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Iran to build military base on port connected to Pakistan border

Let them do what they want.. There days will be numbered if they ever dare to attack our interest.. We hope this say will never come and our relationship with iran will be always remain solid like were in past
Your acting like an ostrich that likes to hide its head so it cannot see the lion. Do you not realize it is India that is trying to take away the strategic advantage we have created by making Gwadar?
Come on guys, the are building a base on there soil and it is not like that it is going to cause us any damage. All we need to do is make our own land safe and our waters secure. Pakistan Navy is also developing infrastructure on the western zone now and it will gather more pace once gwadar becomes more and more active. Relax, this news do not concerns us.

And no, i am not a Shia for God's Sake!!
What If Iran gives access to india during wars for replenishment ? Given that we fail to block hormous strait . Plus thats close to gwadar region , that port could get more threats . PN all set to develop largest shipyard there
Your acting like an ostrich that likes to hide its head so it cannot see the lion. Do you not realize it is India that is trying to take away the strategic advantage we have created by making Gwadar?
Iran not cooperating with india at yadove issue, infact India Deceived iran they used there land to spy Pakistan, and they r not idiots to hang there horns with Pakistan spacily when arabs union bombing there proxies in yaman
Brother thats past ... we had negative relationship with them but realizing the current situation with afghanistan and india we need freindly neighbourhood ... i am not saying that we allow them to terrorize our country but on principal we dont have conflicting interest with Iran and therefore its better to forget past and have a fresh start ... and in this start diplomacy is key ... like we did with russia ....
Do you think Iran is a friendly neighbour? Well, KY and UB confessions are recent events. I'd agree with your point that we dont need to make a new enemy on our borders but with the recent events and from past experience, we should learn a thing or two and keep an eye on them. A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole.
You are right: diplomacy is the best solution but force should be used when required: against their proxies/agencies while they are recruiting our countrymen for thei alleged interests.
Do you think Iran is a friendly neighbour? Well, KY and UB confessions are recent events. I'd agree with your point that we dont need to make a new enemy on our borders but with the recent events and from past experience, we should learn a thing or two and keep an eye on them. A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole.
You are right: diplomacy is the best solution but force should be used when required: against their proxies/agencies while they are recruiting our countrymen for thei alleged interests.

If we act against terrorist even financed by iran it will have no impact on our relationship ... for that matter who do youbthink is financing TTP and Sipah sahaba and other terroristements ? Its KSA ... i have no second opinoon that we need to be harsh on every terrorist no matter which country it belongs ... and we need to keep a strict watch but dont forget that this mess was brought by us in the region ... we created taliban in the past and started proxy war (although it was necessary) ...we also let this sectarian dicide flourish in our country so meanwhile we need to kill all those tterrorists on the other hand we need strong diplomacy with all the countries ... our only real enemy is India as they never accepted and to some extent US as they want to ensure world dominance and want every nation to be its slave ... Pakistan being only nuclear muslim country is a big threat to them therefore they are containing us economically ...
If we act against terrorist even financed by iran it will have no impact on our relationship ... for that matter who do youbthink is financing TTP and Sipah sahaba and other terroristements ? Its KSA ... i have no second opinoon that we need to be harsh on every terrorist no matter which country it belongs ... and we need to keep a strict watch but dont forget that this mess was brought by us in the region ... we created taliban in the past and started proxy war (although it was necessary) ...we also let this sectarian dicide flourish in our country so meanwhile we need to kill all those tterrorists on the other hand we need strong diplomacy with all the countries ... our only real enemy is India as they never accepted and to some extent US as they want to ensure world dominance and want every nation to be its slave ... Pakistan being only nuclear muslim country is a big threat to them therefore they are containing us economically ...
I agree with your points. For me, Iran and KSA are two sides of the same coin. The difference is KSA doesnt share borders with Pakistan but Iran does, and she directly interferes within Pakistan to gain her alleged interests. We need to get rid of their(both KSA & Iran) influence within our country. This Muslim brotherhood swearly compromises our national interests especially our foreign policy.

Secondly, my point is based on some recent events and the past experience we faced on Irani hand. Furthermore, with the current friendly relations between India and Iran, imagine if incase of Pak-India war, Iran offers this proposed naval base to India?

From economic point of view, Iran is also hurting our interests. Not to mention smuggling of oil in Pakistan and the use of Irani currency for dailylife trading in Gawadar. Thatswhy Im of the view to keep an eye on Iran.
As the content of the OP states, this is aimed at monitoring traffic going in/out of the Gulf. One of the reasons why Pakistan has naval bases at Pasni, Gwadar etc. (also close to the Iranian border)
The title however makes this Iranian construction sound confrontational against Pakistan. Making a mountain out of a molehill.
Question is who operate this base?Iranian navy or Indian navy? Is it some kind of answer against Muslim coalition? Iran must clarify who will operate it in future.
Question is who operate this base?Iranian navy or Indian navy? Is it some kind of answer against Muslim coalition? Iran must clarify who will operate it in future.
Dear let them do whatever they want to do. Pakistan need to stay away from all trouble. Its issue between few arabs countries vs Iran. We Pakistani can not convince any party. Plus, Saudi and rest GCC has issue with Iran interference in " arab matters", but Iran denying and saying that during 8 years of war all these arab countries togather and funded Saddam and call him arab hero and imposed war. Where Iran totally destroyed and still GCC and Saudi Arabia is main force to impose sanction against Iran. So, there issues are very deep and beyond the control of Pakistan .It's better to stay away from all these issue and secured our border. Both countries are extremely rich and where Pakistan economy stand we all know.
Imagine yesterday two employees of Pakistan Steel Mill did suicide for not getting paid for last three months. The most tragic part , one them was school teacher at SM school.
lolz let me know who won

Agreed. I hope the US would help us in this!
where have you been for long time? US, :omghaha:. pakistan is unreliable ally of US, it is simple pak has reason to deploy chinese carrier due to iran, and iran will have reason to deploy russian carrier due to pak at strait of hormuz,
Yeah the important thing is that if it becomes neutral or if it wants to become neutral
well iran will become neutral as fast as we become neutral between iran and middle east esp. KSA
Since no Iranian or Indian has replied to this sanctimonious thread full of self importance delusions, let me just say Iran is a respectable nation.

And as a respectable nation is not on sale to the highest bidder.

And hence has not in the past or in future likely to allow foreign armies, drones, ports, bases etc on their soil.

So pakistanis are requested not to judge others by their own poor standards. Thank you.
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