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China’s Uighur Unrest Is Opportunity for Afghans

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it never was and never will be possible without a strong support from their masters, and where were they when the americans were bombing villages their,,, i guess they ran to the mountains to save their asses,,from being whipped,,,now when they are going back and finally there is going to be some kind of a normal life for the people in that part now you want em to come back and take it all away,, no More schools no more nothing,,except Islamic literature,,, that every muslim knows very well, they are not the ones who provide tickets for Jannah then why all the unrest
You are assuming that the Taliban are separate from the local populace when in fact they are not...the Taliban are derived from the local populace. And what would you have done if bombs were going to fall on your head ? The Taliban had no anti aircraft weapons that could take on the US air power and so the logical thing to do was to hide in the mountains...and it was not only the Taliban that fled to the mountains....it was everybody.And yes the Taliban made mistakes as far and governance was concerned but I am sure they have learned from them by now.
it never was and never will be possible without a strong support from their masters, and where were they when the americans were bombing villages their,,, i guess they ran to the mountains to save their asses,,from being whipped,,,now when they are going back and finally there is going to be some kind of a normal life for the people in that part now you want em to come back and take it all away,, no More schools no more nothing,,except Islamic literature,,, that every muslim knows very well, they are not the ones who provide tickets for Jannah then why all the unrest
You are assuming that the Taliban are separate from the local populace when in fact they are not...the Taliban are derived from the local populace. And what would you have done if bombs were going to fall on your head ? The Taliban had no anti aircraft weapons that could take on the US air power and so the logical thing to do was to hide in the mountains...and it was not only the Taliban that fled to the mountains....it was everybody.And yes the Taliban made mistakes as far and governance was concerned but I am sure they have learned from them by now.
You are assuming that the Taliban are separate from the local populace when in fact they are not...the Taliban are derived from the local populace. And what would you have done if bombs were going to fall on your head ? The Taliban had no anti aircraft weapons that could take on the US air power and so the logical thing to do was to hide in the mountains...and it was not only the Taliban that fled to the mountains....it was everybody.And yes the Taliban made mistakes as far and governance was concerned but I am sure they have learned from them by now.
Bravo, You are Gud at this,,,But why do you want the talibans to come back to power, isnt the present government suited for them, what makes you think that taliban will transform that war torn country into a modern state where everyone can live freely as everyone else in the rest of the world, they had their Chance,,,and they showed how good they were in destruction everywhere,,education was nill. thats the least anyways. You can pray for them to come back to power. and destroy whatever has progressed through the years, go there to afghanistan roam the countryside and ask the locals what do they want, get your facts right mate, Taliban are history, do you want them to rule you, i guess you will never want that
I think balochs of iran are quite different from Pakistani ones, they are very sick of shia rule.
Balouch in Iran are not in open rebellion against the state like they are in Pakistan. We only have a cross-border terrorism problem from Pakistan, we dont have widespread and regular acts of violence in the rest of the province. This is unlike your Balouch territory where there are open calls for independence along with weekly attacks including things like mass murder, bombings, sabotage, kidnappings etc and most of the population living in absolute poverty. This isnt the case in Iranian Sistan-o Balouchestan.

Afghans don't only want FATA but they also want KPK and some idiots even Balochistan.

Thats the point i was making. Returning FATA to Afghanistan is a compromise in return for another compromise (recognition of the rest of the border). Without a resolution, those two country's will continue to act hostile against each other. Afghanistan will have the upper hand in the long run because its relations with the US, Iran, Russia, Tajikistan and India are much better than your country's relations with them are. Read the article, they are also courting the Chinese now.

What does Pakistan want with FATA anyway? Its laws are not applicable to there and the territory is governed by an archaic colonial system that Pakistan inherited from British India. Look it up. The tribes living there have revolted against the Pakistani state and set-up their own Taliban system. Either way, they dont recognize Pakistani laws or the border with Afghanistan. Your country will never control or integrate them.
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China never fears the separatists,but Chinese are angry to their merciless actions for instigating ignorant people to kill innocent citizens .All those terrorists will be put to death penalty.

Afghans issues should be decided by Afghans.We have no authority to involve in their territory and sovereignty.China only want commercial cooperation and security cooperation.People in the Middle East have suffered in war and massacre for a long time.China has suffered the pain,too."己所不欲,勿施于人"("Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself"--------Confucius)
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China never fears the separatists,but Chinese are angry to their merciless actions for instigating ignorant people to kill innocent citizens .All these people will be put to death penalty.

Afghans issues should be decided by Afghans.We have no authority to involve in their territory and sovereignty.What we Chinese want to do is commercial cooperation and security cooperation.
As long as the Taliban movement remains, there will always be a risk of terrorism and extremism beyond their political goals in Afghanistan. This is going to affect the security in nearby country's like China, Iran, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, where Taliban has provided shelter and support to anti-state groups against these countries, and continues to do so.
You are assuming that the Taliban are separate from the local populace when in fact they are not...the Taliban are derived from the local populace. And what would you have done if bombs were going to fall on your head ? The Taliban had no anti aircraft weapons that could take on the US air power and so the logical thing to do was to hide in the mountains...and it was not only the Taliban that fled to the mountains....it was everybody.And yes the Taliban made mistakes as far and governance was concerned but I am sure they have learned from them by now.
Where do you base this on? The Taliban has never apologized for their war crimes they committed during their stint of power.
As long as the Taliban movement remains, there will always be a risk of terrorism and extremism beyond their political goals in Afghanistan. This is going to affect the security in nearby country's like China, Iran, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, where Taliban has provided shelter and support to anti-state groups against these countries, and continues to do so.
National hostility will never solved by others.America,the most super power,had tried to control Afghan situations but they failed.I think China tends to be a third party to contribute to the negotiations or help Afghan gov to develop its defence force and economic.If China and Afghan are friends,we will try our best to help Afghan.
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Balouch in Iran are not in open rebellion against the state like they are in Pakistan. We only have a cross-border terrorism problem from Pakistan, we dont have widespread and regular acts of violence in the rest of the province. This is unlike your Balouch territory where there are open calls for independence along with weekly attacks including things like mass murder, bombings, sabotage, kidnappings etc and most of the population living in absolute poverty. This isnt the case in Iranian Sistan-o Balouchestan.

Thats the point i was making. Returning FATA to Afghanistan is a compromise in return for another compromise (recognition of the rest of the border). Without a resolution, those two country's will continue to act hostile against each other. Afghanistan will have the upper hand in the long run because its relations with the US, Iran, Russia, Tajikistan and India are much better than your country's relations with them are. Read the article, they are also courting the Chinese now.

What does Pakistan want with FATA anyway? Its laws are not applicable to there and the territory is governed by an archaic colonial system that Pakistan inherited from British India. Look it up. The tribes living there have revolted against the Pakistani state and set-up their own Taliban system. Either way, they dont recognize Pakistani laws or the border with Afghanistan. Your country will never control or integrate them.

When was the last time you had been to FATA?
National hostility will never solved by others.America,the most super power,had tried to control Afghan situations but they failed.I think China tends to be a third party to contribute to the negotiations or help Afghan gov to develop its defence force and economic.If China and Afghan are friends,we will try our best to help Afghan.
Depends how you asses failure in Afghanistan. The US had a clear objective there from 2001-03 which they succeeded in (removing the Taliban from power and punishing Al-Qaeda). After that period, there hasnt been a coherent US policy in Afghanistan, they talk in vague terms of nation building etc which they havent failed at. The failure was on the part of the Karzai regime in the areas of law and justice, corruption, stimulating local economies etc Instead, Karzai engaged in cronyism and attempted populist politics which worsened corruption and political divisions. That's not an American failure, that was an Afghan one.

When was the last time you had been to FATA?
I dont need to. Everything ive said about it is public knowledge.
Bravo, You are Gud at this,,,But why do you want the talibans to come back to power, isnt the present government suited for them, what makes you think that taliban will transform that war torn country into a modern state where everyone can live freely as everyone else in the rest of the world, they had their Chance,,,and they showed how good they were in destruction everywhere,,education was nill. thats the least anyways. You can pray for them to come back to power. and destroy whatever has progressed through the years, go there to afghanistan roam the countryside and ask the locals what do they want, get your facts right mate, Taliban are history, do you want them to rule you, i guess you will never want that
The current government is most definitely not suitable for the Afghans...it is corrupt, nepotist and ineffective. Say what you want about the Taliban but they were not corrupt nor were they ineffective (as proven by the eradication of poppy cultivation and disarmament which the US could not accomplish despite investing billions into it). They brought peace to region that was racked by war for decades. And what destruction are you talking about ? The one instance where the demolished the Bhuddas in Bamyan ? That was simply to prove a point to the western NGOs. I'll grant that there might have been better ways to prove a point but they did not run around willy nilly blowing things up. As far as the education situation goes they shut down certain schools because they were run by Communists. They did not suspend education...they merely postponed it till the appropriate facilities could be arranged. They never got the chance because the US of A came knocking with some democracy. The Taliban are not history as they rule most of the country and if you go for a walk in the countryside, as you put it, you will most probably be roaming in Taliban territory.
Where do you base this on? The Taliban has never apologized for their war crimes they committed during their stint of power.
Did anybody give them a decent chance to apologize ? And what war crimes are you talking about ? Perhaps the fact that they brought an end to a decade(+) of civil war ? The problem is that crimes that were committed by mad men were blamed on Taliban official policy....by Western media.
How can you support a Taliban government in Afghanistan? Would you prefer a similar governance in Pakistan ? The Afghan Taliban in any event have not forgotten Pakistan's role in ousting them. I don't believe any sensible Pakistani should be looking forward to a Taliban governance in Afghanistan
Pakistan might have had a role in ousting the Taliban but was going to happen whether Pakistan was involved or not (once Amerika has a bug in its brain it goes insane)....but Pakistan also protected and sheltered the Taliban and helped them fight their insurgency...I doubt they will forget that. And as far as wanting a Taliban government in Afghanistan...yes I do...it will be immensely beneficial to Pakistan.
you do,because everything you have posted is wrong.

Ab ye bata mujhe k tu irani kaise ban gya :P
I dont understand **** language.

Now, tell me. What is "wrong" about the fact that:

a) Tribes from FATA and adjacent Afghan provinces dont recognize the border between them.


b) That Pakistani laws are not applicable to FATA and that this tract of territory is governed by an archaic colonial system that Pakistan inherited from British India.

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