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China backs Myanmar in Rohingya crisis

Easy peasy. Just think of the Rohingya as Mukto Bahini. Sell JF-Thunder to Myanmar Air Force so that it can defend itself against the Rohingya threat. China Pak Myanmar - win win.
Only that they are NOT Mukhti Bahini!
Have not been involved in any anti-national activities, terrorism or intimidating Myanmar authorities. I understand when you say that it is time Pakistan thinks and looks after its own interest but we should not be doing that by fooling ourselves claiming what we are doing is right as well. It is not. Poor innocent populations is being killed only for one reason, being MUSLIM.
China has not asked for our explicit support so no need to put ourselves in an awkward position.

China is our closest ally but doesn't mean we will have the same view regarding every little thing.

China itself may have apprehensions about our alleged support to some groups who we think are vital to our national interests.

Just because we allegedly provide support to those groups to pursue our national interests doesn't mean we should expect China to support those groups too.

china is supporting wrong side.if even rohangia are actually terrorists then killing of women and children brutally beheading them and chopping their body parts by axe and knives and burning them by mayanmar cannot be justified and is unethical

There is ethnic cleansing going on of the Rohingya Muslims but a lot of these videos you would be seeing are either fake or taken from other conflict zones.

It doesn't help the situation and distracts from the actual problem.
-Heres what Pakistan needs to do if its SERIOUS about the whole Rohingya issue.
-Help Bangladesh/Malaysia/Indonesia host refugees.
-Host a certain number of Refugees itself.
-Engage with the Myanmar government instead of ostracizing them.
-Have China push the Myanmar govt. to avoid a refugee nightmare in the region.
-Try to increment trade/collaboration with Myanmar over next 10 years to create influence and use that for resettlement of the Rohingyas in Rakhine state.

-those chanting Pak army to attack myanmar are idiots of highest order and should be sidelined.
China has not asked for our explicit support so no need to put ourselves in an awkward position.

China is our closest ally but doesn't mean we will have the same view regarding every little thing.

China itself may have apprehensions about our alleged support to some groups who we think are vital to our national interests.

Just because we allegedly provide support to those groups to pursue our national interests doesn't mean we should expect China to support those groups too.

There is ethnic cleansing going on of the Rohingya Muslims but a lot of these videos you would be seeing are either fake or taken from other conflict zones.

It doesn't help the situation and distracts from the actual problem.
the same logic which you have used can be used in favour of isis ttp and indian crimes against kashmir.i have seen a video with mayanmar military person beheading women with axe and it was real video.if you are not willing to believe then you will simply reject any evidence given but world is not blind and ALLAH ALMIGHTY Will always show true face of cruel to people
the same logic which you have used can be used in favour of isis ttp and indian crimes against kashmir.i have seen a video with mayanmar military person beheading women with axe and it was real video.if you are not willing to believe then you will simply reject any evidence given but world is not blind and ALLAH ALMIGHTY Will always show true face of cruel to people

The rohingyas only crime is that they are poor and are victims of their lack of importance in the world stage.

Regardless, there is a right and wrong when it comes to humanity. To ignore their plight is one thing. To cheer it is another.

In any case, we are all going to answer for our actions someday.
Myanmar is not innocent. China understands this. But a Western-led military adventure is not the solution. So we veto the resolution. The urgent matter at hand is for regional actors to find a solution to the local crisis without turning it into a great power confrontation.
Myanmar is not innocent. China understands this. But a Western-led military adventure is not the solution. So we veto the resolution. The urgent matter at hand is for regional actors to find a solution to the local crisis without turning it into a great power confrontation.

What western led military adventure are you talking about.

No one cares.

At the very least, for humanitarian grounds china should stop the ethnic cleansing.
This thread and @Kaptaan type secularists is a very good example of the evil and morally bankrupt nature of seculariist in the Muslim world. These people are in essence nothing but hedonistic materialist athiest with absolute 0 human empathy , who take their ideological framework from their colonial masters and base their whole world view in opposition to Islam & muslim. WHat pathetic slave mentality.

Pakistani Muslims should agitate & push their government to take a principle stance informed by Islamic injunctions on such issues . Muslims can NOT and should NOT be like non-muslims. Muslims are duty bound to uphold a higher and superior moral standard. If materialist interest (that too decided by a few secularist elites and projected as national interest) is your guiding usul (principle) then why call yourself a Muslim? What differentiate you from a war mongering american neo-con or nazi supermacist?

Goods news out of China. It appears that China has decided to back Myanmar in their defence of the Rohingya problem.

"International divisions emerged on Tuesday ahead of a UN Security Council meeting on a worsening refugee crisis in Myanmar, with China voicing support for a military crackdown that has been criticised by the US, slammed as “ethnic cleansing” and forced 370,000 Rohingya to flee the violence.

Beijing's intervention appears aimed at heading off any attempt to censure Myanmar at the council when it convenes on Wednesday."

It is critical that Pakistan supports China in making sure that Myanmar is not censured at the UN. If Pakistan fails to do so it could find itself next in the line to face US inspired sanctions. Now is the time to build a hedge against this. Please drop the ummah chummah. Support Chinese. Support Myanmar.

This thread and @Kaptaan type secularists is a very good example of the evil and morally bankrupt nature of seculariist in the Muslim world. These people are in essence nothing but hedonistic materialist athiest with absolute 0 human empathy , who take their ideological framework from their colonial masters and base their whole world view in opposition to Islam & muslim. WHat pathetic slave mentality.

Pakistani Muslims should agitate & push their government to take a principle stance informed by Islamic injunctions on such issues . Muslims can NOT and should NOT be like non-muslims. Muslims are duty bound to uphold a higher and superior moral standard. If materialist interest (that too decided by a few secularist elites and projected as national interest) is your guiding usul (principle) then why call yourself a Muslim? What differentiate you from a war mongering american neo-con or nazi supermacist?

Pretty much this.
What western led military adventure are you talking about.

No one cares.

At the very least, for humanitarian grounds china should stop the ethnic cleansing.
Err.... China is not doing any ethnic cleansing against Rohingya, so how can we stop it? From the perspective of Myanmar, they are being singled out by the West for putting down a rebellion (no different from your civil war for example), just because China has investment interests in Myanmar. So of course China will push back against extra-regional actors trying to meddle in a local affair.

Anyway, agreed that all ethnic cleansing should be condemned.
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Only that they are NOT Mukhti Bahini!
Have not been involved in any anti-national activities, terrorism or intimidating Myanmar authorities. I understand when you say that it is time Pakistan thinks and looks after its own interest but we should not be doing that by fooling ourselves claiming what we are doing is right as well. It is not. Poor innocent populations is being killed only for one reason, being MUSLIM.

And another thing you have to ask youself is whether you would allow china to dictate every single aspect of Pakistani policy? At least that is what being advocated by the slave mentality Op and this is NOT the first time he has done so. Should a nation/community/society not have minimum self-respect and dignity? Should they always compromise on principle for this feeble temporary worldly life? Athiest definitely have no problem with such moral bankruptcy but the very nature and of being a Muslim, demands that one should have a problem & disdain for such hedonistic worldview.

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