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China backs Myanmar in Rohingya crisis

Luffy mian,

I didnt ask you why you separated, I asked why "you guys" separated?

And Millions died in Mao's Long march. A genocide disguised as revolution !

I am not supporting USA either.

You needed an atheist revolution to prime China for rocketsled-level economic growth 30 years later......

The fact that China won, and every Hindu,Buddhist,Muslim,Christian (non-Western ones) majority country lost in the race for development. is precisely due to the fact that China turned Atheist...

Now it is too late cause the world at any time cannot support more than 2 billion people on developed lifestyle level

Pre-Mao China was a hotbed of religious superstition giving rise to notions that Taoist Chi superpower can stop western military weapons..This led to the debacle of Boxer Rebellion..........This is not unlike Indian Babas and Swamis claiming you can live on Prana without food, that Yogic penances give you superpower and you should revere these Yogis for that...That Yogis can break the laws of physics, stop their heartbeats, live without breathing...It is this rampant superstitious beliefs that is sapping the energy of the Indian people........On top of that belief in pseudo-science (nuclear warfare and alien spaceships in Ramayana,Mahabharata) and pseudo-history (Ramayana,Mbh are true history while actual history of Magadhan kings being unimportant) is rampant and viral in the educated classes of India...China has a much better sense of what is historically true and what is not

Mao may have been bad because of the untold sufferings brought on Chinese people due to his ill timed revolutions..But Chinese people should revere Him for dragging them into rationality and atheism inspite of protestations........The atheist revolution is not over in China as there are vestiges of Chinese superstitions left and Chrsitianity is worryingly increasing there...But their problems with religious/superstitious irrationality is nowhere near the level of India or Middle East or Africa
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Poor innocent populations is being killed only for one reason, being MUSLIM.
No. Emphatically not. This is something the mullahs and their ilk peddle. If the Rohingya were Hindu they would still be getting jacked with as much force. If you look at the post 1948 Burma the Indian community was discriminated by the Burmans. This is part of the same reflex.

And I am adopting the same "considered amnesia" that Pakistan has adopted with regard to Uighur Muslims. I don't have endless supply of tears - if I am going to shed them I would much rather do it for Kashmiris across the LOC. Rather than become some freakling global contractor for Muslim suffering.

Even inside Pakistan there is enough suffering and pain that could do with our empathy. For example the entire Afghan refugee diaspora in Pakistan is hated and discriminated because of the actions of some. Are they not Muslim? Or is "Muslim" tag to be used when convenient but ignored when not so convenient?

China doesn't have a track record dictating terms on other countries, their country, their choice.
when everybody is having a party all will be your friends. When tough choices have to be made - like doing something you might not be happy with is hallmark of true friend. Pakistan will stand by Chinese policy with regards to Myanmar.

As much as China will stand by Pakistan despite Trump barking.
Rohingyas are partly responsible for this mess, as their own self-concocted history say that they are descendants of Arab Traders of 7th century mixed with some Muslim Bengali blood from the Sultanate times....They try to project that they are way more ancient to the land than the Buddhist Arakanese..this creates exteme distrust among the Buddhist mongoloid majority there...80 percent of Rohingyas migrated there in the late 19th century.....that they project the Arabic component of their identity and downplay the Bengali component of their identity also makes them unpalatable to ethnically conscious Muslim Bengali of BD and Hindu Bengali of India..........................Kaptaan is right when he says that Pakistan should stay away from it...This is basically a racial warfare projected as being religious warfare.......being sub-continental looking attracts disdain among a huge section of the Mongoloid majority country.............This is CLASS A race warfare...move along people, religion has very little role in it
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Only a short while back, Myanmar were butchering their own ethnic Han Chinese population (Kokang), they weren't Muslim though? Didn't get much attention in the global news headlines either...
Thanks for that. I did not know about the ethnic Chinese Kokang. It appears they are suffering but they have not hit the headlines.

"While the migrants try and make their way back to central Myanmar, the Kokang people, who are ethnic Chinese, have mostly fled across the border into Yunnan province in China. Humanitarian agencies and local aid workers estimate that more than 10,000 people have made their way over the border"

Thanks for that. I did not know about the ethnic Chinese Kokang. It appears they are suffering but they have not hit the headlines.

"While the migrants try and make their way back to central Myanmar, the Kokang people, who are ethnic Chinese, have mostly fled across the border into Yunnan province in China. Humanitarian agencies and local aid workers estimate that more than 10,000 people have made their way over the border"


Cause the world thinks that's China's problem and China is well off enough to take care their ethnic brothers
Also Muslims around the world should tone down on their attachment to evil ideology i.e nationalism (note- just having a innocent emotional attachment to your homeland is NOT what nationalism is) and be more principled and base their code of conduct on Islamic injunctions & values. Please reflect my fellow Muslim brothers & sisters.

When nationalism is benign and when it is toxic, is difficult to point to....it's a slippery slope..who decides how much nationalism is alright and according to what standard?

Nationalism is a much much better way to organize human societies than say religious pride and sense of religious belonging

Nationalism takes the responsibility of demarcating a much more compact, coherent, tighter knit group of people and propels them forward towards progress.....Religion is always hamstrung by trying to bring disparate groups and gepographies together

Religion could not bind Pakistan to Afghanistan OR Afghanistan to Tajikistan
Religion failed to bind Nepal and India together
Religion also failed to bind Bhutan,Tibet together when Tibet was free and powerful

This century is a century for nationalism
When nationalism is benign and when it is toxic, is difficult to point to....it's a slippery slope..who decides how much nationalism is alright and according to what standard?

Nationalism is a much much better way to organize human societies than say religious pride and sense of religious belonging

Nationalism takes the responsibility of demarcating a much more compact, coherent, tighter knit group of people and propels them forward towards progress.....Religion is always hamstrung by trying to bring disparate groups and gepographies together

Religion could not bind Pakistan to Afghanistan OR Afghanistan to Tajikistan
Religion failed to bind Nepal and India together
Religion also failed to bind Bhutan,Tibet together when Tibet was free and powerful

This century is a century for nationalism
Very well said. Nationalism is not perfect but it creates synergy on a given piece of geography that can be articulated in way to progress and development.
Only a short while back, Myanmar were butchering their own ethnic Han Chinese population (Kokang), they weren't Muslim though? Didn't get much attention in the global news headlines either...
Should have! People should have talked about it. Not only that should have been highlighted but condemned as well. May be that would have stopped what is going on today from happening and precious lives could have been saved.
It is a shame to open a thread where Chinese interests are represented.
Chinese support the killing of Muslims and the USA/UK wants to have more influence in the region.
Scapegoats are the Muslims.
There are more christians than muslims in Myanmar.
Christians and Buddhists were to kill each other and not muslims.

We Muslims should ensure that we can not be used as a game for geopolitical interests.
Our first goal should be to create a world where muslims are not killed arbitrarily.
We muslims should work together against this problem and not accept the Chinese and Americans as our lords.
A shame that affects all of us muslims. Without exception...
No. Emphatically not. This is something the mullahs and their ilk peddle. If the Rohingya were Hindu they would still be getting jacked with as much force. If you look at the post 1948 Burma the Indian community was discriminated by the Burmans. This is part of the same reflex.

And I am adopting the same "considered amnesia" that Pakistan has adopted with regard to Uighur Muslims. I don't have endless supply of tears - if I am going to shed them I would much rather do it for Kashmiris across the LOC. Rather than become some freakling global contractor for Muslim sufferin
Even inside Pakistan there is enough suffering and pain that could do with our empathy. For example the entire Afghan refugee diaspora in Pakistan is hated and discriminated because of the actions of some. Are they not Muslim? Or is "Muslim" tag to be used when convenient but ignored when not so convenient?

when everybody is having a party all will be your friends. When tough choices have to be made - like doing something you might not be happy with is hallmark of true friend. Pakistan will stand by Chinese policy with regards to Myanmar.

As much as China will stand by Pakistan despite Trump barking.
Bro wrongs wont make one right. If they had killed Hindus or Buddhists in the past, that do not means killings Muslims now is justified?
In fact, i will even go on and stop identifying the people being killed by their faith.
I am not one of those that believe Ummah thing exists, but regardless of Rohingyas being muslim or not, if there is a genocide happening, i am not going to support a regime that is committing those violations.
Was going to say the exact same thing :tup: not a believer of Ummah but can't turn away from an on going genocide of specific group of population. Have to say this OP is wrong China will do what's better for their interests but we can't and shouldn't support the genocidal state of myanmar.

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