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Libya's Khalifa Haftar orders forces to attack Turkish ships, interests

Facts! Arab countries would get triggered by that though..not because its non-Arabs fighting in an Arab country, but because non-Arabs are making Arabs "look bad".

....in your dreams.

this @Khafee is just trolling, just like his arab brother @Al Watan Al Arabi . For people like this, we just have to let the reality do the talking. Let them keep believe Iranians have no outside influence, cant fight on their own, use outdate fake weapons...let them keep dreaming. Harsh reality will slap them out of their sleep sooner or later.

Doesn't matter what a nobody likes you rants about. Ground realities contradict your useless mullah BS.

Saturated bullshyt right here. Pls provide real evidence to back this up, or shut up.
Good to see your behind on fire for a pariah state, shows how clueless you are.
Doesn't matter what a nobody likes you rants about. Ground realities contradict your useless mullah BS.

Good to see your behind on fire for a pariah state, shows how clueless you are.
Our 925boy friend exploded
I really love to know what is his nationality
I’m quite sure that you have tried to bring terror to UAE just like many other nations.....but you couldn’t....and you will fail in the future as well.

Btw.... i saw many replies here in this thread talking but you really don’t know what are you talking about....LNA is controlling about 80% of the total Libyan Soil , taking it’s legitimacy from the only elected authority in Libya (the parliament) .
And here is the latest update on the ground.

But just as the Turk above said....Turkey is sending terrorists to Libya to control it or at least controlling it’s oil.

Libyans are against another stupid dictator dictated by another Arab dictators... Little part of the Arab countries don't want to be dictated by gulfies and ther allies, so they have elected goverment what you don't have:-). Let the Libyans decide what they want and not another dictator who is selling his countries to another x Arab dictator.
Libyans are against another stupid dictator dictated by another Arab dictators... Little part of the Arab countries don't want to be dictated by gulfies and ther allies, so they have elected goverment what you don't have:-). Let the Libyans decide what they want and not another dictator who is selling his countries to another x Arab dictator.

Iraq elects its own gov, is not allied to the gulf and your leader Erdogan who you like couldn't stop trying to take away his legitimacy. Turkey's policy has simply been hostile to the entire Arab world trying to wreak havoc and interfere.
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Turkey's policy has simply been hostile to the entire Arab world

what a nonsense saudi arabian nationalism is not the entire arab world.. turkeys policy is not hostile to marocco nor tunesia nor algeria or sudan or lebanon or yemen or qatar or pre little sissis egypt..

you twisting things and making them up.. we face a shift of power nowadays.. the big three in the arab world are not the masses of arabs but the richest..

UAE (the little devils pet)
Saudi Arabia (one of the devils horn)
and Qatar (I did not find a name for them)

this three are the big ones.. Iraq is gone it was the state with the most University degrees in ME, Egypt has the masses but it never break through still being a puppet state.. nowadays its a puppet dictatorship the strings are pulled in EU/US/Isael/Saudi you dont hear any critics about egypt because it does what is has to do.. lybia is in a mess syria also

you see the big characters (mostly bloody dictators) who had some wheight in the arab world are gone and new ones rised up (SA QATAR UAE) they filled the gab and the ones who profit from your loss! and they spoil for wars for more.. instead of searching for imaginary enemies see them next to your right border in your own ranks, stupid games are played let it be for football world cup or other more security related issues..

and for turkey you will see turkey acting for nato.. they did it in the past and they will do it in the future.. they wont leave americas side..

the real havoc is done by the three gcc maniacs from north africa to yemen to iraq.. this is the simple truth ppl may deny it and say sweet things just empty words..
what a nonsense saudi arabian nationalism is not the entire arab world.. turkeys policy is not hostile to marocco nor tunesia nor algeria or sudan or lebanon or yemen or qatar or pre little sissis egypt..

you twisting things and making them up.. we face a shift of power nowadays.. the big three in the arab world are not the masses of arabs but the richest..

UAE (the little devils pet)
Saudi Arabia (one of the devils horn)
and Qatar (I did not find a name for them)

this three are the big ones.. Iraq is gone it was the state with the most University degrees in ME, Egypt has the masses but it never break through still being a puppet state.. nowadays its a puppet dictatorship the strings are pulled in EU/US/Isael/Saudi you dont hear any critics about egypt because it does what is has to do.. lybia is in a mess syria also

you see the big characters (mostly bloody dictators) who had some wheight in the arab world are gone and new ones rised up (SA QATAR UAE) they filled the gab and the ones who profit from your loss! and they spoil for wars for more.. instead of searching for imaginary enemies see them next to your right border in your own ranks, stupid games are played let it be for football world cup or other more security related issues..

and for turkey you will see turkey acting for nato.. they did it in the past and they will do it in the future.. they wont leave americas side..

the real havoc is done by the three gcc maniacs from north africa to yemen to iraq.. this is the simple truth ppl may deny it and say sweet things just empty words..

Wasn't long ago that Turkey and the GCC were both on the same side working with America causing problems for figures like Saddam, Gaddafi and Yemen.

GCC govs are not operating on Arab nationalism otherwise they wouldn't have done what they did. An Arab nationalist state wouldn't have aided the US against other Arab states, I don't see ba'ath Iraq doing that.
Iraq elects its own gov, is not allied to the gulf and your leader Erdogan who you like couldn't stop trying to take away his legitimacy. Turkey's policy has simply been hostile to the entire Arab world trying to wreak havoc and interfere.

Arabs are hostile against entire Arabs, trying to hovac and interfere each others. Dictators dictating dictators to dictate:-), one goes and other comes. Like Libyans who voted, ther voices doesn´t count if they allow terrorist haftar. So they are searching for countries for help and saving from other Arabs dictators, and you are calling Turkey to interfer?

Nobody cares about Iraq, we are talking about Libya and not failed Skype pickot agreement country. They should cut that country in pieces.
Wasn't long ago that Turkey and the GCC were both on the same side working with America causing problems for figures like Saddam, Gaddafi and Yemen.

GCC govs are not operating on Arab nationalism otherwise they wouldn't have done what they did. An Arab nationalist state wouldn't have aided the US against other Arab states, I don't see ba'ath Iraq doing that.
well real Arab nationalism died a while ago.
Arabs are hostile against entire Arabs, trying to hovac and interfere each others. Dictators dictating dictators to dictate:-), one goes and other comes. Like Libyans who voted, ther voices doesn´t count if they allow terrorist haftar. So they are searching for countries for help and saving from other Arabs dictators, and you are calling Turkey to interfer?

Nobody cares about Iraq, we are talking about Libya and not failed Skype pickot agreement country. They should cut that country in pieces.

Iraq went through several wars and civil wars, if there was a populist desire for break up it would've happened but it hasn't as the people identify with the same culture, language etc. making it virtually impossible to enforce such a break up, excluding Kurdistan region of course.

Libya is by majority ruled by Haftar forces and Turkey is simply too far to win that war unless the Libyans choose to stand against Haftar by a large majority. If I was you i'd worry about Syria and the Kurdistan on your borders instead, too many AKP lovers in the netherlands.
Hope Qatar and Turkey can help sustain the GNA against Haftar, who is a CIA implant and western puppet.
Interesting how all of them start the same!

When one side is overthrown by west they just take over! And cause chaos....planted indeed to keep unrest alive
Libyans are against another stupid dictator dictated by another Arab dictators... Little part of the Arab countries don't want to be dictated by gulfies and ther allies, so they have elected goverment what you don't have:-). Let the Libyans decide what they want and not another dictator who is selling his countries to another x Arab dictator.

The same words just like all other invaders..... forget it .... Libyans will stand against your Dreams ...... you have invaded Northern Iraq and northern Syria....but in Libya ..... I dare you to invade any part of it.
The same words just like all other invaders..... forget it .... Libyans will stand against your Dreams ...... you have invaded Northern Iraq and northern Syria....but in Libya ..... I dare you to invade any part of it.

Thing is the northern Iraq and Syrian operations are just failures. Iraq controlled the north till 1991's gulf war, since then the PKK is striking Turkey all the time. Before 1991 PKK was largely inactive. What does this mean? Iraq/Saddam contained the PKK problem, Turkey hasn't been able to since 1991.

In Syria, that entire fucking north is a Kurdistan now.
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