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Doctor's mindset

Besides medicine, drink only water for a few weeks. Lay off tea - milk tea makes my cough worse, black coffee doesn't.

Box of tissues and blow every little bit out that you can.

Phlegm is coming from the top of the nose so once it's in lungs, you are screwed for a week minimum.

Get T-Day from local pharmacy, I get mine from Pakistan and it's available everywhere. This is my go to pill the moment sniffles develop. It hardens the nose drip (from watery at start of infection) so it doesn't travel easily to throat and lungs. First line of defence, take this the very moment sniffles develop.

Don't let the nose drip get to your throat (& then lungs). Blow and spit it out all the time. Use a soft tooth brush and use at back of the tongue and above (it will remove the phlegm stuck on there).

Sleep on your side and blow out every single time you feel nose drip or irritation in the throat.

Salt is the killer of bacteria - medicine are made of salts. Lots of cooking salt in hot water and gargle - it will be awful but needs a must.

Lay off dairy products and oily stuff fullstop. Eat boiled eggs instead of fried.

Thankfully I've not had full blown flu (chest infection) for last 5 years following this regime everything hit by an infection. I get fever and aches sure but escape the worst which is chest infection.

Once chest is screwed, you'll need to do a course of antibiotics unfortunately.

Don't keep it in, box of soft tissues at hand all the time.
i don't have cld or nose drip issue sir its comming from my chest and throat sir ji . i did not drink milk tea sometime only green tea .i have no flu at all . i think i have chest infection . and one more thing i did not went sick years but in last 2-3 years i have soar throat and then cough . but this time its seems i am sick since ages . agla pichla hisab baraber ho raha hai :lol:
i don't have cld or nose drip issue sir its comming from my chest and throat sir ji . i did not drink milk tea sometime only green tea .i have no flu at all . i think i have chest infection . and one more thing i did not went sick years but in last 2-3 years i have soar throat and then cough . but this time its seems i am sick since ages . agla pichla hisab baraber ho raha hai :lol:

Yaar I am a chain smoker and used to drink alot 5-6 years ago.
I do have bit phlegm and little bit cough every now and then.
But no full blown flu for last 2 last decades.
One time my entire family had viral infection but not me.
I think something is wrong with me :lol:
Yaar I am a chain smoker and used to drink alot 5-6 years ago.
I do have bit phlegm and little bit cough every now and then.
But no full blown flu for last 2 last decades.
One time my entire family had viral infection but not me.
I think something is wrong with me :lol:

Resistance levels are different for everyone.

My body seeks hot climate as it functions best then and cold climate causes me lots of issues.
Yaar I am a chain smoker and used to drink alot 5-6 years ago.
I do have bit phlegm and little bit cough every now and then.
But no full blown flu for last 2 last decades.
One time my entire family had viral infection but not me.
I think something is wrong with me :lol:
its same since my age was 8-9 i was sick it was last time i was sick . then after few years i have pain in throat we went doc they said kid need surgery for remove tonsils . we did it and this was last time i remember i was in hospital at age 14 . then next 20 years i enjoyed a long life without any fever sickness cough or anythign else . i have never used antibiotics in my whole damn life . but now i think i need one . 2 years ago i have cough i used a syrup and it was fine . last year again i have cough for a week and then again i used same syrup i was fine . this year its struck here man . i smoke while drinking sometime sometime not i drink alcohol since last 15-16 years . some time daily sometime i leave it for months . some time monthly its not a habbit . i just enjoy . but it seems i am getting old at age 35 .
Thats good because i have too given up on doctors and turned to homeopathic.

Very simple solution , there is a system of treatment which says ,, TREAT THE PATIENT NOT THE DISEASE,, and that system have answers to all your questions,, and it's called Homeopathy, and I can guarantee you that it's true coz I am a homeopath,, @abcxyz0000
Kind of same for me.
Very rarely i get ill but this year has been bad for me.
Got ill in jan for a whole month (never been this long)
Then in march, healed today but not properly still feeling bad throat.

its same since my age was 8-9 i was sick it was last time i was sick . then after few years i have pain in throat we went doc they said kid need surgery for remove tonsils . we did it and this was last time i remember i was in hospital at age 14 . then next 20 years i enjoyed a long life without any fever sickness cough or anythign else . i have never used antibiotics in my whole damn life . but now i think i need one . 2 years ago i have cough i used a syrup and it was fine . last year again i have cough for a week and then again i used same syrup i was fine . this year its struck here man . i smoke while drinking sometime sometime not i drink alcohol since last 15-16 years . some time daily sometime i leave it for months . some time monthly its not a habbit . i just enjoy . but it seems i am getting old at age 35 .
Yes. But first get the diagnosis right. The diagnosis is correct when the patient feels that the description of diagnosed disease is reminiscent of his ordeal. This hasn’t happened so far. Do it. The ball is in your court.

@Mage @padamchen
Unfortunately having a consensus with patient may not be priority. If it is, find a doctor who can help you. We don’t know all disease. We can not treat all. But whatever we can do, we are having hands full at least I can say for govt doctors. I am sorry from my part and request you to also empathise with the doctors specially looking at the challenges they face. See many of major breakthrough in medicine has been brought by non-medics. Hence I request you to put across your brighter ideas in proper forums. I hope you are given due attention.
i have only heart burn even before cough but then i drink some dairy products so its gone . but now after i have cough i cant take dairy products sir . TBH i am sick of it and cant do anything i have tried so many things like honey honey with black paper tried ginger and mint tea only ginger tea one herbal cough syrup and tow or more cough syrups they give me gargle i have tried also i tried gargle warm water with that medicine beta-dine and salt . it seems i have tried everything but nothing . today i take pain killer as i cant take anymore pain . its hard to sleep as night time i have more cough . weather is damn cold i think after we have warm weather i may recover. sometime i recover a bit for two or three days feel better and then again its come back .please advise .

no but some time i take 2-3 ciggrates with friends
last week i was good then i drink 500ml of grants whiskey with sparkling juice and 2-3 cigrrates since then situation get worse
Sabne kuch kuch bola hai toh mai bhi bol deta hu.
Get a cxr done.
Antiallergic and antitussives shud help,,or atleast provide symptomatic relief.
For night time use codein syrup,,aram hoga.
As u have mentioned heartburn,,,the coughing may be related to gastroesophageal reflux,,,,so u can try ranitidine or some PPI like pantoprazole.

On topic- OP shud stop taking drugs.
I agree with OP points while
It's also patient responsibility to tell doctor complete history , Tell every single detail, be honest with doctor, Just going, sitting, 3 second chit chat & expecting everything from doctor will not do job.
There is rush in hospital, doctor has to deal hundreds of patients, So patient should keep busy doctor , continue speaking and utilize every minute to tell every single detail of suffering, history, and tell him even minor things.
i have only heart burn even before cough but then i drink some dairy products so its gone . but now after i have cough i cant take dairy products sir . TBH i am sick of it and cant do anything i have tried so many things like honey honey with black paper tried ginger and mint tea only ginger tea one herbal cough syrup and tow or more cough syrups they give me gargle i have tried also i tried gargle warm water with that medicine beta-dine and salt . it seems i have tried everything but nothing . today i take pain killer as i cant take anymore pain . its hard to sleep as night time i have more cough . weather is damn cold i think after we have warm weather i may recover. sometime i recover a bit for two or three days feel better and then again its come back .please advise .

no but some time i take 2-3 ciggrates with friends
last week i was good then i drink 500ml of grants whiskey with sparkling juice and 2-3 cigrrates since then situation get worse
Well I'm seriously thinking your problem is not originated from your long but is a side effect of your gastric problem.
Have you ever examined if your stomach is not colonized with Helicobacter pylori ? It can be tested by blood test or stool exam . and it's to common in middle east and south Asia. It's sign can be gastritis and reflux and that reflux can be the guilty one for your chest pain, phlegm and cough.
Well I'm seriously thinking your problem is not originated from your long but is a side effect of your gastric problem.
Have you ever examined if your stomach is not colonized with Helicobacter pylori ? It can be tested by blood test or stool exam . and it's to common in middle east and south Asia. It's sign can be gastritis and reflux and that reflux can be the guilty one for your chest pain, phlegm and cough.
but sir i have this gastic issue since long time never have cough or chest issue since years
but sir i have this gastic issue since long time never have cough or chest issue since years
Well it's something you must consider but as I said previously cough and phlegm more than 1 month the first thing you must do is taking a CXR .
My suggestion is that you ask from your physician to prescribe a CXR for you .but honestly I think that gastric problem is more likely cause especially if the coughs are worse at night and right in the morning after you are waking up.
I wanted to suggest diseases in order to help doctors arrive at correct diagnosis. But the mindset of doctors is a problem. The behavior of doctors is as follows:

• Doctors don’t have an open mind. Their refrain is, “We are professionals. We know better.” They forget that laymen patients can reveal something because they are the ones experiencing the symptoms.

• I think it is because medicos aren’t trained to deal with certain situations. When they were studying medical, they weren’t instructed on what to do if they come across anything unique/strange/unfamiliar. They see everything through the prism of known diseases. The culture of out-of-the-box thinking is not there. They simply dismiss the patient by citing some universal condition. I suspect that doctors suffer from ‘frog in the well’ syndrome. Just as frogs cannot imagine a world beyond it’s well, doctors are discouraged from thinking anything outside the realm of documented diseases.

• There are some ‘universal diseases’ which doctors use to wash their hands off patients. The symptoms of these universal diseases are present in everyone to some degree. So it is hard to argue with doctors. For instance, if anyone is unemployed and poor or suffers from cancer, obviously he would be worried and/or sad and obsessed about his problems. Would it be proper for medical professionals to declare it as anxiety or depression or OCD? The sufferer’s problem would be unemployment and poverty or cancer NOT anxiety/depression/OCD. One doctor actually uttered this line, “Looking at the TONE of your description, it seems it is anxiety/depression/OCD.”

• Most doctors lack the patience to notice subtle things and pursue difficult concepts. They forget that many functions are apparently simple and taken for granted. But if there is a slight change in the mechanism of these functions, it paralyzes the patient. Most doctors overlook that some subtle changes damage the patient just enough to ruin his life but not enough for others (at least lay people) to notice it.

• So stubborn are doctors about the ambit of known-documented diseases that some ignore the symptoms present in the patient and thrust the symptoms absent in the patient to ensure that patient comes within the ambit of known-documented diseases. One guy who had ‘diagnosed’ depression, anxiety, stress etc actually told me, “When are you happy? Admit that you are never happy.”

• When you demand explanation for the symptoms not matching with diagnosed disease, doctors have endless number of excuses to brush aside the question. For example if the patient asks the doctor to check in his textbooks whether the exhibited symptoms and the symptoms of the diagnosed disease are same, the doctor replies, “Yes, in advanced stages of the disease, these symptoms appear,” although it is not true. It seems when doctors do MBBS, they are trained to churn out excuses. Some doctors even ridicule the demand for diagnosis i.e. leave alone correctness of the diagnosis, it would be big thing if they just reveal the diagnosis.

Examples of excuses doctors churn out. It should tell about the attitude of doctors.

1. Once when I began to complain about memory damage, pat came the doctor’s reply, “Everybody’s caliber is not the same.”
Explanation: Memory damage can happen to Einstein-Newton as well as to a retard. Where does the question of caliber come in this?

2. When I complain of doctors not reading the description of symptoms properly, I was actually told that it is because they don’t have time.
Explanation: My description takes barely 15 minutes to read. If doctors can’t spare 15 minutes to know symptoms, why are they in the profession of psychiatry then? It is their duty to spend time in properly reading the description.

3. When I suggested that mobile phone waves may be causing neurological problems, they asked one illogical question, “Why mobile waves don’t affect others?”
Explanation: Most people may be immune to effects of mobile phone waves but few may be susceptible. Thus mobile waves may indeed be the cause albeit affecting only minority of people. Why ask this senseless question?

4. If doctors make diagnosis of disease ‘A’ and I point out to them that actually the symptoms of disease ‘B’ match with my ordeal, their answer is: Both disease ‘A’ and disease ‘B’ are one and the same. If you have any one of them, you automatically get the other. Disease ‘A’ is the advanced stage of disease ‘B’ and vice versa.
Explanation: You cannot win argument with doctors even if your points are valid.

All of the above are real life anecdotes. Including the one regarding thrusting absent symptoms (mentioned elsewhere).

• After all the hurdles are cleared and if at all the doctor understands that the disease may indeed be something undiscovered, he would be indifferent to the concerns of the patient. He would not suggest the next course of action like way to contact clinical researchers. Doctors are like, “This is some undiscovered disease. What do I care? Tell him anything and just dismiss the patient.”

• Another grouse I have about medical fraternity is their blind support for doctors. They don’t see the merits of the case. They support other doctors just because they are doctors.

• I also hear sermons about trusting doctors. For reader’s information, initially for a very long time I trusted doctors completely i.e. for four long years during a crucial period of life. I took doctor’s words at face value. It is doctors who should be questioned why they make patients lose faith in the system by not giving proper response and clearing valid doubts. That is how doctors force patients to surmise that their condition is some undiscovered disease. For instance, in 17 years of consultation with umpteen doctors, not once did I hear a single sentence which I can relate with. Not once did I get the feeling, “The doctor’s description is reminiscent of my ordeal.”
@Retired Troll

Do you have any ideas?
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