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JF17s For New Afghan Air Force?

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Sell to who? Taliban government?
What are the prospects of Pakistan selling new Government in Afghanistan JF17? As they build a new economy?

Edit: This thread seeks to project scenario where we fast forward 3-5 years.

No chance. Afghanistan is a country where people suffer because they don't have food, clean water, medicine etc. I doubt they'll be buying fighter jets and tanks etc. They have no economy and won't take out interest based loans.
I think JF-17 is a Halal option for the new Government but the world will be skeptical about them for the next couple of years. They don't have an economy to sustain powerful air force and they don't have imminent threat from foreign invaders anymore so they can focus on building their economy and improve the life of people first. Once they have enough resources available we can offer them Halal Aircrafts
People getting carried away here. Who will Afghanistan use those against?
Its neighbors are Iran, Iraq, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Pakistan.

It just needs gear for law enforcement and transport, not to fight wars.

Secondly we are not so desperate for orders, remember Nigerian order was on credit line from Gov of Pakistan. If spare production facilities and finances were available we could better use these funds for own use hardware. Our defense industry doesn't need outside orders to survive, its production capacity barely matches our domestic needs. PAC, HIT, KS&EW order books are full.

They don't have any money, history is a witness Afghanistan doesn't profit the countries providing the arms, contractors maybe but not the countries financing it.

Afghan priority will be rebuilding their country. If we want to profit it is better we provide engineering expertise to build roads and infrastructure. Huge opportunity for Pakistani companies to go in and win contracts via competitive bidding.

Nah bro you just don't see it right.. Afghanistan doesn't seek war with anyone but it needs to get strong because it already has experienced two massive wars and Afghanistan is tired of it and doesn't want that to repeat itself and believe me.. They will throw down the cash.. We shouldn't rule out them getting bankrolled by others and they also get cash from other channels such as taxing etc etc.. As a sovereign state Afghanistan will have the cash in one way or another..

One thing I don't question is that Afghanistan will purchase and even more than the numbers I gave you. They badly want peace but they understand if you want peace you need to gain muscles. Anyone who just randomly comes out of a ridiculous wars with the freaking Soviets and the US back to back will become paranoid that everyone is out to get him.. What were the chances of these two powers come right after each other?

They will put great effort in developing the country but the obsession to prevent such another war is perhaps the greatest emotion going thru any Afghan which in my opinion is healthy because that is how you develop when there is constant heed and paranoia that the whole world might want to get you even tho it is not entirely factual but this is the train of thought of a regular Afghan which is a conspiracy theory but still occupy his thoughts in the form of paranoia this is when evovlement naturally occurs and development because it becomes inter-linked with your own survival and survival is the greatest motivator
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They’ll need fighter jets and air traffic controllers if they want to reopen their airspace and generate overflight revenue.
What are the prospects of Pakistan selling new Government in Afghanistan JF17? As they build a new economy?

Edit: This thread seeks to project scenario where we fast forward 3-5 years.
No such thing for the next 10 years...
I am against it for now, Taliban could make there own broom jet, fighter jet is out of there league.
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No such thing for the next 10 years...

Not 10 years but max 3-4 years they will have functional air force including trained pilots. Why I predict 3 years is because they themselves will attempt to hasten.. Pakistan is willing to meet that demand but they will have to give us something in return such as stragetic depth
😂 😂 😂

I was waiting for this thread since the Taliban reached just the outskirts of kabul and before they took over.

Also I can now reveal that my guess then on how long it would take for this thread to appear was pretty damn accurate! :omghaha: :rofl:

Waiting for a few other threads also ;) , but I always expected PDFers to start with JF-17. 8-)
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Ok. Good excuse. Let's use it to remain stuck where we are. Never sell anything to anyone. Just do sajda in front of gora. Whether for F16 or IMF

Kesa?? Uncle G??
Youve edited out the context.

" Nigerian order was on credit line from Gov of Pakistan. If spare production facilities and finances were available we could better use these funds for own use hardware. "

Organizations like PAC, HIT, KS&EW are not commercial focused, their primary job is serve Pakistan requirements. If paying in cash, makes sense to rearrange our domestic orders to make space in production if however we are giving a credit line/financing by ourselves then its a strain. This is why they are not very innovative in terms of R&D (mostly reliant on partners for TOT) however they are very efficient and save Pakistan a ton of foreign exchange by assembling/maintaining systems in country. Simply they make $$ by reducing the $$ we would have needed if that system was imported or maintained by OEM.

For JF-17s its often mentioned if we ever get a large enough order will need to create another assembly line in buyer country. We need JF-17B3s to be inducted fast, doesnt make sense for Pakistan to allow export from local line until we have a sizeable fleet inducted which is still some years away.
What are the prospects of Pakistan selling new Government in Afghanistan JF17? As they build a new economy?

Edit: This thread seeks to project scenario where we fast forward 3-5 years.

This is something a lot of us have been wondering / wishing for, and will present something similar we have been doing on the ground.

Our foot soldiers, NCO and below, are usually not on par with their NATO counterparts. At the same time we have had good officers, come from this very pool aka Rankers, and surprise the crap out of their NATO counterparts.

Coming from southern Punjab, I know a good many useless chaps, who did quite well, due to the courses taught at PA.

Having said that, flying is a totally different ball game. IEA's own pilots, flying JF-17's or equivalent is at least 8yrs away, if they start today. A more important question would be "Do they actually need this capability?"

For them, transportation of mil cargo and personnel would be more of a priority. One only has to look at how miserably the Iraqi air force has failed at maintaining its Vipers.

A possible solution could be, that they out source it out to PAF ,in return for NOT letting any third party, use their land for nefarious agendas against us.
One scenario Pakistan can explore is leasing Afghanistan's bases to house some PA and PAF assets, but that would depend on whether Rawalpindi still believes in 'strategic depth'. But Lt. Gen (Retd) Tariq Khan said that idea lived and died with Gen Mirza Aslam Beg. So, I guess not? (@SQ8)
IMO this has been modified by the current military and foreign policy of Pakistan. Though the concept still keeps its inherent character of Strategic Depth but not with Pakistani boots on ground and their own bases in a third country. Pakistan would like to see Afghans themselves controlling their country as well as providing Pakistan support in future conflicts like China, Turkey, Azerbaijan and other friends offer.

Pakistan today has a policy of not entering into other countries wars specially after saying no to Saudi Arabia. In my opinion if there is a war between any Muslim country against a non Muslim country then Pakistan would support the Muslim Country ( to what extent would be on case to case basis).

How the new Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan would form their policy would clear in a few months from. It could be assumed that the new government would try to have a similar policy to what Pakistan has so that they may gain confidence of the international community.

Afghanistan is surrounded by SCO countries. Why is it in a hurry to buy fighters?
It should invest first in education and then in infrastructure.
If the Taliban must want to buy fighters, I think K8, JL9 and L15 are better choices.
Still that does not limit Afghanistan to have their own Armed Forces. Afghanistan is not part of the former Russian federation rather they were once enemies.

In my opinion the current inventory of the Afghan military lacks decent tanks as well as medium to high level Surface to Air defence systems which could be a priority. Not to mention that they need some good radars as well that can detect stealth aircraft.

China and Russia would be investing heavily in development in the near future so Afghans would definately like to build an Air Force as soon as they have the right amount of funds. Most of the things they would get is likely to be in forms of drones at the moment specially Turkish ones.
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