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India’s S-400 Air Defence and balance of power in South Asia

To understand the post, first study biological location and function of jugular vein.

If i take the jugular vein off india, i am sure it will be dead...

Parosion ka bhi to khayal rakhna chahiye ne, khas taur par jab wo kamzor aur buddhay hogaye hon, akhri akhri din hain, jahan itne sal, kuch aur mahine hi sahi !!!

Adhi vein to hum bhi use karte hain

I didn't even understand the ABCD but if somehow you are conveying the message that you will militarily liberate Kashmir from India then GOOD LUCK and GN
S400 is not a simple toy that you will get radar signatures and then learn everything. Moreover, Pakistan has Turkey with whom it can learn S400 as China is unlikely to give such system to Pakistan for fear of Russians feeling betrayed.

JF17 with AESA can't simply enter S400 zones. Radars on planes are puny. Anti radar missiles will require planes to be close to the radar, at least 100km. S400 has range much beyond that and hence that can't be used

S-400 can be taken care of by NCW EW capabilities, DA-20, AWACS, F-16s with recce pods, Satellite pics, JFT-B based EW bird based on J-16 EW bird or better will be decent answer to anything which India will deploy in its NCW system.

Alone S-400 is very potent system but not as deadly as many think in India as Pakistan also have good EW capabilities and some were displayed during 27 Feb Ops.

Can you tell me the difference between rockets and missiles in that case?

Now most of Chinese Rocket system are guided and cheap to deploy in numbers, in 300km range Pakistan can rain hell on Indian SAMs with Rockets, Drone Swarms and CMs.

Mini Stealth suicide drone was already under development since 2018.

Are you some psycho or what???? Always writing those long poetries.... go and do something about your jaguar vein which right now under FAULADI GIRAFT of HINDUSTAN (in the iron grip of India).. do something about it then such kind of heroic posts will be a treat to read....
Hi, half of your atoot ang is in our FOLADI GIRAFT for past 78 years, and you couldnt get it back
No problem

we have JF17 Block 3 with ASEA and we can get radar signatures from China and it will be easy target for anti - radiation missiles

or our cruise missiles
First, why will China give you S-400 radar signatures when same can find their way to USA as you also allied with USA.
Second, if you can locate the S-400 deployment with satellite images then you can try taking it out with a MRL barrage. No need for any kind of radar signatures.
Third, your adversories can also hide its S-400 with dummies including ones that just transmit signatures in a number of places to confuse your missiles and fighters.
Indian guys do not need to answer in such threads.... If this or similar system was being procured by Pakistan then all the counter measures above being suggested by opposition party would be a joke of the year.... S400 not something invincible but not a joke either....
Artillery has max range of 50km while MLRS has a range of 100km with accuracy. Beyond 100km rockets will not be accurate enough. Missiles are used at that range. Chinese MLRS is actually a SSBM, something like NASR or Prahaar missile. Rockets by definition are rudimentary, have lower range with accuracy and not as complex as missiles and are meant to be fired enmasse.
If India has intelligence, they will make dummy setups of S-400 complete with transmitters to just transmit S-400 like radio-waves to simulate scanning. Let your adversaries find the real S-400.

Why do these articles always analyze systems in isolation. This article thinks that adversories will employ ONLY S-400. So the author suggests that Pakistan can counter it with swarm of drones. Simplest defence against a swarm of drones? No, not S-400. A system like pantsir. Or a CIWS system like metal storm or similar. Drones are highly susceptible to these weapons because they are not fast enough.

S-400 is just one layer in many layers of an AD system. It does not mean the rest will disappear suddenly. AFAIK, S-400 main purpose will be to take out Pakistan's AWACS while sitting right in Indian territory. AWACS is MASSIVE target, its slow moving. So a 400 KM range missile might just have a shot against it.

If not take out AWACS, it will limit the mobility of AWACS. Meaning, Pakistan's F-16s and JF-17s will have lesser coverage of AWACS near the war front. AWACS are precious platforms and PAF will have to withdraw them to safer places leaving more fighters vulnerable near the engagement zones. Even if AWACS employs its EW against S-400, suddenly it will find itself busy with defending itself rather than helping its fighter forces.
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First, why will China give you S-400 radar signatures when same can find their way to USA as you also allied with USA.
Second, if you can locate the S-400 deployment with satellite images then you can try taking it out with a MRL barrage. No need for any kind of radar signatures.
Third, your adversories can also hide its S-400 with dummies including ones that just transmit signatures in a number of places to confuse your missiles and fighters.

Why China allow PAF to test it self against S-400? kindly answer this first.
Test it self againt S-400? What do you mean?

Kindly get info about stuff you don't know then talk about the topic.

You Western people don't know how deep and close military relationship China and Pakistan have.

China have allowed PAF to do exercise against its S-400 system.
If that was the case Russia wouldn't have sold the S-400 to Turkey cause Turkey also hosts US forces.
Russians are already ahead in developing S-500. Plus, why do you think export version and domestic version share same vulnerability?

China have allowed PAF to do exercise against its S-400 system.

You Western people don't know how deep and close military relationship China and Pakistan have.
US and Japan have extremely close ties. You still don't see F-22 flying with JSDF. Or USN Seawolf under Japanese command.
Russians are already ahead in developing S-500. Plus, why do you think export version and domestic version share same vulnerability?


US and Japan has extremely close ties. You still don't see F-22 flying with JSDF. Or USN Seawolf under Japanese command.

Kindly go through PDF or Google it.

Russians are already ahead in developing S-500. Plus, why do you think export version and domestic version share same vulnerability?


US and Japan have extremely close ties. You still don't see F-22 flying with JSDF. Or USN Seawolf under Japanese command.

PAF know what J-20 is capable of as they are stationed where its being built and tested that is how close China and Pakistan are. Pakistan was also offered customized 5th Gen JV solution (other then F-31) Now only final product of project Azm will tell which path PAF have chosen.
Airborne Warning And Control System (AWACS) and Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEWC) platforms provide far more accurate tracks, however, networking is required to send the data from the airborne early warning aircraft to the S-400 system, which is hard to get.
India is already operating a significant assortment of russian jets with israel based AWACS and their home grown "half-pint" AEW&CS. So they have a history of integrating Russian platforms in their own. Unless they are complete retard they must have discussed integration of S-400 with Indian platforms.

Kindly go through PDF or Google it.
PAF practice against S-400 site:.pk

All I could find was one post in defence.pk with someone asking if they see a s-400 radar. Thats all.

PAF know what J-20 is capable of as they are stationed where its being built and tested that is how close China and Pakistan are.
Again, source?
India did not fire any SAM or BVR missiles against Pakistan. So, you can't claim that India couldnot decimate everything flying near the border,. India chose not to escalate limited conflict beyond a point.

stopped reading and started crying. Please, your entire HC for AF and Army were sitting ducks. They shat their pants when our jets locked onto your positions and you were fast asleep. Make factual statements of gtfo.
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