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Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official



No it's another variant (unknown)

Sunni Arab states do not sponsor those militias. They actually came out of Shia majority country(Iraq). Iran does sponsor Shia militias though. Who also commit their fair share of war crimes. I can post many videos if you want me to. Although I'd prefer not to.
they come from Iraq because Muslim state was provoking Muslims that Shias are hijacking their country. in this very forum people were encouraging them to fight. now that ISIS turned the Iraq and Syria to ash pile those Muslims became innocent seculars, Arab brothers !!!
do not blame your faults on Iran, even if we erase Iran of last 40 years history i don't see you form a Muslim alliance to counter Israel, establish what you name as caliphate or a little success in anything. you would scratch your back in these time line and curse Jews and Christians and go to sleep and do it tomorrow again.
Iran only reacted in all of the conflicts u refer as sectarian.
you guys are afraid of anything that does not look like you, you suffer from paranoia. the stories of Iran revenging qadisiyah, Shias enslaving Sunnis, Iran working with west, Shias worshiping graves... you always find something to fight, you always fight with someone does not share similarity with you.
we fought in northern alliance raid of kabul, we established green zone in baghdad. while you are accusing us of working with west it was the Muslims that opened their countries for US+NATO to invade Iraq and Afghanistan LOL but some how we are the ones who get the blame.
So like I said, it's up to you guys to make peace with Gulf Arabs and Saudi Arabia and not go on quest for hegemony. If you still want to and think you will succeed its your choice. Although me and others are warning all sides(Arab regimes and Iran) of the long term consequences of their policies/agendas.
do not get me wrong, i didn't advice Saudis to not fight us because i am afraid. Iran can effectively neutralize their capabilities. my point was clear if you (PGCC) do not buy from US they will lose their wealth in an exponential manner and effectively will reduce to a regional power. i simply choosed between US and KSA.
Not sure why there’s a question of whether it’s Yemeni or Iranian drones. Iran isn’t hiding support for North Yemen against the Saudi aggression. Iran is supplying northern Yemen with technology, intel, drones and blueprints to manufacture their own systems. Northern Yemenis use both Iranian and local drones. Mostly Iranian though. Truth is with this failed air defence system Iran is probably sending drones by simply flying them in and let the Yemenis handle it from there.

Pakistani leaders call attack on Saudi oil facilities is attack on Pakistan


Pakistan won’t do more than condemn, they just want to show that they are one KSA’s side considering the large Pakistani workforce and Saudi investment.
Could be, when Prophet Isa(AS) arrives, he will breath and his breathe will reach the antichrist and he is killed. Then Gog and Magog come out which kill a lot of people. He will take the remaining believers to some mountains to hide from Gog and Magog and whoever is with him at that time(few and yes few Arabs), he will wipe their foreheads and inform them of their ranking in Jannah. All by the permission and will of Allah(SWT) of course. Afterwards he rules in Palestine I believe and then a breeze takes all the remaining believers. And then the disbelievers experience blowing of horns and last hour where Allah(SWT) will fold up whole Universe. Then another horn and everyone is resurrected to ard al mahshar for judgement. Before that is the Mahdi's reign who will take control of Arab lands for 7-9 years.

Everyone should be prepared to meet God at every moment. Life is a test and Allah is merciful, so best to establish prayers and get close to Allah so we are ready to meet him at death when there is nothing or no between us. Only us alone with God. And whoever looks forward to meeting him, Allah looks forward to meeting him/her as well. I look forward to those times, honestly. Even though it will be hard but at least we repent and people/society turn to God once again.

Yeh everyone should be prepared because we can die at any moment.
Sadly your own prime minister does not agree with you. It is plain historical fact that your kind spoke persian, who are you trying to fool?

Your repetitive rants will not make iota of difference or the fact.

What are you balbbering about you utter clown? Where is the evidence he was fired? It was a simple change in leadership. The man who replaced him, is much more hawkish than him and even threatened pakistan:

He was fired after IK told Khamnie to be careful. His removal came in the aftermath of IK visit to Iran. Everyone knows about this, only turds will not accept the reality.

The supreme leader replaced him with a general that threatened to send forces into Pakistan :lol:

The turd which was sorted out was working with Indians, we are only concerned about the India-Iran nexus, rest of the noise, we can ignore. As I said, Solemani and his sidekicks have all gone quite after seeing what happened to their hindu daddies in operation swift retort. :D

Indian has taken over a chunk of kashmir kid, what are you blabbering about? you tossers are too scared to make a move against them.

They already had that piece of land since 1947, and we control ours, what is there to boast about sunshine? The bottom line is, that operation swift retort have made all the noises around Pakistan silent including your majosi generals.

Your state can't even eradicate polio.

Pakistan is one of the only two remaining endemic countries for Polio in the region. This site explores more about the current situation in Pakistan and the efforts


That what happens when you live in a sewage/slum state.

Tsunami of Poverty in Iran
<img alt="" class="ge n o gd ab" src="" width="800" height="533" role="presentation"/>
A poor teenager in Tehran is bent over the trash can to find something to eat. This is an upsetting scene today seen in most of Iran’s cities.

This is what happened when you belong to a gutter nation.

[QUOTE="WinterNights, post: 11777088, member: 191189"]Keep begging them for scraps.[/QUOTE]

whose beggin kid? Bajwa told them we don't need their military assistance. PMIK made it clear during his meeting with Trump that he was not in Washington for any assistant.

They obviously don't care about that when they're slaughtering your kind.
Make sure you remind them you influence them the next time they bomb another soldier platoon to oblivion. :rofl:

You are sounding a bitter spoiled brat LOL

Fake news.


Afghanistan Seeks UNSC's Intervention after Pakistan's Repeated 'Territory Violations'
The letter to the UNSC also condemned Pakistan’s failure to adhere to the repeated appeals made by the Afghanistan government “to cease the illegal and provocative activities.”

Updated:August 27, 2019, 9:59 PM IST

Seriously, I am dealing with some 16 year old Persia turd it seems, How bloody stupid, ignorant, and clueless you can be? How many times I have to HUMILATE you???

I was not born 100's of years ago either but I still know your forefather spoke Persian.

My ancestors civilized and ruled over the lands that you call EEyran and that make me the original custodian of the lands that you are now living on. Indus civilization all the way baby. Daddy of all.

No one has ever referred to taliban as your proxy. However, the whole world witnesses them slaughtering your people periodically.

HAHAHA, you are funny.

"Apologised" ROLF :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

After they slaughtered your soldiers like cattle? You people have no honour it seems.

We killed thousands of their men in Afghansitan, squeezed their balls by choking their supply route, openly hosting literally all Taliban leadership in our lands who are busy drilling holes in American soldiers head, and still they are apologising.

Ofcourse a low lives and inferior nation like Persians will not understand this. :D:D:D

Fake news.

Oh boy, don't I love crushing you Persian maggots and their punny egos, it is sooooo satisfying.

Nobhead, your pathetic country excepted Iranian solderis getting smashed by Isreali air force. READ THE DAMN ARTICLE you moron. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

A video showing Syrian being attacked. That's shame to me?

This is the real shame, showing your pathetic army surrendering like cowards:

That's your IRCG getting smashed by Isreal and you cant do a jack about it apart from your Gaylord general having shouting match on the streets of Tehran, "Death to America, Death to Isreal" , HAHAHA , morons.

You still haven't answered. who are the jokers below?


Dude, you are nothing but a carved out part of India. Has your dad not told you how the brits made up pakistan?

Mate, why fight the Arabs? they ruled you, they civilized you , made you better humans, be happy and be thankful to them!

Kiss up and live happily after :D

LOL, your forefather land India was under our rule countless times.


Your lands were our property for thousands and thousands of years.

Keep having brain farts kid. I am posting proper sources whilst you're posting some picture created by a 12 year old.

Read and enjoy:

Iran: the Historical Cradle of Civilization, the Origin of Human Diversity, and the Bastion of Humanistic Tolerance


No one, I mean no one has ever considered pakistan as a major civilizations. The idea of it is a joke. You're some 70 year old artificial state LOL.

Some random BS do not make an iota of difference. There are only three ancient civilization all around the river system. Indus the mightiest, Euphrates and Nile. You shitholes are not civilization. Dig you soil, you will find the remains of indus civilization. LOL. You came about much much down the line after the three main civilization.

I am not interested in semantics i.e the name India. Call it hindustan if you want, the fact remains, your so called "pakistan" was carved out of it.

Who care about what you are interested in mofo, you are irrelevant like the rest of your kind,

We just reclaimed our lands back, Pakistan infact just the beginning , watch the space, Insha Allah, we will restore our ancient civilization in all its glory.

You have no civilisation. This so called indus valley is Indian. pakistan is an artificial state invented on 70 years wgo with no history.

'Pakistan Is A Fake And Artificial Country'
'I do not believe that there are two nations, there is only one nation, that is India, and Pakistan is part of India. Pakistan was created in pursuance of the wicked British policy of divide and rule and the bogus Two Nation Theory'


Keep on ranting sunshine.

We are indigenous people, our culture, our lands , our CIVILIZATION around the mighty Indus. End of story.

That's because Iran told them to take responsibility you utter retard. We've said from beginning the most likely perpetuators were our proxies in Iraq.

listen to your own saudis masters:

Saudi Arabia says weapons debris shows Iran behind oil attacks




Now go back spouting the claim that it was Israel like a retarded donkey.

HAHAHA. God you are thick turd. Come back to me when your government have actually claimed this act.

They are framing you in and you are gladly moving into the trap. MARK MY WORD you Persian rat, this is a FALSE FLAG operation and you will know it and regret it and remember what I said. I bloody careless about your cat fight with the Bedouins. For Paksitan, the last thing we want is destabilization in our west. Listen to what IK said while he was on the American soil. From 58:20

"The last thing we want is another destabilisation in west" if Afghansitan was not enough.

Those camel jokies are in Israeli pocket. They will eventually toe the Zionist line over this.

They managed to make pakistan look like a weak and pathetic state.

How? LOL, we are still controlling every inch of Kashmir that we wrestled out of their clutches in the war of 1948. :D
Your repetitive rants will not make iota of difference or the fact.

The only fact here is that your PM admitted your forefather spoke Persian.

He was fired after IK told Khamnie to be careful. His removal came in the aftermath of IK visit to Iran. Everyone knows about this, only turds will not accept the reality.

This is donkey IQ. You're trying to insinuate he was "fired" due to him threatening pakistan, but I just proven to you that Salami, who replaced him made much more threatening messages :rofl::rofl::rofl:

The turd which was sorted out was working with Indians, we are only concerned about the India-Iran nexus, rest of the noise, we can ignore. As I said, Solemani and his sidekicks have all gone quite after seeing what happened to their hindu daddies in operation swift retort. :D

All I am seeing is that Indian are humiliating your kind every day and making you look weak and pathetic.

They already had that piece of land since 1947, and we control ours, what is there to boast about sunshine? The bottom line is, that operation swift retort have made all the noises around Pakistan silent including your majosi generals.

Nonsense, that was a brasen move by them that make pakistan look utterly helpeless.

This is what happened when you belong to a gutter nation.

I can post such pictures from even from the US. The point is the proportion. Pakistan is a major slum state:

Population living in slums (% of urban population) in Pakistan was reported at 45.5 % in 2014, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources.




whose beggin kid? Bajwa told them we don't need their military assistance. PMIK made it clear during his meeting with Trump that he was not in Washington for any assistant.

LOL you are begging them constantly. Even after they've slaughtered your soldiers etc.

Afghanistan Seeks UNSC's Intervention after Pakistan's Repeated 'Territory Violations'
The letter to the UNSC also condemned Pakistan’s failure to adhere to the repeated appeals made by the Afghanistan government “to cease the illegal and provocative activities.”

Updated:August 27, 2019, 9:59 PM IST

Just some minor border violations, it means jack.

My ancestors civilized and ruled over the lands that you call EEyran and that make me the original custodian of the lands that you are now living on. Indus civilization all the way baby. Daddy of all.

When in history have you subhumans ever came close to ruling Iran?
It is Iran that has ruled over your lands. pakistan did not even exist back then LOL.

We killed thousands of their men in Afghansitan, squeezed their balls by choking their supply route, openly hosting literally all Taliban leadership in our lands who are busy drilling holes in American soldiers head, and still they are apologising.

yeah yeah, keep taking credit for something that never happened.

Oh boy, don't I love crushing you Persian maggots and their punny egos, it is sooooo satisfying.

You subhumans are not even a match for afghanistan, never us Persian.

Nobhead, your pathetic country excepted Iranian solderis getting smashed by Isreali air force. READ THE DAMN ARTICLE you moron. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Syrian* soldiers.

That's your IRCG getting smashed by Isreal and you cant do a jack about it apart from your Gaylord general having shouting match on the streets of Tehran, "Death to America, Death to Isreal" , HAHAHA , morons.

Repeating a fake news will not come true.

You still haven't answered. who are the jokers below?

They look like bunch of pakiis.

Mate, why fight the Arabs? they ruled you, they civilized you , made you better humans, be happy and be thankful to them!

We're turning them into pawns today.
You pakistanis are the last people to talk about being ruled given you have been ruled by almost everyone from Persians to Brits.


Your lands were our property for thousands and thousands of years.

Your fake state did not even exist until the 40's.

Some random BS do not make an iota of difference. There are only three ancient civilization all around the river system. Indus the mightiest, Euphrates and Nile. You shitholes are not civilization. Dig you soil, you will find the remains of indus civilization. LOL. You came about much much down the line after the three main civilization.

I posted actual evidence from London.

Indus valley is an Indian civilizations anyway. Iranian Elam, Jiroft etc, are all older than indus valley.

Who care about what you are interested in mofo, you are irrelevant like the rest of your kind,

We're vastly more relevant compared to your kind. Iran is a regional power and you're what? a slum state that is a servant to saudis?

We just reclaimed our lands back, Pakistan infact just the beginning , watch the space, Insha Allah, we will restore our ancient civilization in all its glory.

You never had any lands to begin with. Be thankful to the brits for carving you out of India.

We are indigenous people, our culture, our lands , our CIVILIZATION around the mighty Indus. End of story.

LOL what? you have no civilizations. It's all Indian.

HAHAHA. God you are thick turd. Come back to me when your government have actually claimed this act.

So you want Iran to come out and say it was them? Go back to sleep donkey brain.

They are framing you in and you are gladly moving into the trap. MARK MY WORD you Persian rat, this is a FALSE FLAG operation and you will know it and regret it and remember what I said. I bloody careless about your cat fight with the Bedouins. For Paksitan, the last thing we want is destabilization in our west. Listen to what IK said while he was on the American soil. From 58:20

Whose framing us you utter retard? No one gained more from this attack then Iran. You can literally see the Iranian weapons. How retarded are you?

"The last thing we want is another destabilisation in west" if Afghansitan was not enough.

You're the most unstable nation in that region. First stop being a terrorists safe haven then worry about others.

Those camel jokies are in Israeli pocket. They will eventually toe the Zionist line over this.

Those camel jockeys call you their servants though.

How? LOL, we are still controlling every inch of Kashmir that we wrestled out of their clutches in the war of 1948. :D

You mean the war that you surrendered in?
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they come from Iraq because Muslim state was provoking Muslims that Shias are hijacking their country. in this very forum people were encouraging them to fight. now that ISIS turned the Iraq and Syria to ash pile those Muslims became innocent seculars, Arab brothers !!!
do not blame your faults on Iran, even if we erase Iran of last 40 years history i don't see you form a Muslim alliance to counter Israel, establish what you name as caliphate or a little success in anything. you would scratch your back in these time line and curse Jews and Christians and go to sleep and do it tomorrow again.
Iran only reacted in all of the conflicts u refer as sectarian.
you guys are afraid of anything that does not look like you, you suffer from paranoia. the stories of Iran revenging qadisiyah, Shias enslaving Sunnis, Iran working with west, Shias worshiping graves... you always find something to fight, you always fight with someone does not share similarity with you.
we fought in northern alliance raid of kabul, we established green zone in baghdad. while you are accusing us of working with west it was the Muslims that opened their countries for US+NATO to invade Iraq and Afghanistan LOL but some how we are the ones who get the blame.

do not get me wrong, i didn't advice Saudis to not fight us because i am afraid. Iran can effectively neutralize their capabilities. my point was clear if you (PGCC) do not buy from US they will lose their wealth in an exponential manner and effectively will reduce to a regional power. i simply choosed between US and KSA.

You said Arabs made these groups and they didn't. ISIS originated in Iraq(Shia majority country). Because of lawlessness or whatever. The point is Arab states didn't create these groups. They were formed during Iraq war and later grew into something else.

Arab states don't want to fight Iran, its Iran which is in their business all the time and trying to assert its dominance over the Gulf Arab states and Saudis and change beliefs of those people. And 'export the revolution' to their countries. While they aren't trying to do anything to you guys or change anything about you guys. You seem to ignore all of this.

Jew are helping shia khameniest annihilating suuni arabs .
IAI Harpy



@Falcon29 you were right brother !

ليش الاستهزاء، روح فرجينا مراجتلكم على إسرائيل أولا

أو انطمو وبكفو تصعدو رووسنا عن إسرائيل وغير إسرائيل

1.Iran is already in a war with US and Israel, just not directly and openly. BUt its still war.
2) You arabs got involved in war with ISrael and achieved what? maybe Iran is smarter and knows when to not enter a losing fight?

I like your posts on PDF, but allow me to grind you out a bit when you say some heavily biased comments and anti-Iran stuff.

Sunni Muslims in ME keep talking, and Iran keeps proving.

You Iranians and wanna be Iranians have been barking and making threats for 40 years about countering Israel and the USA. In that whole timeframe, you've:

-Killed Muslims in Kuwait
-Killed Muslims during Hajj in Saudi Arabia
-Hundreds of thousands Muslims killed in Syria, millions exiled
-Killed Thousands of Muslims in Iraq
-Terrorist attacks against Muslims in Bahrain
-Killed politicians in Lebanon/Iraq
-Killed Imad Mugyihneh
-Started war with Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Iraq
-Trying to change beliefs of Sunni Muslims in Syria/Iraq/Nigeria/Yemen
-Killed tens of thousands of Muslims in Yemen
-Attacking Saudi Arabia and daily basis and tomorrow killing hundreds of thousands of them

-Not once did you fight Israeli's or Americans in a war or even skirmish. You did not stop Israel from occupying West Bank. You did not change anything about American influence in the Middle East. Israel and USA are achieving their foreign policy and regional objectives.


If this is your idea of 'fighting Israel/US', then we don't want that. Keep to yourselves. And now it's okay for you guys to 'wait to fight israel because its not winnable one', but you use this against Arabs to justify attacking them. You guys are full of it.
LOL, you don't rely on the information of zionists, they are serial liars. Trust the statements made by Iran. If you don't you will be down a Alice in Wonderland hole.

How placed evidence on 9/11 was lies:

'they found a passport'. lol
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You guys then make it a like a religion to oppose USA(even though you aren't anyway), when its okay for Muslims to have ties with friendly nations and nothing in Islam forbids it. And it isn't your business anyway what other countries do. But, when it comes to Russia, China, India, Europe, it's okay for you guys to have ties with them. And don't forget you bought weapons from Israel during Iran-Iraq war.

You fought with US to overthrow Saddam. Then US and Russia came to protect you from ISIS insurgency. And you all fought alongside each other on the ground. But, somehow you are 'fighting USA'.

So you guys need better explanations than 'fighting US/Israel' because you're not and never were doing that. You are helping Iran expand its influence in region and you guys are fascinated with Iranian civilization and has nothing to do with Islam or Jihad.
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ليش الاستهزاء، روح فرجينا مراجتلكم على إسرائيل أولا

أو انطمو وبكفو تصعدو رووسنا عن إسرائيل وغير إسرائيل

اولا ولو انها کانت الطائره ایرانیه و الهجوم من الایران
نعتز و نفتخر بوقوفنا معهم
و نحمیهم من عدوهم السعودی و متحدیهم و محامیهم مثل الامریکان و الاسرائیل و باقی الدول التی تدعم السعودیه بالاجهزه و اسلحات الدمار الشامل
مع اننا نعرف ان هذه الاسلحات لن تقدر علی صنعها المملکه السعودیه و کلها مدعوما من دول الغربیه

کان لا تقوم دوله مثل الایران تقف و تثور امام القوی العظمی

و نحن نفتخر بالقوف مع المظلومین
کما وقفنا مع اخوتنا فی العراق حین دخل علیها الدواعش و اخوتنا الفلسطینین و حزب الله و اتحادنا معهم فی المقاومه السلامیه امام اسرائیل خلال اربعین سنه.

اعرفوا اذا لن تقف الایران امام المریکان و الاسرائیلیین و عبدها الصغیر (السعودیه)
الان کانت تاکلکم الکلاب
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
وَلَا يَجْرِمَنَّكُمْ شَنَآنُ قَوْمٍ عَلَىٰ أَلَّا تَعْدِلُوا ۚ اعْدِلُوا هُوَ أَقْرَبُ لِلتَّقْوَىٰ !!!​
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