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Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official

Did they give any excuse for their AD total failure?! There were many short range AD systems specific to that site yet the Saudis themselves are admitting 25/28 successfully hit their targets...

A journalist is asking right now.... He is basically saying their air defense has been exhausted due to ballistic missile/drone/cruise missile attacks(previous ones). Did not mention anything about specific AD for site. There was anti-aircraft guns used though(from the videos).
They said the attack came from the north but did not name Iran specifically. It is most certainly Iran from Iranian territory. However, naming Iran would mean they need to be ready for war. I don't think they are ready for war a few days after the attack and are just presenting their case to international community right now. I don't think they want a war either.

They are taking questions now from CNN/Western journalists so I will post if there is anything more significant.

clearly this would have been done from some proxies in Iraq judging by the weapons as well. You think Iran would fire them from it's own territory?
You can kiss Iran's butt all you want dude, I don't care. Iran is thriving thanks to Eastern and Western strategic interest of having a powerful Iran in the Middle East to prevent rise of Sunni Muslims. And it has nothing to do with security threat. They just don't like God, Prophet Mohammed and puritarian Islam. If Iranians weren't vehement anti-Islam/Muslim entity, they wouldn't be allowed to get away with these acts of war by the international community. Everyone knows they are Persians deep down who share common interest of subjugating Sunni Muslims. This is why Iran never got a war with Israel or the US but the Arabs on other hand did.

Iran did not touch US influence anywhere it is in the region. It is just vying for influence in Sunni Arab nations.
I dont kiss anybody's butt(why you sounding mad? do u hate Iran that much?). I only kiss the *** of competence, cleverness, humility and determination. i could give 2 shts about any fukn country. YOu are much smarter than this conspiracy theory:
Iran is thriving thanks to Eastern and Western strategic interest of having a powerful Iran in the Middle East to prevent rise of Sunni Muslims
If the western strategic interest is to have a thriving Iran then why are they cutting off Iran's economic lifeline? MAKES NO SENSE. why strangle(sanctions that 90% of world countries cant handle) what you want to thrive(Iran)? you are going full conspiracy theory probably because you are in denial.

f Iranians weren't vehement anti-Islam/Muslim entity, they wouldn't be allowed to get away with these acts of war by the international community.
I dont even know anybody who is qualified enough to determine which Muslim(s) is "anti-Islam" or not. the last Sunni muslim who some other Sunni Muslims believed that had religious authority was Bin laden. Dude has 0 ISlamic theology education. watch how you talk about religious qualifications of others.

Everyone knows they are Persians deep down who share common interest of subjugating Sunni Muslims.
More of your victim psychology when Sunni Islam isnt standing strong against Shia Islam. Iran doesnt give a fuk about Sunni Muslims strategically. Iran cares about the domination of I Slam by Shia thinking and its own ideology. Where are the Sunnis proving they are actually better? We know Saudis are relying on old, messianic, tired religous ideology, so its running out of steam. Arab nationalism aka Sunni ideology seems to need to be reborn/reset. You guys sleep with enemies of Muslims, but when another Muslim(Shia) challenge you you show more hate to them than even your kuffars. very confusing.

his is why Iran never got a war with Israel or the US but the Arabs on other hand did.
1.Iran is already in a war with US and Israel, just not directly and openly. BUt its still war.
2) You arabs got involved in war with ISrael and achieved what? maybe Iran is smarter and knows when to not enter a losing fight?

I like your posts on PDF, but allow me to grind you out a bit when you say some heavily biased comments and anti-Iran stuff.

Sunni Muslims in ME keep talking, and Iran keeps proving.
Saudi defense ministry spokesman said on a political level Saudi Arabia made decision to hold those accountable once they determine origin of attack and that is still being investigated.
clearly this would have been done from some proxies in Iraq judging by the weapons as well. You think Iran would fire them from it's own territory?

Iraqi militias can't conduct such an complex attack. And wouldn't have their cruise missiles fly over Kuwaiti royal palace in process. Iran was trying to send a message. And yes I do believe Iran would fire from their own territory.
Iraqi militias can't conduct such an complex attack. And wouldn't have their cruise missiles fly over Kuwaiti royal palace in process. Iran was trying to send a message. And yes I do believe Iran would fire from their own territory.

This makes zero sense. It's as if you're under the impression Iran could not be involved unless they were launched from Iran itself? obviously the attacked would been supervised by the IRGC inside Iraq.
A journalist is asking right now.... He is basically saying their air defense has been exhausted due to ballistic missile/drone/cruise missile attacks(previous ones). Did not mention anything about specific AD for site. There was anti-aircraft guns used though(from the videos).
I don't think there are many known previous attacks on this specific site, certainly not of a scale to make the AD exhausted with all the billions the Saudi regime spends on it.

Quite a lot of AD was present there:

Spokesman says once they uncover evidence to determine origin of attack then the decision is up to political echelon where to go from there.

This makes zero sense. It's as if you're under the impression Iran could not be involved unless they were launched from Iran itself? obviously the attacked would been supervised by the IRGC inside Iraq.

US knows where attack came from and has the evidence. It did not come from Iraq, it would have been very obvious if it was from Iraq and the Iraqi militias would be in big trouble. You can't hide such a large attack from whole population of Basra.
Iran making Houhtis do press conference as well, which will begin soon. Attack came from the north, either Iraq or Iran. And either Iraq or Iran getting the blame is going to be a big deal rather than Yemen. Saudis can certainly strike Iraqi militias if they want to, but Iran will likely want to take advantage of that situation to open front from Iraq against Saudi Arabia too.

I'm not familiar with military equipment so I will leave that up to you guys. I just want to see want political decisions are going to be made.
Iranian made Tolou-10 Micro jet

Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official
Sep 15, 2019, 11:15 PM ET

Iran launched nearly a dozen cruise missiles and over 20 drones from its territory in the attack on a key Saudi oil facility Saturday, a senior Trump administration official told ABC News Sunday.

It is an extraordinary charge to make, that Iran used missiles and drones to attack its neighbor and rival Saudi Arabia, as the region teeters on the edge of high tensions.

President Donald Trump warned the U.S. was "locked and loaded" to respond to the attack on Sunday, waiting for verification of who was responsible and for word from Saudi Arabia on how to proceed.

(MORE: Pompeo blames Iran for major attack on Saudi oil facility amid high regional tensions)
The Trump administration, in particular Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, has blamed Iran for the attack since Saturday, but so far, there's been no public accusation that Iran launched missiles.

The Houthi rebels in neighboring Yemen claimed responsibility for the assault, which hit one of the world's largest oil processing facilities, hundreds of miles from the Yemen-Saudi border, and sharply impacted global oil supplies.

But a senior U.S. official told ABC News Saturday that was false: "It was Iran. The Houthis are claiming credit for something they did not do."

Pompeo tweeted that there was "no evidence the attacks came from Yemen."

Hamad I Mohammed/Reuters

Smoke is seen following a fire at Aramco facility in the eastern city of Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia, Sept. 14, 2019.

The attack on the Saudi state-owned oil company Aramco also included more than 20 drones, the official said.

Iran has denied responsibility for the attack, accusing Pompeo of "max deceit," as the country's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted Saturday.

In a Sunday evening tweet, Trump did not share the definitive accusation against Iran, instead saying the U.S. had "reason to believe that we know the culprit ... but are waiting to hear from the Kingdom [of Saudi Arabia] as to who they believe was the cause of this attack."

Saudi Arabia oil supply was attacked. There is reason to believe that we know the culprit, are locked and loaded depending on verification, but are waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed!

The senior official told ABC News the president is fully aware that Iran is responsible, but he wants the Saudis to acknowledge it if they want U.S. help.

Trump promised the U.S. was "locked and loaded depending on verification" and waiting for the Saudis to say "under what terms we would proceed!"

Critics condemned Trump's threat to act, especially at the Saudis' behest. Rep. Justin Amash, of Michigan, a former Republican and now Independent, tweeted, "Under our Constitution, the power to commence war lies with Congress, not the president and certainly not Saudi Arabia. We don’t take orders from foreign powers."

Justin Amash


Under our Constitution, the power to commence war lies with Congress, not the president and certainly not Saudi Arabia. We don’t take orders from foreign powers. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1173368423381962752 …

Donald J. Trump


Saudi Arabia oil supply was attacked. There is reason to believe that we know the culprit, are locked and loaded depending on verification, but are waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed!

The attack and ensuing threats of retaliation had the region on edge Sunday, with heightened fears of a conflict -- Iran and its proxies against the Saudis and U.S.

Tensions have been high since Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Iran nuclear deal in May 2018 and strictly reimposed sanctions, including on Iran's oil industry -- its economic lifeblood.

In an escalating series of moves, Tehran has sought to counter or undermine those sanctions -- attacking a handful of oil tankers, seizing others and their crews and assaulting Saudi oil facilities, according to U.S. officials.

(MORE: US-Iran tensions escalate after a drone attack in Saudi Arabia)
The risk of conflict seemed lower less than a week ago, with the departure of hawkish National Security Adviser John Bolton and Trump seeming to embrace the possibility of talks with Iran's President Hassan Rouhani at the United Nations General Assembly later this month in New York. Pompeo said Tuesday that Trump was "prepared to meet with no preconditions."

But in a reversal Sunday, Trump tweeted it was "incorrect" to say he was willing to meet without conditions, blaming the "fake news" despite his repeated statements saying so.

In July 2018, the president first said "no preconditions ... If they want to meet, I'll meet -- anytime they want."

ABC News' Conor Finnegan contributed to this report.


Looks like US war propaganda machine is back.. But what is nearly a dozen cruise missiles anyways? Is it 10,11 or 11.5 missiles?
No, it was Israel who fired that missile.

US political establishment making it clear they are siding with Iran in this war and Iran has green light to conquer Saudi Arabia. As I have always said, Iran is a strategic asset to the West/Israel and its collapse means establishment of Sunni Caliphate and corridor between Sunni Arab world and Sunni Asian world. It would be a massive and powerful empire if they lose Iran.

US journalists/Western journalists made this clear at the conference too. We are seeing last months of Saudi Arabia as we know it. Western public opinion of Saudi Arabia is negative thanks to Shia/Iranian propagandists and the last thing they will want is Western protection of Saudi Arabia if they are attacked.
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The Houthi press conference was pointless and did nothing to counter suggestion that the attack came from the north of Saudi Arabia and not Yemen.

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