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Do Bengalis live vicariously through Pakistan?

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We wish Bangladeshis best of luck with whatever path they chose in 1971. Though the country no longer has any strategic value for Pakistan for decades to come, if the time comes we will always choose them over Indians.

Atleast Indians have always been open enemy of Pakistan..there was nothing hidden abt it.. But Bengalis , being Pakistanis in 1971...collaborated with enemy India to achieve goal... If they wanted independence..they could have tried tht independently....maybe would have taken more time but atleast then they would have had the high moral ground... But they backstabbed Pakistan in 1971.. So chosing them over India doesnt make sense...i have no sympathy for them or Indians
Virtually every Bengali I have met has been very friendly. Yes many of them appreciate the finer points of Pakistan, but to say they live through it or wish to be a part of it is nonsense. The same people were very patriotic and proud of their Bangladeshi identify.
Jo Guzar Gaya Use Bhool Ja.

Atleast Indians have always been open enemy of Pakistan..there was nothing hidden abt it.. But Bengalis , being Pakistanis in 1971...collaborated with enemy India to achieve goal... If they wanted independence..they could have tried tht independently....maybe would have taken more time but atleast then they would have had the high moral ground... But they backstabbed Pakistan in 1971.. So chosing them over India doesnt make sense...i have no sympathy for them or Indians
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