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China backs Myanmar in Rohingya crisis

This thread is also a classic example of the kind of disdain and hatred these secularist/liberal "muslims" have towards islam and muslims. In other cases you would see these 2 faced hypocrites foaming at their mouth and lecturing Muslims on human rights and civility but here you see their real face. You can't treat these bigots with empathy as many gullible but well intentioned Muslims do. These secularists are vile creatures and its time Muslims take their gloves off when dealing with them. They are as vile as if not worse than Daesh type terrorist.

@Apprentice @Banglar Bir @dsr478 @Zarvan @Iqbal Ali @AUz @Dai Toruko @Verve @HAKIKAT @war&peace @Arsalan

Also Muslims around the world should tone down on their attachment to evil ideology i.e nationalism (note- just having a innocent emotional attachment to your homeland is NOT what nationalism is) and be more principled and base their code of conduct on Islamic injunctions & values. Please reflect my fellow Muslim brothers & sisters.
Yet the only people butthurt over China's CCP revolution are the people who got their a$$ kicked by PLA, including USA and India :lol:

Dude you need to write some actual logic and facts , even before arguing with your rants. Every one knows how China got outsmarted in Doklam.

People died from Mao's mismanagement, but unlike India, that didn't last long. You mismanagement of the country even today is killing millions of children. Go and check the statistics.

Not only the loss of life, you lost your history, cultural values, traditions to some extent. It is like a reset to chinese civilization.
This thread is also a classic example of the kind of disdain and hatred these secularist/liberal "muslims" have towards islam and muslims. In other cases you would see these 2 faced hypocrites foaming at their mouth and lecturing Muslims on human rights and civility but here you see their real face. You can't treat these bigots with empathy as many gullible but well intentioned Muslims do. These secularists are vile creatures and its time Muslims take their gloves off when dealing with them. They are as vile as if not worse than Daesh type terrorist.

@Apprentice @Banglar Bir @dsr478 @Zarvan @Iqbal Ali @AUz @Dai Toruko @Verve @HAKIKAT @war&peace @Arsalan

Also Muslims around the world should tone down on their attachment to evil ideology i.e nationalism (note- just having a innocent emotional attachment to your homeland is NOT what nationalism is) and be more principled and base their code of conduct on Islamic injunctions & values. Please reflect my fellow Muslim brothers & sisters.

Did you see the libturds and retards openly advocating killing of innocent people in Myanmar but want Pakistan to stand up for Yemenis while Pakistan did and we (parliament unanimously) did not approve sending of the Pakistan army to KSA but now I think we must send PA and kill all those "terrorist" termites sponsored by Iran.

Also see how these low live-libturd-hypocrites lie and distort the established facts to suit their agenda. But these rats cannot go to the street and express their opinion because they know people will stick up something into them that will pop their eyes.
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Luffy mian,

who take their ideological framework from their colonial masters and base their whole world view in opposition to Islam & muslim.

Kaptaan sahib can speak for himself better but from what I have made of his posts, his world view is based not on being anti-Islam/Muslim but being pro-Pakistan (which is essentially a Muslim state).

Your point about Muslims needing to be better than non-Muslims is a good point but do you speak about injustices being done by your own country to Mirzais and non-Muslims like X-tians etc.?

Luffy mian,

who take their ideological framework from their colonial masters and base their whole world view in opposition to Islam & muslim.

Kaptaan sahib can speak for himself better but from what I have made of his posts, his world view is based not on being anti-Islam/Muslim but being pro-Pakistan (which is essentially a Muslim state).

Your point about Muslims needing to be better than non-Muslims is a good point but do you speak about injustices being done by your own country to Mirzais and non-Muslims like X-tians etc.?


@Kaptaan sahib is a self-proclaimed secularist and his anti-islamic views are very apparent and known to all who have been in PDF for long. As expected, you being a non-muslim Indian would come to his defence. And who decides what pro-pakistan or anti-pakistan? And more importantly why should being this "pro-pakistan" be something good? Like it or not these abstract notions that many nationalists appeal to are nothing but personal interests decided by select few of the ruling elites. Muslims should be first and foremost be pro-islamic and pro-muslim and this is never in conflict with a moral righteousness, human empathy , justice and fairness unlike "nation-state interests".

I am a Muslim Bangladeshi btw. And yes as a Muslim I always speak against injustices. But I can NOT speak against imaginary "injustices against mirzais and X-tians" in PAK or any part of the muslim world that btw, even though fictional, pales in comparison to the very real and egregious state sanctioned genocide against Muslims in Arakan, Kashmir, China and palestine etc etc. When was the last time mirzais and X-tians were mass raped & slaughtered in Pakistan and forced to flee in India?
Luffy mian,

And who decides what pro-pakistan or anti-pakistan?

Every Pakistani, as per his own independent judgement.

And more importantly why should being this "pro-pakistan" be something good

Being pro-Pakistan is something good if the person is a Pakistani. I can understand that as a BD who suffered a lot from Pakistanis in 1970-71, being pro Pak is not good for YOU. But for a Pak citizen like Kaptaan sahib, being pro-Pak is not only good but the ONLY HONOURABLE COURSE to take.

US knows China has a huge investment in Myanmar. Sanctioning Myanmar equals sanctioning China herself and if China doesn't follow suit, that will put China in a bad light among many countries. whatever result will be a win for US, a very smart move.

If I am correct China just built an oil pipeline in Myanmar connecting mainland China with a Burmese port. This will be huge in reducing dependence on the American dominated Strait of Malacca, so Chinas position is totally understandable, especially given its history of noninterference in other countries domestic affairs.

Whats interesting here is India. It could have utilized this opportunity to create a wedge between Bangladesh and China. Instead it has opted to side with Myanmar (which already has Chinese support and so will not be changing its foreign policy in any significant manner due to a cozying up by India). I suppose India might need Myanmar to keep a check on militants in its NE, but it seems like anti-India sentiments will only.be further cemented in Bangladesh as a consequence of all of this.
This thread is also a classic example of the kind of disdain and hatred these secularist/liberal "muslims" have towards islam and muslims. In other cases you would see these 2 faced hypocrites foaming at their mouth and lecturing Muslims on human rights and civility but here you see their real face. You can't treat these bigots with empathy as many gullible but well intentioned Muslims do. These secularists are vile creatures and its time Muslims take their gloves off when dealing with them.
They are as vile as if not worse than Daesh type terrorist.
@Apprentice @Banglar Bir @dsr478 @Zarvan @Iqbal Ali @AUz @Dai Toruko @Verve @HAKIKAT @war&peace @Arsalan
Also Muslims around the world should tone down on their attachment to evil ideology i.e nationalism (note- just having a innocent emotional attachment to your homeland is NOT what nationalism is) and be more principled and base their code of conduct on Islamic injunctions & values. Please reflect my fellow Muslim brothers & sisters.
Kindly accept my humble apologies, for the past few weeks was was preoccupied on the Genocide on Muslim Genocide & ethnic cleansing in Myanmar, as such still busy in the Bangladesh Forum, and couldn't concentrate/contribute or participate on other vital issues. Inshallah hope to rejoin in others forums shortly.:-):-):-):-)
Kamboja bhai,

but it seems like anti-India sentiments will only.be further cemented in Bangladesh

India doesnt have to do anything to cement anti-India sentiments in BD. Its being India is more than enuff. A bit like Pak and AFG.

Luffy mian,

And who decides what pro-pakistan or anti-pakistan?

Every Pakistani, as per his own independent judgement.

And more importantly why should being this "pro-pakistan" be something good

Being pro-Pakistan is something good if the person is a Pakistani. I can understand that as a BD who suffered a lot from Pakistanis in 1970-71, being pro Pak is not good for YOU. But for a Pak citizen like Kaptaan sahib, being pro-Pak is not only good but the ONLY HONOURABLE COURSE to take.


Then we disagree on the basic paradigm of what is good & what is evil which is NOT surprising since I am a Muslim and you are a non-muslim. I do NOT consider nation-state interests to be benign since they are not grounded on any fix principle or moral guidelines. They change direction like the wind based on who ever is ruling the nation-state. This is NOT the case with Islam and its interests and goals. According to the the likes of you, burmese bamar monkeys should be proud of the genocide they are commiting against Muslims since its in line with their national interest. Also according to your principle, its would be an honor for Pakistani Muslims if their government take the side of these burmese bamar monkeys if they find such stance to be in line with PAK interest? What you are advocating for is pure narcissism and evil.

Also are you not projecting Kaptaan's "independent" judgement to be judgement of other Pakistanis which is definitely NOT the case?And more importantly I as a muslim have every right to voice my opinion in this matter since I share with my fellow Muslim Pakistani brothers a relationship thicker than blood something which you nor Kaptaan share. This is a public forum btw. None of us represents out national goverments. SO its laughable than you are cautiopning me against voicing my views here.

Btw its news to me that I "sufferred a lot from PAK". I never suffered a lot from PAK or pakistanis. The only pakistanis I ever met or interacted with have beenn very good people. here's a hint I do NOT buy into the indian narrative of 71 if that's what you are alluding to. And neither am I a nationalist bigot like Indians. Lets not shift the topic of the debate shall we?
Dude you need to write some actual logic and facts , even before arguing with your rants. Every one knows how China got outsmarted in Doklam.

Not only the loss of life, you lost your history, cultural values, traditions to some extent. It is like a reset to chinese civilization.
Which part of history we lost?
Luffy mian,

Then we disagree on the basic paradigm of what is good & what is evil which is NOT surprising since I am a Muslim and you are a non-muslim.

Indeed, sir. If you are a true Muslim (which indeed is what you are), you couldnt believe otherwise!

SO its laughable than you are cautiopning me against voicing my views here.

Where, sir? Where did I caution you against voicing your views here.

Btw its news to me that I "sufferred a lot from PAK". I never suffered a lot from PAK or pakistanis.

Glad to hear that. So why did you guys separate from Pak in the first place?

Luffy mian,

Then we disagree on the basic paradigm of what is good & what is evil which is NOT surprising since I am a Muslim and you are a non-muslim.

Indeed, sir. If you are a true Muslim (which indeed is what you are), you couldnt believe otherwise!

Gland that you understood.

SO its laughable than you are cautiopning me against voicing my views here.
Where, sir? Where did I caution you against voicing your views here.

Your previous post gave such a vibe. At least that's what I felt. I may very well be mistaken.

Btw its news to me that I "sufferred a lot from PAK". I never suffered a lot from PAK or pakistanis.
Glad to hear that. So why did you guys separate from Pak in the first place?


I did NOT separate from anyone. I am an individual who was born in a nation-state that separated itself from a another nation-state based on ideologies & circumstances I as a muslim can never fully endorse. I hope that made things clear to you.

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