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Cleric terms Women’s Protection Bill contrary to Islamic Sharia

Really !!! Even try that and it would no nothing. Mr Islam has told you if a person is abusive or aggressive family elders should talk with the couple and if that doesn't work out than divorce is the way out.
but Islam does not bar us from making legislation which may assist already existing laws
Yes and after than you think he would not go after women or her family or man's family would not go after woman's family

You are right - more clauses needed. If that ball-less person again try to harm woman than he should be hanged and any relative of him try to revenge should be hanged as well.
You are right - more clauses needed. If that ball-less person again try to harm woman than he should be hanged and any relative of him try to revenge should be hanged as well.
Yes and this would make sure small family dispute turns into enmity which takes lot of lives with it.
Mr solution was given 1400 years ago. In case of fighting first step should be couple to talk to each other. If matters don't get resolved through that family elders from both side should intervene and if that fails also than Divorce will take place.
Yes and after than you think he would not go after women or her family or man's family would not go after woman's family
Tou churiyan pa lo!

Yes and this would make sure small family dispute turns into enmity which takes lot of lives with it.
Mr solution was given 1400 years ago. In case of fighting first step should be couple to talk to each other. If matters don't get resolved through that family elders from both side should intervene and if that fails also than Divorce will take place.
Again, if you dont understand SIMPLE English, please get an education before jumping on Islam!

Fighting is where 2 people are beating each other, where one is being beaten....the weaker one being "abused" it is called OPPRESSION! Kindly read the verses on oppression coz they come to play here not "Fighting"

divorce is the way out.
What do you think this stupid things wont apply if the lady asks for khulla?
You think men's stupid household wont pick a fight?
You think everyone will smile and give the khulla and not go like a jahil aurat and try to ruin her or worse kill her and her family?

divorce is the way out.
What do you think this stupid things wont apply if the lady asks for khulla?
You think men's stupid household wont pick a fight?
You think everyone will smile and give the khulla and not go like a jahil aurat and try to ruin her or worse kill her and her family?

i know what i am fighting for and it is equality for all genders.all the above mentioned issues are there mostly because of lack of proper implementation of present law.i acknowledge the fact that previous laws are not based on equality they are tilted toward men but instead of amending them we are now introducing female centric laws this will further worsen the condition of our already deranged legal system.what i am advocating here is amend the previous laws and this bill. make them gander neutral and properly implement them if you want to see a balanced society.
Listen to yourself! The law is to protect the woman how the hell can a man fit in?
It is to protect all those women who are kicked out of the house because the guy wants to marry another, kicked out of the house coz someone whispered in a stupid jahil man's ears regarding his wife (even if she did nothing while he was the one checking the neighbour's wife), kicked out of her home and not accepted back into her father's home out of shame!

These laws are for the jealous mother in law who for unknown reasons got her son married only to think she still has 100% of his attention....

These laws are for those women who are humiliated coz they didnt bring enough jahez for the already greedy household!

These laws are to protect the pregnant woman being accused of BS just coz the husband wants to marry a new wife! Or the wife who gave birth to a female, or the lady who sadly was stared at by some bastard while passing through the market and she ends up getting beaten by an insecurely jealous husband!

You want to make the laws gender neutral, at least get the women to beat and kick the men out on the street as often as it happens in our country!
At least give the woman a upper hand to protect the man from! How can the protection of the weak who just happens to be a different gender be gender neutral when 90% of the time it is she who is being abused and her rights violated?

Closing your eyes to the violence wont make it go away! As for changing existing laws, can you promise you wont get a stomachache on that too? NO if you have a problem you will always have a problem!

You have apparently been raised never to question a man....Never to see him capable of doing a wrong, never to see him as the sinner let alone never to be responsible for his actions!

If he doesnt want to be homeless he shouldnt abuse his woman ...the same woman he is supposed to protect as per ALLAH's decree during NIKKAH!

what i have been doing from past few posts was discussing the legal implication of this bill on male rights (because this thread was about this bill) while you have been discussing poor implementation of previous laws which are unfortunately male centric and trying to fight off its impacts on females by supporting this female centric bill. so i think first we need to decide on what grounds are debating here is it legal implication of this bill or issues with our previous laws on female rights.
No...what you are discussing is a phobia that men will be questioned and held responsible for committing a sin! Your other fellow men have jumped in to the point of having some form of fear that men who can beat and inflict violence on the mother of his children should actually be wrapped in rose petals!

Ah i was wondering when the snide comments, personal attacks, shaming tactics and guilt tripping would start. You would make a good proper feminazi :enjoy:
All this you already did....All I did was show you the mirror! Lets say, for the sake of argument, your mother is thrown out of the house in the middle of the night for whatever reason. Or your married cousin is beaten up in her own house. Or marital rape becomes a common trend in your village...Show me 1 law in Pakistan that will help any of these women! And dont blame me for giving your women as examples, after all if it is ok (in your eyes) for it to happen to anyone's sister, it is fine to happen to your very own women!

Apparently some people think different laws should govern their women but everyone else's women dont deserve the same protection!
Yes and this would make sure small family dispute turns into enmity which takes lot of lives with it.
Mr solution was given 1400 years ago. In case of fighting first step should be couple to talk to each other. If matters don't get resolved through that family elders from both side should intervene and if that fails also than Divorce will take place.

Mufti sahib - You guys give fatwa of Wajib-ul-Qatal on more minor things than that and take lives of many innocent people including toddlers. So, my proposal is justified. And your interpreted solutions of 1400 years old guidance are obsolete and are not practical in 21st century. So, either revisit and try to interpret 1400 years old guidance in context of 21st century or apply/keep it limited to yourself only.
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What?? i said nothing of the sort, stop making things up! this is what i said:
No one is making anything up! You are not giving ANY alternative! You want to throw away the ONLY bill which will protect a woman! So apparently it is ok for women to be beaten up, lets not take the house away from the poor abusive husband! Its inhumane! But its wrong he beats his wife but that is how far it should go never punish him to behave so he may behave as human! THAT is what you said word for word!

did you even bother reading that??
Yes and I answered it, did you read my answer? You are out there to protect MEN. I am to punish the ones who dare to beat a woman!

I am not sure what sort of background one needs to crawl out of to see the violent men as a "poor" guy!

again i said nothing of the sort, what the hell?? just because the answer is not 1 doesn't mean it has to be 0. What are you a computer?
No it is a question made to help you think...I guess it doesnt help when one refuses to think!

You havent put forward A SINGLE law from our rights/ laws that WILL FOR SURE HARM men IF they havent done anything wrong...You also have failed to produce any other law that will help a woman if she is wronged!

Oh so now you can read people's thoughts as well! and questioning other's sanity based on what? that they dare disagree with you? and questioning my upbringing as well :crazy:
Then what exactly makes you think that a man who has beaten a woman doesnt need to come forward and tell why he did it or be punished if proven he did it?!

Read the rest of the paragraph madam, as compared to the the other crimes i mentioned like honor killing and acid attacks mental torture is minor no?
No it isnt....the mind is the most important thing and if it is not healthy and being tortured nothing else is healthy!

She can be the most beautiful but if her significant other has never told her or appreciated her she will never feel beautiful! - Just a simple example of the power of the mind and emotional/ mental torture!

Again i said nothing of the sort. Who stays and who leaves should depend on who the house belongs to.
How many times does it belong to the woman? When she marries 99% of the time it is signed off to the man! - Have you never heard of cases of wadera taking over? - MOST of our systems are based on that backward wadera type laws!

Where did i say that quran says to beat women?? where did i support the violator?? stop falsely accusing me
he should pay for his sins with reasonable punishments, the punishments proposed go way beyond that!
Define reasonable?
Are you telling me the fear of losing his home will not tame him?
The fear that the woman will have a place to go and complain wont tame him?

What is this hypothetical man of yours? a Neanderthal?

You bombard me with personal attacks and insults and yet I am the one smoking EGO??? :cuckoo:
I questioned your reasoning because all over the thread all you are running on is assumptions of what may happen to the man! Not how it can help the woman! - You are literally on the thread to just cry "men are victim" tears

You havent pointed out 1 word/ clause or whatever that may be misused AGAINST AN INNOCENT MAN! You even go as far as giving "reasonable" punishment! Reasonable by whose standards? A mans?! What is reasonable for you? How would you know how it feels to go through psychological trauma of being in an abusive relationship? What is reasonablef or you? ask the woman to suck it? Send the man to jail (yea sure the house is doing him alot of good while he is rotting in jail).

Im not the one who invoked God You did it i merely answered it.Stop twisting the facts.
Its not my fault you cant keep up with the conversation kindly dont quote me out of context and pretend to be the victim...You did the same with the bill and now with my words!

It is obvious that your resorting to snide comments, personal insults,shaming tactics and guilt tripping, making false accusations ,silly arguments just for argument's sake. theres a word for it , its called Nagging :rolleyes:

Like typical spoiled brats, when femanazis have no valid arguments to give, they fall back on such behavior.
It is very typical for one who cant answer to find faults that arent even present and then walk away while calling it nagging or whatever! Answer even 1 of my question regarding which sentence threatens you an "innocent" man?

All the punishment is for a man who has inflicted a woman with violence and you are rushing to the rescue of such violent men!
I'm not islamic scholor or student of democracy so i cannot say if this bill is right or wrong according to islam or constitution .. or if it will benifit the women or not
But i know that this bill got introduced on the direction of master murica by thier slaves in pakistan goverment.... because it was thier orders and it was the top priority of our 'democractic' goverment to please thier masters .
i mean seriously since when this crrupt . murdrer punjab goverment start caring about human rights or women rights in Pakistan? ..... and since when they start even thinking that pakistani people even have rights in this county... are you kidding me??
Look like Another fatwa on it way against the law ??? Hope no ...
In your post 222 Cleric terms Women’s Protection Bill contrary to Islamic Sharia you put a lot of allegations on me as well as personal attacks/insults:
so you are saying let him do violence and never punish him?

The "other" happens to be the one he did NIKKAH with...a CONTRACT which says he will be her PROTECTOR/ PROVIDER/ CARE TAKER....not her abuser!
In MANY cases the "other" happens to be the same women who bore his kids for 9 mths in her ...the same woman who went through labour and the same woman who raised his kids....
In MANY cases this "other" you soo badly want to strip any rights off (rights which ALLAH gave - rights to be protected) could be your own sister, cousin, niece, future daughter...unless they are not women or deserve the same just coz they carry 2 "X" chromosome...Please dont change your stand if your women get abused or thrown out of the house.

And please dont consider me mean for using "YOUR WOMEN" because apparently if "OTHER WOMEN" mean nothing for you, I would expect the same for "YOUR" women!

So violence against women is acceptable? She just has to suck it up and live with it coz its your culture? Or coz men isnt civilized enough to be called human?

Do you know what violence is?

But violence against women is right and just? THAT is really disgusting thoughts...Who on earth brought you up? I hope it wasnt a woman! kindly do seek treatment!!

If you call mental torture "minor offence" then why on earth is it used by the army? Strong brave men who fall to mental torture must be shameful?!

It is because the brain "JUST" HAPPENS to be the powerhouse of the whole body...Good god child! Go seek help!

So going to jail/ getting a criminal record is better than loosing your home? Impressive!

But it is ok to deprive the wife of her rights to live in a house? You do know that many a times, it is less to do with violence and more to do with trying to get her property....yes women can own things "given" to them by their parents....Women SHOULD also own every car, sofa, table, bed and whatever she brings, how dare the men use them and still inflict violence on the woman who brought all that stuff to his barren home!

A man who inflicts violence on a woman deserves no form of mercy! Esp if that woman happens to be the mother of his children! It has a series of effects to the mother and the children ...spoiling 2 generations is A GRAVE MISTAKE and you are talking about what is unislamic? It is unislamic to do ANY form of VIOLENCE against ANY woman! START WITH THAT!

As for him being kicked out of the house, please read the bill and the terms and conditions that leads to that...

I am telling you the QURAN doesnt say beat women ....so why are you supporting a violator and crying on his behalf when he inflicted violence on his own accord ...it is his sin which no one but he should pay for!

The Quran doesnt say look away from the oppressed...it includes the woman being "oppressed" under domestic violence you can look the tafseer!

Just look at your phobia and whatever you have said so far....You have jumped the "if" you have ignored the "investigation" bit...

If you have a problem with the justice system that "investigation" wont be legit then it is not the woman protection bill you are having a problem with but EVERY LAW in the parliament should give you a stomachache!

Exactly how did you conclude that from what I said? What are you smoking? EGO?

How are they attacking your basic rights when you feel it is ok to abuse women? And anyone abusing women should be dealt with extreme mercy so much that he shouldnt be punished or threatened to behave - like how many men try to control their women - through threats but when tables are turned the guy becomes a bechara? :tsk:

Houses are not god given so I am not sure why you are invoking god into this!

If to house a human was a basic right, our govt is the one depriving the poor of Pakistan this basic rights! Get your basic facts right! To own a house is no basic right but to abuse, beat, torture another human being who happens to have 2 "X" chromosome is a violation of basic rights!

I seriously feel sick about the thoughts of many people! Brainwashed from ego and fear of being treated as how they treat others!

Retarded people always forget Hazrat Khadijah....it was she who gave support to the prophet
they forget Hazrat Aisha, it was she who educated the women and told many of the hadith
they forget the numerous other Sahabi who were either warriors, educators or even scientist during their own time....But some men feel emasculated coz they literally do nothing but die of fear that someone will point out they have wronged a whole gender!

To which i responded:

Ah i was wondering when the snide comments, personal attacks, shaming tactics and guilt tripping would start. You would make a good proper feminazi :enjoy:

What?? i said nothing of the sort, stop making things up! this is what i said:

did you even bother reading that??

again i said nothing of the sort, what the hell?? just because the answer is not 1 doesn't mean it has to be 0. What are you a computer?

Oh so now you can read people's thoughts as well! and questioning other's sanity based on what? that they dare disagree with you? and questioning my upbringing as well :crazy:

Read the rest of the paragraph madam, as compared to the the other crimes i mentioned like honor killing and acid attacks mental torture is minor no?

Again i said nothing of the sort. Who stays and who leaves should depend on who the house belongs to.

Where did i say that quran says to beat women?? where did i support the violator?? stop falsely accusing me
he should pay for his sins with reasonable punishments, the punishments proposed go way beyond that!

You bombard me with personal attacks and insults and yet I am the one smoking EGO??? :cuckoo:

Im not the one who invoked God You did it i merely answered it.Stop twisting the facts.

I said right to own property genius,not house,again ur twisting facts.

It is obvious that your resorting to snide comments, personal insults,shaming tactics and guilt tripping, making false accusations ,silly arguments just for argument's sake. theres a word for it , its called Nagging :rolleyes:

Like typical spoiled brats, when femanazis have no valid arguments to give, they fall back on such behavior.



You have not substantiated any of those allegations with evidence(repeating those allegations in different wordings and/or emotional outbursts and/or adding even more allegations doesn't count).Either prove those allegations or take them back.
I did not do personal attacks to you, i think its reasonable to expect the same.

Look like Another fatwa on it way against the law ??? Hope no ...
You see, thats the problem with our society, people are too emotional and they approach everything in terms of my team or their team. If you disagree with the "mullah team" then you are labeled west worshiping liberal, if you disagree with the "Liberal team" then you are labeled a backward mullah. What if someone chooses to be neither fish nor fowl? then you are an outcast. So most people choose the easy path of adjusting with the team they find more agreeable as compared to the other. Such tribal nepotism makes it almost impossible to have an honest discussion without risking the wrath of one or more teams.
When you cant even have a civil discussion regarding something as important as new legislation with being bombarded with all sorts of labels and personal insults, then you know where we stand.:meeting:
I am sure Pakistan will overcome such Fanatics who wish to hold and drag the society back to stone ages... Pakistan is indeed progressing...
Tou churiyan pa lo!

Again, if you dont understand SIMPLE English, please get an education before jumping on Islam!

Fighting is where 2 people are beating each other, where one is being beaten....the weaker one being "abused" it is called OPPRESSION! Kindly read the verses on oppression coz they come to play here not "Fighting"

What do you think this stupid things wont apply if the lady asks for khulla?
You think men's stupid household wont pick a fight?
You think everyone will smile and give the khulla and not go like a jahil aurat and try to ruin her or worse kill her and her family?

What do you think this stupid things wont apply if the lady asks for khulla?
You think men's stupid household wont pick a fight?
You think everyone will smile and give the khulla and not go like a jahil aurat and try to ruin her or worse kill her and her family?

Listen to yourself! The law is to protect the woman how the hell can a man fit in?
It is to protect all those women who are kicked out of the house because the guy wants to marry another, kicked out of the house coz someone whispered in a stupid jahil man's ears regarding his wife (even if she did nothing while he was the one checking the neighbour's wife), kicked out of her home and not accepted back into her father's home out of shame!

These laws are for the jealous mother in law who for unknown reasons got her son married only to think she still has 100% of his attention....

These laws are for those women who are humiliated coz they didnt bring enough jahez for the already greedy household!

These laws are to protect the pregnant woman being accused of BS just coz the husband wants to marry a new wife! Or the wife who gave birth to a female, or the lady who sadly was stared at by some bastard while passing through the market and she ends up getting beaten by an insecurely jealous husband!

You want to make the laws gender neutral, at least get the women to beat and kick the men out on the street as often as it happens in our country!
At least give the woman a upper hand to protect the man from! How can the protection of the weak who just happens to be a different gender be gender neutral when 90% of the time it is she who is being abused and her rights violated?

Closing your eyes to the violence wont make it go away! As for changing existing laws, can you promise you wont get a stomachache on that too? NO if you have a problem you will always have a problem!

You have apparently been raised never to question a man....Never to see him capable of doing a wrong, never to see him as the sinner let alone never to be responsible for his actions!

If he doesnt want to be homeless he shouldnt abuse his woman ...the same woman he is supposed to protect as per ALLAH's decree during NIKKAH!

No...what you are discussing is a phobia that men will be questioned and held responsible for committing a sin! Your other fellow men have jumped in to the point of having some form of fear that men who can beat and inflict violence on the mother of his children should actually be wrapped in rose petals!

All this you already did....All I did was show you the mirror! Lets say, for the sake of argument, your mother is thrown out of the house in the middle of the night for whatever reason. Or your married cousin is beaten up in her own house. Or marital rape becomes a common trend in your village...Show me 1 law in Pakistan that will help any of these women! And dont blame me for giving your women as examples, after all if it is ok (in your eyes) for it to happen to anyone's sister, it is fine to happen to your very own women!

Apparently some people think different laws should govern their women but everyone else's women dont deserve the same protection!
Khula is right in Islam and when it takes place if a man disturbs after that Police can intervene because relationship is now over
Cleric terms Women’s Protection Bill contrary to Islamic Sharia


A prominent cleric has termed the “Protection of Women against Violence Bill 2015”, passed by the Punjab Assembly on Wednesday, in conflict with the Islamic Sharia, and accused the Nawaz Sharif government of pushing the country towards ‘secularism’.

The bill was adopted by the provincial assembly on Wednesday, making all crimes against the women an offence including domestic violence, emotional, psychological and economic abuse, verbal abuse, stalking, abetment of an offence, and cyber crimes.

According to the new law, a toll-free number (UAN) will also be introduced to receive complaints while a district protection committee will be setup to investigate women’s complaints in this regard.

Reacting to the development, Jamia Binoria International chief cleric Mufti Muhammad Naeem said in a statement that the bill was contrary to teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah.

Terming the bill a bid to suppress men at the hands of women, he said violence against women can be controlled by giving them rights allocated for them in the Sharia.

Mufti Naeem strongly opposed the bill and expressed his concerns over it, calling it a ‘tragedy’.

“Rulers under their mental slavery of the West are forgetting their social values also,” he remarked in the statement.

Violence against women has been criminalized in Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) which is a federal law. Acts of domestic violence are also an offence under various sections of PPC, and punishments for these have been prescribed in this federal law too.

Cleric terms Women’s Protection Bill contrary to Islamic Sharia | Pakistan Today

@django @unleashed @Spring Onion @haviZsultan @PaklovesTurkiye
@Ammara Chaudhry @waz

Punjab's pro-women bill goes against Sharia, says Fazl - The Express Tribune
Honor killing is not an Islamic value. Its a practice borne out of our own corrupted and archaic behavior.

So please dont find excuses to find the solution of honor killings in Islam or in Sunnah.

I m happy for Sharmin Obaid but it should not be our objective to get awards by washing our dirty linen in public. Every society has its faults and bad practices. But its problems in Islamic societies and the effort we make to link every social problem in these societies to Islamic teachings that invariably brings the focus to Islam.

In all honesty, Pakistani society is not remotely Islamic. Reducing religion to rituals and giving it a bad name by practicing our carnal, archaic values and prefering a tribal, patriarchal system of customs and traditions over Islam does not make us Islamic just like reciting kalima only does not make us Muslims.
My point is there should be!

If I am to shove a man, he wont go far but if a man shoves me in anger I might fly across a room! If the law (as an example) says xyz punishment for a shove, why should I be punished equally?

If a woman is raped, she undergoes physical abuse, lost of trust, psychological trauma followed by rejection of society followed by the chances of getting pregnant (esp if in villages or the poor) ....there is less to no such chances for a man getting raped by a woman ...

So why should the punishment be the same?

The difference should be with the severity of the crime, not the gender of the person committed it. If a woman stabs a man and a man stabs a woman, and if the intent and the severity of the wounds are similar then there should be the same punishment.

I think you're not getting a simple point. The law should be the same for both genders, and the gender of the perpetrator and the victim should be irrelevant. If women had it difficult in the past, it doesn't make it OK to put crimes against them several levels about those against men.

If a man shoots (considering he has a gun would have a licence) and a woman shoots and misses (using husbands gun) why should both be charged the same?
How many men have been locked out of their homes in the middle of the night by a jealous mother in law? out in the dark for rapist to feed off?
How many men have been abused for not bringing enough jahayz? Wait men dont bring dowry! Silly me!
How many men have got acid thrown over them?

How many women have undergone psychological trauma while undergoing postpartum depression? Esp if she has a baby girl instead of a boy? 1stly, the men dont get pregnant however, there have been cases where men blames a woman for not providing the "Y" Chromosome which he was supposed to provide to the baby - Please dont deny it doesnt happen sadly it does!

A man doesnt have to carry a baby in him and then get abused that the baby didnt have a "Y" chromosome!

I don't see much relevance to what you're saying here. I am not saying any of this is OK. I am saying for a given crime and similar intent, there should be no difference between the punishment given to either gender.

Yea so if there are different ways to abuse women which WONT happen or RARELY happen to men then there should be different laws too!
No, there should not be a difference if a crime rarely happens to men. First, this allows interest groups to come out with false studies claiming crime x is almost always perpetrated by men, which may not be true in real life. How do we determine if something is rarely happening to men? If it's because of studies, then you better make sure that it's not funded by a feminist group. A lot of commonly accepted myths that are even accepted by the governments of western countries come from feminist funded studies, e.g. domestic violence or wage gap studies. So if those governments are willing to accept feminist studies, why wouldn't the Pakistan government? And how do we define rarely? 0.1% or 10% of the time? I can't even say without doubting myself that no more than 1% of domestic violence is against men in Pakistan. The number is likely higher than that.

Second, even if it rarely happened to men, it is plain wrong to treat male victims different. There's no logical or humane reason to do that. A human is a human. A crime should be treated the same regardless of who did it and who was the victim.

THAT is how it is being played in Pakistan by male dominant society ...it isnt even a phenomena to ignore or deny!

I don't see how that in anyway is a relevant response to what I said.

I am not even exaggerating it is a known phenomena so known and stupid it needed some form of social educating

'Rape the girl, blame the girl' - Blogs - DAWN.COM

CADTM - Pakistan women's day. Rape victim blaming attitude

Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Chief Syed Munawar Hassansaid in an interviewthat a rape victim should stay silent and not report the incident to the police, or anyone else for that matter.
Options for rape victims in Pakistan: Stay silent, get an abortion or set yourself on fire – The Express Tribune Blog

Options for rape victims in Pakistan: Stay silent, get an abortion or set yourself on fire – The Express Tribune Blog

I could go on....but it will take time but it isnt unheard of!

It's definitely not unheard of and I've seen cases about it. I just don't think it's the defacto societal behaviour, and even if so it doesn't invalidate the points I made about this law.

Have you not studied science? In today's world you can measure the force used to stab....you cant deny that a man's stab is different from a woman's! Physical strength speaks alot...In Pakistan every boy wants a thin hourglass girl who wont be able to stab him as hard as he can her! Even in the West where women work out, the maths doesnt equate the man's stab to the woman's stab...it differs....

All I am saying is if the damage is similar and the intent is similar the punishment should be the same.

Well,in your country the first sentence happens alot and the state institutions dont even know or dont want to know it happens.
In your country,the rights issue is not as equal as some claim it to be.

I understand it happens a lot, and it is not OK. But that doesn't make it OK to have different laws for male victims and female victims. Simply, the law should be gender neutral.

Can I ask why ALL THOSE fighting this bill are male and have not produced a single sentence from the bill which actually stands by what they fear?!

Until and unless you guys can produce a single line to actually put "MEN'S LIVES IN DANGER" ...you guys sound just like the cleric whose candies were taken from them and are calling this bill unislamic! Like Islam says let women endure violence!

It is very simple, different set of laws for male victims and different set of laws for female victims. That's the problem.

All your replies are based on theory not practice...I invite you to wake up and go to Pakistan, experience it practically for some 6 mths not 3 days - guests dont learn a thing!

Until and unless you men have anything to be substantially afraid of, I suggest be god fearing and leave only the second bloody bill that at least favours women in Pakistan alone! (first bill was increasing the age of women for marriage though not implemented but can be brought up if ever someone is dragged to court)

I lived in Pakistan for 13 years so I am not sure I get the point. Again, I mentioned previously, the problem is with different set of laws for men and another for women. Plain and simple. There should be no way to misconstrue that.
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