egypt, delivered him to Egypt ...... after all of that you don’t want me to support him.

The Egyptian Government will be fool if they stopped supporting the Libyan Army that control Smuggling terrorists across the Egyptian boarders.
To answer your points:

1. The working majority of the House of Representatives is in Tripoli and endorses the GNA as per the Skhirat agreement. The retired interim speaker does not, but he has no claim to the title as his mandate has passed.

2. El Sissi's cynical uses for his inability to stifle terrorism at home has been used to support Haftar. Speak for counterterrorism fully knowing that more than 40 children were killed in an Egyptian airstrike in Derna, for no other crime than to resist a warlord.

3. They had apprehended the terrorist for years, and even had him while cooperating with ISIS in bringing them from Eastern Libya to Sirte. They only handed him in recently.

4. He lost the oil crescent as soon as air strikes were suspended, twice. Haftar without his backers is nothing.

5. The Egyptian government are fools to support such a warlord in hopes of getting a friend in power. Libya will turn into a boiling cauldron of hell and destruction and that will spread, if it descends into the rule of this warlord. And with it, Egypt will die. Haftar cannot even stem the flows of weapons across the border, and he cannot take even a small town like Derna without the direct intervention of the Egyptian military, razing the city to the ground.

Wallahi, I thought we were brothers. But as it turns out, when both were beaten by a stick, only one had the gall to beat their oppressor right back. The other will stay defeated, oppressed, scared, a coward.
To answer your points:

1. The working majority of the House of Representatives is in Tripoli and endorses the GNA as per the Skhirat agreement. The retired interim speaker does not, but he has no claim to the title as his mandate has passed.

2. El Sissi's cynical uses for his inability to stifle terrorism at home has been used to support Haftar. Speak for counterterrorism fully knowing that more than 40 children were killed in an Egyptian airstrike in Derna, for no other crime than to resist a warlord.

3. They had apprehended the terrorist for years, and even had him while cooperating with ISIS in bringing them from Eastern Libya to Sirte. They only handed him in recently.

4. He lost the oil crescent as soon as air strikes were suspended, twice. Haftar without his backers is nothing.

5. The Egyptian government are fools to support such a warlord in hopes of getting a friend in power. Libya will turn into a boiling cauldron of hell and destruction and that will spread, if it descends into the rule of this warlord. And with it, Egypt will die. Haftar cannot even stem the flows of weapons across the border, and he cannot take even a small town like Derna without the direct intervention of the Egyptian military, razing the city to the ground.

Wallahi, I thought we were brothers. But as it turns out, when both were beaten by a stick, only one had the gall to beat their oppressor right back. The other will stay defeated, oppressed, scared, a coward.

Don’t fool people here by telling half of the truth..... more than 20 Egyptians Copts are slaughtered on the beach of Derna ..... Hisham Ashmawy no1 wanted terrorist for Egypt was in Libya ..... who was the main participant in killing the Egyptian attorney general.....and also terrorists always attack boarders and crossing boarders to smuggle weapons into Egypt and committing attacks in Egypt.

Then came Hafter who controlled the boarders and stopped the terrorists from coming to Egypt.

Egyptian Government will be fool if they stopped supporting him.
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