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China backs Myanmar in Rohingya crisis

No. Emphatically not. This is something the mullahs and their ilk peddle. If the Rohingya were Hindu they would still be getting jacked with as much force. If you look at the post 1948 Burma the Indian community was discriminated by the Burmans. This is part of the same reflex.

And I am adopting the same "considered amnesia" that Pakistan has adopted with regard to Uighur Muslims. I don't have endless supply of tears - if I am going to shed them I would much rather do it for Kashmiris across the LOC. Rather than become some freakling global contractor for Muslim suffering.

Even inside Pakistan there is enough suffering and pain that could do with our empathy. For example the entire Afghan refugee diaspora in Pakistan is hated and discriminated because of the actions of some. Are they not Muslim? Or is "Muslim" tag to be used when convenient but ignored when not so convenient?

when everybody is having a party all will be your friends. When tough choices have to be made - like doing something you might not be happy with is hallmark of true friend. Pakistan will stand by Chinese policy with regards to Myanmar.

As much as China will stand by Pakistan despite Trump barking.

I salute you for not being a hypocrite like many of your countrymen on this forum are.
Only a short while back, Myanmar were butchering their own ethnic Han Chinese population (Kokang), they weren't Muslim though? Didn't get much attention in the global news headlines either...

Kokangs aren't worth the headlines because they are ethic Chinese & non-Muslim. Nobody gives a shit.

The Rohingyas on the other hand would ignite the Muslim world.

He who controls the news, controls the views.

Chinese can go their way, we can go ours. Chinese dont dictate us what to do and what not unlike uncle sam.

What possible sanctions on myanmar have to do with Pakistan? if its in their interest to sanction Pakistan they will do it anyways.
The best option for Pakistan is sending humanitarian aid to Rohingya refugees in BD while staying diplomatically silent.

On a personal note, however, I wouldn't sell them fighter jets and weapons. This is morally wrong.

We shouldn't forget that not long ago China was seen as one of the biggest enemies of Burma, sending money, weapons and other stuff to separatist groups in North Burma. In some cases, China is not very different from the US. Beijing tries hard to show itself as a new and reliable ally of the military dictatorship of Burma. One of the reasons behind this position is India's support for Myanmar.
Beijing tries hard to show itself as a new and reliable ally of the military dictatorship of Burma. One of the reasons behind this position is India's support for Myanmar.
What do you mean by this?
Burma and Myanmar are the same country.
So,both support Myanmar?
This thread is also a classic example of the kind of disdain and hatred these secularist/liberal "muslims" have towards islam and muslims. In other cases you would see these 2 faced hypocrites foaming at their mouth and lecturing Muslims on human rights and civility but here you see their real face. You can't treat these bigots with empathy as many gullible but well intentioned Muslims do. These secularists are vile creatures and its time Muslims take their gloves off when dealing with them. They are as vile as if not worse than Daesh type terrorist.

@Apprentice @Banglar Bir @dsr478 @Zarvan @Iqbal Ali @AUz @Dai Toruko @Verve @HAKIKAT @war&peace @Arsalan

Also Muslims around the world should tone down on their attachment to evil ideology i.e nationalism (note- just having a innocent emotional attachment to your homeland is NOT what nationalism is) and be more principled and base their code of conduct on Islamic injunctions & values. Please reflect my fellow Muslim brothers & sisters.

For unity of us, it doesn't need a spark like abusing others on first hand. Let us say, we, the Muslims are responsible for the day, the injustice being done to Muslims at any place. Let us not insult any other sect, religion or ethnicity.

Our sentiments aside, religious debate or mocking is not allowed. Kindly avoid as such.
Very well said. Nationalism is not perfect but it creates synergy on a given piece of geography that can be articulated in way to progress and development.

You know we see this problem again and again frustratingly in the world of racing motorcycle engineering

1) There are men with stars in their eyes and dreams of blue sky engineering , drawing up blue prints of radical designs regarding "What ought to work"

You see that in the Ducati MotoGP team till a few years back when they were pouring in tens of millions of euros ever year on radical F1 like designs that failed to compete with the established conservative designs of Honda and Yamaha

You can liken these engineers to religious idealists who think of making the "Perfect Sate" based on religious diktats where every small and big human suffering has been abolished...They say ," this is what everybody wants right? a radical brave new world with end of human suffering, this is what supposed to work..then this must work!!"

2) Then there are hard nosed conservative men who only believe in history and "what does actually work" and believe in gradual tweaking on existing functional designs in order to reach perfection..Ducati then brought in such a conservative realist engineer in Gianluigi Dall’Igna and started winning races again ...and You have to win when you are spending 50-70 million euros a year

Nationalists are like those conservative racing engineers who throw in all their resources in order to gradually improve upon existing well-understood designs (the nation-state) rather than throwing the kitchen sink at something revolutionary (Religious/Spiritual Utopia with end of Human Suffering)
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the same logic which you have used can be used in favour of isis ttp and indian crimes against kashmir.i have seen a video with mayanmar military person beheading women with axe and it was real video.if you are not willing to believe then you will simply reject any evidence given but world is not blind and ALLAH ALMIGHTY Will always show true face of cruel to people

I have seen videos which are real but I have seen a lot of videos/pics shared which are fake particularly those posted by some pages in Pakistan.

Doesn't help the cause of the Rohingya and in the end helps Myanmar's narrative that it is all fake news.
If I am correct China just built an oil pipeline in Myanmar connecting mainland China with a Burmese port. This will be huge in reducing dependence on the American dominated Strait of Malacca, so Chinas position is totally understandable, especially given its history of noninterference in other countries domestic affairs.

Whats interesting here is India. It could have utilized this opportunity to create a wedge between Bangladesh and China. Instead it has opted to side with Myanmar (which already has Chinese support and so will not be changing its foreign policy in any significant manner due to a cozying up by India). I suppose India might need Myanmar to keep a check on militants in its NE, but it seems like anti-India sentiments will only.be further cemented in Bangladesh as a consequence of all of this.

Lol. Indian interests are not dictated by what an average Bangladeshi thinks as long as we are not harming BD directly. India needs both Myanmar and BD on its side to not support NE militants. We dont have much troops on the Myanmar side due to the peace we have as Burmese army is acting against NE militants.

I am sorry. I didnt see so much anger when Tamils were slaughtered in 2009 in Sri Lanka. You guys were busy exterminate them like kinda comments. Pakistan, Bangladesh didnt utter a word. Now you guys expect India to comment something? Just cos they are Muslims?
The best option for Pakistan is sending humanitarian aid to Rohingya refugees in BD while staying diplomatically silent.

On a personal note, however, I wouldn't sell them fighter jets and weapons. This is morally wrong.

We shouldn't forget that not long ago China was seen as one of the biggest enemies of Burma, sending money, weapons and other stuff to separatist groups in North Burma. In some cases, China is not very different from the US. Beijing tries hard to show itself as a new and reliable ally of the military dictatorship of Burma. One of the reasons behind this position is India's support for Myanmar.

As far as I am in knowledge about sell of fighter jets to Myanmar, it goes back before current genocide of Rohingya or I may say one of the reasons that unleashed such brutality on Rohingya muslims so that only Pakistan can be pressed hard by the rival in these controversial times. For understanding of the matter, in short, once the jets entered service in targeted country, we can imagine the importance towards buying party. The rival is bent to come with strategy to target Muslims this time so that the sentiments may take over geopolitics and may result in failed strategy. Pakistan is providing all necessary assistance within its jurisdiction.
What do you mean by this?
Burma and Myanmar are the same country.
So,both support Myanmar?

Yes, China has changed its position on Burma only recently after India started to support the military junta in Naypyidaw. And Turkey doesn't dare to criticise China because both states are negotiating a 30 billion USD loan currently. That's basically a limited CPEC for Turkey.
That's why the government in Ankara and pro-Akp media outlets are focusing on helping BD to cope with the refugee influx instead of slamming 'the dark powers' behind this crisis. That's what they usually do.

He thought they were two different countries in the same region.
No. I used the names synonymously.
China has our own Rohingya problem, those ethnic Chinese are equally persecuted in Myanmar, they all dream about come to China. They can only speak Chinese, can't speak Burmese.
Wow,didnt know that,how many are there?

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