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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

its pathetic people are still illusioned n projecting israel "innocent"..it was known before that the ship was going to end the 2 years blockade of gaza strip n had peace activists..israel had said it would not allow this but no one expected they would stoop so low.....
Israel condemned as anger grows over flotilla raid


ISRAELI Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has cancelled his trip to the US just hours after backing his country's military storming ships bound for Gaza.

Up to 19 people were killed yesterday and 36 wounded after Israeli military commandos stormed the flotilla of aid ships, sparking outrage and condemnation across the globe.

Just hours earlier Mr Netanyahu had given his full support for the raid while meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

But Israel's actions sparked a strong rebuke with its allies freeziing military ties and summoning its ambassadors over the incident while Muslim leaders slammed the deadly raid as "criminal" and "inhuman."

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon also said he was "shocked" by the deadly Israeli assault and called for a full investigation to take place.

The actions forced Turkey to recall its ambassador from Tel Aviv and called for an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council, where it holds a non-permanent seat.

The European Union foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton demanded Israel mount a full inquiry, as member states ordered an emergency meeting of their ambassadors to the EU in Brussels.

Ms Ashton said she called Israel's top diplomat to express concern over the raid.

Spain - the current EU president - as well as France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Austria and Greece summoned Israel's ambassadors for explanations, with Madrid slamming the operation as "unacceptable."

And South Africa's Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu said the assault was "inexcusable."

The Islamist Hamas, which runs the Gaza Strip, urged fellow Muslims to "rise up" in protest in front of Israeli embassies the world over, as Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas declared three days of mourning over the "massacre."

Arab League chief Amr Mussa slammed the raid as a "crime" against a humanitarian mission, saying the 22-country body was consulting to decide on its next step.

Algeria was also seeking news of 32 of its citizens aboard the ships.

While condemnation was swift, protesters began showing their disdain in Turkey and Pakistan.

Police struggled to hold back an angry crowd of hundreds outside the Israeli consulate in Turkey's biggest city Istanbul, while furious protesters shouted "D**n Israel" outside the residence of the Israeli ambassador in Ankara.

Elswhere Thousands of Palestinian refugees and activists demonstrated across Lebanon to denounce the raid, some chanting slogans like "Give us weapons, give us weapons and send us on to Gaza."

According to Israel's private Channel 10 television, Israeli marine commandos opened fire after being attacked with axes and knives by a number of the passengers on board the aid ships, the broadcaster said, without giving the source of its information.

Israel said it was forced to board the ships to uphold its blockade of the Hamas-ruled Palestinian territory.

The Israeli ambassador to Denmark Arthur Avnon claimed Israel claims it attacked the fleet after receiving reports it had links to al-Qaida.

Israel condemned as anger grows over flotilla raid | News.com.au
YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.

They don't look like peace activists to me(no offense)

Hardly anyone can be identify. Moreover how can you trust this video of the biggest forgers on God's earth. They did not hesitate to forge passports of different countries to kill A person in UAE. Therefore this video can not be trusted.

There are other videos available where you can very clearly make out what pigs of Israeli Navy are doing.
Few"Peace activists" on those ships were armed with guns

o really do you like to tell us what knid of weapons they had...any footage, any link????? come on now don't try to hide your evil deed.
israel is a small piece of land.....they have every right to "blockade of gazaa" why the hell these guys going from sea.....they wanted to create an issue ...i think israel did it right.....perhaps one slap on the face wud prevent future course of actions.

small countries in geography cannot take too much of risk like the indians...they allow fckuing trrorist to enter their parliament, hotels....everywhere...israel does not have a chance it does not have 1 billion population...it will do anything to protects its people....that was the right thing to do...protecting land is more important so what if some 100 insane people who were politically instigated going thru such route..they got the right treatment.....

lol they have every right to blockade gaza u must be joking ? Isreal was made by west in 1948 and arabs livinging there was killed with west weapons and still doing. Were are most isreali jews from ? Poland, Russia and other EU countries why they just cant live in EU why move to ISreal and take homes of arabs ?
Syria, Lebanon say flotilla attack can lead to war


Turkish women shout anti-Israeli slogans during a protest in front of the U.N. house in Beirut on Monday, after Israeli commandos stormed six ships carrying pro-Palestinian activists and humanitarian aid on a mission to the blockaded Gaza Strip

Syrian President Bashar al—Assad and Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri said on Monday that Israel’s attack on a flotilla of aid bound for Gaza threatens to ignite a war in the region.

Syria and Lebanon “condemn the heinous crime committed by Israel through the brutal attacks on unarmed civilians on board the Freedom Flotilla,” both leaders said in a joint statement, after a pre— planned meeting in Damascus.

They have warned that Israel’s “violations of basic humanitarian norms and international laws threatens to plunge the Middle East into a war which will not only affect the region.” Israel’s navy on Monday stormed the flotilla, made up of six boats carrying some 700 pro—Palestinian activists and 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid bound for the Gaza Strip. At least 10 died as a result of the raid.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Lebanese, Palestinians and followers of the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah, demonstrated in front the UN headquarters in Beirut.

“This is a crime against humanity,” read one banner carried by the protestors, who chanted anti—Israel slogans. They handed a letter of condemnation of the event to UN spokesman in Beirut, Bahaa al Kossi.

A ‘crazy move’

Earlier, Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri said the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla was “dangerous” and a “crazy move,” which would inflame the region.

The premier called on the international community to take action and said Lebanon was in contact with a number of countries to coordinate responses to the incident.

Reports in Beirut said the head of the Lebanese mission to the “Freedom Flotilla” Hani Suleiman, had been wounded in the attack.

Hezbollah lawmaker Hassan Fadlallah described the attack as a “premeditated crime against humanity by the Israelis.” At their meeting, al—Assad and Hariri also “demanded the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Conference, the Security Council and the international community to act immediately” and put an end to Israel’s actions.

The two officials also discussed the outcome of Mr. Hariri’s recent trip to Washington and his talks with US President Barack Obama as well as his meeting with UN Secretary—General Ban Ki—moon in New York last week.

A source in the Lebanese government had said earlier that discussing threats by some Israeli cabinet ministers over comments by Mr. Hariri that Arabs have the right to use all means to remain on lands occupied by Israel was on their agenda.

On Saturday, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said the Lebanese government and its prime minister will pay a heavy price in case of a new war with Hezbollah.

According to a source close to the premier, Mr. Hariri’s trip to Damascus comes as part of an Arab tour that is to include Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan.

The Israeli ambassador to Denmark Arthur Avnon claimed Israel claims it attacked the fleet after receiving reports it had links to al-Qaida.

Al-Qaida ??? WTF :hitwall:

Now Journilist & Turkish MP's are Terrorist ???
Few"Peace activists" on those ships were armed with guns

How did Israel came to know that they have guns? Israel stormed that Ship without any justification. whatever happened next expected outcome.
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who attacked first lol u must be joking. wtf was they commandos doing on these ships ?

take down these terrorists

am not joking,commandos tried to stop the ship entering Israeli waters.i dont say these poor journos are terrorists.whatever it is this is a bad incident.
oh I have bin through entire thread ..there are conflicting reports about
Mr Syed Talat Hussain's death...there has bin no confirmation as of yet.

Mr Hussain an international journalist and 2 other Pakistani Citizens were on board Freedom Flotilla.
They were not representatives of Govt of Pakistan and were there on their accord..in fact before leaving they even signed a letter , stating the above.

i never knew that journalists represents their govts. Is that how journalism works in 'free' indian press?

And also does this precludes them from being Pakistani citizens?

A terrorists from Pakistan mock a bomb (even if one can call it a bomb at NYC) and Pakistan, its people and govt becomes responsible, but here inncoensts civilians (Pakistani-who in no way were armed) are killed and you suggest that it hs nothing to do with the country and its govt?

Listen, dont overload your commonsense!
israel is a small piece of land.....they have every right to "blockade of gazaa" why the hell these guys going from sea.....they wanted to create an issue ...i think israel did it right.....perhaps one slap on the face wud prevent future course of actions.

small countries in geography cannot take too much of risk like the indians...they allow fckuing trrorist to enter their parliament, hotels....everywhere...israel does not have a chance it does not have 1 billion population...it will do anything to protects its people....that was the right thing to do...protecting land is more important so what if some 100 insane people who were politically instigated going thru such route..they got the right treatment.....

u gave them the right to block gaza...oh stop foolish assumptions..
everyone knows they were peace activists n carried humanitarian aid...n 100 insane ppl were from all the counties..not from turkey alone..right?
Israel minister sees "scandal" over ship killings

Israel minister sees scandal over ship killings | Reuters

(Reuters) - An Israeli cabinet minister said he anticipated "a big scandal" following the killing of more than 10 activists aboard Gaza-bound aid ships boarded by Israeli security forces on Monday.


The deaths aboard the flotilla of six boats, including vessels flying the flag of Israel's rare Muslim ally Turkey, drew calls for an inquiry from the European Union, and expressions of shock from France and the United Nations.

"It's going to be a big scandal, no doubt about it," Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, the trade minister, told Reuters Insider in an interview in Doha, where he was on a visit to Qatar, one of the few Arab states where Israeli officials can travel.

"The whole thing was a provocation from its beginning. They planned it almost two months ago, and we tried all the way to explain to them: 'Gentlemen don't try to do it because we have all the right to defend ourselves'," he said in English.

Gaza, run by the Hamas group, is under a tight blockade imposed by Israel, aided by Egypt. Hamas, which seized control of Gaza in 2007, is hostile to the Jewish state. The blockade is itself the focus of criticism by Israel's Western allies.

Five Israeli soldiers were wounded during the operation. The Israeli army says its soldiers came under gunfire.

"We tried our best to block the way. Everyone can judge us. When there is blood, you cannot explain anything," Ben-Eliezer, himself a former defense minister, said.

Ben-Eliezer, a member of the left-wing Labour party inside the right-led coalition government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, renewed his calls for a peace deal with the Palestinians and said he hoped the crisis could bring pressure to advance talks. His views are rarely shared by Netanyahu.

Israel has faced a series of diplomatic storms in recent months. Israeli diplomats were expelled by Australia and Britain over the faking of passports used by the assassins of a Hamas leader in Dubai in January.

Israel's ties with the United States, its main ally, suffered in March when the announcement of plans for new Jewish settlement building in East Jerusalem temporarily set back Washington's efforts to get Middle East peace talks moving.
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