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Azerbaijan arms its bases near Iran

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Only thing decides on the ethnicity of a society is language and self identity. genetics and cultures are all changeable, for example a Persian community in Caucasus can be influenced from their culture and naturally mix while another Persian community stays same in central Iran, if you have Caucasian cultural elements and have some Caucasians among your ancestors but you grow up as a Persian from your ancestors and speaking Persian, what would you call yourself ?
They are one of tribes of Azeri Turks. Azeri Turks are made-up of tribes like Afshar, Qarapapakh, Qaradaghli, Ayrim (Reza Shah's mother belonged to that tribe, aswell his wife and mother of Mohammed Reza), Shahseven, Baharlu, Bayat, Qajar and so on...While most of tribes have leaved their nomadic life-styles, Shahsevens still continue to live in nomadic life-style.
Only thing decides on the ethnicity of a society is language and self identity. genetics and cultures are all changeable, for example a Persian community in Caucasus can be influenced from their culture and naturally mix while another Persian community stays same in central Iran, if you have Caucasian cultural elements and have some Caucasians among your ancestors but you grow up as a Persian from your ancestors and speaking Persian, what would you call yourself ?
He talked about original elements of Turks and I said genetically,Iranian Azeris are different from Turks of Azerbaijan or Turkey,they are like other Iranians,But if only we consider language,yes they are Turks,no doubts in that.

They are one of tribes of Azeri Turks. Azeri Turks are made-up of tribes like Afshar, Qarapapakh, Qaradaghli, Ayrim (Reza Shah's mother belonged to that tribe, aswell his wife and mother of Mohammed Reza), Shahseven, Baharlu, Bayat, Qajar and so on...While most of tribes have leaved their nomadic life-styles, Shahsevens still continue to live in nomadic life-style.
Can you tell me what are you trying to prove here?Where are you going with this argument at last?
"Tabriz-Azari", firsy of all you are not an Azeri Turk, secondly thats BS and only a recent theory, you know, we also have theories about aliens.

1. Get this into your head: I am a real Azari. My family has been called Azari for at least 2,000 years. You started calling yourself Azeri because Josef Stalin thought it was a good idea a few decades ago.

2. Anyone that produces maps done on photoshop by Jews working in Baku has no right to make any claims about "a recent theory." When were your charts and maps produced? 2010? :rofl:

3. If you walked into any major university and claimed that the word Azarbaijan is Turkic, you would be laughed out of there. Do you want to know why the Government of Israel-baijan admitted Azari is a Persian word? Because the entire world was laughing at them. You get your history from the son of a KGB officer (Ilham Aliyev); I get mine from the best universities in the world.

"1. In the writing of medieval Arab historians (Ibn Hawqal, Muqqaddesi..), the people of Azarbaijan spoke Azari. 2. This Azari was without doubt an Iranian language because it is also contrasted with Dari but it is also mentioned as Persian." (Professor Ighrar Aliyev. The History of Aturpatakan. Persian Translation by Dr. Shaadman Yusuf.)

"The language of the people of Azerbaijan is Iranian (al-farssya)." (Ibn Hawqal, quoted as, "Azari, the Old Iranian Language of Azerbaijan", Encyclopædia Iranica, op. cit., Vol. III/2, 1987 by E. Yarshater.)

"The Persians are a people whose borders are the Mahat Mountains and Azarbaijan." (Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn al-Husayn Al-Masudi (896-956).)

4. It is not a recent theory: Do you see the Old Azari script on the Shirvanshah wall in the picture below? I can read that. You can't. It's Old-Azari and a form of Old Persian. That's not a "theory" -- those are facts you can touch with your hands and see with your eyes. However, your Dictator, Rabbi-Ilham-Aliyev, pays to write-up bogus history books to keep the people retarded about historical facts so he can steal more oil money and supply Israel with 35-40% of its oil needs. That's why he hires people like you: to keep the fraud going while he fills up his bank account.


5. These are Real Ethnic Turks in photos below.



6. In the picture below, you will see real Azaris. Azaris are ethnic Iranian people (not Turks). Azaris only speak a Turkic language (in addition to Persian): They are not real ethnic Turks.

What a pile of BS. Your "logic" is flawed.

So what is this child, alien? Hes an Azeri Turk. :D


Defence minister and Chief of Staff.


Look at Safar Abiyev and Ahmedinejad, they look like twins.

Tabriz-Azeri: ASQ-1918 claims you can't speak Azeri language (the Turkish one,not the real old Azeri language).Is that right?
What a pile of BS. Your "logic" is flawed. So what is this child, alien? Hes an Azeri Turk. :D
Azerbaijan+Ethnic+Azeri+child+trad+costume+Novruz+  fest+pix+Onnik+Krikorian.jpeg

Thanks for proving my point. Below is Shahriyar one of the most famous Azari poets - and a Real Iranian-Azari. Anyone who thinks the child in your picture and Shahriyar are related must be on drugs.

And if that's not good enough for you; You can see plainly that genetically Azaris cluster very close to other Iranians, but far away from Turks.

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And the child is an Azeri Turk, whats your point?

Yeah right, another "genetic" guy. :D

Azer Turks cluster so much with Persians and Iranians, Safar Abiyev and Ahmadinejad in that above picture look like twins. :D
Tabriz-Azeri: ASQ-1918 claims you can't speak Azeri language (the Turkish one,not the real old Azeri language).Is that right?

Biz Azəriik və Azəri İranlıdır -- Yashasin Iran.

And the child is an Azeri Turk, whats your point? Yeah right, another "genetic" guy. :D Azer Turks cluster so much with Persians and Iranians, Safar Abiyev and Ahmadinejad in that above picture look like twins. :D

Your defense minister is NOT a real Azari. Please look carefully at Shahriyar (in the video) to see what a real Azari looks like. I don't want to insult your defense minister, but maybe you should tell him to find out where his parents really came from. And yes, those are genetic results: Unlike the information you produce from your Israel-baijan propaganda offices, the genetic results are from laboratories in the West.
And that proves that you can speak Azeri Turkish? LOL

* Azeri-Turk from the 'Republic of Israel-baijan' (invented by Josef Stalin) on the LEFT
* Real Iranian-Azari (famous poet Shahriyar) on the RIGHT.

Only a person on drugs would think they are related.

The Israeli-baijanis only stole our name. Azarbaijan is an ethnic Iranian word. It's your job to find out who the parents of the kid are -- It's unfortunate that you are trying to turn Iranians into something they are not because it forces us to embarrass you like this.

You really have an IQ of 1.

So who is this people according to you? Again, aliens? :D

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If you're an Azari, how exactly you don't know that Azari term is a newly resurrected, artificial term ? ethnical names of Azeris were Turks in the past.

Read my post about "genetics", Azeris are historically and to today are ethnic Turks, your logic is like I'm calling myself Lycian.

But of course its about self identity after all, your self proclaimed identity doesn't concerns anybody, although I don't know why are you acting like you're ashamed from that ? being an ethnical Turk will not make you lesser Iranian.
Persians are even different among themselves, and this guy is on a crusade to make Azeri Turks Persian. LOL
Its not really matters, genetical mixing is natural.
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