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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

The truth is that there is no judge in Pakistan who would sign his own death sentence by convicting HS. His own bodyguard may shoot him down which by the way would most likely make him a national hero like Qazi. So the proof against HS will never be enough in a Pakistani court, don't worry about that.

Much smaller terrorists have gotten away than this super terrorist.

At the Multan DPC rally on February 17, Khatm-e-Nabuwat leaders bayed for Ahmadi blood while sharing the stage with the famed Malik Ishaq, a self-acclaimed Shia-killer. Newspaper reports say Ishaq was freed last year after frightened judges treated him like a guest in the courtroom, offering him tea and biscuits. One judge attempted to hide his face with his hands. But after Ishaq read out the names of his children, the judge abandoned the trial.

We have repeatedly seen how the blasphemy cases are handled via mob justice in Pakistan.

Then they try to preach about criminal justice system to the world!

Like they preach about democracy and secularism and tolerance and minority treatment to the world!

Some of them seem to live in their own world with no relation to the realities.
"The truth is"... Sure mr. Prophet.

Watch where you tread bro. You could be termed an Ahmadi or any other type of non-muslim for acknowledging another prophet :) and then this very Saeed that you are seeking to bravely defend could be after your own life. And then you could be in the same position as the poor 26/11 victims being asked to provide "evidence"

Well, it never was sublime but this is clearly ridiculous. Surely you are not comparing this with moving a trial within the same country & only because a jury system is in vogue? Jury system neither exists in Pakistan nor in India & while trials have been moved out by the Supreme Court in India, it is never taken to a foreign country, especially of the accused's choice.

In any case Pakistan is not neutral territory, if you are not sure of a fair trial in India, you can always offer to have it held in a foreign location of mutual acceptance. Holding a farcical trial when the accused is in the dock for being in bed with organs of the state & executing murderous acts in collaboration with those very organs may sound alright to the warped logic of some Pakistanis but will convince almost no one else.
Watch where you tread bro. You could be termed an Ahmadi or any other type of non-muslim for acknowledging another prophet :)

Snorrrrrrrrrrrrrrre... C'mon man, you guys should have actual arguments. Arguments other than, mai-baap Amreeka said HS is terrorist so he must be.
Pakistani system as a whole has the interia of not punishing terrorists. They have not punished one terrorist during the last 10 years of their involvement in WoT and TTP insurgencies.

Speaks truckloads about the quality of Pakistani judicial system.

Any trial in such kangaroo courts can never be perceived as impartial and fair.
Pakistani system as a whole has the interia of not punishing terrorists. They have not punished one terrorist during the last 10 years of their involvement in WoT and TTP insurgencies

Bakwas... That too of the good quality.
We are supposed to trust a judicial system which sentenced it's own Prime Minister to death. What a joke!
Snorrrrrrrrrrrrrrre... C'mon man, you guys should have actual arguments. Arguments other than, mai-baap Amreeka said HS is terrorist so he must be.

Not just amrika.

3 guilty Pakistanis as well.

Not to mention India.

And the UNSC.

To tell you the truth, I'm offended by his scraggly fungus face and believe he deserves a double tap just for that.

Not to mention his hideous specs.

That should probably come close to the intelligence of most of the Pakistani posts and rebuttals here.
Bakwas... That too of the good quality.

Let the game begin, my dear...

How many has your judicial system sentenced for the PNS Mehran attack?

How many for the target killings in Karachi?

Ok what about the Mukhtaran Mai case?

Asia Bibi?

Salman Taseer?

The killings of Shias?

The killings of Ahmadis?

The countless number of bomb blasts in which your govt. itself claims that 35000 Pakistanis have perished.

...let's start counting, my man..

...and you're telling me trust this judicial system?
Snorrrrrrrrrrrrrrre... C'mon man, you guys should have actual arguments. Arguments other than, mai-baap Amreeka said HS is terrorist so he must be.

LoL, you got to be serious. Arguments?? When arguments in favour of Salman Taseer could not be hold water against the serial kisser in courts in Pakistan then how do you imagine will the poor Hindu arguments stand a chance? Hell even the horny 72 virgin seeking Ajmal Kasab was disowned till some blighter of a journalist went and got the father on TV. (Was it the journalist who got killed by NOT ISI later or was it some other one?) This way looks more convenient. Why bother when the US is getting the job done :)
Btw Asim, just to set the record straight - Amrika has never been maai baap for us out here.

We are getting richer, we are moving ahead in all spheres, and deal with the US on our own terms.

Unlike you, our corrupt politicians too line their pockets largely with our own money - so we are self sufficient there as well.

Point is - we pay our way on our own rupiya.

I guess you can fill in what's left unsaid here .....
Btw Asim, just to set the record straight - Amrika has never been maai baap for us out here.

We are getting richer, we are moving ahead in all spheres, and deal with the US on our own terms.

Unlike you, our corrupt politicians too line their pockets largely with our own money - so we are self sufficient there as well.

Point is - we pay our way on our own rupiya.

I guess you can fill in what's left unsaid here .....

Lol Amreeka our Mai-Baap, yea right.

We all know which coutry was it who generals used to inform the American President before they informed their own. :laugh:
Wrong. This has not been done to please India. Had that been the case, then this punjabi terrorist's goose would have been cooked long time back. Actually this has been done to indicate to Pakistani Army that things can be a lot worse. This fellow is just a pawn in the game. He lives and breathes at the mercy of the GHQ. And it is anyway known that the GHQ will not let him alive out of Pakistan (just like Bomb Father Qadeer) because fellows like these are more dangerous for the Generals alive rather than dead. The drift in short is then that this is all just to put a little bit of fear of God in the Pakistani Generals. Of course, American style.

Regarding this being a slap on Pakistan. Of course it is. It is a total slap and there must been cheeks writhing with the itch of it. But it is less a slap on the democratic establishment of Pakistan. In fact even Naz and Shaz would be pretty happy to see this peaceful saint of a Pakistani punjabi specimen off their land. Neither is this such a major slap on the face of the Pakistani judiciary. Poor fellows cannot be blamed. They have always loved their skin more than justice if history has anything to do with it. So another mockery of justice in Pakistan does not hurt the judiciary so much. What do you think?

Rather this is a major slap on the Pakistani Army. US just told the army that there are ways in which US can go right in to the deepest of the establishments of Army and slap them by just a simple statement and act.

And all in all even when it is a mere token political act, this exposes the fickleness of the whole Kashmir agenda of the Pakistani army, once US stops looking the other way.

For India, it is more wait and watch. That should do for now. That and of course, the right noises to support Zardari and the civilians.

Are you really that ignorant or you pretend to be that you cannot see the obvious. For starters check the timing of such statement. Why is it given specially on India's tour?
Btw Asim, just to set the record straight - Amrika has never been maai baap for us out here.
But then why are you treating the imposition of an illegal bounty as proof of HS's guilt.

Ahh ok you're being opportunists.

Pick one.
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