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Imran Khan Live at UNGA

UN Speech review:

Trump and the Pakistani PM = noobs
Xi 'Pooh' Jinping = Boring, lets us all hold hands and sing kumbaya
Putin = meh! listen to me and everything will be ok delusion.

Didn't listen to any other speeches..
We will do whatever we have to do with regards to India.

Pakistan and China are ready to tackle the India problem.
I think IK should have exposed Modi and his gang of Hindutva terrorists to the world rather bluntly. This gang of Hindu terrorists is poised to destroy the peace in this region and bring a massive wave of death and destruction because of their fascist ideology. The RSS ideology gurus openly claim that India is only and only for Hindus. They shamelessly claim that equality is only between the equals. Hindus and non-Hindus are NOT equal. So non-Hindus cannot claim equal rights in India. That's exactly what Nazis used to believe in. These Hindutva morons of RSS are astonishingly similar to Nazis in ideology. In fact, Hindutva leaders were very impressed by Nazis and they regard Hitler as their hero. All these facts are well documented.

The world has not really taken these terrorists seriously despite seeing their true colors just after the start of Modi's second term as the Indian PM. Hindu terrorists started killing non-Hindus, especially Muslims, asking them to either convert to Hinduism (to become the lowest level untouchable Hindus) or migrate to Pakistan/elsewhere. The Covid-19 pendamic has temporarily stopped that genocide before the world could have a real taste of the Hindutva idiology and sub-human behavior of its follwers.

The fact that India as a state has been overtaken by an insane extremist Hindu group poses a grave danger for the regional security and stability. Modi has accelrated Indian efforts to occupy the whole region and create the so called Akhand Bharat. Towards that goal, Indians are aggressively following an exansionist approach since 1947 but the RSS government of Modi seems to be especially in a haste. Indians first launched a missile strike in Pakistan on 20 Feb. 2019 (which Pakistan responded with an air strike on Indian targets the next day) and then uniliterally changed the disputed status of Indian occupied state of J&K in August 2019 in clear violation of related UN resolutions and internation agreements and commitments. Without any pause, Indians next planned and openly threatened to launch a military attack on Pakistan northern areas this winter to occupy Gilgit and Baltistan area. Obviously Pakistan would have responded befittingly as it did in Febrary last year. The war between the two nuclear neighbors is not a good omen for the whole world.

We are not begging the world to save us from Indian aggression. But we want to warn the world of grave dangers that world is facing in the form of Hindutva ideology and its hold on power in India. In fact, India has been held hostage by this idiology. Modi has no qualifications, no education, and no understanding of strategic affairs. He is not a reformist, an industrialist, or a religious leader. He is a murderer whol killed thousands of Muslims as the Chief Minister of an Indian state in the name of Hindutva. That is the only qualification that got Modi elected as the Indian PM. Just like majority of Germans elected Hitler as their leader. Modi is following a very similar idiology, similar state policy, and similar expansionist foreign policy with majority of his countryment supporting him. That is a desastrous combination posing a grave threat to the regional peace and stability.

This was the time that IK could highlight this exteremely critical aspect of the regional geopolitics loud and clear in his address at the UNGA.
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