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Gulbuddin Hekmatyar: Will the Afghanistan warlord turn out to be Pakistan’s wild card against India?

Are you that much of a tool?!

In your first two comments you gave two varying figures. 14 cents/year and 1.4 cents/day haha

My first comment was that your numbers were wrong and I proved it by the link I provided, which said $5/refugee/year.

Don't go off topic with what one can live off of in Pakistan.

The first numbers you posted were wrong simple as that.

What great arithmetic skills you have hahaha lets divide by 365 days and 40 years and the final number is 14cents/person/year

Next time you might want to think twice before opening your mouth Khar ghul !!


Ahemmmm my dear dimwitted friend let me post the explicit add and multiplies ;-)

Dollars per person per year Source data = 5.2
1/2 for unregsterd per year 5.2 / 2 = 2.6
Dollars per person per day 5.2 / (2 * 365) = 0.007123288
20% of that as effective 0.2 * (5.2 / (2 * 365)) = 0.001424658 dollars per day per refugee

Which is (drum roll) ....... 0.14 cents per day
Which is ...... 14 paisa per day

$1 == roughly Rs 100 == 10000 paisa
1c == == 100 pais
.14c == 14 paisa per day ????

But I know you will just spit in the air ;-) [and our brother @Sher Malang will say that he does not have the time to find the facts to back it up -- but he believes Pakistanis greatly benefitted from Afghan miseries]

;-) I really pity you my dear @Kandahari -- how does it feel to be so dumb??? do share with us -- lol

Next time you might want to think twice before opening your mouth Khar ghul !!

My dear even a Khar has more brains than your bloodline ;-) -- as evidenced by the above

An Afghan friend of mine told me: you can't buy an Afghan (like one can with a Pakistani), you can only rent him.

Do not waste your time with them. They who hold hatred for Pakistan will very unlikely accept her. Just accept this and move on. Jealous arrogance is a difficult disease to treat.

you know you are right -- I think deep down they know -- that is why there are shrill cries !!!
Why are we even discussing this topic? Pakistan benefiting from refugees? Afghanistan don't even want them back and they are piss poor themselves who need as much help as they can get so you can imagine how beneficial refugees are for Pakistan.
Maybe you should've gone to school in your mother country India.
What is it with your fetish for "Mother country India" eveytime you talk about Pakistan?

Would it do any good as retort to call you to go your "Mother country Mongs"? You know those genetic spastics that are otherwise called Dowms Syndrome?

Mother Mong?


And as general education for all Pakistani's here. Afghanistan is a hotch potch multi racial country. Leaving asides the Iranic groups at least 33% of the country is made up of either Turkic people like Uzbek (whose name gives away that they belong to same people as the country across Amu Darya called Uzbekistan). Then you have Turkmen who belong to the country called Turkmenistan just across a artificial border drawn by Russian and British officials.

And then you have the creme la creme - the spastic looking Mongs living in central Hazarjat region of Afghanistan. You might as well rename it Mongistan. They look like Mongs, speak like Persians and are Shia. And these Spastics have galls of calling Pakistan in light of India - the very country that they like their a*ss creampied by.

I will open another thread to enlighten you gents - time the gloves came off. Time to re-educate these spastic Mongs. All I ask is you guys get acquainted with the facts so you can mount befitting riposte to the vitriol expanded by Mongs from across the Durand.

@A-Team I am sorry about this mate but I am not going allow this illiterate Mong to come here and spill garbage. I thought you might restrain him but clearly not.

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Why are we even discussing this topic? Pakistan benefiting from refugees? Afghanistan don't even want them back and they are piss poor themselves who need as much help as they can get so you can imagine how beneficial refugees are for Pakistan.
Hahahaha wow Pakistani at his best. Mind you tell me which school you attended? You should definitely thank your teachers.

You totally ignored your first fux up see first quote... by dividing by 365 days and 40 years...

And now you give a figure of 0.001424658 DOLLARS (see bold) and refer to is as **dumb roll** ".14 cents" hahaha

FYI 0.001424658 dollars = 0.001 cents = 1 thousandth of a cent

Maybe you should've gone to school in your mother country India.

**add . to complete links

If your people and govt steals from its own citizens, what makes you think they won't steal from refugee donations? Refugees that don't have a voice...

unicef org/media/media_62206.html

jonathanlea net/2015/why-foreign-aid-is-harmful/

"In Pakistan, for example, roughly 23,000 Afghan refugees have died each year, though the Pakistani government registers only nine deaths total since 2008, says Gene Aloise, the deputy inspector general for the SIGAR office."

usnews com/news/articles/2015/09/03/report-1-billion-wasted-in-afghanistan-refugee-crisis%3fcontext=amp?client=safari

I wonder what your govt does with the AID money from the diseased hmmmm.

We saw how the economy of Peshawar dropped once Afghans stopped visiting hospitals/doctors there. I can't imagine how much money Afghans have paid to your police and officials to buy NICs or for bs offenses.

So now you have a good understanding of how the miseries of Afghans has benefited Pakistan and/or its people.


here it is ... surely one day the truth will pierce even you thick skull ?!?!

Dollars per person per year Source data = $5.2 per year per refugee <--- per the source you cited
1/2 for unregsterd per year 5.2 / 2 = $2.6 per year per refugee
Dollars per person per day 5.2 / (2 * 365) = $0.007123288 Afghan refugee per day
20% of that as effective 0.2 * (5.2 / (2 * 365)) = 0.001424658 dollars per day per refugee

Which is (drum roll) ....... 0.14 cents per day
Which is ...... 14 paisa per day

$1 == roughly Rs 100 == 10000 paisa
1c == == 100 pais
.14c == 14 paisa per day ????

I really wonder what you are feeling -- it must be really humiliating to be this dumb and stupid
What is it with your fetish for "Mother country India" eveytime you talk about Pakistan?

Would it do any good as retort to call you to go your "Mother country Mongs"? You know those genetic spastics that are otherwise called Dowms Syndrome?

Mother Mong?

And as general education for all Pakistani's here. Afghanistan is a hotch potch multi racial country. Leaving asides the Iranic groups at least 33% of the country is made up of either Turkic people like Uzbek (whose name gives away that they belong to same people as the country across Amu Darya called Uzbekistan). Then you have Turkmen who belong to the country called Turkmenistan just across a artificial border drawn by Russian and British officials.

And then you have the creme la creme - the spastic looking Mongs living in central Hazarjat region of Afghanistan. You might as well rename it Mongistan. They look like Mongs, speak like Persians and are Shia. And these Spastics have galls of calling Pakistan in light of India - the very country that they like their a*ss creampied by.

I will open another thread to enlighten you gents - time the gloves came off. Time to re-educate these spastic Mongs. All I ask is you guys get acquainted with the facts so you can mount befitting riposte to the vitriol expanded by Mongs from across the Durand.

Why do you have your panties in a bunch? That was the first time I said "your mother country India".

Plus why are you so hurt over the truth? You should be proud of your ancestral past.
Why do you have your panties in a bunch? That was the first time I said "your mother country India".

Plus why are you so hurt over the truth? You should be proud of your ancestral past.

Forgive me but wasn't Kandahar part of Ashoka's empire ??? ;-)

Perhaps you should lead the way by changing your name to Ashoka, Rahul, or Dherminder ;-)

Surely Pakistanis will follow -- lol
Forgive me but wasn't Kandahar part of Ashoka's empire ??? ;-)

Perhaps you should lead the way by changing your name to Ashoka, Rahul, or Dherminder ;-)

Surely Pakistanis will follow -- lol

Yes Kandahar was part of Ashoka So? Was I supposed to be hurt by that? I had a feeling you'd be good for something, I hadn't researched the region to 2xx bce. Thanks

Did I ask you to change your name to a Hindu name? Lol Dherminder sounds like a name you/your family could easily pronounce, not mine...

Well if your nation had enough internet access then bacha bazi would be the top search content as well

That's a possibility but if I remember correctly the top google search term in Pakistan was beastiality and ****. Feel free to correct me.
Yes Kandahar was part of Ashoka So? Was I supposed to be hurt by that? I had a feeling you'd be good for something, I hadn't researched the region to 2xx bce. Thanks

Did I ask you to change your name to a Hindu name? Lol Dherminder sounds like a name you/your family could easily pronounce, not mine...

That's a possibility but if I remember correctly the top google search term in Pakistan was beastiality and ****. Feel free to correct me.

No but why don't you set the example by discovering your mother first ?

I think Dherminder would be lovely name for you -- screw the Achmed, Mir, etc.
Yes Kandahar was part of Ashoka So? Was I supposed to be hurt by that? I had a feeling you'd be good for something, I hadn't researched the region to 2xx bce. Thanks

Did I ask you to change your name to a Hindu name? Lol Dherminder sounds like a name you/your family could easily pronounce, not mine...

That's a possibility but if I remember correctly the top google search term in Pakistan was beastiality and ****. Feel free to correct me.

Well we are curious people :rofl:. I remember an afghan who was once caught in our ancestral village trying to fucck a goat so i am glad our curiosity is only limited to google search. On the other hand you might also want to search about bacha bazi stats which actually happen in real life :lol:.
what has afghanis brought with them in Pakistan??? drugs , prostitutions, Kalashnikov culture, various kind of diseases, & smuggling...
Are you going to blame Afghans for 'Tawaaif' culture of Indo-Pak?

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