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Afghan women protest Taliban decree to cover faces

Burqa was never Part of Islam, its a cultural thing which was adopted by Idiots from Pashtoon people. These Taliban idiots rape children, sell Hashish , do suicide bombings and kill Women and Children and yet to them women with Hijab and not Burqa is bigger issue.
Typicall donkey cleanshave propagenda "rape"childeren just because average cleanshave dirty liberal think religious folk are as sinsfull as their own charactar, which btw is is nothing more then ayyaashi and raping childeren in every mohalla ,colleges and schools , on which these cleanshaves dirty bastard never talk because its zo normalized in punjabi and sindi societies that its a non issue unless an imam masjid does this act which is then used as propagenda tool by these rapers and drunken cleanshaves. For every one taliban, religious folk who is rapist there are thousands of cleanshaves dirty socalled educated begairats who indulge in way more then only this crime.

Let the mullahs of mullah inspired ppl come to power in Pakistan ,which inshaAllah is its Destiny ,begairats who are sellout/illigitemate children of west will be shown the stick which they deserve same as in Afghanistan.
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Glaring at beautiful women is f#cking bad habit.once you become used to it, very difficult to overcome it.

Kia din the...college se chuti per begair niqab wali larki talash karna aur phir us k rickshaw ko us k ghar ki ghli tak follow karna 🙃
That sounds like the main reason Turks are right about Pakistanis being sexually deprived perverts.

Typicall donkey cleanshave propagenda "rape"childeren just because average cleanshave dirty liberal think religious folk are as sinsfull as their own charactar, which btw is is nothing more then ayyaashi and raping childeren in every mohalla ,colleges and schools , on which these cleanshaves dirty bastard never talk because its zo normalized in punjabi and sindi societies that its a non issue unless an imam masjid does this act which is then used as propagenda tool by these rapers and drunken cleanshaves. For every one taliban, religious folk who is rapist there are thousands of cleanshaves dirty socalled educated begairats who indulge in way more then only this crime.

Let the mullahs of mullah inspired ppl come to power in Pakistan ,which inshaAllah is its Destiny ,begairats who are sellout/illigitemate children of west will be shown the stick which they deserve same as in Afghanistan.
Stop using the IP of a liberal western cleanshave country - or are you a hypocrite so every word you write is hypocritical hence not worth the hair from a the proverbial beard of a goat?
Typicall donkey cleanshave propagenda "rape"childeren just because average cleanshave dirty liberal think religious folk are as sinsfull as their own charactar, which btw is is nothing more then ayyaashi and raping childeren in every mohalla ,colleges and schools , on which these cleanshaves dirty bastard never talk because its zo normalized in punjabi and sindi societies that its a non issue unless an imam masjid does this act which is then used as propagenda tool by these rapers and drunken cleanshaves. For every one taliban, religious folk who is rapist there are thousands of cleanshaves dirty socalled educated begairats who indulge in way more then only this crime.

Let the mullahs of mullah inspired ppl come to power in Pakistan ,which inshaAllah is its Destiny ,begairats who are sellout/illigitemate children of west will be shown the stick which they deserve same as in Afghanistan.
Why are you in NL then ? Go to Afghanistan and become part of their Holy cause, problem with people like you are that you are slaves of this mindset, Islam came to free us and yet these Mullah's and Imam's has turned us into brain dead zombie slaves who only comes out on their " Maulana " calls to break street lights and burn cars. Also Idiot Bacha bazi is extremely common in Afghanistan and KPK, you don't know but Taliban first action was also against a war lord who raped a child who happened to be student of Mullah Omar, as I said you are just a emotional stupid person who know nothing about Islam, nor its message, you are like those Stupid Evangelicals who cherry pick violent verses from Quran to show how intolerant Islam is, your lot do the same just the opposite when Islam in its reality has more instances of peace, tolerance and justice but none of that matter to you idiots or Taliban or TTP or ISIS ? There is Hadeeth that says something along the lines of that Allah said, " My mercy prevails over my wrath " but never Taliban's, ISIS, TTP , BLA never their mercy prevail over their filthy wrath.
your are lucky that your living in a first world industrialized country with laws and human rights and not an Islamic one
What an idiotic statement. Key question is , are these laws and human rights applied equally or do indigenous people get genocided?
Taliban when Kabul fell:

"Don't worry,we've changed. Women don't have to be afraid of us!"

Taliban now:


Afghan women protest Taliban decree to cover faces

10 May, 2022

KABUL: About a dozen women protested in the Afghan capital on Tuesday against the Taliban’s new edict that females must fully cover their faces and bodies when in public.

Afghanistan’s supreme leader and Taliban chief Hibatullah Akhundzada issued a mandate over the weekend ordering women to cover up fully, ideally with the traditional all-covering burqa.

The diktat was the latest in a series of restrictions in Afghanistan, where the Taliban have rolled back the marginal gains made by women after a US-led invasion toppled the first Taliban regime in 2001.

“Justice, justice!” chanted the protestors, many with uncovered faces, in central Kabul.

The demonstrators also chanted “Burqa is not our hijab!” – indicating their objection to trading the less restrictive hijab headscarf for the totally concealing burqa.

After a short procession, the march was halted by Taliban fighters, who also obstructed journalists from reporting on the event.

Akhundzada’s decree, which also orders women to “stay at home” if they have no important work outside, has triggered international condemnation.

“We want to live as human beings, not as some animal held captive in a corner of a house,” protester Saira Sama Alimyar said at the rally.

Akhundzada also ordered authorities to fire female government employees who do not follow the new dress code, and to suspend male workers if their wives and daughters fail to comply.

In the 20 years between the Taliban’s two stints in power, women made some gains in education, the workplace and public life but deeply conservative and patriarchal attitudes still prevailed.

In the countryside, many women continued to wear the burqa in those two decades.

But several religious scholars and activists say the attire has no basis in Islam and is rather a Taliban dress code designed to repress women.

Some Afghan women initially pushed back against the curbs, holding small protests where they demanded the right to education and work.

But the Taliban soon rounded up the ringleaders, holding them incommunicado while denying that they had been detained.
Since their release, most have gone silent.

Pakis are a shameless lot ,who excel at selling their women .

Taliban when Kabul fell:

"Don't worry,we've changed. Women don't have to be afraid of us!"

Taliban now:

View attachment 843401

Taliban when Kabul fell:

"Don't worry,we've changed. Women don't have to be afraid of us!"

Taliban now:

View attachment 843401
Everybody knew what they were. It's scary that we still sacrificed Afghans for temporary convenience.
But this is going to end badly for everyone. Millions of Afghan refugees are leaving there to escape that backward, draconian regime. And soon the immigration wave will hit not only all neighboring countries, but Turkey and Europe as well. Only the f*cking USA will remain safe from it which is why the best option to deal with the US is to hope for the NK to nuke the shit out of them.
And soon the immigration wave will hit not only all neighboring countries, but Turkey and Europe as well.
It already has. Americans destroy countries but they are far away. They keep trying to push the Russians to start a war in Europe while they are far away enjoying their FREEDOM
It already has. Americans destroy countries but they are far away. They keep trying to push the Russians to start a war in Europe while they are far away enjoying their FREEDOM
Yeah, but the issues of Afghan immigrants will be extremely different from those of Ukrainians.
We are talking about the residents of a country where literacy rate stands at 35% with a huge gender gap and have seen nothing but war and destruction + religious extremism since 1980s. Leaving Afghanistan alone in this situation is a grave mistake.
Yeah, but the issues of Afghan immigrants will be extremely different from those of Ukrainians.
We are talking about the residents of a country where literacy rate stands at 35% with a huge gender gap and have seen nothing but war and destruction + religious extremism since 1980s. Leaving Afghanistan alone in this situation is a grave mistake.
I know! They already have a had reputation and have been fighting with Albanians and others for control of certain areas of Athens. They are involved in drugs and robberies and everything bad. Also,at the refugee camps they were notorious for abusing other nationalities. They would extort money from Syrians,Iraqis,Kurds,Pakistanis etc. They would rob them,beat them up,rape and stab people.
What an idiotic statement. Key question is , are these laws and human rights applied equally or do indigenous people get genocided?
umm Yes Canada is not perfect but far superior to Pakistan or any other Islamic country
umm Yes Canada is not perfect but far superior to Pakistan or any other Islamic country
Have you been to Pakistan? I've been to Canada and it is a col and miserable place. I could have emigrated to there but decided not to.
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