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JF17s For New Afghan Air Force?

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None we would not arm Afghanistan with anything that can be used against us

On a separate though relevant note - ANA AF detachment got Embraer Tucano IIs supplied by the US. That was the limit imposed. Although I know you can equip those things with cannon pods and sidewinders. I'm sure those are in Taliban hands by now, Alongwith Seahawk helis. Was in the news today.
It is crucial for Pakistan that a strong Afghanistan emerges and in that way strengthening your left side means more security for you and stability in your economical flow.. If Pakistan was to be attacked by a large coalition and you have weakened your left side it will come back to bite you in the azz.. Strengthening Afghanistan is crucial for Pakistan...
What are the prospects of Pakistan selling new Government in Afghanistan JF17? As they build a new economy?

Edit: This thread seeks to project scenario where we fast forward 3-5 years.

what will they do with fighter jets?..

take them to a mountain top and then roll them down hoping to hit something?...
Airforce is very far from consideration for Afghanistan. However, they should opt for an air defense regiment.
Afghanistan is surrounded by SCO countries. Why is it in a hurry to buy fighters?
It should invest first in education and then in infrastructure.
If the Taliban must want to buy fighters, I think K8, JL9 and L15 are better choices.

Even after forming a national government and 5 years in future they will not be able to buy fighter jets as they need to build country who is in war for 40 years, also they don't have hostile neighbors so building air force may not be the priority.

Moreover, in 5 years time we can gift them out some F-7s, few K-8s and Mashaks (armed versions) to start Afghan air force, it will be cost effective for them.
If Afghanistan needs a airforce its going to be transport and CAS oriented. But shouldn't be a priority right now and don't think they can spare the finances for it for perhaps next 5+yrs. They can be trained and handed down some F-7s but Pakistan has no reason to do so, what they really need are surveillance planes, helicopters and transport planes. Super Mushak maybe.

What I think their gov will do is get commercial off the shelf low cost UAVs for surveillance (100-200km range) and transport planes (10-20 passenger).
If Afghanistan needs a airforce its going to be transport and CAS oriented. But shouldn't be a priority right now and don't think they can spare the finances for it for perhaps next 5+yrs. They can be trained and handed down some F-7s but Pakistan has no reason to do so, what they really need are surveillance planes, helicopters and transport planes. Super Mushak maybe.

What I think their gov will do is get commercial off the shelf low cost UAVs for surveillance (100-200km range) and transport planes (10-20 passenger).
They could easily get TAI Hurkuş from Turkey very easily.
That would be a horrible idea
How so? Any more news?

LOL don't be so sad and angry.
Airforce is very far from consideration for Afghanistan. However, they should opt for an air defense regiment.

The Taliban have mopped the floor with super powers that have Rafale, EF, F-35 and F-22s. People don't realise yet what the Taliban have achieved.
Pakistan needs a customer and Afghanistan could become a long term customer that perhaps buys in large bulk. Selling them JF-17 Block 3 would be a big score financially for the army. I think the areas of purchase should also include Al-Khalid, drones and Air defense systems including JF-17s Block 3 100 units to begin with and than Afghanistan could buy more by increasing the units upto 400 units this will booest the armies treasury which is the key element. Afghanistan is a stragetic partner so it will be win-win on both occasion for PAF.. We could in return invest that money into something else.. Imagine adding 500 Al-Khalid + Drones + air defense systems we could recover from these sales alone 30-50 billion USD that is good business.. Money talks and we don't get any aid or anything of that sort for our military we need to sell and looks like we could we have a potential long term customer and money doesn't grow on trees
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Pakistan needs a customer and Afghanistan could become a long term customer that perhaps buys in large bulk. Selling them JF-17 Block 3 would be a big score financially for the army. I think the areas of purchase should also include Al-Khalid, drones and Air defense systems including JF-17s Block 3 100 units to begin with and than Afghanistan could buy more by increasing the units upto 400 units this will booest the armies treasury which is the key element. Afghanistan is a stragetic partner so it will be win-win on both occasion for PAF.. We could in return invest that money into something else.. Imagine adding 500 Al-Khalid + Drones + air defense systems we could recover from these sales alone 30-50 billion USD that is good business

People getting carried away here. Who will Afghanistan use those against?
Its neighbors are Iran, Iraq, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Pakistan.

It just needs gear for law enforcement and transport, not to fight wars.

Secondly we are not so desperate for orders, remember Nigerian order was on credit line from Gov of Pakistan. If spare production facilities and finances were available we could better use these funds for own use hardware. Our defense industry doesn't need outside orders to survive, its production capacity barely matches our domestic needs. PAC, HIT, KS&EW order books are full.

They don't have any money, history is a witness Afghanistan doesn't profit the countries providing the arms, contractors maybe but not the countries financing it.

Afghan priority will be rebuilding their country. If we want to profit it is better we provide engineering expertise to build roads and infrastructure. Huge opportunity for Pakistani companies to go in and win contracts via competitive bidding.
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Our defense industry doesn't need outside orders to survive, its production capacity barely matches our domestic needs. PAC, HIT, KS&EW order books are full.
Ok. Good excuse. Let's use it to remain stuck where we are. Never sell anything to anyone. Just do sajda in front of gora. Whether for F16 or IMF

Kesa?? Uncle G??
Seeing this post and others posting comments made me LOL at this post.
Afghanistan has been in a state of war for the past 40+ years. They do not have the financial capabilities to even pay their workers let along buy fighter jets that too the JF17. They need to focus on rebuilding the country which can take decades if the right leaders are in power and for now it is yet to be seen whether Taliban are the right people or not. Anyway, the country has no infrastructure and all the aid it will receive should be spent in development of the country, ensure health, education and other sectors are developed before they start acquiring equipment.
Anyway, being realistic, Afghanistan won’t have an Air Force for the next 30+ years and the only viable thing it needs to invest in if needed will be a ground based force.

p.s wrote on my phone so prob loads of mistakes so don’t be a grammar nazi
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