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Delete Think Tank Inactive Members

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I am starting this thread to bring out the names of Think Tank members who have not started a meaningful thread in the last 30 days or those who have not participated in their Think Tank position in a healthy conversation either.

I would like the members to participate and bring out the names of the TT's who don't fill in their roles.

Thank you.
The entire selection process, like in any democratic institution goes through a systematic refining system. Well respected posters nominate members with potential, good debating and writing skill with modestly acknowledged reputation for not abusing others and then, the names again go through a thorough scrutiny where other members expresses their personal views on those names before the final names come out. So in a way, it is not difficult to understand that the privileged title holders have already gone through a few sets of close inspections. So, as some dissensions are already there, doubting the capability of the TTAs may not be well founded in most of the cases.

But personally I feel, writing well researched articles must be the most essential criteria for holding a place that ordinary members can not fill up. For personal reasons, I have not been able to meet that very requirement which I believe is the single most necessary quality one TTA should and must possess. Neither I want to keep myself on gunpoint at the end of every thirty days. So, I wholeheartedly support this motion.
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I would suggest that the criteria of Think Tank would be a minimum age of 35 years old---and a minimum 10 years work experience.

The vice chair and chairperson must be 40 years old and a minimum of 15 years work experience---and must have management experience.

Not fair to young achievers. Experience should not be sole entry barrier. It can be one of the components which can be excused in case the applicant fits other criteria.

I have a following structure in mind.

Below is a list of parameters which gives you automatic entitlement to TTAs or designation having similar privileges:

1. Defense Professional active or retired - Automatic Entrance
2. PHDs in defense or international security related field - Automatic Entrance
2. Defense Analyst - Print or Electronic Media - Automatic Entrance
4. Discretionary recommendation of Admin - Automatic Entrance

Below is a list of basic qualifying criteria and you have to satisfy atleast 5 of them to automatically become TTA post clearance and verification by Admin/Mods:

1. Age greater than 35 years and job experience of more than 10 years
2. Media Professional - Non defense related
3. Masters or higher in any field.
4. Published in major newspapers
5. Published in renowned journals.
6. Has contributed significantly to PDF in terms of research based articles.
7. Has greater than X number of positive ratings and less than Y number of negative ratings.
8. Active Member of PDF for a minimum period 5 years
9. Is a member from a country from which more TTA participation is needed.
10. Winner of some Article writing competition at PDF/popular demand.

@Capt.Popeye @scorpionx
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Maintaining a professional outlook and being a good poster who contributes to fruitful debate, possesses sound knowledge of military/social affairs. Being from the military is not a prerequisite. I'd say you have a fair chance of being selected in the upcoming rounds of nominations.


Just like you recommended a poster who had not started a thread for almost a year and that one was as worth less as it could be---there was no meaningful post by this member as well----and then you bragged about " hey I am the first one to recommend you "----.

What was that " a lovey dovey session---".

Age doesnot gaurantee maturity case in point gurru dutt

Please do not let @GURU DUTT 's persona fool you. There is a lot more to him than that is visible.

Just like you recommended a poster who had not started a thread for almost a year and that one was as worth less as it could be---there was no meaningful post by this member as well----and then you bragged about " hey I am the first one to recommend you "----.

What was that " a lovey dovey session---".

Please do not let @GURU DUTT 's persona fool you. There is a lot more to him than that is visible.
his vulturous persona ....

Just like you recommended a poster who had not started a thread for almost a year and that one was as worth less as it could be---there was no meaningful post by this member as well----and then you bragged about " hey I am the first one to recommend you "----.

What was that " a lovey dovey session---".

Please do not let @GURU DUTT 's persona fool you. There is a lot more to him than that is visible.
sir i think TT or any other rank than moderator worth nothing . its just a honor from admins . why you care so much abut it ?
Not fair to young achievers. Experience should not be sole entry barrier. It can be one of the components which can be excused in case the applicant fits other criteria.

I have a following structure in mind.

Below is a list of parameters which gives you automatic entitlement to TTAs or designation having similar privileges:

1. Defense Professional active or retired - Automatic Entrance
2. PHDs in defense or international security related field - Automatic Entrance
2. Defense Analyst - Print or Electronic Media - Automatic Entrance
4. Discretionary recommendation of Admin - Automatic Entrance

Below is a list of basic qualifying criteria and you have to satisfy atleast 5 of them to automatically become TTA post clearance by Admin/Mods:

1. Age greater than 35 years and job experience of more than 10 years
2. Media Professional - Non defense related
3. Masters or higher in any field.
4. Published in major newspapers
5. Published in renowned journals.
6. Has contributed significantly to PDF in terms of research based articles.
7. Has greater than X number of positive ratings and less than Y number of negative ratings.
8. Active Member of PDF for a minimum period 5 years
9. Is a member from a country from which more TTA participation is needed.
10. Winner of some Article writing competition at PDF/popular demand.

@Capt.Popeye @scorpionx

Interesting proposals, but I only agree with the latter half of your post. Automatic qualification leads to a glut of potentially dismal candidates who where pushed through the vetting process without proving their mettel.

TTAs, Pros, R&D, just like mods, need to demonstrate that they are deserving of higher status and respect, it shouldn't be handed to them based on their qualifications outside of the forums... how do we even verify those qualifications? We don't, we haven't, this forum relies on a trust based honor system.

Now, I'll show anyone photos of me during my military service and have them verify that info directly with Forsvaret HQ, I'll web-chat with them and show them my work ID to verify I'm in the defense industry. Heck, I'd show them more if they were cute:p:. But this isn't a standard that can be repeated with success or will be implemented due to its impracticality, and thus we are stuck in an honor system.

To avoid unfairly promoting those who lack quality, like Asad71 - who is a pro but never posts defense related info, that is mandated of higher quality members, your second list is more appropriate. Automatic qualification promotes people before they even prove their worth.

Let people prove they are higher quality:


These guys have shown a great depth of defense related materials and insight. They were rightfully promoted to "Professional" - I can confirm Sven's qualifications first hand, I'm good friends with him outside the forum too.


Any many other TTAs have shown themselves to be of a higher quality. I feel some others haven't and I wont name their names here, but there are a few who are complained about a lot. They should be vetted.

A disciplinary system is needed too to keep TTAs, Pros and other title-holders from abusing their status and power, but before anyone is promoted they must prove themselves, not be automatically qualified.

If anything, the TTA system is bloated and too many already exist.
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Not fair to young achievers. Experience should not be sole entry barrier. It can be one of the components which can be excused in case the applicant fits other criteria.
@Capt.Popeye @scorpionx


This website has been there for over 10 years now----and hopefully it is not going anywhere soon.

So---young achievers have the opportunity to prove themselves----.

Management experience is a must for this job---you have to be a manager in some field for sometime. Education alone must not be the qualification.
Apparently some members here also suffer from superiority complexes and conveniently use their pseudo intellect and experiences to diss others, while rendering their dogmatist views on affairs they know nothing about. @WebMaster I would request you to make sure that all members are equally respected. Let's not create classes like our wretched societies.
Not fair to young achievers. Experience should not be sole entry barrier. It can be one of the components which can be excused in case the applicant fits other criteria.

I have a following structure in mind.

Below is a list of parameters which gives you automatic entitlement to TTAs or designation having similar privileges:

1. Defense Professional active or retired - Automatic Entrance
2. PHDs in defense or international security related field - Automatic Entrance
2. Defense Analyst - Print or Electronic Media - Automatic Entrance
4. Discretionary power of Admin - Automatic Entrance

Below is a list of basic qualifying criteria and you have to satisfy atleast 5 of them to automatically become TTA post clearance by Admin/Mods:

1. Age greater than 35 years and job experience of more than 10 years
2. Media Professional - Non defense related
3. Masters or higher in any field.
4. Published in major newspapers
5. Published in renowned journals.
6. Has contributed significantly to PDF in terms of research based articles.
7. Has greater than X number of positive ratings and less than Y number of negative ratings.
8. Active Member of PDF for a minimum period 5 years
9. Is a member from a country from which more TTA participation is needed.
10. Winner of some Article writing competition at PDF/popular demand.

@Capt.Popeye @scorpionx

See Mate; this is the internet, people can and DO pose to be anything.....
Hence all that criteria do not mean much, even more so if they are connected to the OFF-forum existence of members.
The only thing that counts is the members existence and performance ON-forum. Even Barack Obama could sign up for membership here...... what we are going to be exposed to or can rate will be his ON-forum actions and achievements.

Having said that; to make the Forum's TT body to be a static body will be erroneous. It should be a body where the Membership should be rotated in/out of..... on a continuing basis. Where the Members (of the TT) can contribute meaningfully while they are there and then gracefully exit to make way for new ideas to be displayed. It will also allow a continual churn of ideas.

Finally, the rating system is pure BS; as has been shown up in numerous ways; not least being the fact that a separate thread is having to be manned all the while by a Moderator to attend to so many contentious ratings. I thought that the "Upper Management" echelons would have already been cognisant of this fact by now.
But seemingly not......

Just like you recommended a poster who had not started a thread for almost a year and that one was as worth less as it could be---there was no meaningful post by this member as well----and then you bragged about " hey I am the first one to recommend you "----.

What was that " a lovey dovey session---".

Its not all about starting threads sir, anyone can take a news off the internet and make a new thread. In my opinion, there's already too many people droning on with the same routine. What matters is that a member shows that he is capable of holding his own in a debate, is well-informed, articulate and most of all, can keep his wits about at all times rather than losing it completely and going off on a tangent. I felt that my recommendation had these qualities that I felt were admirable, he is a regular contributor to the forum and most importantly, more than just a contributor, he is a contributor of insightful, quality posts which is why I brought his name to notice.
And those who spend their entire lives within and post like breeding rabbits with regards to pace and disregard to what they are posting should?
Also those holier than though types who think they are better than everybody and judge other people without even knowing them :whistle:

This website has been there for over 10 years now----and hopefully it is not going anywhere soon.

So---young achievers have the opportunity to prove themselves----.

Management experience is a must for this job---you have to be a manager in some field for sometime. Education alone must not be the qualification.

I agree, that is why I mentioned they have to satisfy atleast 5 basic criteria in my post to maintain the requisite quality standards and avoid biased posters. If you go through my list which of-course can be refined or completely changed as appropriate setting multiple criteria as a bar mitigates the risk of one qualifying but not being productive and constructive to the forum

Interesting proposals, but I only agree with the latter half of your post. Automatic qualification leads to a glut of potentially dismal candidates who where pushed through the vetting process without proving their mettel.

TTAs, Pros, R&D, just like mods, need to demonstrate that they are deserving of higher status and respect, it shouldn't be handed to them based on their qualifications outside of the forums... how do we even verify those qualifications? We don't, we haven't, this forum relies on a trust based honor system. Now, I'll show anyone photos of me during my military service, I'll web-chat with them and show them my work ID. Heck, I'd show them more if they were cute:p:. But this isn't a standard that can be repeated with success or will be implemented due to is impracticality, and thus we are stuck in an honor system.

To avoid unfairly promoting those who lack quality, like Asad71 - who is a pro but never posts defense related info, that is mandated of higher quality members, your second list is more appropriate. Automatic qualification promotes people before they even prove their worth.

Let people prove they are higher quality:


These guys have shown a great depth of defense related materials and insight.


Any many other TTA have shown themselves to be of a higher quality, I feel some other have't and I wont name their names here, but there are a few who are complained about a lot.

A disciplinary system is needed too, but before anyone is promoted they must prove themselves, not be automatically qualified.

If anything, the TTA system is bloated and too many already exist.

I agree with all of your points, my post was a spur of the moment kind of thing with no detailed analysis involved. It was meant as bare bones structure which can be refined and tinkered as needed

TTA designation should be privilege given to few with periodic evaluation. You can refine and make the process as exclusive or fool-proof as you want but the major constraint is the time resource of admin/mods/ Chairman/Vice Chairman which is needed to implement any such system

I believe they are doing the best they can but that doesn't mean things can't be further improved and undeserving/unproductive/biased members weeded out.

One another unsolicited solution would be to promote tried, tested and exceedingly well performing TTAs into selection panel as extra hands.
I have a thought this type of forum should not be own by a single persona / persons but all elite and TTA like members have equal share and TTA and admin should be elected by votes (online votes). Even seniority levels promotion will be monitored by elected mods..
@MastanKhan @fakhre mirpur @WAJsal @waz @Irfan Baloch
See Mate; this is the internet, people can and DO pose to be anything.....
Hence all that criteria do not mean much, even more so if they are connected to the OFF-forum existence of members.
The only thing that counts is the members existence and performance ON-forum. Even Barack Obama could sign up for membership here...... what we are going to be exposed to or can rate will be his ON-forum actions and achievements.

Having said that; to make the Forum's TT body to be a static body will be erroneous. It should be a body where the Membership should be rotated in/out of..... on a continuing basis. Where the Members (of the TT) can contribute meaningfully while they are there and then gracefully exit to make way for new ideas to be displayed. It will also allow a continual churn of ideas.

Finally, the rating system is pure BS; as has been shown up in numerous ways; not least being the fact that a separate thread is having to be manned all the while by a Moderator to attend to so many contentious ratings. I thought that the "Upper Management" echelons would have already been cognisant of this fact by now.
But seemingly not......

Yes i agree the gap between an online persona and a real life one can be exceedingly large but systems can be implemented for verification purposes. Those who feel secure enough to provide some kind of verification should only be taken at their word. I have seen personally few TTAs whose stated qualification/profession doesn't match with the content of their posts which are usually cut copy and paste articles from annals of internet.

Your point about evaluation and rotation is well meant but that would require major time investment considering the number of TTAs we are dealing with here but still it is done in some form or another by @Slav Defence I presume.

Regarding ratings system - I have mixed feelings, potential for abuse is certainly there but then it is a great incentive for many posters. Instead of eliminating it completely we should probably be more selective of people who are handing out these ratings as you have suggested.

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