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Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official

He should wash his mouth and take a bath before he speaks about General Ghassem
I couldnt care less about his opinions on individuals. But he's talking so much nonsense. For instance blabbering about poverty in Iran when Iran is much wealthier than Pakistan. Or saying that Iranians are terrorists when we have had a total of 11 terror attacks in almost 2 decades, meanwhile they had more than 8000 terrorist attacks from 2001-2009 alone. I get a headache thinking about the rest of his post. He is really a special kind of breed. Theres no wonder ISIS and other islamist groups are so successful in recruiting morons from our region as they have no other purpose in life
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you are Irani therefore you should have no difficulty reading the poster.

irani/yemeni drone leading the raid calls the American interceptor battery Brother and asks for directions to Aramco. and is told where to go.

that's a joke, means we came so close to the patriot that we can ask them where is the aramco and it did nothing...
the funny part is some people are so much paranoid that see what they want to see.
that's a joke, means we came so close to the patriot that we can ask them where is the aramco and it did nothing...
the funny part is some people are so much paranoid that see what they want to see.

They will always make up excuses because they can’t accept how powerful Iran is.

When we make missiles. It’s Russian missiles with Iranian paintjob.
When we landed an American drone and reverse engineered it. It was a gift from Obama.
When we shot down an American stealth drone. It was suddenly not stealth afterall
Our missiles drones or Yemenis or whatever, they hit their target without being intercepted by AD. It was because US turned off the AD.
many a true word is spoken in jest (as a joke).

was it not because it had no permission to do anything?
you are Irani therefore you should have no difficulty reading the poster.

irani/yemeni drone leading the raid calls the American interceptor battery Brother and asks for directions to Aramco. and is told where to go.


Looks like you are too stupid even for a simple Joke. Look at the Saudi flag peeling of the Patriot. It implies that its a U.S system bought and operated by the Saudis. By your retarded "logic" the drones had permission from the Saudis them selves!!!
USA is not saying to the world. It is the Arabs who are saying - Trade with us or with Iran but not with both.

USA can't sanction any country from using dollar without consent from GCC states which are also stakeholders of dollar under Petrodollar.
you are the only one in the world who think so
Iran is barred from International banking system by meddlesome USA . thats enough to hamper all trades .
And who is USA to say to the world what they can trade with iran and what they can't .

I wonder what senior US official will say about this forgery ?

Please don't insult members intelligence with a picture you either faked yourself or copied from a dubious site.

Care to provide a source to this picture ?

This is a satellite image , i doubt that there was a giant compass on the ground when the picture was taken ... Certainly not placed on top of an existing structure as we see in the original picture.

Shame on you for trying to sell this to people.

Seems like your supreme leader ordered an unprovoked attack on a neighboring country and now is lying about it.


why are the Saudis so stupid?

by blaming Iran they are humiliating themselves even more.. not even the UAE was that dumb when 4 of their oil tankers blew up. They publicly denied it was Iran, and restarted security cooperation with Iran in the Persian gulf...

why? because if you blame Iran, you corner yourself into the position of either starting a war with Iran with retaliation. Or admitting Iran just directly attacked you and you are too spineless to do anything about it.
a lose lose situation.

The Saudis are soo astonishingly stupid. they even fall for petty traps laid by American Zionists like Pompeo whos desperately trying to dupe them into a war with Iran to benefit Israel.

I think there are literally chimpanzees out there with higher intelligence then the Saudi "princes"
why are the Saudis so stupid?

by blaming Iran they are humiliating themselves even more.. not even the UAE was that dumb when 4 of their oil tankers blew up. They publicly denied it was Iran, and restarted security cooperation with Iran in the Persian gulf...

why? because if you blame Iran, you corner yourself into the position of either starting a war with Iran with retaliation. Or admitting Iran just directly attacked you and you are too spineless to do anything about it.
a lose lose situation.

The Saudis are soo astonishingly stupid. they even fall for petty traps laid by American Zionists like Pompeo whos desperately trying to dupe them into a war with Iran to benefit Israel.

I think there are literally chimpanzees out there with higher intelligence then the Saudi "princes"

They really believe daddy US will go to war for them
Please don't insult members intelligence with a picture you either faked yourself or copied from a dubious site.

Care to provide a source to this picture ?

This is a satellite image , i doubt that there was a giant compass on the ground when the picture was taken ... Certainly not placed on top of an existing structure as we see in the original picture.

Shame on you for trying to sell this to people.

Seems like your supreme leader ordered an unprovoked attack on a neighboring country and now is lying about it.



@Hack-Hook , is right here you can see it with your own eyes


do you really believe that a 3rd no 10th rate low life power like Iran can by-pass any protective measures without the US consent? if you think or believe this then you are as retarded and delusional as the other keyboard warriors plaguing PDF (whether sanghi, irani or wahabi).


@Battle of Waterloo

Here we go ... lack of knowledge as i mentioned !

Do you remember when i said : If they underestimate us this is a blessing for Iran !

They are confused ... To be continued :coffee:
@Hack-Hook , is right here you can see it with your own eyes

Sorry i don't buy into this theory. I don't think US has interest to fake anything and if they did , they would sure not do it in such a lame way.

I think anyone can understand that there was something fishy about the confession of the Houthi spokesman and the whole circumstances of the event.

The Houthi spokesman did not even know the number of drones fired. He said 10 , and missed out on another 15 drones and missiles ! ...

No one believes that the Houthi conducted such wide attack from Yemen , 1200 miles away , or conduct such a wide operation from somewhere else without a significant help from Iran.

I think people should wait with their comments , such a large scale attack is bound to leave footprints , it may take time , but in the end it would be revealed.

I see here people jumping to conclusions while the investigation is still going on and most of it not revealed yet.

you are too spineless to do anything about it.

Well , Your leaders intimidate Saudi , who has a population 2.5 x times smaller than you . And in return US , who is 10 X times stronger than y intimidates you.

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Sorry i don't buy into this theory. I don't think US has interest to fake anything and if they did , they would sure not do it in such a lame way.
When USA attacked iran air flight 655 USA navy showed a fake map to USA Senate in the hearing and claimed USS vinscense was in international water at the time of attack while in fact it was in iran territorial water and for that claim they removed Hengam Island from the map.
Right now the video of the coalition of incompetent is out there for everyone to see and in that they show the tampered photos and claim that the attack come from north just look at the 12th min and onward of the video .
Here everyone say it's not important from which direction the attack come from as drones and UAV can turn and change direction, my question is if so then why KSA and co most tamper the photos and then lie about the direction of attack ?

I see here people jumping to conclusions while the investigation is still going on and most of it not revealed yet.
If the investigation is still going how come they say iran did it and for proving that they fake evidences ?

Well , Your leaders intimidate Saudi , who has a population 10 x times smaller than you . And in return US , who is 10 X times stronger than y intimidates you.

Not exactly 10 time it's 2.5 time by the way didn't we threatened USA ? Didn't we attacked their 200milion dollar drone when it strayed in our border and then for saving face they made the story about destroying our drones with that truck parked on the Boxer ?
Not exactly 10 time it's 2.5 time by the way didn't we threatened USA ? Didn't we attacked their 200milion dollar drone when it strayed in our border and then for saving face they made the story about destroying our drones with that truck parked on the Boxer ?

When you are as strong as the US you do not need to prove it.

As far as Trump is concerned the sanctions are working fine for him. The only country with an interest to some how break the status quo is Iran by flaming the area in a desperate attempt to change something in this equation. We have seen this happen all the past summer.

Saudi has called for a UN investigation. And with such a large scale attack there there bound to be a lot of footprints.

There will be radar reports , satellite image , intelligence reports from army movements to cell phone cell reports,

Not to mention that a few of the drones and missiles fell short of target. I doubt it would take a genius to figure our where they came from.


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