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Iraq: Eight killed by shelling on popular tourist resort in Kurdistan

I didn't say genetics.

Arabization means a cultural/identity shift, we can also Arabize Japanese people, or maybe you. You are a candidate.
Make the Shia groups such as Hashd shaabi the national army and they will eat those Turks alive. Current Iraqi army is useless.
Make the Shia groups such as Hashd shaabi the national army and they will eat those Turks alive. Current Iraqi army is useless.
That's not correct. Many units of the Iraqi Army fought bravely and professionally against the barbarians and along with the PMU,slowly retook everything and fought a tough battle at Mosul.

Some of the PMU are ragtag militias and other are well-equipped and skilled fighters. But the Iraqi Army should be the main army of Iraq. The PMU can and should support them.
Iran was ruled by the Turks for over 960 years between 950s and 1925
The British destroyed Turkic Dynasty in İran and Shah Pahlavi came to power in 1925

even in WW1 Turkish Army entered İran and took Tabriz but Russia-The UK forced the Ottoman Empire to witdraw from İran in 1918 the Armistice of Mudros

today without Russian protection backward İran and SAA are nothing in Syria
even FSA beat İRGC+SAA+Hezbolah in Syria and in 2015 Rouhani asked helping from Putin to save İRGC+SAA+Hezbolah from FSA in Syria

Turkiye has also Ballistic Missile-Cruise Missile and 1.000 km Anti-radiation Kamikaze Drone with the Turkish Airforce 230 F-16 Fighhter Jets which are far better than outdated İranian Armed Forces

only a few days were enough to kill 3.332 IRGC , SAA and Hezbolah militia including 6 generals and destroyed hundreds of Tanks,AFVs,Howitzers,MLRS,etc in Idlib

The Turks fought Europe+Russia+İran at the same time for centuries

what about İran ? still dreaming about 2.500 years ago , no even one victory in modern history. Americans killed top İranian General. on the other hand İran fired a few missiles on empty American base in Iraq . if İran is so brave attack on CENTCOM General in Qatar

Our rivals are France,Russia in Syria,Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean ,
but not İran or Greece who are nothing without Russia and USA-France
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Our rivals are France,Russia in Syria,Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean ,
but not İran or Greece who are nothing without Russia and USA-France
Funny,you used to say that not even USA can defeat 88,000,000 Turks in their country...

You used to laugh at France and now say they are your rival,along with Russia. Oh boy...
Iraqi army is the backbone of the country, not those Shia Islamist rats who cry over Soleimani.
THen why does Iraqi army always "dissapear" away when a tough enemy shows up in Iraq? When US army first showed up, Iraqi army "dissapeared" away instead of fighting ....then later ISIS showed up, and Soleimani had to show up in Baghdad and start PMU in order to save Iraq, because the Iraqi army had "dissapeared away" again when ISIS tried to take Baghdad...but PMU sacrifice and effectiveness is what gives you the privilege to live in IRaq NOT under ISIS control and still diss PMU and Soleimani's help when your army didnt want to exist.

yes, lets drone some poorsian cannon fodders like we did in Syria. From Hizbies to Afghanies and now Iraqi monkeys....
Turkey today is only a BROKE country that can only survive by being a busy body and NETWORKER - TUrkey enters everybody's business today, because Turkey cant survive without others buying her things or sending her dollars. Even Iran today is richer than TUrkey, FACT, you only talk on PDF from a historical persective - You call Iranains Poorsians but today TUrks are poorer than IRanians...then you continue and say that Turks destroyed Iranian cannon fodder in Syria, but that was historical, today TUrkey controls small and irrelevant parts of Syria, unlike before, so you always talk from a historical perspective because Turkey's current situation isnt good- cant fight, and cant win, not in Iraq, not in Ukraine, not in SYria.
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I find it amusing that turks and iranians are fighting it out on this thread while on another thread related to the turk russo iranian meeting that took place last week the same people were cuddling congratulating themselves about controlling the middle east or whatever
I find it amusing that turks and iranians are fighting it out on this thread while on another thread related to the turk russo iranian meeting that took place last week the same people were cuddling congratulating themselves about controlling the middle east or whatever
There are few and I mean few Turk members in here that carry a grudge towards Iranians for what ever reason unknown to me..there are also very respectable Turkish members also that we have good honest conversation with them...same in the Arab side..there are two individuals that never miss a chance to throw rocks at Iranians ..so what is shappening is that most people stay within their forums..which is not what the idea of an International forum should be...we all know less about our neighbours than we know about far away countries..sad..but it is what it is for now...it is a PDF thing!!..lol
There are few and I mean few Turk members in here that carry a grudge towards Iranians for what ever reason unknown to me..there are also very respectable Turkish members also that we have good honest conversation with them...same in the Arab side..there are two individuals that never miss a chance to throw rocks at Iranians ..so what is shappening is that most people stay within their forums..which is not what the idea of an International forum should be...we all know less about our neighbours than we know about far away countries..sad..but it is what it is for now...it is a PDF thing!!..lol
Yeah its a PDF thing lol
@Khan2727 We might see Arab iranian peace soon
The geddah meet really fell apart and now biden is trying to pick on mainly Egypt for whatever reason
@Khan2727 We might see Arab iranian peace soon
The geddah meet really fell apart and now biden is trying to pick on mainly Egypt for whatever reason

I highly doubt that if the Iranian regime keeps interfering in unstable Arab countries opportunistically (notice that they cannot interfere in any stable Arab countries - tell me what their influence/interference amounts to in Egypt, KSA, GCC states, Morocco, Algeria, Jordan etc. - the answer is zero) and continues to create/support terrorist groups, militias etc. King Abdullah of Jordan just condemned them, I saw.

Anyway most Arab states don't care as the regional battlegrounds will remain Iraq and Syria (I don't include tiny Lebanon) and those states are already messed up so they are the ones that will be screwed in the future too most likely. There is no genuine unity anywhere in the Muslim world. If there was genuine unity in the Arab world for instance, the likes of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen etc. would never have occurred regardless of outside influence.

With the regimes ruling the Middle East/Muslim world, policies at play, historical rivalries, sectarian angle etc. I don't see any long-lasting changes for the better anytime soon. I could be wrong of course.

As for regional cooperation/blocs, I only see 1 succesful one and that is the GCC and that is also only due to them sharing the same ethnicity, language, overall culture, geography, form of government (monarchy) yet despite that there is no common union yet (shared currency, army, passport) or an actual powerful single federal state. Just imagine the amount of oil and gas alone such a federal state would control or all the strategic waterways. That is why the West did everything to divide them and continues to do so but the Arab leaderships are not helping themselves either.

I will give you the example of Qatar. 350.000 Qatari natives control HALF of the natural gas reserves that 146 million big Russia (largest natural gas reserves in the world) has.

Qatar size:

11,581 km2

Russia size:

17,098,246 km2

Think for a second how many universities, schools, research funding, investments all that natural gas wealth of small Qatar could accomplish in a large GCC federal state let alone what that money could do in other Arab countries. Take your country Egypt with 100 million people as an example of how such money could fundamentally change the country for the better. It could lift 10's of millions of people from poverty. Within the large mass of people there are 100's if not 1000's of potential geniuses that could be cultivated to improve the industrialization of each Arab country. Yet all that wealth is controlled by just 1 family and a few allied powerful Qatari families. Of course since there are so few natives (350.000) they are all millionaires but that's not the point here.

Instead that wealth is just mostly spend in small Qatar instead of being spread in all of the GCC and Arab world thus making both of them stronger and eventually Qatar itself loses in the long run. Same goes for the wealth of every Arab state that is mostly spent within that state only. Basically Arabs are shooting themselves in the foot.

I don't know If anything fell apart, after all nothing serious was planned, everything that came out about some Middle Eastern NATO, Israeli alliance was mainly the work of desperate Israeli/Western media if you noticed. I think that we talked about that already in the Biden thread. You yourself wrote that there is already a political Arab bloc (somewhat) and they were all there.

I think that the only thing that they can all agree with is that a major war would benefit nobody in the region so they are probably trying to avoid that using diplomacy. Similar to Pakistan-Gangia/India.

Anyway what are the Egyptian-Sudanese ties like nowadays? Have they improved?
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The area where the zaho attack took place is already under the control of the KRG. There is already a regional autonomous Kurdish administration that cooperates with TR and establishes diplomatic relations. The main problem here is the fake news that will cause the Shiites to uprise.

The Turkish presidency said in a statement last week that "USA should withdraw from the east of the Euphrates", and now strange things are happening in Iraq, just after Tehran Summit.

1 - First of all, it likely mortar attack, not airstrike.

The group, which launched a mortar attack on the Turkish base 2 months ago, has now targeted civilians. A few days ago, they tried a provocation targeting civilian vehicles with some mini-drones, but they were unsuccessful.

2 - Attack is a very obvious example of false flag operation.

This is a very common style of operation in Iraq. If you only follow Iraq through social media, you don't know anything about Iraq anyway.

3 - The KRG had officially stated last months that the PKK should now withdraw from Iraq. In the last few months, there has been an atmosphere of war between the PKK terrorist organization and the KRG; both on a media basis and in terms of military measures on the field. While there is no logical reason for Turkiye to take a step that would put the KRG in a difficult position, the PKK has existential reasons to push KRG into deadlock.

4 - Just minutes after the attack, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs makes a statement that targeting Turkiye, and fanatics of the (Iranian-backed) Islamic Resistance Al-Ahrar Iraqi Brigade take action in front of the Turkish Embassy in Baghdad. What are Iran-backed groups doing in front of the Baghdad Embassy just before the PKK commits a massacre in Zaho, Even with the banners? These activists are beaten by Iraqi riot police. If tensions escalate, efforts are being made to create a very conducive environment for ISIS sleeper cells such VBIED attacks.

Propaganda caps prepared for the incident were circulated minutes after the attack and the public was agitated. It is very clear that there is a coordinated work with the attack here. You have to be retarded not to understand this.

The official English statements of the Iraqi presidency and prime minister yesterday do not contain any reference to Turkiye, but there was a terrible disinformation in the Pkk and Iran media without any evidence. The social media posts in question are circulated in a coordinated manner by predominantly pro-PKK and some sectarian military accounts in Iraq.

5 - The PKK's presence in Iraq is at the point of exhaustion. Hundreds of experienced and well trained militans and so much senior executives lost in a year. Many training camps were destroyed. They lost their dominance in more than 70% of the territories they held until last year. Smuggling has become very difficult even imposible.

6 - The terrorist organization was about to get stuck on Mount Qandil and if these operations did not stop, the PKK was coming to the end of the road in Iraq.

This false flag operation took place one day after the Tehran summit.

Russia, Iran and Turkiye are trying to demonstrate their will to work together for lasting peace in Syria. If you think the timing is just a coincidence, go back to point 2: not just Iraq, you don't know anything about the entire middle east.

Q: Will this false flag operation stop the operations against PKK?
A: Lol

It would be a better choice for them to direct their anger towards USA's proxy organizations while the USA literally shit on Iraqis mouth.

Footnote: As long as the terrorist structures on the Turkish borders are not withdrawn at least 30 kilometers as previously understood at Astana process, the Syria operation will inevitably carry out. Whether our friends support or not...

I have one question: If Turkey is secular republic then what do sectarian accounts and sources gain from using a sectarian angle on Turkey?

Also isn't PKK a communist org? Those people don't believe in religion??
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