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Indira Gandhi planned a mass invasion of Pakistan | CIA Records

Well the Sikh managed to get their demands fulfilled by GoI which also included creating the Sikh state punjab and brining city of chandi garth under state government. So one cannot brand it as total failure. There is no such thing as 100% sucess or failure in millitary and diplomacy however I did say Sikh achieved atleast 80% of their motives. The sikh rebellion was the same leader who trained Mukti Bahini few years ago. And ISI being able to recruit the godfather of its enemy forces against their own masters is a feat deserving much commendation.

hhhmmmmmmm .......lets see

When was new Punjab formed ???
1 Nov 1966
When was Indira Gandhi killed???

oh boy...............I fall from my chair.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

lets come to second thing.
Chandigarh..................Plz stop ..........I have laughed enough
Chandigarh is a UT.........not under state of Punjab.:bunny::bunny:

Khalistani movement lacked one thing................SIKHS:partay:

Because sikhs dont like ISI:cheesy:
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Well the Sikh managed to get their demands fulfilled by GoI which also included creating the Sikh state punjab and brining city of chandi garth under state government. So one cannot brand it as total failure. There is no such thing as 100% sucess or failure in millitary and diplomacy however I did say Sikh achieved atleast 80% of their motives. The sikh rebellion was the same leader who trained Mukti Bahini few years ago. And ISI being able to recruit the godfather of its enemy forces against their own masters is a feat deserving much commendation.

Post Reported!

Reason: Punjab state was formed before 1984. Sikhs in India are our citizen. Chandigarh is a UNION TERRITORY .
Their Motiv is our Motive, State Government is governed by Central Government(in cases) Please do not try to spread wrong information. You can ban me for this, but according to the Freedom of Information Ordinance 2002, October 2002, Pakistan, do not misinform.
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Do you want to be reminded that pakistan itself was amputated into 2 parts by you know who

And you know what we did with your allies who helped you in this and the leader who commited this via our CIA backed proxy of Khalistan movement. What is there to boast about east-pakistan invasion?? A completely undefended remote out back of Pakistan?? That too on the shoulders of third country??

Seriously what the was strategic goal or outcome of Bangladesh creation?? Comeon dont tell me you had soo much sympathy for rioting Bangladeshis.
And you know what we did with your allies who helped you in this and the leader who commited this via our CIA backed proxy of Khalistan movement. What is there to boast about east-pakistan invasion?? A completely undefended remote out back of Pakistan?? That too on the shoulders of third country??

Seriously what the was strategic goal or outcome of Bangladesh creation?? Comeon dont tell me you had soo much sympathy for rioting Bangladeshis.

and what did you achieve?? except losing Bangladesh in 71 and 1700km² in 65
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And you know what we did with your allies who helped you in this and the leader who commited this via our CIA backed proxy of Khalistan movement. What is there to boast about east-pakistan invasion?? A completely undefended remote out back of Pakistan?? That too on the shoulders of third country??

Seriously what the was strategic goal or outcome of Bangladesh creation?? Comeon dont tell me you had soo much sympathy for rioting Bangladeshis.

Being a military forum one would expect those present to appreciate the relevance of what was done back in 71.
Indians celebrating 6 September and no more evil godless ussr!!... amputated into LOT OF PARTS...:)

We can see except support USSR did nothing even stopped India to get into west Pakistan but USA even send a fleet to save Pakistan as well as weapons and support in UN.

USSR had broken down due to massive military and USA's efforts. Why are you taking pride of it??? Also USSR helped Pakistan by stopping India to go for all out war against west Pakistan from earlier defensive stand.
We can see except support USSR did nothing even stopped India to get into west Pakistan but USA even send a fleet to save Pakistan as well as weapons and support in UN.

USSR had broken down due to massive military and USA's efforts. Why are you taking pride of it??? Also USSR helped Pakistan by stopping India to go for all out war against west Pakistan from earlier defensive stand.

USSR enforced the naval blockade of Pakistan army between East and West hence they had to rely on PIA flights therefore couldnt transport suffient manpower and ammunition. The US naval fleet was dispated after the reports of USSR naval presence however obviously due to distances it arrived too late.

In reality India Pakistan both were fools. India played into USSR hands with dream of expanding its terriotry and influence and americans delibretely let the east wing go for garnering Pakistani support for upcoming "Afghan Jihad".
Er...........1984,election emergency etc are certainly not examples of a kind person.Lets agree she had her share of wrongdoings.

Indira Gandhi was most impacted by the criticism of her father Nehru being very soft and naive,hence it in way tailored her character.She certainly outdid her father,

Also gave us a picture of the fact had Nehru been a realist what impact it would"ve had on India.(Hint:not necessarily positive)

I'm proud of her for her actions in 1971.
Also aware of her share of blunders.

According to the book :The clash of fundamentalisms
After the fall of Dhaka Indian generals planned for an invasion of West Pakistan with the so called agenda of "finish off the enemy".But luckily Indira Gandhi never approved so because she believed military should be firmly under civilian control and also there is a chance that we may lose what we"ve earned so far.

The War was won but the diplomacy after that had failed. India should have played its diplomatic card to get the pak occupied kashmir.
USSR enforced the naval blockade of Pakistan army between East and West hence they had to rely on PIA flights therefore couldnt transport suffient manpower and ammunition. The US naval fleet was dispated after the reports of USSR naval presence however obviously due to distances it arrived too late.

In reality India Pakistan both were fools. India played into USSR hands with dream of expanding its terriotry and influence and americans delibretely let the east wing go for garnering Pakistani support for upcoming "Afghan Jihad".

and you played with Americans to capture kashmir. I do not have enuf info if USSR blocked your navy but your Karachi Port was totally destroyed by IN. And if USSR had blocked your Navy, then Americans has definitely blocked us during attack on Karachi.
and you played with Americans to capture kashmir. I do not have enuf info if USSR blocked your navy but your Karachi Port was totally destroyed by IN. And if USSR had blocked your Navy, then Americans has definitely blocked us during attack on Karachi.

Dumbest comment ever by a FAN BOY.
the fact remains that indira gandhi was a very aggresive leader. From sending our man in space to laying the seeds of a nuclear capable india , she is and will remain as a charismatic leader to most people in india.
What? What did you do? let me guess...umm.... you went to them year after year with a begging bowl asking for monetary aid and survived on their aid and financial help and became one of the few nations who are pulling the continent of asia down while the rest of the nations are rising and making it the asian century?

-- Yah! I know!:tdown:

Well your main ally was Soviet Union and guess what?It does not exist today.We paid them back in the same coin.Admittedly, we had plenty of help from Americans.14,453 Soviets. Killed in Afghanistan is pretty good goal.Indira Gandhi was a ***** and Pakistan took care of her.We eventually took her out.Let's face it Sikhs were backed by us heavily.If it was not for Pakistan's and US Support the Sikh Insurgency would have never taken up to the scale it did.
The War was won but the diplomacy after that had failed. India should have played its diplomatic card to get the pak occupied kashmir.

Post war diplomacy was success considering the fact we compelled Pakistan to recognize Bangladesh as an independent country,or else any attempts for legal recognition of BanglaDesh would"ve been put down by all UN security councils members except Soviet Union.

i.e We made Pakistan legally acknowledge loss of half its population,economy and a large part of its land .

Had Pakistan not recognized BanglaDesh as an independent country ,then BanglaDesh today would be like South Ossetia or Abkhazia.

Also we kept Kargil to ourselves.
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Well your main ally was Soviet Union and guess what?It does not exist today.We paid them back in the same coin.Admittedly, we had plenty of help from Americans.14,453 Soviets. Killed in Afghanistan is pretty good goal
Funny! when it comes to formation of Taliban,Pakistanis always blame the Americans,but regarding the collapse of the Soviet Union you scramble to take the credit.

Anyways.Lets look at what your great 1980s Kabul adventure got you
1.)Your brotherly nation Afghanistan doesn't trust you.
2)Large refugee population.
3)proliferation of extremism in Pakistan,whose effects we see everyday on the news.

I won't argue further on it as in the end Pakistan was safe.

.Indira Gandhi was a ***** and Pakistan took care of her.We eventually took her out.

Calling her names actually reflects your frustration on the fact she made Pakistan legally accept the loss of half your nation's population,economy and large swath of your territory.

and ultimately and most importantly the loss of reason for formation of Pakistan being, uniting the Muslims of the subcontinent.

i.e she robbed Pakistan of her identity.

Do you really believe the death of one single person can compensate/outweigh all this loss?

Let's face it Sikhs were backed by us heavily.If it was not for Pakistan's and US Support the Sikh Insurgency would have never taken up to the scale it did.

The outcome at the end of the day matters,We don't have a new nation in the subcontinent calling itself Khalistan.(although i do support its formation.)

Also we Indians are thankful for Pakistan regarding Punjab extremism.

Afterall in the end it was tip-off from Pakistan helped in quelling the movement by giving us the names and location of the hiding extremist leaders.
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