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Adil Raja mother abducted; Another blow below the belt

Power corrupts and absolute...

They are corrupted beyond any redemption, any course correction is not possible now.

Zehni Mareez, mentally deranged, demented people are at the top brass there.

Many psychopaths are narcissists and are in the Fauj, the SOP's are such that the top Gens. cannot accept anyone disobey their orders and wishes.

There is zero acceptability of reason, questions, dissent, the reason we see the mess in Pakistan, Fauj trying to bring and thrust their own redundant system of obeying order with no queston asked to the civilians, which they are not used to.
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Nobody can touch them. they are invincible.

lol... no body is invincible

they have lost to the indians in 1971.... I mean seriously one has to be a real idiot to lose from the indians..

China shows how it is done... and to a certain extent PAF
When they are doing these low brow, lowest of the low antics, it means they have lost it, only the weak and insecure person attacks the weak, women and children, older people.

They have lost the game...
I think you need to realise the problem is bigger than Mr Raja and others.. the problem is the fate of 220M Pakistani has been held hostage by a rogue army.

think for 2 seconds.. look at the major negatives against Pakistan ie Globally

Al Qaida
Terrorist attacks on India ( PS I do not consider attacks by Kashmir rebels on Indian army as terrorism )
Shia-sunni militant groups
MQM armed thugs

etc etc

all linked to Pakistan Army and these charges have not gone and are sticking

now granted some people like you who love being slaves and that is fine.. I have seen clerks who do worked for 20 years doing the same thing at the same salary never wanting to grow... but most want freedom , opportunity and to realise one's potential
You can always persuade someone. It's an art. You can always negotiate. It's an art too. PTI thinks that it's representing 220M people. They want army to step down but who will defend borders if army becomes weak? Army is doing it to contain the problem. Yes there are mistakes but as a citizen, we must not think about fighting our own establishment. favourable solution exists but Imran khan has ego issues too. Go and meet army chief. Tell him what do you want as a party. I haven't seen Imran khan with army chief.

He can't remain in his home while crowd is fighting for him. He must meet Army chief. I guarantee you that our army chief is a good man who will listen and probably allow bail of jailed workers and civilians. Solution exists but ego is too big. Ego has destroyed this country. It's your army. You must show trust. You must meet and greet them. Give them gifts, flowers etc. Build trust.

Imran khan must meet Army chief. All problems will be solved. He can tell army chief what he wants and where he wants Pakistan on the map of the world. They can discuss policies regarding Russia, China and United states. You can't blame a man for everything. You must meet this particular person. Meet army chief Imran khan.

As a citizen, we must not glorify 1971 defeat. It's past. A friendship with India can solve many problems.
man they are becoming as low as the Indian Army..
Indian army does not go this low, I have not heard of Indian army abducting families of Kashmiri mujahedeen, at most I have seen that they ask families to call their son to give up arms and surrender and even if he does not surrender they leave the family alone. I don't think even Israeli Army go this low against Palestinians.
You can always persuade someone. It's an art. You can always negotiate. It's an art too. PTI thinks that it's representing 220M people.

100% agree PTI needs to be more crafty when dealing with a rotten army ... then again I have yet to meet a Pakistani who does well negotiation. Americans diplomats have point blank told our officials indians are much better deal making negotiation. It comes from our way of life.. for example take road accidents every accident I have seen Pakistani starting fighting regardless who is at fault etc as opposed to Europeans I have seen they first ask "are you ok?"

. I guarantee you that our army chief is a good man who will listen and probably allow bail of jailed workers and civilians.

Well if he is a good man, he hasn't demonstrated it.. far from it he has done the exact opposite.

hey can discuss policies regarding Russia, China and United states

it is funny your brought this up... It was Pakistan military that initiated improvement in relations with Russia under Raheel Sharif and it steadily improved, and Imran Khan took it even further thus supporting Army's policies. Then why Bajwa did a massive U turn against Russia?... why is Pak Army supplying ammunition to Ukraine?....

do you see the problem?..

s a citizen, we must not glorify 1971 defeat

true.. but if you keep making the same mistakes it will happen again

A friendship with India can solve many problems.

You really don't know India.
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100% agree PTI needs to be more crafty when dealing with a rotten army ... then again I have yet to meet a Pakistani who does well negotiation. Americans diplomats have point blank told our officials indians are much better deal making negotiation. It comes from our way of life.. for example take road accidents every accident I have seen Pakistani starting fighting regardless who is at fault etc as opposed to Europeans I have seen they first ask "are you ok?"

Well if he is a good man, he hasn't demonstrated it.. far from it he has done the exact opposite.
I am ready to solve this problem. i will solve it within a week but again, i am from Karachi and i might not get a chance because civilians don't speak to higher ups. Negotiation is an art. Sometimes you have to beg to the other party. Sometimes you have to talk to the other party peacefully and with respect. Imran khan blamed general bajwa, now he blames Gen asim muneer. What;'s the point of blaming when you are not reaching out?

He should talk. Educated mind solves problems. It solves destruction of a country. It brought back countries from the brink of destruction. There must be a negotiator like zalmey khalilzad or probably shah mehmood qureshi himself. If they want to give chance to civilians then i would love to solve this problem. I am ready. Our punjabi population starts to hate our own army. This is not good. Our people are in jail. Do you want to end this turmoil or not? There is nothing like Haqeeqi azaadi or freedom. You can't be freed from your own army. It's ridiculous. State doesn't allow anyone to break country. As a citizen, i will never allow anyone to make pieces of my country.
It's your army. You must show trust. You must meet and greet them. Give them gifts, flowers etc. Build trust.

well then behave like one...ie like an army. not a political thug force. Christine Fair may not have been wrong about them.

remember trust is earned not demanded...
well then behave like one...ie like an army. not a political thug force. Christine Fair may not have been wrong about them.

remember trust is earned not demanded...
You aren't understanding my point. Think Tanks doesn't allow anyone to break country. Keep this in your head. Nobody can undo us. It's us who can undo ourselves. We must stay united rather than fighting each other. Hate for army is growing. Imran khan should talk to Army chief because he keep blaming him for no reason. other parties remain in touch with army chief. Imran khan should understand that without speaking to the person in private, you can't solve any problem.
You can always persuade someone. It's an art. You can always negotiate. It's an art too. PTI thinks that it's representing 220M people. They want army to step down but who will defend borders if army becomes weak? Army is doing it to contain the problem. Yes there are mistakes but as a citizen, we must not think about fighting our own establishment. favourable solution exists but Imran khan has ego issues too. Go and meet army chief. Tell him what do you want as a party. I haven't seen Imran khan with army chief.
PM being accountable and negotiating with army chief in a democracy😃😃
I am ready to solve this problem. i will solve it within a week but again, i am from Karachi and i might not get a chance because civilians don't speak to higher ups. Negotiation is an art. Sometimes you have to beg to the other party. Sometimes you have to talk to the other party peacefully and with respect. Imran khan blamed general bajwa, now he blames Gen asim muneer. What;'s the point of blaming when you are not reaching out?

He should talk. Educated mind solves problems. It solves destruction of a country. It brought back countries from the brink of destruction. There must be a negotiator like zalmey khalilzad or probably shah mehmood qureshi himself. If they want to give chance to civilians then i would love to solve this problem. I am ready. Our punjabi population starts to hate our own army. This is not good. Our people are in jail. Do you want to end this turmoil or not? There is nothing like Haqeeqi azaadi or freedom. You can't be freed from your own army. It's ridiculous. State doesn't allow anyone to break country. As a citizen, i will never allow anyone to make pieces of my country.

again the problem isn't khan.. but army. The army is dividing the country not khan. The Army is no one to tell us when to hold or not to hold elections , who can come to power and who can't.

khan will be dead in 10 years time or past his useful life......

then what ?

Fact check- they are probably more supporters of Pakistan Army in India then Pakistan.. now think whose fault is that?
How far are these generals willing to go to quench their thirst for revenge? Very very far apparently.
Its not revenge that's where we are all going wrong. Its plain and simple saving there own necks from the robe. They have taken country hostage from the last 75 years, for that sentence alone is the death penalty. In which civilized country kidnapping, torturing and killing and eliminating your own country men like they are rags is allowed. Generals have turned our country like 80's Argentina with smug faces. This is not our own army or from us they are behaving like animals to safe their own skins. They have always try to put on the cloak of law abiding force, while in between got rid of our hero's starting from the Fatima Jinnah, Bhutto and now its Imran turn. Despite IK weaknesses or politics he is still a national hero if someone likes him or not what the fu*k they have achieved in their pathetic lives other then build up DHA's and stash money in off shore accounts.
There is no law, constitution and principles only eliminate the threats where ever it comes from to safe their own kingdom. Where is the chief justice who was meant to charge the government for not holding elections in the 90 days??
How they burned down there own core commanders house and all of a sudden it name became Jinnah house to market the torched building and put blame on someone else. If it was a Jinnah house then then why core commander was residing there and why it was not a museum. Every 4-5 years these pathetic generals show up on the roads with there silly medals bought from the lunnda bazar to safe the country what a joke.
Violence isn't the solution. Adil Raja should also watch his tongue because without army, Pakistan can't survive from external threats. This is why i always believe in peaceful solution. Abduction will not be appreciated but basically they want him to remain silent. He is very aggressive and put blame of everything on establishment. There is no solution but to meet Pak army chief and tell him that PTI doesn't want further escalation and that they are ready to compromise. You can't win against establishment. There are many factors.

Imran khan should arrange a meeting and meet with army chief. That's it. Country is in turmoil. Everyone needs to calm down.

Agree to some pounts but it's the Establishment that needs to cool down, besides IK has already said he is ready to meet main stakeholders not PDM. Furthermore part of confidence building measures they need to stop arresting innocent people and let them go, otherwise with the current situation don't expect any stability in the long term.

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