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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

The issue here is not Kasab's conviction but that of Hafiz Saeed just because Kasab claimed he met with him. As the Indian report acknowledged, no evidence was provided to the court about HS, only Kasab's statements.

I am not interested in Kasab's conviction either. He's a dead man walking.

He has given detailed plans and details and dates and places with regard to the scum we are talking about.

Is that all cooked up by him?

Should be easy to trace back and debunk then. Point by point. Properly of course. With credible proof and witnesses and alibis that would stand in a court of law.

Then we have Headley singing. More often than not the same song, with many details confirmed, a lot of information added.

Do the same and poke holes into his testimony point by point.

You are a sovereign country. A free judiciary. Well act like one for a change.

Maybe we'll start believing it.
I am not interested in Kasab's conviction either. He's a dead man walking.

He has given detailed plans and details and dates and places with regard to the scum we are talking about.

Is that all cooked up by him?
No he didn't. Not to Pakistan.
Not so long that you can't set examples with your judicial system.

Really so now our judicial system needs to learn from an internet warrior. Gosshhh Where were you all this time.

It doesn't. The end loser turns out to be Pakistan and Pakistan.

Great then i see no point for an Indian to complain about.

We though, however, afford a say when we are asked to trust such an incompetent and hopeless judicial system.

We dont care if you trust our system or not but frankly you don't have a say in the matter, and before you call it hopeless or incompetent, have a look in the mirror. People living in glass house should not throw stones at others.
HS case can be over tomorrow if Ajmal Kasam gives his testimony.
We are going in circles. India claims HS is guilty but has not provided sufficient evidence. It is not up to him to prove his innocence, it is up to the prosecution to prove his guilt.

Without evidence, there is no conviction. Except in the media.
Hafiz Saeed to US: I’m in Lahore tomorrow, contact me anytime
By Web Desk
Published: April 4, 2012
RAWALPINDI: Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, founder of banned group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and chief of Jamaatud Dawa (JuD), publicly announced his location to the US and expressed his surprise over US’ ‘lack of knowledge’.
During a press conference in Rawalpindi on Wednesday, Saeed said that he will be in Lahore tomorrow and the US can contact him whenever it wants. “The bounty is always set on people who are in hiding… There is no case against me in any American court,” he maintained while terming the bounty absurd.
“America has gone blind in its enmity against Islam… After facing defeat in Afghanistan, it has resorted to such acts. This shows that the Difa-e-Pakistan Council (DPC) has succeeded in its campaign,” added Saeed.
Jamiat-e-Ulema Islam chief Maulana Samiul Haq also announced that Saeed, according to the law, is ready to present himself before any court. “The Difa-e-Pakistan Council, to condemn the US bounty, announces of a countrywide strike on Friday.”
Haq added that it was the government’s responsibility to provide security to Saeed. “The government should give a clear message to the US that it should stop interfering in Pakistan’s internal affairs. There is now no doubt in the fact that the US is not our friend, but our enemy.”
He further added that, “The US, in efforts to please India and Israel, wants to increase the drone strikes and operations like that in Abbottabad.”
Read more: hafizsaeed
Hafiz Saeed to US: I
Correction - not one of the leaders is a convicted felon. Some of the organizations members have been convicted but the leaders are not felons. No felon can get an electoral ticket by law.

The difa-e-Pakistan gang contains several banned organizations and terrorists who openly admit to bing Ahmedi and Shia killers.

More ominously, recent months have seen state-sanctioned Difah-e-Pakistan Council (DPC) rallies across the country, drawing many tens of thousands. Prominent self-proclaimed Shia and Ahmadi killers, prance on stage while holding hands in a show of unity.

At the Multan DPC rally on February 17, Khatm-e-Nabuwat leaders bayed for Ahmadi blood while sharing the stage with the famed Malik Ishaq, a self-acclaimed Shia-killer. Newspaper reports say Ishaq was freed last year after frightened judges treated him like a guest in the courtroom, offering him tea and biscuits. One judge attempted to hide his face with his hands. But after Ishaq read out the names of his children, the judge abandoned the trial.

They may not be convicted felons in Pakistan but that is only a mockery of any justice system, not something you can be proud of and provide as a proof of their innocence.

Many have mentioned that there not a single "convicted felon" in all of Pakistan over the last 10 years for terror and insurgency!

Again, as far I am concerned that is your internal issue. This hafeez guy kills people in India and that is why I am interested in seeing justice done to him.

For criminals killing only Pakistani minorities and non dominant sects, I have sympathy with the victims and I hope the state stands up for them.

He gave many clarifications that he has to become a leader of Pakistan and he has to deal with such people and his goals are to make them abandon extremist thought.

He is talking with them - not partnering with them.

By sending representatives to their raliies and sharing stage with them.

I hope he can deliver a fraction of what he is promising. There are no quick and easy solutions and he is indulging in a bit of dream selling and sophistry.
Well said sir - i am not attempting to take sides. I come to the table with not all the facts of the case - i dont think many of us would. Its difficult to assess as it sounds like a complex case. One cant blame the judical system in Pakistan when the evidence provided in the 1200 to 1600 pages provided is no conclusive link. One cannot in such a case pin the blame on evidance that is made up of "heresay evidence and inconclusive." If evidence is provided that stands up in a court of law - i have faith with the judicary he will be dealt with accordingly but so far statements like "you cannot wake up someone who is pretending to sleep" or "have the guts to accept" are futile and certainly not meriting his involvement.

you are not attempting to take sides as you claim in the first sentence, yet you are claiming to know that 1600 pages was truly lacking evidence. Not sure how evidence of 1600 pages is blank or how the very same evidence allows other law enforcement agencies to come to same conclusion other than the Pakistani agencies. This is the same govt, agency and people who refused to believe that kasab was Pakistani. The very same people who knew he really was , but even after his own father in Pakistan claimed him, said the guy was some hindu fella because of a wrist band.

The evidence is not less stronger than the boys who did the british bombings, I suppose that was a British and MET police conspiracy too. I suppose to you - a kid who was caught on tape in Bombay shooting up people, whose dad in Pakistan said that he was his son, who was so dirt poor yet managed to through some miracle to join 10 pals and go on shooting spree in a foreign country, after crossing high seas and with thousands of dollars of equipment --- to your " not taking sides ' and logical mind says " nah- these are some lone rangers from a state , yet state less actors- doing on their own.
We are going in circles. India claims HS is guilty but has not provided sufficient evidence. It is not up to him to prove his innocence, it is up to the prosecution to prove his guilt.

Without evidence, there is no conviction. Except in the media.

Chalo the scum is innocent. For arguments sake.

But EVERY link points to PAKISTAN.

What have your courts done to get the masterminds and pepetrators to book?

Where are the investigations?

Where are the arrests?

Where are the trials?

Where are the convictions?

Where is YOUR evidence? Or counter-evidence?

Or are you waiting for India to spoonfeed you - while you like a bellicose kid keep spitting it out with a petulant face?

You have been accused. With evidence. In a ruling by courts of law of not one but TWO countries.

There is evidence that it is Pakistanis and Pakistani soil that was used for this attack.

There is evidence that the Pakistani ESTABLISHMENT was involved.

The burden of disproving that or bringing the accused to book is on YOU!

Yet you have done squat. 3 years and counting.
They will do nothing as long as they think they can get away.

Ultimately, like OBL, someone else will do the job for them. What has to be done, has to be done.

Being too clever by half (as always) and sophistry are not going to help for too long. The days are gone now.
We are going in circles. India claims HS is guilty but has not provided sufficient evidence. It is not up to him to prove his innocence, it is up to the prosecution to prove his guilt.

Without evidence, there is no conviction. Except in the media.

The only circles we are going in is the circle of protection around a terrorist , who is known to be one by everyone outside Pakistan in the civilized world. having him proved guilty is only going to happen outside Pakistani courts.

But like I say- it's alright, make hero's out of terrorists, continue to protect them as much as you want. This same strategy was used against India in the 90's and the then hero's turned inward. The then hero's were drone killed by the US.

You are one international attack away from this loose cannon, one major attack away by him / his group - from feeling the wrath of the world.

I've noticed that in India and on these boards you will have vast vast 99.9999% majority of Indians who will say nut jobs like Col Purohit need to hanged , jailed what have you. and that that guy did not plan any attacks in Pakistan or complete them ! ~ same goes for Americans, we don't accept terrorists whether it's KKK or any others in name of religion or race. .... but with Pakistanis here, especially the ones who don't live in Pakistan , but in lap of luxury and safety in " western democracies" , they are always advocating to protect their formally claimed state less actors to be under state protection. I can't imagine a more, I dare say, unpatriotic group that seeks for some reason to pleasure their ego vs. what is best for Pakistan and how it needs to move forward.

This man HS flaunts your own constitution, disregards your own laws, puts pakistni police lives in risk, advocates the most radical of Islamic views for not only Kashmir but also Pakistan - and we don't have one , single one pakistani here standing up nd saying " enough, these kind of people are an enemy of the state". " they are bringing us down", " they are risking our lives and worst yet they not what our founding father Jinahh stood for and his vision of pakistan" - Not one Pakistani has said that to date in this thread.
Chalo the scum is innocent. For arguments sake.

But EVERY link points to PAKISTAN.

What have your courts done to get the masterminds and pepetrators to book?

Where are the investigations?

Where are the arrests?

Where are the trials?

Where are the convictions?

Where is YOUR evidence? Or counter-evidence?

Or are you waiting for India to spoonfeed you - while you like a bellicose kid keep spitting it out with a petulant face?

You have been accused. With evidence. In a ruling by courts of law of not one but TWO countries.

There is evidence that it is Pakistanis and Pakistani soil that was used for this attack.

There is evidence that the Pakistani ESTABLISHMENT was involved.

The burden of disproving that or bringing the accused to book is on YOU!

Yet you have done squat. 3 years and counting.

Changing goalposts; this discussion is about HS, not some wider wild goose chase.
The only circles we are going in is the circle of protection around a terrorist , who is known to be one by everyone outside Pakistan in the civilized world. having him proved guilty is only going to happen outside Pakistani courts.

But like I say- it's alright, make hero's out of terrorists, continue to protect them as much as you want. This same strategy was used against India in the 90's and the then hero's turned inward. The then hero's were drone killed by the US.

You are one international attack away from this loose cannon, one major attack away by him / his group - from feeling the wrath of the world.

I've noticed that in India and on these boards you will have vast vast 99.9999% majority of Indians who will say nut jobs like Col Purohit need to hanged , jailed what have you. and that that guy did not plan any attacks in Pakistan or complete them ! ~ same goes for Americans, we don't accept terrorists whether it's KKK or any others in name of religion or race. .... but with Pakistanis here, especially the ones who don't live in Pakistan , but in lap of luxury and safety in " western democracies" , they are always advocating to protect their formally claimed state less actors to be under state protection. I can't imagine a more, I dare say, unpatriotic group that seeks for some reason to pleasure their ego vs. what is best for Pakistan and how it needs to move forward.

This man HS flaunts your own constitution, disregards your own laws, puts pakistni police lives in risk, advocates the most radical of Islamic views for not only Kashmir but also Pakistan - and we don't have one , single one pakistani here standing up nd saying " enough, these kind of people are an enemy of the state". " they are bringing us down", " they are risking our lives and worst yet they not what our founding father Jinahh stood for and his vision of pakistan" - Not one Pakistani has said that to date in this thread.

On the other hand, many bite the hand that feeds them. They demand exactly the same things in their unwilling host societies from which they ran away in their home countries.

They curse the countries they live in, call them Islamophobe, make ever increasing demands on them (and making them hostile in the process and then calling them names), are happy when their soldiers are killed in Afghanistan or elsewhere, generally act as traitors.

And then demand ever increasing rights for themselves in the same societies. No wonder the world is fed up of their shenanigans now and is willing to take it no more.
The only circles we are going in is the circle of protection around a terrorist , who is known to be one by everyone outside Pakistan in the civilized world. having him proved guilty is only going to happen outside Pakistani courts.

But like I say- it's alright, make hero's out of terrorists, continue to protect them as much as you want. This same strategy was used against India in the 90's and the then hero's turned inward. The then hero's were drone killed by the US.

You are one international attack away from this loose cannon, one major attack away by him / his group - from feeling the wrath of the world.

I've noticed that in India and on these boards you will have vast vast 99.9999% majority of Indians who will say nut jobs like Col Purohit need to hanged , jailed what have you. and that that guy did not plan any attacks in Pakistan or complete them ! ~ same goes for Americans, we don't accept terrorists whether it's KKK or any others in name of religion or race. .... but with Pakistanis here, especially the ones who don't live in Pakistan , but in lap of luxury and safety in " western democracies" , they are always advocating to protect their formally claimed state less actors to be under state protection. I can't imagine a more, I dare say, unpatriotic group that seeks for some reason to pleasure their ego vs. what is best for Pakistan and how it needs to move forward.

This man HS flaunts your own constitution, disregards your own laws, puts pakistni police lives in risk, advocates the most radical of Islamic views for not only Kashmir but also Pakistan - and we don't have one , single one pakistani here standing up nd saying " enough, these kind of people are an enemy of the state". " they are bringing us down", " they are risking our lives and worst yet they not what our founding father Jinahh stood for and his vision of pakistan" - Not one Pakistani has said that to date in this thread.

Spare us the speech. As I wrote earlier, I am not defending the person, but the due process. India has not provided the evidence. Case closed.
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