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Rocket attacks: Kabul seeks US help against Pakistan

Pakistan is now protecting his interest in region , tables are turn now , we consider Afghans as our brothers and give them permission to live in our country with same rights, but these scum bags backstab us , and get involved in every possible criminal activity and giving safe heavens to Terrorists ... i completely support Pakistan fcuking them with gunship heli's and artillery..keep it going
seek USA help?? USA will not do a shit to Pakistan because Pakistan is helping them in negotiating with Afghan talibs as u can see attack on american soldiers decreased and attack on afghan and indian targets increased in afghanistan
Another Salala? I hope not.

thats what you and your new found kanjar friends had hoped and continue to hope against hope that america will do the fighitng for you ... lol you little faggots wont be able to hide under america's wings any more , no matter how many sajjan gohels you launch on sky/cnn hahah indian moron
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international territories should be respected. but what about Afghanistan? they have let their territory used by the US to bomb Pakistan under the pretext of hunting down Taliban. We have a similar pretext. Now its time for them to respect our bombing raids by their very own logic.
Enough is enough.Relationship tension between Pakistan and Afghanistan is caused by some external forces who don't want peace in the region. Today if both brother nations sit together and solve these tiny disputes with dialogue things ll get better and this ll be a great answer to those forces who sneak in and destroy our harmony.We gave blood for Afghanistan in war against Russia I hope they ll never forget their Mujahid brothers who fought for our brotherhood. :cool::):cool:
Wake up Brother. Time has changed. Afghanistan is Indian proxy now. Ans what else can they do when india donates so much precious dollara to them.
They are no more Brotherly State. They have never been brotherly to us.
I wish Afghans take some sense and think indipendently of Indian Influence.
And Adding to that, All the warlords running kabul and Afghan National Army are the same Nothern Alliance that made Government in 1992 with indian and Irani support. They were never friends of Pakistan and they can never be.
Better policy is to keep them at there place by force
US is all too happy here. They'll put duct tape on Karzai's big mouth.
Wake up Brother. Time has changed. Afghanistan is Indian proxy now. Ans what else can they do when india donates so much precious dollara to them.
They are no more Brotherly State. They have never been brotherly to us.
I wish Afghans take some sense and think indipendently of Indian Influence.
And Adding to that, All the warlords running kabul and Afghan National Army are the same Nothern Alliance that made Government in 1992 with indian and Irani support. They were never friends of Pakistan and they can never be.
Better policy is to keep them at there place by force
I agree brother but still I think Muslim Nations should avoid clashing. Its not about Afghanistan or Pakistan it's what ISLAM demands.
They should agree to jointly fence and man the border with us. Good for them and good for us.
why pakis are doing this....
they are weak that doesnot mean u will attack them...
its pathetic thing to do from pakistan side...
why pakis are doing this....
they are weak that doesnot mean u will attack them...
its pathetic thing to do from pakistan side...

Abba chutia we are pakistanis not pakis so mind it. We are well aware of why the rear of your kind is on fire but there is nothing you bhariats can do. So shut up and live with it.
why pakis are doing this....
they are weak that doesnot mean u will attack them...
its pathetic thing to do from pakistan side...
We are not Attacking ANA or any Afghan Government Establishment or there infrastructure. Infact it was Afghan national Army that attacked Pak army checkpost recently.Do you think such kind of provocation will go unnoticed. Imagine Nepal or Bhutan opening fire on Indian BSF, what will be the reaction?.We are targetting TTP and we will track and takeout that taliban scum where ever is necessary. And it is good for Afghanis as well. TTP are friends of no one. They are scum that needs to be cleaned. They should cooperate with us for that.
Any other questions?
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