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Iran to build military base on port connected to Pakistan border

All this Pakistan-Iran being brother Muslim countries is bull crap! Islam is totally against sectarianism, but unfortunately it is a reality in our day - has been so for centuries. Pakistan being predominantly Sunni, and Iran, Shia, do not expect any truly brotherly relations.

Mark my words today: This new port is being planned to sabotage Gwadar's strategic importance in the area. As usual, Pakistani leadership will be too complacent about it until it is too late!
All this Pakistan-Iran being brother Muslim countries is bull crap! Islam is totally against sectarianism, but unfortunately it is a reality in our day - has been so for centuries. Pakistan being predominantly Sunni, and Iran, Shia, do not expect any truly brotherly relations.

Mark my words today: This new port is being planned to sabotage Gwadar's strategic importance in the area. As usual, Pakistani leadership will be too complacent about it until it is too late!

Chabahar port is off the table as Donald Trump made crystal clear about it which means the same for India now.

And that leaves it to the only possible port which is CPEC. Without Pakistan, CPEC is not possible, and without Pakistan, China/Russia/Turkey/Central Asia will not deal with Iran directly.

Iran needs Pakistan more than ever. Pakistan is the whole game. It is not coincident why Iran has been appeasement to Pakistan lately after Kulbushan Yadav.

You can rest assured that Iran has no intention to undermine CPEC which will be bread-n-butter for Iran as well. It will be like burning its own farm lands to ashes. I am sure Iran is not that stupid to do that.
Shelling issue is something else. Its relating to cross border terrorism and smuggling. Nothing else then that.
It is a violation of Pakistani sovereignty, it is not "nothing". Their shelling has destroyed houses and injured Pakistani villagers.

Rest there is no logic in that rising economies become rival if they are in same locality.
It is not so much the "same locality", but sharing the same geopolitical space does increase the likelihood of tensions. One need only look at history, from Germany and Russia, to Imperial France and Imperial Britain.

That means all central asian nations are rivals. And so does Indinesia Malaysia Singapore South korea Japan Are also rivals right? And east german nations as well.
That's not what I'm saying at all. Having said that, some of these nations ARE rivals. Indonesia and Malaysia don't get along, and have a number of disputes. South Korea and Japan are both regional powers, and have historical animosity towards each other, which lingers to this day. Singapore, I don't know much about its history.

Even in Germanic nation in Europe, there is rivalries. Europe isn't as united as you'd like to believe, Spain and the UK both have territorial disputes, when it comes to Gibraltar.

Bro if you are just hellbent on proving iran is rival to Pakistan then i cannot argue any firthur.
I'm not hellbent on proving anything, I'm simply stating a fact. You can ignore geopolitical realities all you want, they won't go away.

This is not how conflicts come to being.
Conflicts have been started for less, conflicts have started over obvious lies. Don't pretend otherwise.

India is the onoy throne in this Iran-Pak carpet. If mullahs adopt a nutral policy then There is no issue with Iran.
India is not the only thorn that Pakistan-Iran relations have to deal with. Like I said, KSA and Iran have fought proxy wars against each other in Pakistan, and today Iran is recruiting poor Shia Pakistanis to fight as mercenaries in Syria.

Not to mention that Pakistan is more pro-KSA, than it is pro-Iran. Moving closer to Iran will anger one of Pakistan's closest allies.

Let me give you another clue. Locate the military installations defensive positions of armed forces of both ira and Pakistan on the border sharing between irana nd Pakistan.
I don't need your "clue". This comment is nonsense. Like I said, rivalry between the two doesn't necessarily mean a military rivalry, it can and will likely be political and economic.

Then you will realize where the precieved threats of both nations lie
You can ignore facts, but facts won't change to suit your narrative.
What would be Iran's feeling if Pakistan decides to build a similar port on Pakistani side ?
Nothing really, At least it should be NOTHING. That is what i suggest to our side as well.

What would have been Iranian reply if a Saudi spy had entered from Pakistani soil into Iran on Pakistani passport ?
Strong for sure. Our should have been the same as well, if it was not, it is incompetence of OUR government. Iran or Iranian cannot be blamed for NS not having time or the balls to speak up against Kulbushan!

What Iran says on Uzair Baloch Iranian nationality and links ? Would Iran reply in same homeopathic way as Pakistani govt is currently doing ?
They will sure ask for a probe into it, same as we should do. However once again, we cannot blame Iranian for doing there job because we failed do to so. It is not there fault that our Foreign Office failed to mention this to Iran or the world.

You are not Shia, but sectarian hate of some of your fellow Pakistanis is driving them nuts. They even twist a news about Iran building a naval base on its own soil near its only oceanic port to suit their sectarian agenda.

On topic, due to various reasons in past decades, Iran's navy didn't have much presence in right side of Persian Gulf, but now it is trying to catch up. I'm sorry if Iran's navy has offended some fellow PDFers, I will tell navy chief to first consult with members here in advance before doing anything similar.

P.S: The fact that every sane, neutral Pakistani has to say "I'm not Shia" at the end of his post to avoid attacks by sectarian horde speaks for itself, such a sad state of affairs.

It will be handed over to RAW agents as soon as it's finished, no need to worry.
I live here in Pakistan and the only thing i can tell you is that there is a LARGE Shia population living happily over here, may be we are the only country with such huge population of both Shia and Sunni Muslims living together in this way. No need to exploit the sectarianism differences.

As for "I am not a Shia" comment, i damn care about personal attacks on an online forum. People will only show who THEY are and that do not concerns me. I write this statement ONLY so that the comment can be read with a neutral point of view rather than a biased opinion. Also because it really do not makes any difference to me if i am a Shia or a Sunni as long as i understand and IMPLEMENT the same basic principals of ISLAM, the religion we BOTH FOLLOW.
What If Iran gives access to india during wars for replenishment ? Given that we fail to block hormous strait . Plus thats close to gwadar region , that port could get more threats . PN all set to develop largest shipyard there
They wont, Iran wont stand with India in a WAR with Pakistan. Plus, this is as assumption you are making here, we cannot dictate our foreign relations and foreign policies based on such assumption. I mean, Iranians can argue that Pakistan may give its posts to Saudia in case of a war with Iran, what do we say then?

Iran is a friendly country and we should treat them like one. We do not need to get our self encircled with hostile nations or nations that we are making hostile.
Nothing really, At least it should be NOTHING. That is what i suggest to our side as well.

By similar I mean, used in same fashion as Iranian port and if Saudi Naval force would use this port there would be earthquake in Qum and Tehran. Iranian govt is not like Pakistani half dead half alive govt. They are very aggressive in giving response, just as in case of Raheel Sharif appointment.
Iranian govt behavior after so called revolution is like, Mine is mine but yours is also mine. As we see in all neighborhood of Iran.
Of course Iran has the right but what happens to Pakistan's right.. why were iranians were crying when our retire military general was going to a job which can be taken by any of 39 countries members.. so many black sheeps in our Lovely country Pakistan are here to quickly defend Iran but when it comes to Pakistan interest they start all shia suni crap.. Going by ur logic its their country they can build base and allow india to use its ports and so on than we have the same right to allow USA Saudis and so on to use our base near iran border as its our soil.. Pakistan first.. let Iranian defend their reason for building a base not by u all living here in Pakistan.. Give same rights to Pakistan when it decides to make any military alliance or base or whatever in our soil.. Kalbushan Jadav is one example ..

Whats the big deal? Its there soil and there military base wont hurt us. Iran is not our rival.
If only it stops flirting with india andbecome completely nutral between India and Paksitan, We are Ok wit them

First of all, we need to recognize the fact that every country has a right to build a naval base in its own territory as deemed fit to its security requirements. Iran has the same right. Second, we need to stop portraying Iran as a direct rival to Pakistan. It's never been the case (with the only exception in the case of Afghanistan when Shia Afghanis were the direct target of Afghan Taliban and Pakistan was actively supporting Taliban) and it's not likely be the case in future. If anything, proposed Iranian naval base might help in securing our Gwadar's trade routes through Gulf. We ought to rope in Iran in order to make an overall trade block and turning that country into a supportive partner rather than a rival playing in the hands of our enemies.

Come on guys, the are building a base on there soil and it is not like that it is going to cause us any damage. All we need to do is make our own land safe and our waters secure. Pakistan Navy is also developing infrastructure on the western zone now and it will gather more pace once gwadar becomes more and more active. Relax, this news do not concerns us.

And no, i am not a Shia for God's Sake!!

no need to be emotional, their soil, their rules, Pakistan should also do everything necessary for security of our interests.
Of course Iran has the right but what happens to Pakistan's right.. why were iranians were crying when our retire military general was going to a job which can be taken by any of 39 countries members.. so many black sheeps in our Lovely country Pakistan are here to quickly defend Iran but when it comes to Pakistan interest they start all shia suni crap.. Going by ur logic its their country they can build base and allow india to use its ports and so on than we have the same right to allow USA Saudis and so on to use our base near iran border as its our soil.. Pakistan first.. let Iranian defend their reason for building a base not by u all living here in Pakistan.. Give same rights to Pakistan when it decides to make any military alliance or base or whatever in our soil.. Kalbushan Jadav is one example ..

dont listen to people who have loyalties in Iran and Saudi Arabia, let them whine just follow our National interests blindly..
They wont, Iran wont stand with India in a WAR with Pakistan. Plus, this is as assumption you are making here, we cannot dictate our foreign relations and foreign policies based on such assumption. I mean, Iranians can argue that Pakistan may give its posts to Saudia in case of a war with Iran, what do we say then?

Iran is a friendly country and we should treat them like one. We do not need to get our self encircled with hostile nations or nations that we are making hostile.

how could i forget that :-) , thnx .BTW its a long prediction that the last war of muslim hind vs hindu hind in which muslims will be helped most by irans ,arabs , ottoman (turkey) and shumali mashriq (china ormaybe russia too)
Of course Iran has the right but what happens to Pakistan's right.. why were iranians were crying when our retire military general was going to a job which can be taken by any of 39 countries members.. so many black sheeps in our Lovely country Pakistan are here to quickly defend Iran but when it comes to Pakistan interest they start all shia suni crap.. Going by ur logic its their country they can build base and allow india to use its ports and so on than we have the same right to allow USA Saudis and so on to use our base near iran border as its our soil.. Pakistan first.. let Iranian defend their reason for building a base not by u all living here in Pakistan.. Give same rights to Pakistan when it decides to make any military alliance or base or whatever in our soil.. Kalbushan Jadav is one example ..
Are you hurt or something?
Whats all this Anger about?
Paksitan have allowed china to make bases in gawadar so what? Our land we can do whatever we want with it.
No one is talking about iran giving base to india. You are making things up by yourself.
Nobody is defending iran.
And what do you mean by "Give rights" Who is giving rights?
General raheel is in Riaz and And China is in Gawadar.

Wrong post to spill your Hatered toward a specific country boy.

And by your way of talking with anger and zest i can assure you are a Wahabbi :-)

Pakistan will never enter yemen conflict neither will it ever become a party to this secterian fire that Saudia and Iran are playing with in favour of neither Iranis nor Saudis.

Bro respect other countries. Dont hate on the base of relligion. Shia sunni what. Our closest Allies are China that is atheist and Turkey that is secular.

Pakistan is always first. Paksitan is a nutral Country neither shia nor wahabi. We have our own interests but we have to live peacefully with our neibours. Just because our dear ally saudi arabia is in conflict with some country in Middle east doesnt mean we create tentions on our borders for them.
Do Saudis create tention with Indians Because of Kashmir?
Do Turkey Create Tention with Afghansitan due to our durind line conflict with afghansitan?

Stay Blessed
Chabahar port is off the table as Donald Trump made crystal clear about it which means the same for India now.
What is the source on this? I understand US-Iran tensions might make things more sensitive for India, but I haven't seen anything indicating that the development won't go ahead. As far as I'm aware it's moving forward as planned.
By similar I mean, used in same fashion as Iranian port and if Saudi Naval force would use this port there would be earthquake in Qum and Tehran. Iranian govt is not like Pakistani half dead half alive govt. They are very aggressive in giving response, just as in case of Raheel Sharif appointment.
Iranian govt behavior after so called revolution is like, Mine is mine but yours is also mine. As we see in all neighborhood of Iran.
Again bahi myray, you cannot blame Iranian government to be active and aggressive when it comes to there national interest just because ours suck at it!! :P

Of course Iran has the right but what happens to Pakistan's right.. why were Iranians were crying when our retire military general was going to a job which can be taken by any of 39 countries members.. so many black sheep in our Lovely country Pakistan are here to quickly defend Iran but when it comes to Pakistan interest they start all shia suni crap.. Going by ur logic its their country they can build base and allow India to use its ports and so on than we have the same right to allow USA Saudis and so on to use our base near Iran border as its our soil.. Pakistan first.. let Iranian defend their reason for building a base not by u all living here in Pakistan.. Give same rights to Pakistan when it decides to make any military alliance or base or whatever in our soil.. Kalbushan Jadav is one example ..
You are being a bit too emotional here. I am not aware of anyone defending Iran at cost of Pakistan here. I am not one of them at least. For me, Pakistan is what matters. However i do feel that this port:
  1. Do not concerns us
  2. Nowhere is this mentioned that this is to be used by India, we should not be assuming things. This is what creates the problem.
  3. RS appointment with the coalition is our national matter and we did what our gov. though to be right in that matter haven't we? Even though we all know against whom the Arab's coalition is aimed! :) It is not Israel for sure. :)
  4. Again, please we should not give EVERYTHING a religious or sectarian angle. People here are sensible enough to analyze things strategically without being influenced by religion or sect.
All i want to say here is that we as a nation have a tendency to get emotionally involved in issues that do not matters to us. This is one similar case. They are building a port, that do not concern us, Iran is a friendly nation and we do not need to make enemies all around us for God's Sake.
Guys the Persians don't have time for us and we don't have time for them simply put. Rising Saudi led threat, Yemen, Iraq and Syria are where the Iranians are focused while we're battling northwest , Baluchistan and ofc India. This base is probably just to spy on international vessels entering the Persian gulf to uae qatar saudi bahrain etc. Pakistan and Iran have no benefit from fighting each other, proactive moves by Iran will lead to Pakistan firmly in Saudi alliance which Iran would never want. Relax , also to those citing secretaries bs, yesterday I saw a pic of zia ul haq praying under Khomeini leadership [emoji2]
Of course Iran has the right but what happens to Pakistan's right.. why were iranians were crying when our retire military general was going to a job which can be taken by any of 39 countries members.. so many black sheeps in our Lovely country Pakistan are here to quickly defend Iran but when it comes to Pakistan interest they start all shia suni crap.. Going by ur logic its their country they can build base and allow india to use its ports and so on than we have the same right to allow USA Saudis and so on to use our base near iran border as its our soil.. Pakistan first.. let Iranian defend their reason for building a base not by u all living here in Pakistan.. Give same rights to Pakistan when it decides to make any military alliance or base or whatever in our soil.. Kalbushan Jadav is one example ..

I come from a sunni family but I myself do not claim to be Sunni anymore. I have not turned Shia either. I am just a Muslim and unless we all cannot be just Muslims and leave our Human lords aside, there is no hope for Islam in the current world.

I have no issues with Sunnis and Shias performing their rituals, but this divide creates the real ills of our society. I have many Shia friends. I never argue with them over religion; however, what is quite evident from their conversations is they invariably praise Iran and bash Saudi Arabia at every possible opportunity. We have no problems with Shias living with us as our brothers, but all Iranian sponsored mischief must stop.

Pakistan, being a predominantly Sunni country, must do what is best in its national interest. Friendship with Iran over Saudi Arabia will never resolve our issues. Iran has a proven track of having friendly ties with India. That is not the case with Saudi Arabia. Pakistan must rise as the leader of the Muslim ummah. We do not need to harbour enmity with Iran, but Iran must be sternly dealt with if it indulges in anti-Pakistan activities.

Being predominantly Sunni state does not mean supporting Sunni extremist groups. All terrorist organizations, regardless of their religious inclination must be annihilated. Doing this will also help cement our ties with the USA much better than ever before. Above all, our friendship with China must be cherished at all costs. Iran comes much lower in the hierarchy of our national interests. Time has come it is up to Iran to decide if it wants good relations with Pakistan. Pakistan must assert itself as a regional superpower. Period.

Pakistan first!
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People here are sick , they have stupid obsession with shia and iran....Comeon guys , grow up!!!!! Iran politics and military has nothing to do with shia. The only bad form of extremism is this what you people are showcasing here by nonsense sectariansm...this suggests that how much hypocrite you all are , at one side talk about uniting ummah chummah and other side about shia stuff....stupid people
@Arsalan brother explained very beautifully why this port cant be used against us...i would like to add futher points.
If war occurs between middle east and iran , middle is is mighty in every term especially conventional weapons with latest tech . Iran unfortunately got some homegrown copies which they are trying hard to make them great . They dont have a large arsenal. In any war , iran has greater chance of losing. If iran grants port access to indian during war , then pak will do same with iran at their war time and let opponent forces acces gwadar/ormara

All this Pakistan-Iran being brother Muslim countries is bull crap! Islam is totally against sectarianism, but unfortunately it is a reality in our day - has been so for centuries. Pakistan being predominantly Sunni, and Iran, Shia, do not expect any truly brotherly relations.

Mark my words today: This new port is being planned to sabotage Gwadar's strategic importance in the area. As usual, Pakistani leadership will be too complacent about it until it is too late!
there is no brother in 20/21st century politics...interests matter...grow up plz...plus iran has greater ties with pak than india..iran is no afghanistan which will fall for money and lose respect...iran is very clever , they know india uses everyone like tissue papers just like USA does

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