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Iran to build military base on port connected to Pakistan border


Dec 1, 2015
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April 19, 2017

Iran announced the creation of a new naval base to track ships and marine transportation and Gulf countries. According to foreign media, Iranian Navy Commander Admiral Habibollah Sayyari addressed the naval staff and said Iran is building a military base on port connected to Balochistan, the Southeast province of Pakistan. Which we will be able to look at the ships passing through the Gulf waters. Naval Intelligence Surveillance was very weak in the past, he said, In particular we have had no effective management in terms of monitoring of ships passing through the Gulf waters. But the Iran Navy is using the latest communication tools for monitoring marine traffic, We have been able to keep an eye on the movement of ships in territorial and international waters.

Pakistan should build more naval bases and increase the strength of its naval force. We need to change our attitude towards certain countries and drop this "brotherly" word from our dictionary since some of the "brothers" have been conspiring against Pakistan. The backstabbers have been sponsoring terrorism into Pakistan and want to incite sectarian rift by misleading our gullible and emotional people.
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Whats the big deal? Its there soil and there military base wont hurt us. Iran is not our rival.
If only it stops flirting with india andbecome completely nutral between India and Paksitan, We are Ok wit them
Whats the big deal? Its there soil and there military base wont hurt us. Iran is not our rival.
If only it stops flirting with india andbecome completely nutral between India and Paksitan, We are Ok wit them
Yeah the important thing is that if it becomes neutral or if it wants to become neutral
April 19, 2017

Iran announced the creation of a new naval base to track ships and marine transportation and Gulf countries. According to foreign media, Iranian Navy Commander Admiral Habibollah Sayyari addressed the naval staff and said Iran is building a military base on port connected to Balochistan, the Southeast province of Pakistan. Which we will be able to look at the ships passing through the Gulf waters. Naval Intelligence Surveillance was very weak in the past, he said, In particular we have had no effective management in terms of monitoring of ships passing through the Gulf waters. But the Iran Navy is using the latest communication tools for monitoring marine traffic, We have been able to keep an eye on the movement of ships in territorial and international waters.

First of all, we need to recognize the fact that every country has a right to build a naval base in its own territory as deemed fit to its security requirements. Iran has the same right. Second, we need to stop portraying Iran as a direct rival to Pakistan. It's never been the case (with the only exception in the case of Afghanistan when Shia Afghanis were the direct target of Afghan Taliban and Pakistan was actively supporting Taliban) and it's not likely be the case in future. If anything, proposed Iranian naval base might help in securing our Gwadar's trade routes through Gulf. We ought to rope in Iran in order to make an overall trade block and turning that country into a supportive partner rather than a rival playing in the hands of our enemies.
Come on guys, the are building a base on there soil and it is not like that it is going to cause us any damage. All we need to do is make our own land safe and our waters secure. Pakistan Navy is also developing infrastructure on the western zone now and it will gather more pace once gwadar becomes more and more active. Relax, this news do not concerns us.

And no, i am not a Shia for God's Sake!!
And when will these two faced back stabbing lying pseudo molvis hand over this port to india? Any confrim date or deadline?
none of country hand over naval port even srilanka, if iran will do this then iran will be counted a rival in our list

Come on guys, the are building a base on there soil and it is not like that it is going to cause us any damage. All we need to do is make our own land safe and our waters secure. Pakistan Navy is also developing infrastructure on the western zone now and it will gather more pace once gwadar becomes more and more active. Relax, this news do not concerns us.

And no, i am not a Shia for God's Sake!!
i am also not shia lolz, most of kids cant understand that facts
What if Pakistan builds a same naval base in Jiwani or Gawadar, Pro-Iran lobbies will start ranting-- calling it amid at Iran. :hitwall:
lolz here i am 100% agree with u.
Come on guys, the are building a base on there soil and it is not like that it is going to cause us any damage. All we need to do is make our own land safe and our waters secure. Pakistan Navy is also developing infrastructure on the western zone now and it will gather more pace once gwadar becomes more and more active. Relax, this news do not concerns us.

And no, i am not a Shia for God's Sake!!
Of course your words are valuable sir and no one is shia or sunni. We all should be together for Pakistan and love this country. Iran has right of course but the recent events have taken people of Pakistan by surprise rather left them in shock so even such measures from Iran will be seen with a doubt and Pakistan needs to strengthen its naval force. We want peaceful relations will all the countries but our interests should be foremost to us as is the case with whole world and if some country is found working against Pakistan then the latter reserves the right to respond in an appropriate and proportionate manner.
Of course your words are valuable sir and no one is shia or sunni. We all should be together for Pakistan and love this country. Iran has right of course but the recent events have taken people of Pakistan by surprise rather left them in shock so even such measures from Iran will be seen with a doubt and Pakistan needs to strengthen its naval force. We want peaceful relations will all the countries but our interests should be foremost to us as is the case with whole world and if some country is found working against Pakistan then the latter reserves the right to respond in an appropriate and proportionate manner.
lolz iran also pointed us, to deploy chinese carrier at gwadar. take it as opportunity or a reason given by iran.
Whats the big deal? Its there soil and there military base wont hurt us. Iran is not our rival.
If only it stops flirting with india andbecome completely nutral between India and Paksitan, We are Ok wit them

True. They can build whatever kind of base they want to build on their land.
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