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Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official


(Al Jazeera Live) Arab coalition spokesman: Iran is directly attacking civilian infrastructure. Cruise missile type identified as the Ya Ali- a new Iranian land attack missile with an estimated 700km range and carries a 200kg warhead.

This is Quds-1 ... Not Ya Ali !

Ya Ali :




The Houthi press conference was pointless and did nothing to counter suggestion that the attack came from the north of Saudi Arabia and not Yemen.

In fact this is bad for saudi arabia ... really bad ... No reaction from them or USA !

Which means Iran got them by the balls ...
The Houthi press conference was pointless and did nothing to counter suggestion that the attack came from the north of Saudi Arabia and not Yemen.

I saw that some mindless assadist above called you a conspiracy theorist for your view that the powers empower Iran to keep the sunnis down. So I went and found the video where the Hezbollah guy said the same thing:

Since the assadists also fangirl over these guys. Maybe they'll listen to him. Guess you're not such a conspiracy theorist after all and there may be some truth to what you say :p
In fact this is bad for saudi arabia ... really bad ... No reaction from them or USA !

The signs so far are very bad for Saudi's. Iran drew them into war of attrition and now breaking down their national security to render them to war ridden state. And the world is being accustomed to attacks on Saudi Arabia because they aren't drawing a line and I don't see the US or anyone else coming to their assistance.

I saw that some mindless assadist above called you a conspiracy theorist for your view that the powers empower Iran to keep the sunnis down. So I went and found the video where the Hezbollah guy said the same thing:

Since the assadists also fangirl over these guys. Maybe they'll listen to him. Guess you're not such a conspiracy theorist after all and there may be some truth to what you say :p

It's no conspiracy of course, a war with Iran means Saudi royal family will collapse and Saudi will be lawless. Maybe even UAE or other nations. After which Egyptian government will be in big trouble if they lose one of their main backers or all of them. And with no leadership available, young Sunni youth will be tasked with what comes next.

Iran is great asset to cause sectarian division in Muslim world and prevent corridor between Muslims in Asia and ME since it is always competing with Muslims and not the West. If Iranian regime collapses and Arab regimes do, we all know what comes next. And cooperation between Muslims of Asia and Middle East.
I know you are angry because Iran is acting out and showing military resolve and you hate to see that, but i had to conclude you are delusional when i got to this last section of your post (quoted above). Go workout or something..your frustration is 1) not going to change anything and 2) is misguided energy.

You're also trolling, but thats ok, this is a Pakistani forum afterall.

LOL, how old are you kiddo?

I give a damn about Persian/arab cat fight. Its beyond me and my country to get involved in this pathetic and childish conflict.

All I am saying to these Persian turds to look at the bigger picture. Iran government itself denied it. Its a trap laid to get Iran and Saudi in a proper war, and also to scuttle Iran-China energy deal.
MBS is facing much domestic pressure right now so he has to choose his next steps carefully and do it soon. Saudi's are very frustrated about this attack and want a response. If they feel he is not fit for rule I can see them choosing a different successor. One more significant attack and his credibility is completely shot.

Pompeo arrives to Jeddah now, but don't expect anything.
It's no conspiracy of course, a war with Iran means Saudi royal family will collapse and Saudi will be lawless. Maybe even UAE or other nations. After which Egyptian government will be in big trouble if they lose one of their main backers or all of them. And with no leadership available, young Sunni youth will be tasked with what comes next.

Iran is great asset to cause sectarian division in Muslim world and prevent corridor between Muslims in Asia and ME since it is always competing with Muslims and not the West. If Iranian regime collapses and Arab regimes do, we all know what comes next. And cooperation between Muslims of Asia and Middle East.

Well, what has been written to happen will come to pass one day. The arabs will be facing a major catastrophe sooner or later. We can even see this conveyed to us from hadith:

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5991
Narrated by Talhah son of Malik
Allah's Messenger (S+) said, "One of the signs of the approach of the Last Hour will be the destruction of the Arabs."

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5364 Narrated byHudhayfah
The Prophet (S+) said, "The last hour will not come till you have killed your leader ( Imaam), fight together with your swords, and your worst ones inherit your worldly goods."

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5401
Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said,
"There will be civil strife which will wipe out the Arabs, and their slain will go to Hell. During it the tongue will be more severe than blows of the sword."

Sahih Muslim 7035
Umm Sharik reported
that the messenger of Allah said:
"The people will flee from the Dajjaal (the Anti- Christ) till they will take shelter in the mountains." Umm Sharik said that she asked: "Where will be the Arabs at this time?" He answered: "They will be few (in number).

Saw people discussing the future of arabs somewhere else on the net so I copy/pasted what hadiths they were posting ^
Well, what has been written to happen will come to pass one day. The arabs will be facing a major catastrophe sooner or later. We can even see this conveyed to us from hadith:

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5991
Narrated by Talhah son of Malik
Allah's Messenger (S+) said, "One of the signs of the approach of the Last Hour will be the destruction of the Arabs."

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5364 Narrated byHudhayfah
The Prophet (S+) said, "The last hour will not come till you have killed your leader ( Imaam), fight together with your swords, and your worst ones inherit your worldly goods."

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5401
Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said,
"There will be civil strife which will wipe out the Arabs, and their slain will go to Hell. During it the tongue will be more severe than blows of the sword."

Sahih Muslim 7035
Umm Sharik reported
that the messenger of Allah said:
"The people will flee from the Dajjaal (the Anti- Christ) till they will take shelter in the mountains." Umm Sharik said that she asked: "Where will be the Arabs at this time?" He answered: "They will be few (in number).

Saw people discussing the future of arabs somewhere else on the net so I copy/pasted what hadiths they were posting ^

It does not translate as being wiped out but rather being worn down heavily. Remember there will be a large fire that will push lots of believers to the Shaam area and the Malhama that will happen. Lots of people will die and not just Arabs. Prior to the last major signs by a little. We are certainly the generation that will witness these events, inshallah.

Although one of the ahadeeths refers to events in the Jazeera/Hejaz.
It does not translate as being wiped out but rather being worn down heavily. Remember there will be a large fire that will push lots of believers to the Shaam area and the Malhama that will happen. Lots of people will die and not just Arabs. Prior to the last major signs by a little. We are certainly the generation that will witness these events, inshallah.

Won't the fire happen after Isa (as) has already passed away? I ask that because the arabs being few in number is mentioned in the same timeframe as the dajjal.

In a way I do want to live to witness it but at the same time I've never really encountered hardship (not like syrians or afghans or rohingya etc...) and the dajjal & other conditions may just overwhelm me. But if a believer witnesses it, survives with both his life and his faith, then at least they will live in another age of Muslim glory on earth.
Won't the fire happen after Isa (as) has already passed away? I ask that because the arabs being few in number is mentioned in the same timeframe as the dajjal.

Could be, when Prophet Isa(AS) arrives, he will breath and his breathe will reach the antichrist and he is killed. Then Gog and Magog come out which kill a lot of people. He will take the remaining believers to some mountains to hide from Gog and Magog and whoever is with him at that time(few and yes few Arabs), he will wipe their foreheads and inform them of their ranking in Jannah. All by the permission and will of Allah(SWT) of course. Afterwards he rules in Palestine I believe and then a breeze takes all the remaining believers. And then the disbelievers experience blowing of horns and last hour where Allah(SWT) will fold up whole Universe. Then another horn and everyone is resurrected to ard al mahshar for judgement. Before that is the Mahdi's reign who will take control of Arab lands for 7-9 years.

In a way I do want to live to witness it but at the same time I've never really encountered hardship (not like syrians or afghans or rohingya etc...) and the dajjal & other conditions may just overwhelm me. But if a believer witnesses it, survives with both his life and his faith, then at least they will live in another age of Muslim glory on earth.

Everyone should be prepared to meet God at every moment. Life is a test and Allah is merciful, so best to establish prayers and get close to Allah so we are ready to meet him at death when there is nothing or no between us. Only us alone with God. And whoever looks forward to meeting him, Allah looks forward to meeting him/her as well. I look forward to those times, honestly. Even though it will be hard but at least we repent and people/society turn to God once again.
LOL, I know my forefather then anyone better, NONE of them spoke your gay lingo, They spoke PASHTU. The language of warriors. They would spit on your language and would consider it to be too gay to be spoken tbh.

Sadly your own prime minister does not agree with you. It is plain historical fact that your kind spoke persian, who are you trying to fool?

Oh yes sorry, its actually worse, the guy IGRC chief. HAHA.

This turd:

What are you balbbering about you utter clown? Where is the evidence he was fired? It was a simple change in leadership. The man who replaced him, is much more hawkish than him and even threatened pakistan:

Deputy Commander Brigadier-General Hossein Salami has repeated that if Pakistan does not take action against Iran’s Baluchi rebels, the Islamic Republic forces may enter the neighboring country’s territory


He was playing smart with Indian. Imran khan along with ISI chief told your "supreme leader" to sort him out and poor sod was fired from his job. Ofcourse you all will deny it.

The supreme leader replaced him with a general that threatened to send forces into Pakistan :lol:

Solemani and his turd gang , all gone quiet when their daddy, the cow piss drinkers in east were spanked on 27th Feb. Complete silence, not a single word after that . HAHAHA

Indian has taken over a chunk of kashmir kid, what are you blabbering about? you tossers are too scared to make a move against them.

LOL delusional majosi.

You should be thankful to Arabs, they made your better humans. :D:D

they're mostly our slaves today. Can't swallow reality?

Bottom line is that you were/are and will remain the "great satan" sidekick till Dajjal will emerge from Isfahan. You talk all the bullshite in your streets against America and yet help them entrench themselves all around, hypocrisy in its all glory.

A "side kick" that slaughtered thousands of them :rofl:
Meanwhile you lot are begging them for donations LOL.

hahaha how cute!! Do you want me to slap you further? Google it your moron there is plenty of stuff about your third world country.

Your state can't even eradicate polio.

Pakistan is one of the only two remaining endemic countries for Polio in the region. This site explores more about the current situation in Pakistan and the efforts


That what happens when you live in a sewage/slum state.

Iran is American sidekick , only kept to be a nuisance for the Muslim world, just like their counterparts in house of saud. nothing more, nothing less.

This is what we do them:


Meanwhile pakistan:

US military confirms $300m cut in aid to Pakistan


Keep begging them for scraps.

There are only one Taliban, the Afghan Taliban. Anyone else can claim to be whateve they want. After all cia/mossad created ISIS called themselves "Islamic state".

They obviously don't care about that when they're slaughtering your kind.
Make sure you remind them you influence them the next time they bomb another soldier platoon to oblivion. :rofl:

We have kiddo, we even hit them deep inside Afghansitan. American installed mayor of Kabul keep on moaning and complaining to American and UN about our strikes on their soil.

Fake news.

its not your fault that you were not even born during Afghan soviet war, so you don't know a shite about it. :D

I was not born 100's of years ago either but I still know your forefather spoke Persian.

Whole world, including American call Talibans as our proxy. Trump invited Imran khan just to get the Taliban on peace table. everyone know out clout yet some Persian turd will say otherwise!! LAUGHABLE.

No one has ever referred to taliban as your proxy. However, the whole world witnesses them slaughtering your people periodically.

On 3 July 2012, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton officially apologized for the losses suffered by the Pakistani military. Subsequently, Pakistan restored the NATO supply routes.[15]

"Apologised" ROLF :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

After they slaughtered your soldiers like cattle? You people have no honour it seems.


Iran officially confirmed that seven “military advisers” were killed in an airstrike on a Syrian base, including the commander of its drone unit.

It said that two IAF F-15 jets fired the missile at the Syrian airbase from Lebanese airspace

Fake news.


A video showing Syrian being attacked. That's shame to me?

This is the real shame, showing your pathetic army surrendering like cowards:

How can anything be more shameful than this.

We are the people of Indus just like Egptian build their civilization around Nile, we did before them around Indus. There is nothing like India, its by default Indus civilization.

Dude, you are nothing but a carved out part of India. Has your dad not told you how the brits made up pakistan?

Its our region. by default. You were colonised and civilized by Arabs, let that sink in.

LOL, your forefather land India was under our rule countless times.

BS.. Iran is not a civilization. Only three ancient civilization are recognized, rest are just wannabies.

Keep having brain farts kid. I am posting proper sources whilst you're posting some picture created by a 12 year old.

Read and enjoy:

Iran: the Historical Cradle of Civilization, the Origin of Human Diversity, and the Bastion of Humanistic Tolerance


No one, I mean no one has ever considered pakistan as a major civilizations. The idea of it is a joke. You're some 70 year old artificial state LOL.
Word India is invented by the forigen nations to this region, nothing indigenous about the word "India". It was used by the Brits.

I am not interested in semantics i.e the name India. Call it hindustan if you want, the fact remains, your so called "pakistan" was carved out of it.

You see you little Majoosi, we are the civilization, MUCH MUCH bigger then the concept of nation or empires. Egypt got ride of forgien power and reclaim their lands in 1930s, would that mean they are not custodian of Nile? You see you little rat, you got a lot to learn.

You have no civilisation. This so called indus valley is Indian. pakistan is an artificial state invented on 70 years wgo with no history.

'Pakistan Is A Fake And Artificial Country'
'I do not believe that there are two nations, there is only one nation, that is India, and Pakistan is part of India. Pakistan was created in pursuance of the wicked British policy of divide and rule and the bogus Two Nation Theory'


Persian rat, Houthis themselves claimed the attacked. How fking stupid you can get? Isreal 2000KMs away you said? HAHAHAHA. NOBHEAD!!

That's because Iran told them to take responsibility you utter retard. We've said from beginning the most likely perpetuators were our proxies in Iraq.

listen to your own saudis masters:

Saudi Arabia says weapons debris shows Iran behind oil attacks




Now go back spouting the claim that it was Israel like a retarded donkey.

Indian changing their constitution mean jackshite , infact they have screwed themselves quite badly over the portion of Kashmir which they controlled. We are perfectly in control of our part of Kashmir.

They managed to make pakistan look like a weak and pathetic state.

You turds and bedoins can have the cat fight for all we care, We just pitty you and your stupidity. watching you fall for the pray that being laid. Our interests was only to see CPEC expand, but it seems your majoosi turds are full of shite in your head. Silly buggers.

Those bedouins are apparently your masters though (according to them):



And we're slapping yours masters left and right.
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Iran is great asset to cause sectarian division in Muslim world and prevent corridor between Muslims in Asia and ME since it is always competing with Muslims and not the West.
yeah you are right we were the ones encouraging Muslims to blow themselves up among civilians or chop heads of those who do not obey.
as i remember the Muslims you are referring are the proxy of west.
yeah you are right we were the ones encouraging Muslims to blow themselves up among civilians or chop heads of those who do not obey.
as i remember the Muslims you are referring are the proxy of west.

Sunni Arab states do not sponsor those militias. They actually came out of Shia majority country(Iraq). Iran does sponsor Shia militias though. Who also commit their fair share of war crimes. I can post many videos if you want me to. Although I'd prefer not to.

So like I said, it's up to you guys to make peace with Gulf Arabs and Saudi Arabia and not go on quest for hegemony. If you still want to and think you will succeed its your choice. Although me and others are warning all sides(Arab regimes and Iran) of the long term consequences of their policies/agendas.
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