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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

Oh, no worries on that score; We have always been absolutely sure about Hafiz Saeed's guilt, the bounty just gives us the satisfaction that quite a few of his nights will involve staring fearfully into the night sky wondering whether or not the time has come to meet his close pal......

How were you sure?
So according to you cases like these should take how long?

Not so long that you can't set examples with your judicial system.

Secondly how does this effect India and others?

It doesn't. The end loser turns out to be Pakistan and Pakistan.

We though, however, afford a say when we are asked to trust such an incompetent and hopeless judicial system.
How convenient of a reply to a daming post.

You know you can be better at being evasive, my man. ;)

Nothing evasive. The claim was that he has been convicted in an Indian court. Upon closer examination, the trial was a farce.

As for voice prints, there are demands for evidence and accusations of delay from both sides. Are you saying India's case against HS hinges on this single piece of evidence?
Bakwas, the case against Qadri is still ongoing nothing has been cancelled.

Blasphemy laws exist in Pakistan and judiciary is bound by LAW to follow the constitution hence its not a slam dunk case.

So do you then see why there is no use of giving any arguments? Your Judiciary is bound by complicated laws!! Example? Islamabad a couple of days back. Your police were aiming guns at each other trying to figure out how to go by the letter of the law that evening!!
A funny pics found..!!

15 years ago I remember hearing Imran Khan say that our people opt to go towards illegal means because there is no justice in Pakistan. Today we are reaping the effects of that. Pakistanis have gained one thing in all these years after deposing Musharraf and containing Zardari - free Judiciary.

Forget 10 mil, not for the Sun or the moon am I ready to give up on it.

You seem to be a big fan of Imran Khan.

Again, not burdened by any delusions here. And my gut is seldom wrong.

I have told my friends and family every time I have heard this guy speak on TV - mark my words, if this man ever comes to power, he will be one of the MOST rabidly anti-India Pakistani leaders to date.
So do you then see why there is no use of giving any arguments? Your Judiciary is bound by complicated laws!! Example? Islamabad a couple of days back. Your police were aiming guns at each other trying to figure out how to go by the letter of the law that evening!!

Hey man now don't mix issues, there is no such complication in HS case as far as Qadri is concerned he will lose the case even on the blasphemy front.
You seem to be a big fan of Imran Khan.

Again, not burdened by any delusions here. And my gut is seldom wrong.

I have told my friends and family every time I have heard this guy speak on TV - mark my words, if this man ever comes to power, he will be one of the MOST rabidly anti-India Pakistani leaders to date.

Leave out even India. He has been hobnobbing with the Haffiz's council that has rabid and open Shia and Ahmedi killers onboard.
You seem to be a big fan of Imran Khan.

Again, not burdened by any delusions here. And my gut is seldom wrong.

I have told my friends and family every time I have heard this guy speak on TV - mark my words, if this man ever comes to power, he will be one of the MOST rabidly anti-India Pakistani leaders to date.

Its not about being a fan, its my electoral right.

Incorrect his focus would be on the United States. You will note all people who support IK do not focus upon Indians, they go after the US meddling in Pakistan.
Again, your speculative claims about imagined associations only provide amusement. They have no legal validity.

Glad to have provided you with amusement, the compliment cannot however be returned since I find nothing particularly amusing about defending a terrorist. Your arguments have little or no basis either in the realm of the legalese or in that of common sense. To believe that a case can be tried in Pakistan whose jurisdiction is in India & to do it without obtaining any concurrence simply because it suits the accused as well as the state & to hold that farcical mockery up as due process of law being completed & expecting everyone else to agree with that warped notion simply boggles the mind. Either such Pakistanis are being cynical & contemptuous or they are simply living in la-la land, neither of which is a pleasant thought. The contempt for such a system & for those advocating its virtues is richly deserved & we have to salute the Americans for coming up with an appropriate response; i.e a $10 million middle finger to your judicial system & to the credibility of the country as a whole.
Leave out even India. He has been hobnobbing with the Haffiz's council that has rabid and open Shia and Ahmedi killers onboard.

Correction - not one of the leaders is a convicted felon. Some of the organizations members have been convicted but the leaders are not felons. No felon can get an electoral ticket by law.

He gave many clarifications that he has to become a leader of Pakistan and he has to deal with such people and his goals are to make them abandon extremist thought.

He is talking with them - not partnering with them.
What happens if somebody takes him out, can he claim this bounty ??
Glad to have provided you with amusement, the compliment cannot however be returned since I find nothing particularly amusing about defending a terrorist. Your arguments have little or no basis either in the realm of the legalese or in that of common sense. To believe that a case can be tried in Pakistan whose jurisdiction is in India & to do it without obtaining any concurrence simply because it suits the accused as well as the state & to hold that farcical mockery up as due process of law being completed & expecting everyone else to agree with that warped notion simply boggles the mind. Either such Pakistanis are being cynical & contemptuous or they are simply living in la-la land, neither of which is a pleasant thought. The contempt for such a system & for those advocating its virtues is richly deserved & we have to salute the Americans for coming up with an appropriate response; i.e a $10 million middle finger to your judicial system & to the credibility of the country as a whole.

Nice speech but utterly devoid of content or logic. We are defending due process, not any particular suspect. The fact is that, unlike India, Pakistani courts work on evidence, not hearsay.
Its not about being a fan, its my electoral right.

Incorrect his focus would be on the United States. You will note all people who support IK do not focus upon Indians, they go after the US meddling in Pakistan.

You are welcome to vote for who you wish man. It was just an observation.

His focus may well be on the US.

But that will not prevent him from being rabidly anti-India.

One can do both you know.
Hey man now don't mix issues, there is no such complication in HS case as far as Qadri is concerned he will lose the case even on the blasphemy front.

LoL, what is there to mix issues? Police could not arrest this man to follow the due process of law (the one you are championing). Read below. I think you gave me an infraction on that thread :) If your law could not follow course for such a simple instance with this guy, what do you think will your law do when the case is 26/11?


So why not just do the Romans when in Rome :) At least it is an opportunity to make 12 Million USD badly needed foreign exchange in Pakistan. Even Fauji foundation could have pretty good use for the money :)

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