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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

israel is a small piece of land.....they have every right to "blockade of gazaa" why the hell these guys going from sea.....they wanted to create an issue ...i think israel did it right.....perhaps one slap on the face wud prevent future course of actions.

small countries in geography cannot take too much of risk like the indians...they allow fckuing trrorist to enter their parliament, hotels....everywhere...israel does not have a chance it does not have 1 billion population...it will do anything to protects its people....that was the right thing to do...protecting land is more important so what if some 100 insane people who were politically instigated going thru such route..they got the right treatment.....
Any updates of Talat Hussein ?

If any thing happens to him , we should attack Israel & fcuk those bastards ...
He is Telling truth , But Truth always sour.

Wat is the truth??? Truth is Muslim world is not united. not only Pakistan and Turkey whole muslim world sitting in US lap. they rely on US for everything. It's not in hand of zaid hamid its in hand of your leaders. In dreams zaid hamid can make whole world into Pakistan. Sapno me jo merji kari jao. last night he came to delhi and erect pakistan flag on redfort.:cheesy::cheesy:
israel is a small piece of land.....they have every right to "blockade of gazaa" why the hell these guys going from sea.....they wanted to create an issue ...i think israel did it right.....perhaps one slap on the face wud prevent future course of actions.

small countries in geography cannot take too much of risk like the indians...they allow fckuing trrorist to enter their parliament, hotels....everywhere...israel does not have a chance it does not have 1 billion population...it will do anything to protects its people....that was the right thing to do...protecting land is more important so what if some 100 insane people who were politically instigated going thru such route..they got the right treatment.....

IN INdia...we have Democrazy
This is what the discription of the video says:

The demonstrators had clearly prepared their weapons in advance for this specific purpose.

As a result of this life-threatening and violent activity, naval forces employed riot dispersal means, as well as live fire.

Well guess what, use of live fire is not an authentic way of 'riot' controlling.

Rubber bullets, smoke dispensers, gas, shooting at legs etc are a few things they taught us when we were being trained, never knew the isrealis were unveiling a newer tactics for mob/riot control.

When would this kinda tactics reach books and Field Manuals of other contemporary armies? Waiting anxiously!
israel is a small piece of land.....they have every right to "blockade of gazaa" why the hell these guys going from sea.....they wanted to create an issue ...i think israel did it right.....perhaps one slap on the face wud prevent future course of actions.

small countries in geography cannot take too much of risk like the indians...they allow fckuing trrorist to enter their parliament, hotels....everywhere...israel does not have a chance it does not have 1 billion population...it will do anything to protects its people....that was the right thing to do...protecting land is more important so what if some 100 insane people who were politically instigated going thru such route..they got the right treatment.....

Sir If the land is small , it does not mean that you kill anybody who is armless.. this was a Pathetic act done by terrorist state of Israel...

there was no risk of any terrorism because they were coming openly . they were not coming secretly .. And by the way they were in the international water and not in Israeli water when the Israeli terrorist attacked those armless people...

you should think first what you are writing.
from the video posted its clear that who attacked first...now i am also confused What has to be believed now?

who attacked first lol u must be joking. wtf was they commandos doing on these ships ?

take down these terrorists :hitwall:
israel is a small piece of land.....they have every right to "blockade of gazaa" why the hell these guys going from sea.....they wanted to create an issue ...i think israel did it right.....perhaps one slap on the face wud prevent future course of actions.

small countries in geography cannot take too much of risk like the indians...they allow fckuing trrorist to enter their parliament, hotels....everywhere...israel does not have a chance it does not have 1 billion population...it will do anything to protects its people....that was the right thing to do...protecting land is more important so what if some 100 insane people who were politically instigated going thru such route..they got the right treatment.....

Why dont you tell your GIs at ISAF to nuke entire Afghanistan and wind up the mess there. Dude, you have a very simple and easy way to deal with problems.

By your definition of 'making someplace safe and clean', the Holocaust was probably justified then?!

Hey Mods, are we going to let people mock and justify the death of innocents here now?
Israel-Turkey ties at breaking point after raid: analysts

Israel's assault on an aid convoy sailing to Gaza has pushed already strained relations with Turkey to breaking point, with trade, tourism and defence ties all likely to suffer, analysts said Monday.

"The repurcussions will be at a scale that will not be possible to repair in a short time ... Turkish-Israeli ties are at a breaking point," Sinan Ogan from the TURKSAM think-tank wrote in an online article.

Turkey, once Israel's main regional ally, recalled its envoy from Tel Aviv, scrapped joint military drills and called an emergency meeting at the UN Security Council after the deadly assault on the flotilla of six ships, including three from Turkey.

Ties between NATO's sole mainly Muslim member and the Jewish state had already been damaged amid vehement Turkish criticism of Israel's devastating war on Gaza last year and Ankara's improving ties with Iran.

Some Turkish analysts interpreted the assault as a deliberate warning from the Israeli government towards Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Islamist-rooted administration.

Sedat Laciner, head of the USAK think-tank, also argued the Israeli raid on the flotilla, including its lead ship, the Turkish Mavi Marmara, was "a deliberate act of revenge against Turkey over its attitude on Gaza and Iran."

Many of the dead were Turks, according to activists involved in the campaign to break the blockade of Gaza and deliver supplies to its impoverished people.

"Israel has a professional army. It could have intervened without causing casualties if it wanted. It preferred to act in this way," Ogan said.

Foreign policy analyst Sedat Ergin said Erdogan's government had prompted "a questioning of Israel's security paradigm" with its vocal criticism of the war on Gaza and improving ties with Iran and Syria.

"Israel has come to perceive Turkey as a threat... I don't see how relations can be put back on track," he said on NTV television.

Erdogan has defended Iran's nuclear programme and on May 17, together with Brazil's president, brokered a nuclear swap deal with Tehran to avert fresh UN sanctions on the Islamic republic.

In a memorable outburst, Erdogan stormed out of a debate at the World Economic Forum last year, accusing Israel of "barbarian" acts in Gaza and telling President Shimon Peres, sitting next to him, that "you know well how to kill people."

Sentiment in Ankara was further inflamed in January when the Turkish ambassador was given a public dressing down by Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon who made him sit on a low couch in a meeting called to protest a television series deemed to be offensive to the Jewish state.

The Israeli commentator Amos Harel, writing in the Tel Aviv-based Haaretz daily, said the envoy's humiliation "now looks like small change".

"Even before then, relations with Turkey had deteriorated over Israel's Operation Cast Lead in Gaza and the generally anti-Israeli stance taken by Turkey's moderately Islamist government. The new crisis is likely to lead to a total break in ties," he wrote in the liberal daily.

Tens of thousands gathered to protest in Istanbul in the aftermath of the assault, with the crowds chanting "Damn Israel!" and "A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, revenge, revenge!".

Turkey has long been a favourite destination for Israeli tourists but Ogan predicted holidaymakers would now stay away.

"Israeli tourists will not come this year or maybe they will not be allowed into Turkey," he said.

"Economic ties will plunge to a minimum level and defence industry tenders will very probably be cancelled."

Israeli companies have been among the main recepients of lucrative tenders to equip the Turkish army.

Military ties, involving also a series of joint exercises, was the driving force behind the Turkish-Israeli alliance, which was sealed in 1996 with the signing of a military cooperation accord
Go through the thread first.. they have killed a Pakistani journalist too.

oh I have bin through entire thread ..there are conflicting reports about
Mr Syed Talat Hussain's death...there has bin no confirmation as of yet.

Mr Hussain an international journalist and 2 other Pakistani Citizens were on board Freedom Flotilla.
They were not representatives of Govt of Pakistan and were there on their accord..in fact before leaving they even signed a letter , stating the above.
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