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Gulbuddin Hekmatyar: Will the Afghanistan warlord turn out to be Pakistan’s wild card against India?

I mean seriously ??? do you want me to list your theories about how Afghans are unique and they they move to different counties ??

Are you kidding me?? Every Afghan thinks Pakistanis made money on refugees?? no matter how many facts and figures you use.

Pakistanis are delusional but Afghans set a standard even Pakistanis cannot hope to match.

Get real ...

No but I think differently, apart from receiving $$ from donor countries and organizations Pakistan benefited economically, socially, politically and used every opportunity of keeping refugees in it's favor, even today a good number of Taliban foot soldiers are being trained by Pakistan who are refugees.

And what is your point -- what gives you the sole right to white wash Dostum, Hekmatyar and not Mollah Umar??

I think you didn't read my previous post any one choosing a life of peace and joining us for development of Afghanistan is welcome.

Oh please there is a reason the documentary "Dancing Boys of Afghanistan" was made in Afghanistan not Pakistan. Own up to your faults.

And thus there are plenty of Pakistani documentaries on same subject and the most recent once is 'Poshida: Hidden LGBT Pakistan'.

And don't you know what people say to the flying birds in Mardan, Pakistan?

It's not money i believe , it is just as i hate you so your enemy is my friend .[/QUOTE]

its all about money bro ....[/QUOTE]

No , i would differ here my friend. Go through the relations with Afghanistan from 1947 till late 1960's .Money was not the factor and even then Afghanistan persuaded insurgencies , send there fighter in tribal areas. This is a mixture of false engineered history in there minds and same i said above ''your enemy is my friend". Money is just an additional factor in this episode.
Did not you see a kandhare champ calling pakistanis as Mr.punjabi? even though some of us are not.This is the reason false ethnic nationalism.
Come on @Sher Malang where did you go ... I challenge you to prove that Pakistanis made money on Afghan refugees.

Let's use facts. I just did ... prove my math wrong?!?!

But I already know you won't -- because you can't

If I had the only thing to do was to prove that, I would have done it but since it's time consuming and no online data available will take days to find facts (faulty) but going by your fact Pakistan received billions, tell me how Pakistan spent a $100 mln of the total amount on refugees?
No but I think differently, apart from receiving $$ from donor countries and organizations Pakistan benefited economically, socially, politically and used every opportunity of keeping refugees in it's favor, even today a good number of Taliban foot soldiers are being trained by Pakistan who are refugees.

I just showed that Pakistan got about .14 cents per day per refugee -- is that a benefit?? No Afghan is grateful for hosting the refugees. Let's be clear about that.

Hosting the refugees brought drugs, violence and crime ...

I think you didn't read my previous post any one choosing a life of peace and joining us for development of Afghanistan is welcome.

NO my dear -- you clearly didn't think it through -- tomorrow if the Taliban join your peace wagon -- why should Pakistan make enemies of them by attacking them now -- that was the point. Who give you Afghans the right to determine who is a good and bad Taliban.

And thus there are plenty of Pakistani documentaries on same subject and the most recent once is 'Poshida: Hidden LGBT Pakistan'.

And don't you know what people say to the flying birds in Mardan, Pakistan?

LGBT is not pedantry -- in one your abusing a child yes they do but it done not approach what is seen in Afghanistan
No but I think differently, apart from receiving $$ from donor countries and organizations Pakistan benefited economically, socially, politically and used every opportunity of keeping refugees in it's favor, even today a good number of Taliban foot soldiers are being trained by Pakistan who are refugees.

I think you didn't read my previous post any one choosing a life of peace and joining us for development of Afghanistan is welcome.

And thus there are plenty of Pakistani documentaries on same subject and the most recent once is 'Poshida: Hidden LGBT Pakistan'.

And don't you know what people say to the flying birds in Mardan, Pakistan?

i will just say that you should watch a movie "The Kite runner" :sarcastic:
If I had the only thing to do was to prove that I would have done it but since it's time consuming and no online data available will take days to find facts (faulty) but going by your fact Pakistan received billions, tell me how Pakistan spent a $100 mln of the total amount on refugees?

Are you kidding me ... ????

8 billion dollars is the cited number over the lifetime of the refugees ... even the article posted by @Kandahari says the same thing.

I've used numbers, facts and figures -- you say you can't find the data but you accuse Pakistanis of making money off your misery ?!?!?

I mean this outrageous. Guilty until proven innocent !!!

And you have the gall the claim it is Pakistanis who don't use facts and figures.

Wake up for your own sake.

It's not money i believe , it is just as i hate you so your enemy is my friend .

its all about money bro ....[/QUOTE]

No , i would differ here my friend. Go through the relations with Afghanistan from 1947 till late 1960's .Money was not the factor and even then Afghanistan persuaded insurgencies , send there fighter in tribal areas. This is a mixture of false engineered history in there minds and same i said above ''your enemy is my friend". Money is just an additional factor in this episode.
Did not you see a kandhare champ calling pakistanis as Mr.punjabi? even though some of us are not.This is the reason false ethnic nationalism.[/QUOTE]

well i have a best friend who happens to b an afghan and he tells me things happening afghan because of these farsiwan r controlling everything and they r anti Pakistan but if Pakistan pay them good then they will b anti whoever Pakistan says but someof them have personal grudge for Pakistan because Pakistanis support Pashtuns

And I recommend you stop going to the gaming shops because you might get someone stand right 'behind' you.

well i recommend u not to go out of your house otherwise some1 will rape ur arse :omghaha:
No but I think differently, apart from receiving $$ from donor countries and organizations Pakistan benefited economically, socially, politically and used every opportunity of keeping refugees in it's favor, even today a good number of Taliban foot soldiers are being trained by Pakistan who are refugees.

I think you didn't read my previous post any one choosing a life of peace and joining us for development of Afghanistan is welcome.

And thus there are plenty of Pakistani documentaries on same subject and the most recent once is 'Poshida: Hidden LGBT Pakistan'.

And don't you know what people say to the flying birds in Mardan, Pakistan?

Being gay or lesbian is much better than bacha bazi. There is video of your army indulging in bacha bazi all the while taliban's check posta were not far away.

Well in Pakistan we dont stare at women without burqa. Bacha bazi and similar stuff is found in afghanistan because it is a deeply suppressive society. Watching a girl drive in kabul is treated as something unique. No wonder you have unique things going on in your lands.
No my dear you are clearly mistaken:

Pakistan received 8 billion in total for the refugees.

If you do the math it is at most 20 cents per refugee per year. It is the poor Pakistani that has payed the balance.

In case Math is not your strong subject:

Total Money received = $8,000,000,000
Average number of refugees per year 4,000,000 (the numbers have been as high as 7,000,000 we'll user 4 million for simple math)
Number of days in a year 365
Number of years counting 40 (we'll use 40 for simple math -- you can use 30)
Dollars per refugee per year = 0.136986301 so 14 cents per person per year !!! is the maximum
Now assuming 20c per dollar reached the refugee 0.02739726 -- you know that most aid goes back to the donor
which is roughly 3 cents per refugee per year -- ;-)

Now if we added opportunity cost to that and if we added direct cost -- the number would be in the negative.

But yes keep believing your fantasy -- ignorance is bliss

welcome to the forum -- always good to have more Afghan members

I'm just curious, did you read the article.

The article states:

Pakistan receives just $5.20 per refugee per year in international aid to provide the displaced with healthcare and education — and that is only for those who are registered.

Let's do the math according to this source:

--> 5.20 per registered refugee -- there are 1,500,000 registered refugees (and 1,500,000 unregistered)
--> there are 365 days in a year in case you don't know
--> so it is $0.014246575 or 1.4 cents per registered refugee per day ;-) (daal-khor Punjabi can do arithmetic)
Now divide that by 2 since there are as my unregistered refugees per day
--> so it is .7 cents per day (daal-khor Punjabi can do arithmetic while American educated Afghan immigrant can't ??)

Further use the 80c on the dollar to host country rule -- and you get 0.14 cents per day per Afghan refugee using the conversion rate of 100 rupees per dollar that is 14 paisa per day ... who can live in 14 paisa per day

How about actually keeping your math simple as you said because it seems like you've confused yourself with your figures. You went from 14 cents per year per refugee to 1.4 cents per day per refugee lol All while acting as if you're 100% correct.

In your second reply you calculated both registered and non registered refugees but in your calculation you say per registered refugee...

In My original post I said with a 5min search it was easy to find that your numbers were all wrong.

Link states $5 per registered refugee per year
You claim: 14 cents per all refugees per year

Even if we divide the $5 in half thus doubling the refugees from 1.5million to 3million. It doesn't jive with the SIMPLE math you did. Hahaha

To top it all off those non registered refugees are most likely the ones that bought their NIC cards and actually contribute to your Panjabi govt/economy.
Oh well... and we thought your whole nation to top google for camel, dog, child por.n?

No one needs to know what you do at home.

Sorry to say majority of Pakistan members (mostly kids) here are bunch of idiots. Don't engage.

And you must the adult supervision for kids who can't even put together an argument let alone quote from verifiable sources.

And thus there are plenty of Pakistani documentaries on same subject and the most recent once is 'Poshida: Hidden LGBT Pakistan'.

And don't you know what people say to the flying birds in Mardan, Pakistan?

Seriously, you are equating LGBT with the common practice of child rape in Afghanistan?

Try to progress beyond stone age for a change.
I'm just curious, did you read the article.

The article states:

Pakistan receives just $5.20 per refugee per year in international aid to provide the displaced with healthcare and education — and that is only for those who are registered.

Let's do the math according to this source:

--> 5.20 per registered refugee -- there are 1,500,000 registered refugees (and 1,500,000 unregistered)
--> there are 365 days in a year in case you don't know
--> so it is $0.014246575 or 1.4 cents per registered refugee per day ;-) (daal-khor Punjabi can do arithmetic)
Now divide that by 2 since there are as my unregistered refugees per day
--> so it is .7 cents per day (daal-khor Punjabi can do arithmetic while American educated Afghan immigrant can't ??)

Further use the 80c on the dollar to host country rule -- and you get 0.14 cents per day per Afghan refugee using the conversion rate of 100 rupees per dollar that is 14 paisa per day ... who can live in 14 paisa per day.

Have some respect azeezzam -- and do all of us a favor, use the thing between your ears it can help you understand an amazing variety of things.

And, if you were able to do the math -- shame on you -- for while you live in the US like me, it is the poor Pakistani peasant, plumber who has borne the cost of your compatriots, among them Punjabis who you prefer to spit.

There is an Afghan saying: If you spit at the sky -- it just falls on your face (don't remember the Dari version).


Is this aid what UN receive? Do you have any data on how much Pakistan received last year? One may survive couple of weeks on $5. Pakistan allowed them to do any job. Many well off even made themselves rich by smuggling, as 80% of goods Afghanistan import through Karachi are smuggled back to Pakistan. Businesses they have here are illegal and properties brought with fake documents.

Good thing is those days are coming to an end. With Afghans going back Pakistan economy will improve.

Did not you see a kandhare champ calling pakistanis as Mr.punjabi? even though some of us are not.This is the reason false ethnic nationalism.

Is this same ethnic nationalism ISI toke advantage of in Afghan civil war which destroyed them. In 50's.60s they were still 3rd world but at least with functioning government and hope for future.
How about actually keeping your math simple as you said because it seems like you've confused yourself with your figures. You went from 14 cents per year per refugee to 1.4 cents per day per refugee lol All while acting as if you're 100% correct.

In your second reply you calculated both registered and non registered refugees but in your calculation you say per registered refugee...

In My original post I said with a 5min search it was easy to find that your numbers were all wrong.

Link states $5 per registered refugee per year
You claim: 14 cents per all refugees per year

did you read my post?

I showed the arithmetic

it is .14 cents per refugee per day??? -- are you like uneducated or something ???

Even if we divide the $5 in half thus doubling the refugees from 1.5million to 3million. It doesn't jive with the SIMPLE math you did. Hahaha

Seriously???? my derivation is up there go challenge which step is wrong.

try living on $2.5 per year -- do you have 1/2 brain ... that translates in to 250 rupees per refugee per year ... you cannot live 3 days on that much -- so the world help Afghan refugees for 3 days out of 365 -- the poor Pakistani helps the Afghan refugees for the other 362 days per year ... and they have done so for over roughly 40 years.

No wonder Afghanistan is in such a mess if this is the state of the Afghan refugee in the US???

To top it all off those non registered refugees are most likely the ones that bought their NIC cards and actually contribute to your Panjabi govt/economy.

If they are such great contributors why aren't the Western countries or India clamoring to get them??? If they are such contributors why is Europe, Australia deporting them???

Use your brain -- it can be such a wonderful thing

Is this aid what UN receive? Do you have any data on how much Pakistan received last year? One may survive couple of weeks on $5. Pakistan allowed them to do any job. Many well off even made themselves rich by smuggling, as 80% of goods Afghanistan import through Karachi are smuggled back to Pakistan. Businesses they have here are illegal and properties brought with fake documents.

Good thing is those days are coming to an end. With Afghans going back Pakistan economy will improve.

Is this same ethnic nationalism ISI toke advantage of in Afghan civil war which destroyed them. In 50's.60s they were still 3rd world but at least with functioning government and hope for future.

The UN definition of poverty is under $1 per day -- this is $2.5 dollars (adjusting for unregistered refugees) per year !??!?!?!?!
did you read my post?

I showed the arithmetic

it is .14 cents per refugee per day??? -- are you like uneducated or something ???

Seriously???? my derivation is up there go challenge which step is wrong.

try living on $2.5 per year -- do you have 1/2 brain ... that translates in to 250 rupees per refugee per year ... you cannot live 3 days on that much -- so the world help Afghan refugees for 3 days out of 365 -- the poor Pakistani helps the Afghan refugees for the other 362 days per year ... and they have done so for over roughly 40 years.

No wonder Afghanistan is in such a mess if this is the state of the Afghan refugee in the US???

If they are such great contributors why aren't the Western countries or India clamoring to get them??? If they are such contributors why is Europe, Australia deporting them???

Use your brain -- it can be such a wonderful thing

The UN definition of poverty is under $1 per day -- this is $2.5 dollars (adjusting for unregistered refugees) per year !??!?!?!?!

Are you that much of a tool?!

In your first two comments you gave two varying figures. 14 cents/year and 1.4 cents/day haha

My first comment was that your numbers were wrong and I proved it by the link I provided, which said $5/refugee/year.

Don't go off topic with what one can live off of in Pakistan.

The first numbers you posted were wrong simple as that.

In case Math is not your strong subject:

Total Money received = $8,000,000,000
Average number of refugees per year 4,000,000 (the numbers have been as high as 7,000,000 we'll user 4 million for simple math)
Number of days in a year 365
Number of years counting 40 (we'll use 40 for simple math -- you can use 30)

Dollars per refugee per year = 0.136986301 so 14 cents per person per year !!! is the maximum
Now assuming 20c per dollar reached the refugee 0.02739726 -- you know that most aid goes back to the donor
which is roughly 3 cents per refugee per year -- ;-)

Now if we added opportunity cost to that and if we added direct cost -- the number would be in the negative.

But yes keep believing your fantasy -- ignorance is bliss

welcome to the forum -- always good to have more Afghan members

What great arithmetic skills you have hahaha lets divide by 365 days and 40 years and the final number is 14cents/person/year

Next time you might want to think twice before opening your mouth Khar ghul !!

The US instead 100 Billion -- didn't Buy them love

Pakistan spent far more than $2 billion caring for Afghan refugees.

Famous Beetles Lyrics: You can't buy me love.
An Afghan friend of mine told me: you can't buy an Afghan (like one can with a Pakistani), you can only rent him.

did you read my post?

I showed the arithmetic

it is .14 cents per refugee per day??? -- are you like uneducated or something ???

Seriously???? my derivation is up there go challenge which step is wrong.

try living on $2.5 per year -- do you have 1/2 brain ... that translates in to 250 rupees per refugee per year ... you cannot live 3 days on that much -- so the world help Afghan refugees for 3 days out of 365 -- the poor Pakistani helps the Afghan refugees for the other 362 days per year ... and they have done so for over roughly 40 years.

No wonder Afghanistan is in such a mess if this is the state of the Afghan refugee in the US???

If they are such great contributors why aren't the Western countries or India clamoring to get them??? If they are such contributors why is Europe, Australia deporting them???

Use your brain -- it can be such a wonderful thing

The UN definition of poverty is under $1 per day -- this is $2.5 dollars (adjusting for unregistered refugees) per year !??!?!?!?!
Do not waste your time with them. They who hold hatred for Pakistan will very unlikely accept her. Just accept this and move on. Jealous arrogance is a difficult disease to treat.

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