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Good One General: Musharraf Covers for Nawaz Sherif

next time tell your PM to stab his buddy PM in Pakistan whenever he comes over a birthday celebration.
because the same Nawaz your PM hugs so much .... uses the street power of those guys you blame over terror attacks inside India

I am talking to you irfaan saab, not to your PM, CM or anyone else. A terrorist freed from hijacking of IC814, is freely living in your nation. And no one seems to have a problem with it, nothing strange about it?
One thing I have noticed here on PDF is that when someone writes a well written and constructed argument, no seems to care very much for it, no one responds and or even gives thanks to the person who made the effort to write. We live in a world of quick soundbites and gratification. Anyway well written and said @Valkyrie. This is the quality of our neighbour, who poses as a democracy to the world but is full of corruption in reality, at the moment the new enemy is Islam, and hence the world turns a blind eye to the genocide in India, the deprivation and the rise of the Indian Nazis.

Agreed. PDF is rife with one liner personal insults, botched attempts at sarcasm, jingoistic statements, or otherwise irrelevant chatter. Only a handful of posters seem to be contributing useful information or objective assessment of events. This trend has served to discourage a number of people including me from participating to a wider extent.

Rising economic profile has placed India in the good books of the west. Shifting geo-political and strategic landscape has worked unexpectedly well for the India who now finds itself at the receiving end of west's benevolence and magnanimity The hopes of west are now pinned on India which is perceived as a potential counter weight to rising China. For their part, the west clearly wants to fire their gun from Indian shoulder without entangling itself with the devastating and inevitable blow-back.

So it's very likely that for foreseeable future, India's transgressions and all manner of human right abuses will be overlooked, even tacitly allowed by the west. After all why would west want to irk their best bet against an enemy that has the ability to turn the contemporary world order upside down.
I am talking to you irfaan saab, not to your PM, CM or anyone else. A terrorist freed from hijacking of IC814, is freely living in your nation. And no one seems to have a problem with it, nothing strange about it?
Dont you see for em our PM is more dangerous than these scums which freely preach and kill innocent kids at school. They are ok with that, disgusting though it may appear . Pathetic
The anchor trying their typical misinformed cheesy comments, but then the level of ignorance among the general Indian population about Pakistan is comparable to a North Korean's view of the outside world.

Ya agree there, an average Indian's interest in Pakistan is negligible compared to the average Pakistani's interest in India. Specially their interest in big boss and kumkum bhagya.. :-)
it would be matter of shame
Why not ask your monkey sena Are they impotent why not they raided Kabul airport to rescue the passengers? Even your Jaswant Singh pay the ransom money and flew on a charted plane with Masood Azhar and served him beef biryani. Like a son in law.

Note: As Musharraf recently stated and I am agreed Masood Azhar was / is a terrorist should be handed over to India since he is Pakistani caught in India and sentenced in India there was no reason to accept a convicted person. But real question is that why not India at that time raise this issue internationally to put pressure on Pakistan to get him back.

Dont you see for em our PM is more dangerous than these scums which freely preach and kill innocent kids at school. They are ok with that, disgusting though it may appear . Pathetic
Yes Modi is more dangerous since a killer was elected as P.M but these so called terrorist are not won a single seat but often put in house arrest and not have Modi like support in public.
I am talking to you irfaan saab, not to your PM, CM or anyone else. A terrorist freed from hijacking of IC814, is freely living in your nation. And no one seems to have a problem with it, nothing strange about it?

India openly backs a man responsible for wholesale massacre of Makranis, Punjabis, Pathans and Hazara in Balochistan. He already travels on your nation's passport and India is deliberating on allowing him asylum in their country, "and no one seems to have a problem with it", to put it as eloquently as you have, or does your scale of justice hang heavier to one side?

Ya agree there, an average Indian's interest in Pakistan is negligible compared to the average Pakistani's interest in India. Specially their interest in big boss and kumkum bhagya.. :-)

I hope you would allow me the liberty of disagreeing. Merely looking at the Facebook page of any Pakistani news channel would introduce you to throngs of Indians celebrating in unison with Taliban supporters at the slightest misfortune in Pakistan. It would seem they are not as disinterested or as concerned with other matters as you make them out to be.
I hope you would allow me the liberty of disagreeing. Merely looking at the Facebook page of any Pakistani news channel would introduce you to throngs of Indians celebrating in unison with Taliban supporters at the slightest misfortune in Pakistan. It would seem they are not as disinterested or as concerned with other matters as you make them out to be.

We are a billion plus ocean, your throngs, is our few drops. Top ten internet search keywords in Pakistan has 7 Indian movies and tv shows and top ten searched people has 5 Indian celebrities. Similar top ten Indian lists contain zero Pakistani people or items. Hence our interest in Pakistan is miniscule in comparison to Pakistan's interest in us.
We are a billion plus ocean, your throngs, is our few drops. Top ten internet search keywords in Pakistan has 7 Indian movies and tv shows and top ten searched people has 5 Indian celebrities. Similar top ten Indian lists contain zero Pakistani people or items. Hence our interest in Pakistan is miniscule in comparison to Pakistan's interest in us.

Movies, I could fully agree to. I was referring more towards the political interest that Indians seem to have in Pakistan.
You know what? General Indian population is not bothered about Pakistan in general..... Their worry is how to pay their bloody EMI's and school fees of their children...... How to save money for a medical emergency...... Other than few like me no one bothers..... I have several friends circle..... The discussions are always, on our own things than anything outside....
Pakistanis have the same issues, but are still on average more aware of their neighborhood.
We cant expect a blue collar worker to care, but on average I've met both Indian and Pakistani white collar folk and I'm glad to know that our side is much more aware(as a percentage)of issues that concern them and the world.
Movies, I could fully agree to. I was referring more towards the political interest that Indians seem to have in Pakistan.

Our interest in all Pakistani politicians combined is dwarfed by Pakistanis' interest in Modi, so miniscule there too :p:
Because doing that would have been political suicide. Remember he has this little tiny political party as well....and he wants to run that party when the sharifs finally leave him alone...
bwahahahaha how talking about bad governance, corruption of NS can lead to political suicide of any party? let alone Musharraf's unknown party?

Nawziay never failed to amuse everyone.

A deeper question that not a single Pakistani member here has ever introspected on is how terrorist released in the IC814 fiasco are thriving in your own country. For any self respecting nation, it would be matter of shame, but here ...

A deepest question that before shooting yours not for a second you pondered over that how your Indian Government let the terrorists in IC814 fly safely out of India ABOVE ALL how your Indian official went with swollen money bags to pay these terrorists.
Our interest in all Pakistani politicians combined is dwarfed by Pakistanis' interest in Modi, so miniscule there too :p:

Yes, your people's interests lie more towards romanticizing about their own supposed hegemony over the region. Pakistan really sticks them like a thorn in their side.
bwahahahaha how talking about bad governance, corruption of NS can lead to political suicide of any party? let alone Musharraf's unknown party?

Nawziay never failed to amuse everyone.

People would see that as Musharaf taking Indian side.

When it comes to "national security", you have to side with government because government is naturally sided with army and since 99% pakistani awam is sided with army, you can't go against your own government and still expect to be popular.

He simply did what was politically beneficial for him.
People would see that as Musharaf taking Indian side.

When it comes to "national security", you have to side with government because government is naturally sided with army and since 99% pakistani awam is sided with army, you can't go against your own government and still expect to be popular.

He simply did what was politically beneficial for him.
Would ganja do the same ?
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