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Libya's Khalifa Haftar orders forces to attack Turkish ships, interests

The same words just like all other invaders..... forget it .... Libyans will stand against your Dreams ...... you have invaded Northern Iraq and northern Syria....but in Libya ..... I dare you to invade any part of it.

Invaders are still invading and what are you doing chest bump against Turkey? Arab nationalism is based on dictatorship and killing Arabs. Nobody is invading only monkeys are making it invading like the Arab nationalism is miserable. Turkey is cleaning north iraq and syria, invading like you could do a fak? Go chest bump agains amreecans who is still invading and go talk to your gulfie brother who are best buddies wiht israel who is invading Arabs land:-)..

Iraq went through several wars and civil wars, if there was a populist desire for break up it would've happened but it hasn't as the people identify with the same culture, language etc. making it virtually impossible to enforce such a break up, excluding Kurdistan region of course.

Libya is by majority ruled by Haftar forces and Turkey is simply too far to win that war unless the Libyans choose to stand against Haftar by a large majority. If I was you i'd worry about Syria and the Kurdistan on your borders instead, too many AKP lovers in the netherlands.

Libya is ruled by haftar forces? Go play somewher else, every body see what Libya is:-).
Invaders are still invading and what are you doing chest bump against Turkey? Arab nationalism is based on dictatorship and killing Arabs. Nobody is invading only monkeys are making it invading like the Arab nationalism is miserable. Turkey is cleaning north iraq and syria, invading like you could do a fak? Go chest bump agains amreecans who is still invading and go talk to your gulfie brother who are best buddies wiht israel who is invading Arabs land:-)..

Libya is ruled by haftar forces? Go play somewher else, every body see what Libya is:-).

The northern Iraq operations have not resulted in any progress, pre-1991 before the US, UK fought Iraq you barely had PKK activity. Since then PKK is all over the place and all your operations did not put a stop to it.

This means Saddam Hossain is the most effective anti-PKK tool there is. What part of that is wrong
What is this clown blabbering about? The only fake entity is your fake identity my Turkified and Arabized offspring of Arabs, Kurds, Armenians, Greeks, Circassians, Bosnians and what not. No educated Arab takes your lot seriously, lol.

Arab nationalism has existed for longer than most regional ethnic groups have even existed. It is an inherent part of being an Arab which is why Arabs can trace their ancestry longer back than any other ethnic group that lives on this earth on average. All the Arab caliphates were what could be considered as Arab patriots and protectors of Arab civilization, culture, language etc.

We were nationalists long before modern-day nationalism was invented in Europe which was based on nation states and not race, tribe or clan like with Arabs. I give a shit about some imaginary borders that have changed 1000's of times in the past 1000's of years. History, blood, culture, language, race is 1 billion times more important which is why fake entities like Qatar should and will eventually be swallowed up.

Turkey does shit. Controls a tiny, tiny part of Syria (lol) and does futile operations a few times each year against your ancestral people (KURDS). Not Arabs.

You are irrelevant in the Arab world, lol, and always will be. Now this fool thinks that he will play a role in Libya.:lol:

As for Israel, historically and to this day your entity, Azerbaijan and Iran are the main lovers of Israel.

Regardless who rules Libya or will rule it, they won't be some Anatolis, that is 100% sure. No matter how much you jump up and down. Go free your imaginary "Turkic brothers" from being Russian satellite states, you Arabized and Arab-obsessed joke.

Arab world needs to restore ties with the SAA and aid them in recapturing the country offering the most intense support even groujnd troops, these are methods to gain influence but somehow state leaders think that results in aiding the enemy due to current relations, they don't see that such actions result in improved relations whilst maintaining and establishing an image of (pan-)Arab ideology which means further support for such policies/govs by the wider Arab world.

It is similar to GCC ignoring Iraq since 2003 till about 2014, how did that even help? But that's over now, Syria however is a different example and they know now from Iraq's era. They should know how to act.
Houthis are anti-Yemenis and will continue to be carpet bombed.
How can Houthis, who are Yemenis, be anti-Yemen? You think you making this stupid lose comment makes it the truth? I doubt your airforce can successfully do a carpet bombing operatiion..you'll probably just call good ol USAF.

Iran is a shithole with a smaller economy than 10 million big UAE.
Well tourism and visitors from the EU and around the world to Iran has been increasing in the most recent few years. So why would europeans (and a good # of them) flock to Iran to visit? Why would people of such high standards fill up Iranian hotels in recent years, so much that hotels in cities like Shiraz and Isfahan are basically full. It makes no sense for them to enjoy and demand visiting a "shithole" country and spend hard earned euros and waste their precious time? UAE will never have the influence Iranian has. NEVER. All you Saudis and Emiratis can do is throw more money in our face. Look at how your country NEEDS America to keep Iranian from taking over your state. Rich man probably cant fight well. 40% of UAE 's residents have diabetes. so who is going to fight and be strong militarily for UAE in a conflict with Iran?(hypothetically).

The average Iranian has a living standard comparable to the average Iraqi despite Iraq being unstable for almost 40 years in a row. Is that proof enough?
But what about hte sanctions?? Oh....that means nothing? And besides, Iranians can afford to make more because they are very productive and make products and produce tons of food locally. You Arabs apaprently buy 80-100% of your food. YOu're so fat and you cant even make your own food, without the world's food supply available to u guys, you woud starve. lmao.

BTW, what is it with you and the Arabized wannabe Arab Mullah's that rule that shithole for 40+ years?:lol:
Being Arab =/= make you superhuman. You are same incompetent people who will get beaten in soccer by hungry Nigerians and lose 10-0. go sit down. you're a joke.

Arab nationalism has existed for millennia. Fake USSR/socialist/anti-Muslim crap has nothing to do with "Arab nationalism". [/QUOTE]
ARab nationalism died around Nasser's time. I read about this. Arab nationalism couldnt win wars against Israel, it couldnt reinstate Arab land. useless.
If you guys cannot keep your discussion civil perhaps you do not belong on a public debate forum. Stick to your personal facebook IDs if level of your intellect only allows you that much.

I’m quite sure that you have tried to bring terror to UAE just like many other nations.....but you couldn’t....and you will fail in the future as well.

Btw.... i saw many replies here in this thread talking but you really don’t know what are you talking about....LNA is controlling about 80% of the total Libyan Soil , taking it’s legitimacy from the only elected authority in Libya (the parliament) .
And here is the latest update on the ground.

But just as the Turk above said....Turkey is sending terrorists to Libya to control it or at least controlling it’s oil.
Mate, not even the Parliament supports Haftar. he even bombed their building after they convened in Tripoli. Haftar is nothing but a French, Egyptian and Emirati puppet.

When they said that they will target Turkish nationals, they shut down a Libyan-owned Shawarma place in Benghazi, destroyed Turkish makeup products, shut down a Libyan clothes store in Ajdabiya and arrested six pensioners with a Turkish nationality. When Turkey promised 'real consequences', they were swiftly released.

It is sad to see you support what is essentially a pogrom organised by a mafia full of genuine extremists.
Interesting how all of them start the same!

When one side is overthrown by west they just take over! And cause chaos....planted indeed to keep unrest alive

I think that their overall plans are not really succeeding. They had planned much more, but things didn't quite go as planned. They are working for a specific aim - Greater Israel - or so I believe. North Africa is a key part of that plan as it would allow Greater Israel to control trade and be a power - they have even built a highway from Morocco to Israel. If they can gain control of this highway, they will be in a strong position. Similarly, it is in their interest to turn the Muslim world into a collection of failed states that can be usurped over time.

Again, their plans haven't quite succeeded. That people like Erdogan live and are in power, that people like Imran Khan and Mahatir are alive and in power, that Pakistan has become a significant military power, as has Turkey, all foil their plans.

That Idlib and parts of northern Syria is outside their control despite so much investment on their part, that Afghanistan is about to return to Taliban rule... all this again foils their plans. That Pakistan can stand up to India... foils their plans. The CPEC stops them dead on their tracks. Pak, at the rate it is recovering and expanding militarily, will be even more powerful in as little as 5 more years. With Taliban protecting Pak from behind, Pak's military might will be on par with any power in the region, including India.

There is much more that could be done... the first part is to understand the great game being played, then it is to take strategic moves in Pak's self interests.
I don't see ba'ath Iraq doing that.

look I was embarraced in my youth as the world united to bomb muslim ppl, initiated by other muslim states..

I saw the happiness and the bloodthirtst in the face of the germans, I wont forget their smile and their happiness because iraq was bombed and thousands of muslims died

hatred apperead from their mouth but I knew what is concealed in their hearts was far greater.. and I was a hild in these days..

and for turkey it was an error to support all that as I said it many many times..

In Syria, that entire fucking north is a Kurdistan now.

I said it many times it should be fight back to iraq if some ppl would know what is good they would work together against that entity
That is lie.

Sure it is, anything that exposes your proxies, and exposes rabid mullahs usually is.

I think that their overall plans are not really succeeding. They had planned much more, but things didn't quite go as planned. They are working for a specific aim - Greater Israel - or so I believe. North Africa is a key part of that plan as it would allow Greater Israel to control trade and be a power - they have even built a highway from Morocco to Israel. If they can gain control of this highway, they will be in a strong position. Similarly, it is in their interest to turn the Muslim world into a collection of failed states that can be usurped over time.

Again, their plans haven't quite succeeded. That people like Erdogan live and are in power, that people like Imran Khan and Mahatir are alive and in power, that Pakistan has become a significant military power, as has Turkey, all foil their plans.

That Idlib and parts of northern Syria is outside their control despite so much investment on their part, that Afghanistan is about to return to Taliban rule... all this again foils their plans. That Pakistan can stand up to India... foils their plans. The CPEC stops them dead on their tracks. Pak, at the rate it is recovering and expanding militarily, will be even more powerful in as little as 5 more years. With Taliban protecting Pak from behind, Pak's military might will be on par with any power in the region, including India.

There is much more that could be done... the first part is to understand the great game being played, then it is to take strategic moves in Pak's self interests.
You might want to do some research into Erdogan, and how Turkey's relationship with Israel is at its Zenith right now. Just as an e.g. is the biggest investor in Israels construction industry is....?
Turkey needs to assert its independence and go nuclear.

If France, Russia, China and the UK are nuclear armed, then Turks are the biggest fools in the history if they don't go nuclear.
Our 925boy friend exploded
I really love to know what is his nationality
what does my nationality have to do with my argument? it just proves that you have an issue with me not my argument. go find a hobby..
what does my nationality have to do with my argument? it just proves that you have an issue with me not my argument. go find a hobby..
Man you don't need to reaction about any posts I write. it was just a dialogue with khafee
Sure it is, anything that exposes your proxies, and exposes rabid mullahs usually is.

You might want to do some research into Erdogan, and how Turkey's relationship with Israel is at its Zenith right now. Just as an e.g. is the biggest investor in Israels construction industry is....?

Hi Khafee, I always read your posts with great interest. Would you be able to show me some evidence of:
1. Turkey's relationship with Israel being at its' zenith?
2. Who is the biggest investor in Israel's construction industry as you noted?

As far as I have read, and of expert opinion in the world, Turkey is having its worst relationship with Israel in contemporary history.

look I was embarraced in my youth as the world united to bomb muslim ppl, initiated by other muslim states..

I saw the happiness and the bloodthirtst in the face of the germans, I wont forget their smile and their happiness because iraq was bombed and thousands of muslims died

hatred apperead from their mouth but I knew what is concealed in their hearts was far greater.. and I was a hild in these days..

and for turkey it was an error to support all that as I said it many many times..

I said it many times it should be fight back to iraq if some ppl would know what is good they would work together against that entity

They really hate us don't they? And they are good usually at hiding it.
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